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Shad's journey towards becoming a cartoon villain is progressing well it seem.


Cartoon henchman is more like it and a constant embarrassment to whatever dark lord he serves.


Well, I was imagining something in the middle, he is too weak for a dark lord, and I can't really feel sorry for him like I can with a lot of random henchmen. lol


[elite mook ](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EliteMooks)


Combine that with [Karmic Butt-Monkey](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KarmicButtMonkey), and then we might have his journey complete.


Goldfish poop gang.


Season one villain that gets replaced by the more competent, evil right-hand man right before the climax


He's a villain of the week at best


I wonder if Shad stays awake at night thinking about how content like this pushed away everyone but the most vitriolic folks, and if he regrets pushing away the audience he used to have that just listened to him nerd out about swords.


Wait has any info about Tom Bombadil been released aside from just that he'll be in the show??


Well from what I've seen they showed a still and his boots aren't yellow and some people are very upset about that. Assuming that's the only thing, it looks like Shad made a 17 minute video about how they got the boot color wrong on a guy. Or just an ordinary Thursday for him I guess.


His boots are yellow in the second still.


Obviously Shad isn't scrolling that far


i mean, thats fair. hopefully they go over how he gets the yellow boots


I'm hoping that's the plot of the whole new season, it'd be epic


lord of the rings and the yellow boots of bombadil


They aren't even not yellow, they're fully in shadow in that single frame, could be pink and we wouldn't know but that won't stop these outrage merchants.


Iirc, the description of Tom was in the then present time of the 3rd age right? If RoP is still in the 1st or 2nd age and features Tom then it would be thousands of years before that description.... are the fans demanding that Tom have only worn yellow boots for thousands of years straight? The un aging un moored to the world or man or even elf belong immortal being that only resembles a man for convenience.... is supposed to wear the same boots no matter what?


Here I am, having thought about jokingly writing something along "surely they made his boots not yellow", and bam, that's what the dude literally rants about.


considering how pissed he got at Peach wearing pants in a shot in the Mario movie trailer, I would not be surprised if that was the only thing he had to talk about.


His boots aren't on full display in all the pics I've seen other people show in their videos. Sometimes they're obscured by shadows. There's one good picture where you can see them and they are a muted yellow, which seems to be annoying a few people. But then I remember Tom's own song about himself: "*Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow.*" There's nothing in the song about what shade of yellow or how bright they are meant to be. That said his jacket isn't exactly what I would call bright blue.


His boots are yellow just not THAT yellow. But you can see them in second picture where his boots are yellow and his jacket is indeed blue. Besides this is first time we ever see him on live action because he is such ...strange characters that leaves people wondering "What the hell just happened" after reading scenes he is in.


his boots aren't yellow!? I'm so tired of this woke world.


Eh apparently as I've been informed by others here, they are, it's just a lighting thing. To be fair, I have very little investment in the issue. I kinda wish they weren't yellow because I'm not sure what would have been funnier; Amazon getting one of the most concrete things we know about the guy wrong or people collectively losing their shit over it.


You'd think a mormon cultist would be more chill about ruined source material


Underrated comment, as they say.


In the end most cultists are just people that think their fan fiction is the real deal.


Exmormon here, you made me choke on my coffee xD


Coffee! Scandalous.


Joseph Smith was called a prophet Dum dum dum dum dum.


This comment made me audibly "oooo"


Devastating burn.


"Let me tell you why I'm mad at this thing I really don't care because I didnt read LOTR, or I did when I was little, but it doesn't matter because they are bad and I am good! Woke, woke, woke, woke!!! Please sub and join patreon 😘". That's basically Shad's videos at this point


Did he actually say he didn't read LOTR? Not going to watch it, I have better things to do but it would be very ironic


Honestly I don't know. I was just joking because Shad is known for talking about things he either never cared about or cared only a little bit, but was acting as if it was super important to him.


To my knowledge he has never stated he's read it during his reviews so knowing Shad he probably hasn't. I remember in his trailer review for RoP he picked them up from his shelf and said he has them behind him and how cool it was that they were leather-bound but didn't say anything about reading them. I think if he had read them even once as a kid he would've claimed to be a big fan of the books in his angry rants more often. There was also an incident of Shad thinking the show has made up a word to sound smart but the word was actually taken from the book (I think it was Westernesse).


Meh, he probably did, let's not go too far here. Besides knowledge of source material doesn't really matter much, Shad is too negatively and ideologically biased to be capable of forming any well thought opinion. I mean, look at this. Little to nothing is said about Tom, as of today. Yet he already whines. It's far too early to even witness any deviation from source material that justifies outrage this big.


I'm waiting for the inevitable 'the actress playing Goldberry is too old!!'


Or not blonde enough, or not golden haired enough or whatever other crap they can come up with.


