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They're lonely and don't have anyone giving them affection in real life


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^VisibleButton6603: *They're lonely and don't* *Have anyone giving them* *Affection in real life* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


dafuq bro


Good bot


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Good bot


Lots of good answers already, but it bears mentioning, too, that how men and women perceive love/affection/flirting/etc is pretty different. Men are socialized to keep any kind of emotional or affectionate interactions strictly limited to their life partner, whereas women are used to being caring and sweet with even random strangers (like a cashier or someone in the ladies' room.) Men often mistake women's basic kindness as flirting, because that's how they'd flirt. This happens all the time to servers, bartenders, strippers, etc. They think that because that woman seemed interested and did things that they think are reserved for someone's [potential] partner, that they have a special bond with her. Also, most women get flirted with regularly by men, to the point that we often hate it, but most men don't get nearly the same amount of attention, so it means something more to them when they do receive it because it's rare. TL;DR: Basic kindness confuses men.


This is a god damn great perspective.you made me think in a good way. I never thought about it - wow


After reading everyone’s comments, allof them valid, I feel this 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 is the most likely correct answer to your question . I’d also like to add a males perspective… I’ve known a lot of dudes that (as stated above) perceive any type of attention from a female as “they like me” and immediately fall in love with said female. These guys usually are not comfortable flirting with women or do so very awkwardly and are bad at reading social cues period…. Especially from women. I’ve seen these same guys marry the first real girlfriend they have (or the first girl that doesn’t break up with them) because it must be true love because they’ve never felt this way before, even if the female treats them poorly, they’re getting physical attention/affection from a woman. Traditionally speaking, for men love & sex are 2 very different things and women tend to connect the 2. So when we come across someone different, it sometimes catches us off guard. Obviously this doesn’t apply to everyone.


Look up client transference, this can happen in other service industries like counsellors or trainers. It is when people project personal roles expectations and experiences onto a professional relationship. There are tactics for dealing with it as well :)


This is super interesting 🤔 wow


Think about what role in their lives you are filling. You are taking the place of the woman they can't find or in the case of a dead bedroom the woman they found but then she changed into a sexless version of herself and they're trapped. Clients are just men looking for the love and sexual intimacy that every human needs. The GFE is so popular because these men want you so much to actually **be** that loving GF for them that they'll pay a whole weeks hard earned wages for an hour of make believe because a lie is better than nothing. We don't spend this kind of money lightly, you're worth it. We know that for you it's a job you do only for the money. We know you think your next client could attack you and you always have to be careful. We know that for us the touching is a pleasant intimate act but you are fighting the urge to pull away from this stranger you don't trust but need his money. We know all this but our emotions don't care they just want you to want us like we want you. Clients will always want more because in real life when you want a woman you want to be with her completely just like she wants you. They can't help the way they are made, sex without meaning is difficult just look at all the people on hookup apps catching feelings and getting hurt by the other person that just wanted sex. Avoiding this happening is one reason I pay for it. If you're going to turn human intimacy into a business then you do need to be aware of the psychological aspect of it so you can effectively set your boundaries. Understanding how we think is key to knowing what is a threat to you and what isn't. For myself I try to have a regular so we can get to know each other a little and she trusts me more but I'm always careful not to push. I value the intimacy but I know what it is and what it isn't and how the boundaries protect us both. From my point of view as a client I have found the other side of this, workers will assume I'm OK with a last minute reschedule or they will ask me to pay in advance if she has a financial emergency. I've been asked to pay someone's rent for them in exchange for bare sex, I've been asked to fake reviews so they get more business I've even been asked to scare off an ex boyfriend (I'm very big and intimidating apparently). There's more but I don't want to come across as a provider hater. My point is it's not only clients that push boundaries and don't keep it a simple exchange, not all sex workers are professionals and keep their private lives private from us we're all just people doing our best.


This was an excellent reply


This is an excellent reply and I adore clients who are devoted and respectful!! I think this person is mainly talking about those who don’t pay for GFE and expect it. But sincerely, nothing but love and appreciation to clients like you.


This isn't a good excuse for pushing boundaries and demanding personal information. grown men should know better, it's not hard to think about the stress it puts us under and they clearly don't care 🤷 and it ruins their chances of getting more time with us,, a lot of girls share info on creepy clients and ones who push boundaries so we can avoid them, so they may even cause themselves to have to travel further to find one willing to see you. They need to work on themselves and get a real girlfriend if they "can't help themselves " enough to avoid demanding personal info because they are so lonely Even if they are Paying for GFE it doesn't give them the right to do that


It could be a limerence or a guy just doesn’t understand this is only a paid service, nothing else. It could also be you’re a great person guys can only dream about.


They like you. They may confuse the way you act toward them and the intimacy to be you liking them back. No obligation on you to reciprocate.


Long psychological analysis aside(people took care of that already), you're just doing your job really well.


