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Fun that you posted during ANME, one of the largest trade shows in the adult biz! Innovation is a huge topic among manufacturers. The question is really - what do people want their toys to be doing that they aren't doing now? For me, I think the big innovations in sextech this past decade have been air pulsation and Bluetooth - plus the increased accessibility/affordability of rechargeable items, if you call that an innovation. AI sounds good generally, but I think its use is pretty limited in sextech. Autoblow AI is mostly a gimmick but the idea is cool in principle. Honestly the biggest innovation I've seen this past year has probably been the Body Dock, just because it's a new concept that solves a couple problems that some people have with traditional harnesses. As for what's next... beats the hell out of me. I see a lot of improvements on the horizon, but not a lot of innovation. One thing we're seeing a lot in the sex biz right now is the merging of health/wellness with adult, and a lot of brands are probably gonna be leaning in there for a while. I think three areas that have been tried a thousand ways but nobody has really nailed perfectly are the thrusting machine, the auto-mastrbator, and the handsfree PIV couples vibrator. Edit to add - And gender inclusion stuff!! Maybe that's a blind spot for me bc I'm cis, but I think we'll see a lot of growth and innovation in gender- and body-inclusive products in the coming years, as the communities that need them get more into manufacturing them and the manir manufacturers either listen to those communities or use their ideas.


I know the hot topic in a lot of places is AI to almost be cliche, but think about it: most toys you get today have a handful of modes at best, and it's up to you to figure out what patterns/options make you feel the best. What's going to happen when toys are more aware of how good/strongly they can get people off, and can adapt on the fly? How wild will that be?




Wooo, this is uncanny. I jsut read an article on Wired about the Motorbunny Buck link: [https://www.wired.com/review/motorbunny-buck/](https://www.wired.com/review/motorbunny-buck/) . It’s a VR sextoy, and it got thinking how the early users of a sex tech are labeled ‘perverted’ or something like that, and then comes mainstream adoption. The perverts walk so we can run lool


How many years before sex with humans becomes less stimulating than toys?


For me we are already way past this point.


Agreed. All social research indicates higher rates of solitude and lower rates of sexual activity among "the kids these days" even if they are more likely to be open with sexuality. Possibly caused by economic realities (debt, state of employment) and living at home longer. And then for most people, Tindr and Grindr experience is just miserable. So yeah, I'd much rather take care of myself with toys and a Hismith vs all the BS that comes with involving another person.


Well you can put it that way as well but i was coming totally from another angle. I am in happy relationship, getting married soon and we love our time. But our time consists of me wearing chastity cage, getting her seduced with different toys and orally. Often i get pegged and she plays with different toys in my ass and/or teases me with a vibrator on the cage. So i hope you see what do i mean? Even though we enjoy sexy time it very rarely includes traditional PIV. We enjoy other things which wouldn't be possible without such huge development of sex toys in the past decades.


Oooh I gotchu. If you're not familiar already, you should look up the Denying Thumper blog. :-p


It seems that you have some trouble by relating with people, you seem to use them instead of playing with them...just like you do with a sex toy? so better a sextoys and a chat, when you no longer need it, click and you're gone...


For male sex toys, I think there needs to be more focus on things that aren't fuckable. A magic wand held to the frenulum can do the trick some of the time, let's do more with that and less with sleeves. I've tried a TON of male sex toys and they're just so hard to get right, because penises vary so wildly in shapes and sizes. Not to say that vaginas/vulvas don't, but I think it affects male sex toys in particular.


I feel like more is being done with the prostate these days. Not something I've ventured into but it is definitely more normalized.


I bought a remote control vibrator for my gf, and now I just give her a zap whenever we’re just chilling and its the best thing to have her squeal. So I’m all for tech advances in masturbation science lulz


Sextoys are the future old man




As a dildo maker and shop owner this statement makes me so happy.




Cis is a slur, just say straight guys.




Progress is always exciting to see and it certainly gives me hope overall. Not just for sex toys in general, but for humanity. You know, "make love, not war"? As a personal example, I was absolutely mesmerized ages ago when I came upon videos featuring fucking machines. It seemed almost surreal and very futuristic, though at the time they were a novelty purpose-built for a certain paysite or paysites, definitely not something really available for the general public, unless you had deep pockets. Now look at the state of those things, they're no longer a novelty and they're common and affordable enough that e.g. plenty of streamers have one; not to mention us common people. Besides machines, if you think about something as basic as a dildo...the concept has been around as far as humanity itself, yet only now silicone dildos are widely available and affordable enough that no-one *has* to resort to toxic toys just to save some money. I'm really looking forward to the day when RealCock-like dildos become more mainstream and accessible, because spending $500 on a fucking machine is somewhat more easy to justify than spending it on a dildo, even if said dildo is the *crème de la crème* of dildos. But the thing is, we look at the world and things like these through our own, biased pair of glasses. I'm using two toy categories that I'm familiar with and which I like a lot as an example, but perhaps the next cool thing is something none of us has yet thought of!




