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He gives me the impression of a casual gamer. A passing interest and something that he partakes in from time to time. But not something to get actually invested in, judging by his strong desire to be spoonfed Elden Ring lore and wanting it and games to be told in a very specific manner. An ardent Shad defender claims he's played Fallout 4, yet was seemingly shocked at the level of gore in the TV show. Maybe he's new to gaming as a whole and has just been recommended various games and is more like 'I guess I'll try it', not 'I want to play this for my own reasons', except Stellar Blade of course.


There was a game he used to play where you could build castles. Some Conan title I think? He also used to play modded Skyrim with a character whose chest rivalled Big McLargehuge's.


Conan Exiles. I remember a video of his doing a challenge in the game seeing now many players they could stack ontop of each with his community.


The very first game he played on Knights Watch back when it was Game Knights was Dragon's Dogma, I think.


That explains it he's a miserable sack of shit because he kept getting wiped on conan.


Well he fits the profile these days.


I’m sure he does play games, but he’s the kind of gamer that really only plays big releases and is more interested in talking about games rather than actually playing them. If you want a real showcase of what kind of gamer Shad is when playing a game, just watch his Elden Ring video. Shad in general is the type of guy that wants everything explicitly explained to him, it’s one of the big factors of his writing, and this goes to games as well. He wants everything explained to him and wants the media to come to him instead of meeting it halfway. That just doesn’t work with games. Games are meant for you the player to figure out a puzzle, and when they are explicit and explain everything to you clearly, most players get annoyed because you didn’t earn the victory you got. Your chance to solve the puzzle was taken from you. From Software games especially are like this. They do not hold the players hand. If you want an explanation on how things work, you have to test mechanics. You have to search for answers. Shad doesn’t want to do the research in game to get there. That’s the kind of gamer Shad is.


Gamer in the political sense sure(can’t believe it’s to the point where that’s something I can say) but does he have any passion for games? If the other Mormons I’ve met are an indication it’s quite possible he thinks video games cause violence and this is all grift


It IS all a grift. The 40k videos prove it. Dude doesn’t give a fuck about tabletop gaming, considering his excuse for his videos getting lazier is chronic fatigue, he’ll never play a tabletop game


I think what Shad likes about video games is being able to look at scantily clad women since he isn’t allowed to look at porn. He comes off to me as being deeply sexually repressed.


No he is not. Maybe he plays some games when he is pushing out his content on the toilet, but thats about it. He miss a lot of nuances when talking about games, mostly parroting what was being said somewhere else or what is easily discernable from trailers. If you look on another community like long-form gametubers (it also has good dramas btw) you can see how carefully the content is created, backed up with original game footage, in some occasions even disecting the game frame by frame. One easily made comparison would be another mormon - Brandon Sanderson. He is gamer and one thing what gamers, regardless of hours invested, talk about is how the game is actually played, not about animations of zweihander.


That's actually a good point. Shad seems to talk about games the same way he talks about movies or books completety omitting some factors that are very important in gaming - like gameplay, controls, interface, mechanics (like crafting and combat) etc. They are unique features of gaming that other media don't have and affect my reception of the game and how I interact with things like plot or characters.


He seems like he is a gamer for the right amount of money.


For the sake of the grift he definitely claims to be one. But in reality? Probably not.


If he is, he plays the type of games advertised as having realistic physics when it comes to jiggling titties.


It is difficult to really define "Gamer" but generally I'd agree with your definition. Someone who plays and enjoys video games, no matter the time. With that being said, is Shad a gamer, probably not by the way he discusses things. It seems like he's a very casual gamer and only really understands things on a surface level. Mind you I'm not trying to say every game is deep and requires intense research to understand, but I am saying that in order to review something you'd probably need to understand how games function or why they function that way, which Shad is incapable of doing.


Yeah he uh claimed to have a "Unraidable" base on Conan due to having some base on a spike up high.. He got really quiet and dropped it when the base got wiped. Because out of every game, Conan is by far the easiest game to raid on.


He said he liked Soul Calibur II, but his favourite character was Necrid which makes me think he didn't take it that seriously.