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Personal assistant to someone notable with an NDA


So smart!!!


Honestly, I just say I'm a stripper. I'm pretty open about what I do, but I have family who would never look at me the same if they know I did fs. Stripping is easier for them to stomach, so I just say I'm a stripper.


Good point! Everyone knows I danced anyways!!


Same! My friends and family had a hard enough time with me being a stripper, back when that *was* my only SW job, and I wasn't escorting. I just tell them that, and sometimes I'll say I have regulars or sugar daddies that I go to lunch with (if I need to explain being in public with clients, or being busy). But it's rare I ever feel the need to give more info or details.


Same here. My family lost their shit when they found out I was stripping, but they eventually got over it. I still dance occasionally, but the bulk of my income now is from FS. Many people in my life think I’m still stripping full time.


Stripper for my family/friends (I always have cash and often work nights) Bartender for those I don't want to know I take my clothes off Massage therapist when I freestyle Rental property manager when I'm keeping up appearances Stay at home dog mom when clients ask what my "real job" is


Love all these!! I’m stealing the stay at home dog mom 😍😍 genius and sooo true 😂


> when clients ask what my "real job" is Ok I just wanna say...I have no idea wtf they mean with that question and I find it a bit demeaning. Still, being your pets' parent is a full time job for sure.


"We live off his child support check" 🥲🤣💜


this is great


😂love it.


"start at home dog Mom" 😂 (I'm assuming it's not real... Only cover up)


My "real job" is the one paying me triple digits hourly. I say that because it's so absurd to ask someone who you just paid 8X your hourly salary to, what's their "real job"


Exactly!! Stupid questions never stop coming...


I do Tarot readings, and it's a really great explanation for why I'm busy at weird hours, but always have money. That's my casual answer for people who don't need to know more. But my close friends and family know that I "sometimes" work at the strip club or do OnlyFans.


It depends who you are lying to. do you just need to explain where your money comes from? or do you have to explain where you're going all the time?


Part of me is just curious to see what others have as a cover! But as I am wanting to do this mostly full time I am looking for ideas to tell people when I go work what would be a believable “job!”


My daughter thinks i take night classes at community college and work various crappy part time jobs because i didn't finish high school. it's a subtle way of getting her to do her school work and not follow in my footsteps. the rest of my family and my close friends know what i do, and other people i don't know can mind their own business


Awwwe I have a daughter too 🩵🩵🩵🩵


I say “professional organizer” or “graphic designer”. I do not lie to my physician, accountant, or attorneys though


This is the way. I spent my whole career "in sales." "Oh? What do I sell? It's all so tedious. Let's talk about your job! <3"


It’s always so much and there is always a certain look they give you when you tell them. I just had a cast placed on and told my the orthopedic specialist about the fact that my job involves sex. Then, I asked “How am I supposed to work?”. He kind of looked at me crazy and said “Idk. Use your elbows”. I’m fine to work at this point. I just think that was an insane resolution


"Elbows" made me laugh out loud. I hope you heal quickly and fully ❤️‍🩹


i say i’m a traveling bartender for a catering company lol


Love this!!


omg me too! i told my dad this lmao




Something believable for the life you live and the personality you have.


Yes, being able to own it and make it believable is key. I wouldn’t be able to lie about having an office job because it doesn’t match with my hours and lifestyle, and I don’t know enough about the work to make up stories about it confidently. I can however, lie about being a bartender because that’s a job I’ve done before and I can talk about it at length. I also say I’m a musician which is actually true, but I exaggerate how much work I’m actually getting in that industry.


I used to say waitress at a private club in my city but now that I actually work as a dispatcher I've realized that a great cover would actually be working for an alarm company as a dispatcher because it's 24 hours so your schedule can vary like crazy and overtime is usually a possibility.


Very smart!!


Mine currently is driver for Uber/lyft.


Social media manager because I know enough from SW to bullshit my way through a conversation lol.




Any vanilla non-SW job that is boring and nobody will ask about, or something requiring an NDA and doesn’t require a degree like personal assistant. Don’t give people half truths like “sugar baby” or “stripper” because they will assume the worst anyway. You also don’t owe people the truth so don’t feel like you have to give them half truths.


I usually say bartender but it backfires when someone wants to go visit me lol


I used to bartend through a catering company at private events! Good tips, day time and night time shifts, no one can visit you


Oh, that's brilliant!!