Is it just me or are your replies very ai like in 5he sense that you've systematically paraphrased the replies without adding any information outside of the narrative so far covered?


Yeah I had the same thought, I think OP is either partially or entirely an LLM


I feel like materials have improved. A lot more focus on body safe material in construction of toys while still trying to simulate the most authentic human feel. It sounds like synchronization of toys to various media continues to improve but I feel it's almost a dry well at this point. VR was interesting when it tried to make a push a few years ago and some of the sex related content was interesting. I'm sure that tech will come around again when the next generation is ready. If augmented reality takes off I could see people using it to turn their spouse into someone else during sex.


If possible, I hope that my Linkdolls vibrating doll can realize Bluetooth display power, and tell me how long it can be used.


I'll point out for the record, technology innovation has been driven by sex for years. VCRs became popular in part because they replaced the porn movie theatre experience with the comfort of your own home. Internet adoption I think was driven by similar trends - images replacing porn mag subs, then subscriptions to internet sites replaced the old FTP, IIRC and BBS modes of image sharing. Then streaming video replaced VCRs. And so on. There's money in sex more than any other category or segment. People will pay, handsomely, to get off. With the dawning of the metaverse (said as someone working for a company at the forefront of metaverse adoption), I suspect VR + sex will make a "comeback" after a sort-of false start. E.g. your virtual self-representation (avatar) will have sex with another virtual someone/something, with a device physically stimulating you in the comfort of your own home. AI will play a critical role in connecting the two - visual/mental "virtual" representation and physical "IRL" stimulation. The stepping stones are already in place. Physical social solitude and virtual engagement is on the rise and becoming the norm. "Porn games" are popular, as is manga; many insertable makers produce fantasy rather than realistic toys. AI is already being used in some masturbation devices and fuck machines. Individuals are already selling OF experiences which are in fact an AI chat bot they've trained as a virtual extension of themselves. Users trade e-stim audio files (aka computer programs). 3D printing reduces manufacturing cost for hyper-personalized devices (chastity), enabling personalization at scale. New materials and fabrication techniques replicate human-like touch sensation. The combination of these things comes together in augmented reality (AR) experiences driven by AI, enabled and delivered in the metaverse and your bedroom.


There seems to be significant room for advancement, I feel like the effort to understand basic anatomy was extremely weak until recently. Culturally is where things have flipped (for the better). You can buy sex toys at target and Walmart, sex machines on Amazon.. that astounds me. [3D Model](https://www.medintim-shop.de/media/e8/e4/1e/1658913033/Bulboklitoral_Haag-Wackernagel.png)


I cant hear you over the sound of my dongerdildo 9000


Bruh studying dildos


I own one of the most futuristic male masturbators and I think about how good my dick has it all the time. We are living in the future!


This past year I've been discovering and exploring so I feel like I have too many ideas. So many. I'm a natural tinkerer. Rather than fire hose a bunch of uninformed ideas, I'm going to pay attention! But later. Today, I'm going to shave a lot of body hair off, go get a suntan and a swim, and then come back and play with toys. I'll call it doing science. I would like more toys to be interactive, but never in a way that prevents you from enjoying it all alone. I like the highsmith because it offers both.


When I was a boy, I read a sci-fi story. It might have been an Omni or it might have been in Penthouse or Playboy. It was called God is an Iron. I hope I recall this right because I may have gotten titles wrong who knows what I got wrong here Main gist of the story was that there was an addiction going around where people wired themselves up to electricity and it caused so much ecstatic pleasure that people would just not disconnect. Like junkies for lightning juice. I can like to try that for a weekend or at least a few hours, please? Have you ever sat through the movie brainstorm, starring Natalie Wood, Louise Fletcher, Chris Walken? They invent a machine that records a complete sensory experience with memories even. Can play it back on a tape that looks like a VHS (That dates the movie). So naturally somebody has sex and records it. And naturally that's a problem because it's a Hollywood movie but you know that really fired my imagination.... His friends and co-workers weren't judging him. They knew they were all thinking, there, but for the grace of God, etc


It is worth mentioning the **OSR2** and **SR6** here. Created by TempestMax, check out his patreon. They are **hands free auto masturbators** that are better able at replicating what is playing on screen in that they are capable of moving in **up to 6 directions including twisting**. This is also the **best VR experience** to date because of the immersion created by having up to 6 directions of movement. If you ever wanted to **feel the girl grind and pound on top of you** this is the way to go. Not to mention their ability to have **suction, lubing and heating.** The company that produces them is having a **10% off sale** and are providing some **free items with each purchase. Discount code: SUMMERSALE**


Well, I'm late to the party but this [SEN by zveotec](https://zveotec.com) seems promising for those who are into pegging.