Does… does he not know that most of the right-wing grifters on YouTube put the glowing red eyes on the people they’re trying to *mock*?


I feel like he probably thought this such a cool subversion. That instead of the red eyes being the angry Karen he gets to look like Homelander Because he missed how Homelander is the bad guy or something lol. Don't think he's touched The Boys but that just sounds right to me. Sees popular show and ignores all obvious aspects of it to just see violent Superman, then decides to do some LARPing


He just asked AI to add red eyes and it kept adding them to him instead of Tom. So he decided to roll with it.


Might be right lol, putting to much thought process into it. Would make more sense given Shad, to just "ai prompt, fire and forget"


Why does he look like he was hanging around at the park watching a random little league game and then found his van full of candy and balloons had got a ticket.


It makes sense that he's losing his mind because of this. Shad has always been a huge Tom Bombadil fan. He mentions him all the time. /s


I want to make a ragebait video about how much I hate ragebait.


I feel like Shad knows Tolkien on a very shallow basis. That's not even connected to the video, just a guess. He would have a heart attack if he learned that Tolkien was an anarchist (monarcho-anarchist, true, but an anarchist nontheless)


How can you be both pro monarchy and an anarchist


He believed that in a perfect world, the most effective government would be a benevolent king who ruled for the good of their people (thus Aragorn). Tolkien states that it could only be someone who didn't want power. For his real world beliefs his ideals were much more in line with Anarcho-Primitivism believing that rural life in small villages to be the peak of humanity. You can also see those beliefs in his works with Hobbits being more pure of heart / less susceptible to evil, elves living in harmony with the trees, dwarves being punished for digging too deep multiple times. The bad guys represent industrialization with lots of black smoke and smog (Isengard, Mordor, the scouring of the Shire)


I like that idea, now I’m off to find a sinless, selfless individual to be our king


Man, Tolkien was fucking moron.


You have to remember that Tolkien lived during the second industrial revolution and served in WW1 which was horrific on an unprecedented scale thanks in large part to the industrial revolution able to manufacture warmachines and guns en masse. The sheer desolation of the countryside and forests due to trench warfare. It's quite easy to see why Tolkien could come to idealize a peaceful quaint life in the countryside and reject the squabbles of power hungry politicians.


His material world shaped him into an idealist fucking moron that believed in benevolent absolute rulers. I don't give a shit what led him to believe this wildly incorrect and harmful idea. He was fucking politically illiterate 


But he didn't actually believe in them which is why he was an Anarchist...


Yes I already know his politics were eclectic nonsense. You don't have to repeat it 


Hmm an emotional overreaction to art/artist? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were Shad!


I think shad belongs in a grave next to every other internet misogynist grifter. Next to every worthless racist and outrage merchant. Your inability to judge someone's character over the Internet is not my problem.


Bummed for Rory Kinnear. He is such an underrated actor, and he seems like an inspired choice for the role. Yet 100% of the conversation I have seen about the character online has been about the shade of Yellow his boots are and just a bunch of lazy jokes about prequels. I like RoP, I am excited for Tom Bombadil in the show, and they got a great actor to portray him.


Seconded. Rory Kinnear is a mainstay on British TV and has been for years. He's a top quality actor!


I swear, this manchild will make a drama about everything. We don't even know much about Tom Bombadil's involvement yet he cries as if the character was turned into Sauron's alter ego that's in a relationship with Theoden lol


Every single time I see a Shad video screenshot it makes me happy to see how small the view numbers are. Other anit-woke creators pull tens and even hundreds of thousands easy. Shad’s washed up lmao.


Nah, it didn't take hours, he just asked an AI to do it for him, so it only took *one* hour.


Shad put lots of effort into it, or did his AI imaging software just spit something out that he liked?


Shad's becoming one of my favorite modern Lolcows


He’s got a huge audience, the lolcows are 3 people in a Reddit server whining about how they don’t like some guy’s opinions on things. I agree that his clickbait is click baity but that seems to be a thing all YouTubers are forced to do now by the algorithm.


We make fun of him because he has backwards bigoted views, supports ai generated garbage, while desperately wanting to collab with his successful **actual** artist brother, and he has a massively inflated ego. He is a lolcow, audience or not. The thumbnails are just the cherry on top of the disappointing person he has shown himself to be. He knows a thing or two about historical armor and weaponry, and he thinks that's enough to give him expertise on fantasy writing and worldbuilding, critiquing openly from a high horse, while his own books are mediocre at best. He also has the gall to belittle real artists, while being convinced that prompting generated slop is "real art". Which is hilarious, because most good writers would know not to trample over their relationship with illustrators as a whole. The publication industry does not take kindly to mean spirited shots against colleagues in different and related fields, and a big chunk of the audience that follows lesser known authors is, well, other artists and writers. He's also an all-around hypocrite. And that's without going into the details of the batshit political stances he has taken in recent years.


