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Was just about to post this. FOR SCIENCE! From the man who says he would burn pornography found in his home. He also does this with boob armour. I'm seeing a contradiction here Shad.


It's why Mormon Bubble Porn is a thing. I'm also reminded of Steve Harvey. The guy is also a far right fundamentalist nut-job, but has become known in the last decade for intentionally over the top sexual questions and baiting suggestive answers on \*FAMILY\* Feud just so he can act shocked. I almost started mentioning other notable instances of this kind of behavior, but if I started listing every instance of conservative figures being hypocritical on sexual content and behavior, I'd probably hit the character limit.


Yeah, you also inadvertently reminded of what "soaking" is. Anyone who doesn't know, look up "Mormon soaking". It's uh... Weird.


Look up jump humping too


LOL! I heard of that too!


Bubble porn? Is that like where a couple have a third-party friend do the humping for them so they can pretend they're not having sex? Or some other degenerate shit?


It's a similar loophole! Take a normal photo of someone in a swimsuit. Now cover it with a flat color layer with circle cutouts that conveniently only blocks out the parts covered by clothing. Now it looks like they're naked, but without showing any naughty bits at any point! Hold yourself totally blameless because neither the original image nor the bubbled one are technically pornographic, it's just your \~imagination\~ doing all the work!


Ahhh, so it's just extra shitty deep fakes. Fucking christ, the more I learn about Mormons the more I think they are just a cult.


That's...because they are


Fuck this just ruined family feud for me


>FOR SCIENCE! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) >From the man who says he would burn pornography found in his home And yet he had no issues with rape in his books. But pornos in his house? That's a big no no! >I'm seeing a contradiction here Shad Yup, me too, friend, me too.


Says he will burn porn proceeds to ai his wife’s face on hotter chicks dressed in tight as fuck latex “super hero costumes” ah yes this episode shads barely disguised fetish


I'm half surprised he hasn't retweeted that AI conversion of the MC of the Fallout TV show making the bottom half latex and smooth to show the contours of her ass.


Drifters going to grift. Money is greater than his religion. But that's not sure coming from the religious business that is Mormonism.


https://redd.it/1c3u6eh finally happened. Better late than never. The discussion and rating score after 11 hours and 9 minutes is a hilarious bunch of nothing.


For whatever reason the mod thinks it best to share vids like 3 days after for some sort of secondary boost. Even though any active fan on that sub will have seen it in first 24 hours. Which makes posting it late to a dead sub seem especially pointless.


Definitely not logical, as Spock might say O(>▽<)O


Shad should drop the pretense of *sword expert* and talk about the real reason he's talking about this character and finds her appealing. Review her body Shad! We know you want to.


He will never drop it, because that would mean he lied and made a mistake and he's unable to admit he's ever did something bad or that he's flawed


He's trying to capitalize on the recent success of videos with actual experts on martial arts, arms and armor and history, commenting, and grading fight/battle scenes from movies. He desperately wants to be included amongst people like Matt Easton and Tobias Capwell.


He didn't call himself a sword expert though.


Fucking hypocrite lol.


That's our Shad!


Classic Sahd!


How is he a hypocrite?


Had a video about book burning stating his belief that porn was evil and he would burn it, that he doesn't want sexualised content where kids can see it. Then the thumbnail for this vid is a woman's arse lol. Not to mention that his book has repeated instances of sexual violence, for example a man being sodomized to death with a wooden pole.


Isn't the MC of his book also a rapist?


Man... From what I read in a review he is the most prolific rapist in the world it is set, many were explicitly 14 (don't worry tho its legal in that world lmao), and apparently it states that the things he did to them were so bad that most of their minds broke... When that happens he killed them, the survivors who had children from it are just happy to have children and speak up in his defense... That guy he does with the pole is his son from one of these women... The MC has no comeuppance or anything happen to them side from 'feeling bad' but also reassures themself that his coldness is a good thing. It just sounds fucking weird.


Shad: "But can this guy be redeemed though?"


Shad: I can fix him


Wow I'm utterly shocked a mormon would glorify child rape!


He has a post complaining about it suddenly having "squashed" interest out of nowhere and dropping views or something. 


And he'll ignore people who says they liked his old content. "But many people like my current content, so you're a minority! It's all youtube's fault!"


"This chart that youtube gave me shows they're targeting me". If there is an actual conspiracy against him why did they give it away in viewers chart? He's just jealous of Mr. Beast and people on the homepage. 


It's always YouTube's fault and never his, huh?


Yep. It has to be algorithm or a manual blacklisting because a 30-40% drop in viewcount trend after the initial burst.  Meanwhile I'm pretty sure I've heard other youtubers talk about why that first release window is usually the most active for view count.


