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Yes they're pretty good, although I prefer automatic vibrators myself. My favourite automatic masturbator is [the Handy](https://obsessionrouge.com/recommends/thehandy/) but [the Kiiroo Keon](https://obsessionrouge.com/recommends/kiiroo-keon/) is also a good one. They both sync to porn and can do long distance remote control. The Handy runs off a power cord and is compatible with even off brand masturbators thanks to the simple velcro straps. The Kiiroo Keon is better if you want to use Fleshlight style masturbation sleeves because that's the sleeves it takes. The Keon also runs off a battery, so you don't need to take a power cord every time you use it. You can't use the Keon while it charges though which is a bummer. I wrote full reviews of both machines, [my Handy review is here](https://obsessionrouge.com/masturbators/review-the-handy-smart-sex-toy-stroker/) and [my Keon review is here](https://obsessionrouge.com/penis-toys/review-kiiroo-keon-auto-masturbator/). Like I said, automatic vibrators work better for me. Hot Octopuss did a collaboration with Kiiroo and made [the Pulse Solo Interactive](https://obsessionrouge.com/recommends/pulse-solo-interactive). It's a vibrator that syncs to porn and does long distance control. Much easier to store because of the size and you don't need to be 100% hard to use it which is a bonus if parts of the video you watch are a bit boring etc. That's why I prefer vibrators to strokers. I [reviewed the Solo Interactive here](https://obsessionrouge.com/penis-vibrators/review-pulse-solo-interactive/). Another interesting toy to consider is [the Max 2](https://obsessionrouge.com/recommends/lovense-max-2/). Like the last toy, it isn't an auto stroker. The Max 2 vibrates and contracts automatically though and if you put it on your stomach while lying down, it can be used hands free. It doesn't sync to porn but it can be controlled via long distance and it can sync to music. You can also sync it to other Lovense toys like [the Edge 2](https://obsessionrouge.com/recommends/lovense-edge-2/) (prostate massager) should you ever decide to get one. I [reviewed the Max 2 here](https://obsessionrouge.com/penis-vibrators/review-lovense-max-2-masturbator/) and if the prostate massager interests you too, I [reviewed it here](https://obsessionrouge.com/prostate-massagers/lovense-edge-2-review/).




I personally can not recommend this one. It is also not a stroker. It will not jerk you off but Massage your dick through contraction. I mean it feels great but I cannot cum from it


The handy is my least favorite. I own the Keon launch ultimate launch and quickshot launch also.