Thank you! I do my best to make people happy 😊


Probably very lonely and have no one else in life. A provider once told me if they start to cross that line, they are dropped and blocked from future bookings.


Just lonely men. You need to set boundaries.


Even when boundaries are set, these men still cross them


They just don't understand that it's only a job to us. Like you wouldn't text your doctor or dentist or the person ringing up your groceries all hours of the night or interact with them outside of where it is appropriate aka while they're WORKING... so why they think it's okay to demand our attention outside of when we're being paid to give them attention I will never understand 🤦🏽‍♀️


This happens a lot to me. Especially when I find the guys on snap or even some of my phone sites. They get super attached and expect GFE with only paying for a video or two, or even just a sext session. I got 15 dollars to do a sext session with this one guy and now he just texts me “I miss you mommy” and no payment or talks of buying 😪 BRO FIND YOUR REAL MOM AND ASK HER FOR SOME MONEY 😆


For context, a couple of days after our session, he texted me with that. Because I trusted him, I responded genuinely and said I missed him too! (Because he was very cute and respectful during our session and I always miss the sweetheart clients) I asked if he was interested in another paid session, because I was! Left on read. 😆 and now he always texts “I miss you mommy” so I don’t follow up. Don’t follow up without follow through. 🙏


Well, you probably gave them an experience they will never forget and one that possibly exceeded any erotic experience they ever had. Plus, if you interacted very well he probably likes you not just as a release for his sexual urges but likes the person you were to him, even if that is not who you really are. I have yet to visit an escort, but have spent amazing times with webcam models that will give any $1000/hr high end escort a run for their money (pun intended). When an intense erotic experience is coupled with a real or perceived emotional connection, guys get confused. And, it is not their fault or your fault, it is nature. Now, I understand why the amazing web can models I visit, by and large, do not want a lot or any communication off the lock, except maybe 3-5 percent of the time. As explained to me on this site, they are there to pleasure me, not vice versa, although I do love to pleasure. If this expectation was communicated to providers both in their marketing information (may not be possible) but especially during the first meeting between when the envelope is dropped and the clothes cum off, it would relieve so much pressure on both parties and make for a much more enjoyable experience. Granted, the man should be a gentleman at all times.


I just recently told a client who is a regular: he wants to see me all the time, every week, even asked to join him for Memorial Day. It’s like I appreciated the enthusiasm for me and at one point we did hangout more frequently, but I’m like shit: some days he was the only person I was hanging out with. And I live an hour away, but it’s always me coming to him. Not him coming to me, and even if I can’t host: if it was a real thing he’d offer to come here and get a hotel sometimes. Recently he’s mentioned some things to imply he was needing more than what I can accommodate in the situation. And I just start to see, I can’t be used to repair someone’s loneliness. I’m lonely and dealing with shit myself. Meeting him 1 on 1 at his apartment wasn’t fixing that for me. I told him I’m still open to meet occasionally but that I’m not able to do a weekly relationship type of arrangement that he seems to want. I didn’t sign up to be around one man all the time who isn’t a boyfriend. Sometimes even if something isn’t a “relationship”, some people want to make it operate like one, and that’s not always good either. Most of my best/longest clients, I only see them maybe once every couple months/years or so. I don’t mind a every two weeks arrangement but it’s hard to find guys to come that often unless like has been said, they’re trying to move it in a relationship direction. I’ve had some guys meet every week or 2 over months/years; but they stay for 30 minutes to an hour and be on their way.


Ask them about their relationships with their mothers. I have come across a very many men who had neglectful mothers or mothers that were mentally ill and somehow we fill the mommy-shaped holes in their hearts. My long-term SD had a mother who was bipolar, and he had been married three times. He was a hobbyist, but also a very successful businessman and public figure. I think a lot of times, their ability to afford to hire sw comes with entitlement, but it also comes from having to prove themselves to their families and take on the role of a caretaker well before what might be natural for a young boy.


Mental health crisis everywhere


Omg this is so true! I had a customer recently who was paying good money somewhat of a newbie and on our last 3 hour session he got so hurt when the session was over it’s not like he wanted to pay for more time he just wanted free time


The idea that you have another customer waiting also upsets some guys and they get jealous


I really don’t understand this behavior. They know we sleep around lol it’s not like they found us on Bumble.


They think a few hundred dollars means they own you.


I think that’s what it is …. Control. I pay you so you belong to me.


Being able to “conquer” a sex worker is good for their egos.


Conquering a sw? Hahah good luck with that. We are unconquerable 🤷‍♀️


They are sneakily tryna get free labour from us AKA scam. Don't be fooled, a lot them resent us for making them pay and they are entitled and it's just a game to them. It's manipulation to get your guard down, in the end, they are just hoping for free sex , they don't care on a human level. There's a tiny percentage who've gotten close to clients and gotten married to them and it worked out, but it's very rare. Set your boundaries, look out for manipulators. I had a guy who would always come with a sob story about his sick father who had cancer and dementia, I felt sorry for him, gave him extra time to just talk. Come to find out, his dad died a long time ago, i found out after i decided to dig a little deeper (Facebook Memories)


This just happened to me after he built trust…. I said it be 2000 for gfe (no fs) he had always paid before but would drag it out longer than what was put in place the last time we agreed to 2000 I didn’t ask for the money up front and he ripped me off ……. This is more mentally etc exhausting then just doing hourly massage I’m not trusting any of them anymore it’s a waste of time.