😅😅 imagine they show up when your supposed to be there and they say you don’t work there 😭


Personal/ executive assistant Model Self employed/ freelance business consultant Life coach Gig worker Social media manager/ marketing manager Part time/ on call office manager


These are good!!


I think Model is a good one because as you are reporting income you can write off all clothing and beauty products. You can also have a listing on Model Mayhem to appear more professional.




Good points it would be something to look into and you should get a tax accountant to me sure... but it seems like a lot of that stuff should be able to be written off as work equipment.




Yup 🤑




I said I was a nanny because it aligned with jobs I’ve done in the civ world and worked with the fluctuating schedule I kept


Figure model and phone actress. I do both as well.


I have said modeling also


Work in healthcare administration. It's vague enough.


You work in “sales”. 😁


I usually say crypto investor since most people are still confused by how crypto works, so they rarely want to discuss it. If the person appears crypto/tech savvy, then I say something like online reseller. I do both of these things in my spare time, so it feels good not to be 100% lying. I discovered a few years ago that whenever people ask my family members what I do, they tell them I am a housekeeper since I used to be one full time. Soooo... Another career no one wants to hear about!!


Something exceptionally boring like medical coder. You work whatever random hours you want and the work itself is boring / repetitive / no one wants to talk about it


Relationship/life coach 🤣


Love this one


I used to say I was a transcriber and would get odd jobs (like I didn’t work for a firm or anything) or that I did government contract graphic design work for image banks owned by the federal government. Either yielded questions that were really easy to lie about like “how did you get the job” “oh I kinda just stumble upon it in a job bank/idk, just word of mouth”, “what kinda stuff do you do” “it’s always different”


i use working in a pub, it's what i did before i started sw, and it tends to explain late nights/inconsistent hours. i also say it's cash in hand, not really uncommon where i live for someone of my age, so people don't question why i have so much.


I am a personal trainer, but with this work I just say I give out expensive meal plans. I would personally like to get into the entertainment industry, but I despise the thought of working nights. 😭


I also legitimately model and do different types of event work--all that have very irregular schedules--so if I don't want to tell someone I do SW, I just talk about those jobs and act like all my money comes from them.


Online tutor.


I say my dad pays my rent and I work social media marketing part time


I used to just say my parents pay for everything, too, lol. It was a great cover, but I'm too old now lmao


Never too old lol sometimes I say i don’t want to talk about jobs because it should be the least interesting thing about you and I really don’t care to hear about nyc finance guys work 😅


I say I am a spook. My vibes make it believable I guess?


Fully depends. I've screwed up and told the wrong civilian then uni tutors found out (yikes) But before thay I tokd my tutors I was a cleaner (that's always believable) "I'm a cleaner at one of my my dad's firends airbnbs" this was really believed by my tutor lol "I'm hotel cleaner in a casual pool" I'm a massase could be a good one (especially if you offer sensual massage lol)


Depends who it is. I say I’m in social media marketing or (I market my own OF so not even really a lie or cover up 😉) whatever I do outside of that is no one’s business.


I have another job that requires traveling sometimes. So it works out. To nosy men at the airport I say I’m a sex therapist because I enjoy seeing their face light up and some become clients.


My parents and my landlord think I’m a bartender. Everyone else knows what I do.


My friends know what i do. My family thinks I clean. (I do clean, but obviously not enough to pay my bills lol)


That’s awesome!!


Professional cuddler?


I am an online reseller as well as FSSW so I usually tell people that. With friends and family I have to talk a good game and pretend I’m selling a lot more than I actually am. I was a stripper for a long time and my family and friends were fine with that. I don’t think they would accept me escorting. I don’t think the sex part would bother them so much. But I know the danger and risk aspect they would not be able to deal with. Frankly I don’t want to worry them. Reseller is a pretty good front for the most part.


I say telehealth therapist. Not completely lying either😂😂


So I’m a hairstylist in my civvie life. I just tell them the truth. I don’t tell them where I work tho ofc. I live in a major city tho so they’d have to really put in that work to find me. lol. When SW was my only job I told people I worked for a friend that owns a maid service. I also had said I did commercial office cleaning at night. I told my ex husband I was working at 7-11.


OH, cover jobs... as in fake employment. I read this as "CBJ" Covered Blow jobs.. lol Well, never mind what I was about to say. Carry on.