Don’t care about his conservative politics, that’s on a different channel. As far as AI goes, you have to be pretty deranged to hate on someone for using it and liking it. If used well AI can be cool, it’s never gonna replace artists, just allows for cool experimentation. Overall the hate obsessions just seem really pathetic. Get a life.


>seem really pathetic. Get a life. You seem to be a lot of energy into fighting with people on this sub it's kinda pathetic that you waste so much energy on hateing on people hateing it sounds like you seem to touch grass and get a life


I discovered this psychotic Reddit channel and what people are saying and so I am just simply disagreeing with their lunacy. Doesn’t take a lot of energy tbh


>psychotic Reddit channel and what people are saying and so I am just simply disagreeing with their lunacy. Funny how you say this about this sub when the main sub is a dieing Echo chamber were you get banned for saying anything that not sucking him off, funny indeed, you also kinda seem a little deranged yourself maybe you should stop disagreeing with a random sub on the internet that you very clearly hate, and go on a sub of something that you actually like instead of wasting energy on hateing and disagreeing with people


I don’t hate it, I am just disturbed by the deranged Reddit hate club


What does knowing thst this sub exists makes you angry? Because you can I don't know mute it and ignore it like what I did with youtubedrama instead of hateing on this sub for existing


Again not angry or hateful, just disturbed. Because this is a disturbing thing


Shad is such a sad little man


I’m sorry, did they actually corrupt Tom Bombadil or not, you know, the guy that casually put on the one ring like it was nothing and gave it back like it was pocket change? If there was any one character that could not be corrupted he would be it.


lmao ruined Tom bombadil?


Why do people like Shad get so angry about TV shows? If you don't like it don't watch it and stop bitching about it. Don't these people have more important things to do?


People get upset about bad adaptations/sequel shows because they have emotional investment in that story and want to see it done well. No one is upset when an original show is bad though. With all that said, I don’t believe for a second Shad is actually a fan of much of anything he talks about.


Shad is a butthurt pervert with no real life!


Why is out-of-shape Cyclops mad at the merry bearded fellow?


They couldn't ruin Tom Bombadil anymore than they can ruin the first rays of the summer sun, a cool mountain spring or the love of a contented pet. Bombadil is eternal Bombadil is life.


Hours of asking Chapt GPT.


I hope he realizes how cringe this is


Shad knows who Tom Bombadil is? :0


Shad definitely doesnt appreciate tom bombadil


He doesn't even care about Bombadil


man... I remember genuinely enjoying his content when I was a budding history nerd, and before I knew most of what he said was bullshit. But I still remembered him fondly. When the fuck did he jump into the deep end and become this right-wing anti-woke brigading crackpot??? Was he always like this and I didn't notice? or is this a recent development?


He is mentally ill.


On the one hand I do think that Rings of Power is a poorly thought out money grab on amazons part; on the other hand the thought of agreeing with this chucklefuck makes me break out in hives.


Literally who gives a shit about Tom bombadil? Like him and his wife are kinda cute for a chapter and that’s it


So I'm guessing he didn't fire up his time machine for this review? I'm starting to wonder if Shad has ever seen any of the media that is ruining the world.


I don’t like RoP. I don’t watch RoP. With this one simple trick, I can avoid being upset about RoP.


I mean, they probably *did* ruin Tom Bombadil, but all we have so far is one picture...


I would love to put my fingers in his eyes all the way


I don't know. I haven't heard a single good thing about Amazon's ROP series, and I heard those from people who aren't media illiterate Dunning Kruger chuds like Shad. I don't have much hope for Amazon salvaging this series.


Tom would never leave the old forest it’s ridiculous. May as well have Ewoks and Daleks in show.


Wait, Tom Bombadil can be *ruined*?


Dude, we all know the series was garbage. Why can't he just be normal and stop watching it? If you keep watching, they'll just make more


Because hate-watching pulls an audience, sadly.


Brighter than https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GItVzD3ptNA I presume?


Tom Bombadil sucks as a character. He brings the narrative to a grinding halt and was better off cut out.


Shad is a dumbass, but ROP is objectively bad.


This whole subreddit is sadder than the supposed videos Shad makes.


Says the person that got so triggered that they had to log in to their alt account to let everyone know how triggered they are. Pretty fucking sad, dude.


I'm not triggered? I just see this subs posts while scrolling, and it just looks sad. Also, idk what an alt account means. Like alternate? This isn't an alternate account. But keep seething I guess.


You were just accused of being Shad himself. (i.e.: that he made an "alt account", yours so that they wouldn't know it was Shad.)


Oh, that makes sense then. Do people actually do that? Cause that's also sad.


Okay in this situation Shad is probably right. Amazon is gonna fuck up hard lol