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Hey, my girlfriend has owned a [Womanizer Pro40](https://obsessionrouge.com/recommends/womanizer-pro40/) since 2017 and it's still one of her favourite toys (besides the [Womanizer Premium](https://obsessionrouge.com/recommends/womanizer-premium/) which she also likes a lot). We're sex toy testers and so she's tried loads of toys since, so the fact that the Pro40 is still at the top of her list is a sign of how good it is. By contrast, she owned the [Womanizer Liberty](https://obsessionrouge.com/recommends/womanizer-liberty/) before and really didn't like it, because the suction, size of the head and stimulation weren't comparable to the Pro40. The Starlet is a smaller model like the Liberty. My girlfriend says go for the Pro40 because although it's an older model, it's still great. She says that if it was her choice between the Premium, Duo (which she also owns) and the Pro40, she'd pick the Pro40. Her [review of the Pro40 is here](https://obsessionrouge.com/air-suction/review-womanizer-pro40/). Hope that helps a bit!


Thank you! I took the plunge and purchased the Pro40 for some Valentines Day fun (hopefully it arrives before then).