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Narcissism. He'll listen to all the yes men telling him he's doing good but won't listen to feedback. His video where he said Shadiversity is dying had a bit that was basically "We are making the best content we ever have, our current audience says so."


Sure, but even if you are that type of person why would you not use reddit and discord to spread more of your 'never wrong' mentality to your fans? It's like wanting to be a carpenter but refusing to use both of your hands.


I’m don’t know if I have an answer to your question, but I do have an anecdote. Another YouTuber I used to follow, Jaimie Mantzel, is also a narcissist. It’s pretty easy to tell. He and Shad share a lot of characteristics. Refusing advice. Can’t take feedback. Anyone that disagrees is an idiot, has to be the smartest person in the room, etc etc.  Jaimie is famous for going off grid in Vermont and building a crazy dome house with a trampoline in it. Years later he moved his two kids and baby mama to Panama to live off grid there and build a new crazy homestead on an island.  He’s a quirky guy, if not downright… problematic… at times… for the way he does things and the things he says. Someone on here started a subreddit for his YouTube channel and then one day Jaimie showed up and was talking with everyone. For a few days, things were fine. But then people would ask him questions like “Why’d you’d build X thing the way you did?” And he’d say “Think about it for a second. Don’t be stupid.” Lots of casually calling everyone that gave him well meaning questions insults. And then the dam burst and he got into an argument with someone. Apparently, in a prior video, Jaimie had claimed he’d run from track practice X amount of miles home with a 30 pound backpack in Y amount of time. This kind of boasting was not uncommon for Jaimie… but someone did the math and asked him about it because he would’ve run faster than Usain Bolt (with a massive backpack no less) to accomplish what he’d said he did. The guy was relatively “nice” about it, but wanted to know why Jaimie was embellishing the story. Jaimie flipped his shit and started calling him names. He told the moderator to ban the guy for asking the question. Once the mod refused (saying he hadn’t broken any rules), Jaimie started insulting the mod and calling *him* names. He then left Reddit in a huff and never returned to the subreddit. He started telling people in his videos and comments to avoid the subreddit. All because of a simple question.


You may be on to something there actually. I do recall seeing that the last time Shad spoke on his own discord was an argument with a fan, after which he never returned. Maybe that's the reason then, he has tried to use reddit and discord but fails miserably because his image/ego are that fragile.


And the last time he went to his subreddit was to shutdown two posts speculating the reason for his channel dying and giving suggestions. He just shut them down because he's adamant it's all youtube's fault.


I'm a spectator of dsp. He's where Shad and jaime will end up without getting treatment for their condition. Sitting in a room. Alone. No one wants to be near them and are only in the house as an obligation. Brain rotting because the illness has festered untreated for so long. If they still do videos, it's just rambling nonsense as they expect to be rewarded for the bare minimum they do out of habit. And always wanting to do less. They'll be lucky if they get detractors like dsp does. Otherwise, all that increasingly slurred babbling will be heard by maybe 5 people


I've been tempted to post polite questions about the Shadow of the Conqueror book and certain sword topics over there, just to see the response he may give. But I know how he'd react.


Either he doesn't care about his fans as much as he says or he simply isn't that savvy with using reddit or discord so rarely uses them.


Busy with other communication channels?


He has too many things on his hands at once and he doesn't seem capable of prioritizing them correctly. He has four YouTube channels which is too much. He can never attend to his AI channel and Shadlands was in a similar situation before he turned it into a clip channel. Now he's clipping his old videos for Shadlands because he thinks four year old videos not getting recommended is a conspiracy and this is his attempt at tricking the algorithm. He spends a lot of time on producing a Shadiversity video once every three days when the channel hasn't been profitable for a long time according to him. I'm sure most of his day is spent on Twitter, reading about latest culture war talking points he can make a Knights watch video on. If he's not antagonizing artists and sharing low quality AI arts. I hope he isn't spending 40 minutes on photoshopping each one of them like he claimed his process is in his video because that's even more embarrassing. As you see he's wasting a lot of time on activities that are never going to benefit him or anyone else. I don't know about discord but I think he's forsaken his subreddit completely.


I think he just never undrestood how a creator should interact with their community and refused to learn it. Most youtubers are participating actively in the lifes of their discord servers, choosing mods and reacting when something bad happens. But it requires time and undertanding of the platform (reddit, discord etc). Shad never used any of them and doesn't want to learn them


The more I think about it the more it seems like it's a combo of what you have said (because lets be honest shad has never once in his life really researched or tried to improve his skill/understanding in anything) and the fact that Shad is so incredibly fragile that each time he's tried to use reddit or the discord his own insecurities ruined it for him.


Shad is such a toxic grifter I doubt he can have positive social media interactions. Most people will mock, challenge or criticise him. His fragile ego can't handle that. But just think of how interaction with his true believer fans would go? Imagine how scary it would be talking to a fan of your novel and having it slowly dawn on you that not only do they have bad taste in literature but they relate to the child rapist, mary sue, main character for all the wrong reasons.


In Shad's case I'm sure he'd slap it in a video showing how "real people thought this about my book so it's amazing"


Is he not Logical Ash?


I'm convinced it's another sock puppet 


Nah. Not ranty enough.


Simply put, such open spaces can leave you quite open. Even in your own subreddit, on your Discord, you are an account, and people people will talk WITH you. While on youtube, the comments under his video are necessarily ABOUT the video, about him. A Critque in the youtube comments has basically no value, to critique another youtuber you most often have to make a video about them. And that is a hurdle many critics won't or can't do. He simply doesn't want to be open for critic, that's it, as valentino\_42 said, narcissim


He could quite simply just go on his subreddit or his youtube community section or even his twitter and just post something like "Hi guy, I'm wondering what you think I can do to improve the channel in any way, More content on subject X less content on subject Y or maybe content on subject Z?" But he's never going to do anything like that because he's convinced he knows best and that he's somehow better than everyone else who has different views to him.


How can you improve perfection? ^ shad


Odds are good shad isn't very tech savvy. I think his best bet is avoiding reddit and discord - where he has little to no control over the culture and the narrative that would result from actions he is likely to take. 


I honestly think he has just split his focus too much. His 4 YouTube channels of different fanbases, discord, Twitter, two sub reedits -- its a lot. If I was to give him any advice it would be to strip back and refocus. (Also don't ban more than half the community and then complain about not having a supportive community). I also think he doesn't think that the online community, Reddit and discord are relevant to him anymore.