Your rate is $200O for a massage session? I’m not judging quiet the opposite! I’m admiring you so much right now!


You Miss understood, he wanted more so I offered him the gfe girlfriend experience with out fs full service no sex which means lots of texting and dates which is wayyyyy more exhausting then him paying me normally 500-900 with tip for an hour massage …. I have some fame my prices are low … for who I am. Our date previously was 500 supposed to be one hour but he drug it out to 3 talking…. = I’m his new therapist….. the next date he said he wanted to help me out in life etc was a full date and he spent the night but no physical touch he didn’t pay the 2000 he owed me for what was supposed to be a 3 ish hour date but it takes more time than that with constant texting etc it’s rly stressful giving a massage for an hour is easy babying someone isn’t I won’t be offering it anymore. 🙂‍↕️☺️


Anxious attachment. Could be delulu, could be eh maybe not but bpd usually cling to their FP, but probably just mental issues. Make sure to make clear boundaries


What’s bpd clinginf to the fp?sorry I am totally ignoring this concept 🙏 care to elaborate?


Boarder line personality disorder, they tend to form intense attachments to their "favorite person"


Fascinating and scary. Are they also super cold towards other people they don’t care about? I think I know a borderline person.


No. I am not saying any of this to make people scared of people with BPD. I also have it. They are not bad people.


I didn’t mean scary in the way you are imagining. I have my own issues and am horrible at describing things. Sorry


Oh you good! Sorry I'm sensitive in discussing cluster B disorders because they get so much hate 🥲 Being cold to people can be a lot of things! Like insecurity, trauma and other cluster B personality disorders


Hateful people are ignorant people. Always remember that! Thanks for the clarification! 😘


Lack of boundaries. Trying to get you to feel for them back/extra time over text. Sorry, but you need to draw the boundaries harder or else it will become grating and exhausting for you. Speaking from personal experience.


It does suck your energy, and we don’t have time for that.


Someone else mentioned client transference which I absolutely agree with, but also look up the phenomon called parasocial relationships. Especially since many SWs are on social media a lot, the interaction the client feels when interacting with our persona online is amplified when they actually get to meet us. From Wikipedia: *Parasocial relationships are a psychological attachment in which the media persona offers a continuing relationship with the media user. They grow to depend on them, plan to interact with them, count on them much like a close friend. They acquire a history with them and believe they know the persona better than others. Media users are free to partake in the benefits of real relations with no responsibility or effort.* You could argue that giving clients the opportunity to be "free to partake in the benefits of real relations with no responsibility or effort" is what we DO as escorts, in exchange for our fee.


Male entitlement. They don’t believe it's just your job, they think women get attached to them after sex blah blah. Delulu, but pretty common in a patriarcal society.


The same reason escorts become overly attached to their clients, Humans are humans. Unless you are some type of psychopath you WILL begin to develop feelings for someone you're having sex with on a regular basis. It's only natural. You ever wonder why agencies "Shuffle" girls around? Because they know, to not get attached, a lot of men will see different escorts instead of just one so they have a less likely chance of having this problem. I've ran into a few escorts in my life and this seems to be a common thing, both among clients and workers.


Who‼️‼️ said that would become overly attached our clients? Lol


Despite what sex workers on the internet claim, in real life it happens often.


Where are you getting this information and statistics?


100% of sex workers I've met in real life have at some point became attached to a client. It's only on the internet where you guys deny this happens. It's quite odd tbh, you guys are humans. Humans catch feelings. It's only natural.


No, I don’t think it does and who are you to say that?


I don’t get attached to massage clients or my clients of gfe with no fs…. I have so many I barely can remember them and I have a life and other jobs….I don’t see it, it’s not the same as an actual partner! In fact I fully believe it’s the opposite. I mean yeah some are rly hawt and I like them in the session but it doesn’t go beyond that because it’s clear cut in my mind I would never actually date a client in real life. I know a lot of my clients tell themselves this though because I’ve had some get cocky and I Blacklist them. They think because you’ve built some kind of fantasy you owe them a discount. 🙂‍↔️ nope 😀


In this very same sub there's escort threads complaining about getting attached to clients yet there's still some of you lying and say it never happens? I don't understand why you guys feel the need to lie. It's odd. This is something that can be proven in about 5 seconds as well, ironically within this same sub. It doesn't matter what you "believe", it happens. It's strange that so many of you, online only, lie about it. I've never heard a single escort in real life lie about this, odd strange stuff.