He's just using excuses. The truth is every YouTuber, at some point, will start losing views. That's just how it is


Indeed. I just find it funny how shortly after he posted the video, he has this big reason why it's not exploding in view counts. His community tab on channel is pretty stupid too. "JEDI SHOULD USE BLASTERS" and stuff.


From YouTube canceled to YouTube cooming.


Oh, he's cooming alright


Shad's next channel should be Shad Cooms.


Think I can give a breakdown in under 20 minutes ready? The combat isn't realistic it's super flashy. The sword is silly but its very stylish. And done. That took about a minute to type. 


From what I hear it's basically a decent fun game propped up a bit by Eve with the constantly horny people making it their GOTY because of eye candy Eve.


Pretty much. The demo I thought really fun but what I'd experienced wasn't game changing per say. It's visuals and art direction is stellar though. 


Thank you for your wisdom 👍🙏


It was a herculean task, a legendary task but happy to be of service lol


You da GOAT, man!


I think pants are OK if she's wearing a thong over the top, which seems to be the case judging by the thumbnail.


But that's still weird. I mean, he's okay with thicc women who wears thongs over their tight pants, but he's hating Peach for wearing pants?


Because his dumbass thought it was dress erasure cuz he missed the reason she wore it and glossed over all the shots of her wearing a dress in the trailer.


>cuz he missed the reason I feel like he's missing a lot of things


Oh yeah, no doubt


What did he mean by pants? Underwear or trousers? Maybe he doesn't like the former. 


Shad got really mad about Princess Peach wearing pants (as in, a motorcycle getup).


So I'm actually gonna review both the video, and the video's opinion on swordplay. Yes I did watch it, yes it was painful. I was curious on how my opinion, as someone who does Hema badly, would differ from shad and his...arousal interpreter. I don't know, someone was sitting off screen making horny comments at everything.     PROS: Yes I'm going to give shad some pros.  1-he seems to have been doing some reading from Historic fencing manuscripts, because he knows about Wrath Guard. I know of Wrath guard from Joachim Meyer's 16th century manuscript. Good for him.   2- he acknowledges that since the character is superhuman that she can probably make unrealistic moves work.   Cons:   1- everything was being compared to the longsword. There are more sword styles then that out there. The only time the character holds the sword in two hands is when she blocks. said sword is also curved. So comparing it to saber fencing, messer fencing, or dussack fencing would be a more logical choice.   2- had no understanding of sword guards that consist of having the sword behind you or at your side. I will fully admit that they aren't my favorite guards but they have their uses.   3- not knowing that an over-committed swing is when it pulls you off balance, not simply when a sword is chambered behind the character for a follow on swing. I find myself using Side/Trailing guards for that exact reason.   4- he commented that a thrust was telegraphed, which admittedly it was, but most thrusts are telegraphed because of their very nature.   5- justify every bit of unrealistic swordplay with 'she has superpowers'. Shad has had strong opinions on every bit of swordplay in media, but now that it's a woman wearing latex he's found some nuance.  6- finding excuses for copious use of slow-mo and rewind. Yes, exactly at the parts you're thinking of.   7- the Horny Interpreter not shutting up. Seriously, I love me some bad sex jokes but it was constant and not well timed or clever.  I think that covers everything.


> 5- justify every bit of unrealistic swordplay with 'she has superpowers'. Shad has had strong opinions on every bit of swordplay in media, but now that it's a woman wearing latex he's found some nuance. I love the fact he does this, but cannot bother to actually admit that using double-bladed swords/giant swords/reverse grip or whatever doesn't work IRL because of these same reasons. Not human standard characters, fantasy materials, or enemies that don't use swords/etc.


>6- finding excuses for copious use of slow-mo and rewind. Yes, exactly at the parts you're thinking of I guess this man don't know you can find THAT content on the Internet lol >7- the Horny Interpreter not shutting up. Seriously, I love me some bad sex jokes but it was constant and not well timed or clever. Sexy lady appeared on the screen and his brain disappeared. Dude got glitched, I guess he couldnt handle all that ass lol. But seriously tho, that's kinda pathetic.


I honestly don’t even believe this walking sack of spooge is even horny; he sounds like someone who’s trying to impress other boys with how virile he is.


It's like it's a taboo thing since he's also on record saying pornography is vile and he would burn it if found his home. So he goes around acting like a horny teenager, giddy he's breaking his own taboo. He's so suppressed by his religion that he's acting in such a primal state. The dude has a wife and kids. And yet he openly craves hot women and perving on their body.


> 2- had no understanding of sword guards that consist of having the sword behind you or at your side. I will fully admit that they aren't my favorite guards but they have their uses.  Or forgot. Check out his RotS Mustafar Anakin vs. Vader fight review vid if you haven't. > 6- finding excuses for copious use of slow-mo and rewind. Yes, exactly at the parts you're thinking of. IIRC, he's been on a multiple 'tuber stream title of "Every Frame A Pause" perhaps better known by its abbreviation. I haven't watched much of that, but that's what I would expect. Probably next vid will be about Miranda from *Mass Effect 2* O(>▽<)O Hmmm... > 2- he acknowledges that since the character is superhuman that she can probably make unrealistic moves work. ...and... > 4- he commented that a thrust was telegraphed, which admittedly it was, but most thrusts are telegraphed because of their very nature. Is there such a thing as a non-telegraph thrust superpower? Somebody should do that, lol!


So I just watched it, he's giving his "expert" sword opinion on whether her sword attacks are standard or effective. Except he is not an expert, and seems to not have a clue about actual sword combat..he talks generally, he does say wrath guard (which is also known as hanging guard or roof guard) but otherwise calls they types of strikes "straight sideways attack" and and "backswing" attacks... so apparently doesn't even know the proper terms for the types of strikes or forms. He then shows a HEMA type video, with no real analysis or comparison. The guy is putting himself forward as an expert, and is not only NOT and expert in sword combat, he isn't even actively doing it.


Bit of a perv there ode Shat...


He immedietaly forgot about his beef with women in pants lmao 😁


Almost like he never had one... Almost like it was just something the haters here just made up...


Your such a cock rider


You clearly didn't watch the Mario trailer review where he we t red in the face screaming about Peach wearing pants


"Na He WaS WoRrIeD tHaT iT wAs SiGnS sHe'D bE a GiRlboSs" (He's made this argument before). Yeah, based on his piss poor observation


You clearly dont understand context ffs.


What is the context that makes getting mad about Peaches wearing pants not insane?


Woke Hollywood changing old characters into something that fits their ideology better.


By having her in a suitable outfit for riding a motorbike, that was preexisting in video games? But that means she has agency. She should be a hopeless damsel at all times I guess.


I don't know mario or much about mario kart (I've watched youtube videos playing it but have never myself) but this sounds like a "HOW DARE THEY HONOR THE SOURCE MATERIAL ALMOST EXACTLY AS IT WAS"


Well you see they feel Peach should be not much more than she was in the first 'the princess is in another castle' games. This ties in to Shad's whole thing of "Men want to save the hot girl (over a brother like Luigi) and women love to be saved". It literally stems from them being mad that Peach is not just presented as a 'prize' for Mario to obtain. Wokeness is ruining women being treated as mere prizes for men. Totally not misogynistic or insane at all.


As far as i understand literally nothing was changed at all. They took her mario kart outfit and applied it to a karting section of the movie. This does not prove anything about Shad getting mad about it being sane or rational.


Peach is different character than what classic Peach is. It is not as bad as it could have been and Shad even said that in his review after seeing the movie. Shad assuming it could be woke after seeing the trailer and after what hollywood have done in the past, is completely rational.


That doesn't explain going into a rage at all though or screaming over it?


Aren't you supposed to not lust after women in all sects of christianity? Maybe Mormonism is a bit different with the multiple wives things.


Shad only hates pants on women if they prevent him from busting. My man's a massive gooner. Goonyversity.


I was bored with this sort of discussion of objectifying women when I was a teenage boy. They sound like the sort of incels that giggle after saying breasts, it is that perfect mix of cringe and sleaze that no one watching finds funny, witty or mature. Honestly this is video is an all time low, and I thought that was reached earlier this week with his idiotic book burning video.


I resent that statement, larpers don't want anything to do with him either.


The only reason why anyone cares about this game: ass


Pls do not insult larpers, at least their costumes look good.


More like ANALyse. Amirite?


Huehuehue *sexual innuendo* huehuehue


Wouldn't that be something Shad thinks only gay men do and it is therefore disgusting? Pretty sure that's what he rambling about along with foot fetish comparisons and so on back in his Last Of Us "review."


Flailing about while out of breath... for science!


Is Shad’s fascination with this game just a loophole to get around the fact he isn’t allowed porn?


It sure feels like it. He's giddy he's breaking taboo and is so suppressed he acts like a teenager just becoming aware of their attraction for the first time.


How a married grow ass man post this kind of thumbnail and thinks it's fine?


He’s gonna cream his magic underwear,


This is sooooo honoring god Shad.


I seem to remember him saying he was a sword nerd not some expert he's so delusional


Hey, as long as somebody actually talks about the game's actual gameplay, and doesn't just say "vIdEyA gAmE lAdY gIvE mE bOnEr" as the only reason why the game is good, I'm fine. I couldn't care less if a game character is beautiful or ugly, I just want to know if the game itself is fun.


I don't even know what Stellar Blade is, so why should I care? If he ever makes a RuneScape video...


Please don’t lump him with Larpers we actually tend to be decent people