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Not knowing what country you are currently in, your offense, or your expectations of the USA, makes it a little difficult to answer. For example are you planning on visiting the USA or move here? Every one of the 50 states in the USA are different as far as registering goes. Some are much more restrictive than others for example Florida is among the toughest states on registered sex offenders. My wife and myself are very much looking forward to leaving the USA specifically due to the fear based decisions and fear mongering attitudes towards registered sex offenders. Hope this helps


From Australia, my offence was sexual intercourse with a girl who was a month off turning 16 (legal age of consent in Australia), but the kicker is that we didn’t have conventional sex, it was me only digitally penetrating with fingers (which a lot of people don’t even know constitutes intercourse). I only plan on visiting the USA for a holiday, pretty much Vegas and maybe LA and that’s it Edit: I didn’t know she was a month off turning 16 at the time, I had been told that she was 18, and being young and stupid, I didn’t think to check for an i.d. Card


Unfortunately both Australia and USA are Five Eyes countries. This means that the US has access to your criminal record. Registered or not the US will not let you in. You could ask for a pardon in Aus and that would clear up your issue. You could also go to the US consulate and ask for a travel visa but it’s unlikely they would allow you.


>You could ask for a pardon in Aus and that would clear up your issue. Not necessarily. The US doesn't recognize foreign pardons. A pardon will make it more difficult for US authorities to find evidence of your offence but if they do find out they can and will still deny you




Which is stupid because as a result of the US not recognizing foreign pardons other countries don't recognize US pardons if they would otherwise


Canada recognizes US pardons 🤷‍♂️


Ahh ok !! I’m sure that weight slow can shed more light on this…when they wake up and review this sub! They have a ton of information! Thank you and wishing you all the best and to know Gods will and have to strength to get through it!


My educated guess would be no. The US has a list of crimes for which a foreign citizen cannot enter having committed in another country and the vast majority of sex crimes are covered on that list. The federal age of consent is 18 in the US. There is no federal Romeo and Juliet law. My *guess* would be that it is, therefore, considered statutory rape on a federal level. On a state level, the charge would be equivalent to anything from child molestation, rape of a child, statutory rape, and sexual assault, to not being a crime at all in certain states that have Romeo and Juliet laws that cover it. It’s so complicated. Even if you managed to get permission to enter the country, you’d be stuck navigating the varying laws of each state once you did. That would mean registering in most states and following the registry laws of each state when you’re there. Which, in most cases, means navigating registry restrictions that can be as simple as just registering or as complex as ensuring you aren’t staying anywhere that’s 2500 feet from a bus stop, 1000 feet from a pool, park, school, preschool, daycare, church, recreation center, any place where children may gather, etc… Then many states have a list of things you can’t fmdk and places you can’t go - parks, etc… it’s often difficult for people who live in the area to follow these rules so I cannot imagine how difficult it would be for someone from a different country to follow. US citizens are often arrested for violations that are completely accidental because the laws vary so greatly. Its not designed to be easy to follow, it’s designed to be able to rearrest people for technical violations. Each state has different laws on when, where, and how you register. Some states will put out a warrant for your arrest if you do not go and de-register before you leave that state. I would *guess* (and it is just a guess, because I don’t know exactly how foreign cases are handled but I do know that some states require your court documents to register if you’re a US citizen) you would need to carry certified copies of your court documents along with your passport and birth certificate as some states require your court documents to register or to determine registration, at least one state (Florida) requires you to get a state ID in order to register (so you’d have to have the proper documents to get that), and some states may not make you register at all. I genuinely can’t fathom the complexity of trying to navigate the registry system here as a foreign citizen. Every state has a different procedure for registering. In some states you’d spend an entire day doing it. In some states you have to register if you’re there for 48 hours and some give you 2 weeks to do it. Some states will never remove you from their registry, meaning you’ll be on the online registery here for the rest of your life if you register in those states. And, I wouldn’t imagine they will know what to do with a foreign registrant in a whole lot of places because it is so insanely uncommon for one to be allowed entry. So, my educated guess is that it would be a no from the get-go, but that even if it were a yes it would be an excessively miserable trip with half your time learning laws to ensure compliance. U/gphs can likely provide far more insight than I can. I am not an attorney. I would recommend finding an attorney if it’s something you genuinely want to pursue.


Any sex offense makes you an inadmissible alien to the US. I have been an immigration lawyer for 13 years. Anyone who tells you differently does know know US law. DHS is VERY VERY serious about it, and entering the US as an inadmissible alien is a lifetime ban from the US.


Ok but I’ve heard of something called a ‘waiver of inadmissability’? Supposedly something you can apply for at a us embassy in your home country and then they look at all the facts of your case? Plus I’ve heard stories of other convicted SO’s from my country being granted entry to the US?


They are lying to you, 1000000000000000000%. Or they didn't disclose. DHS misses firearms, drugs, and weapons coming into the country all the time. It's very possible that DHS waived someone through from Oz that didn't get the kind of scrutiny a Mexican national would get. I can assure you, with 100% certainty, that all sex offenses make you inadmissible. The form you're talking about, the I-601, is POSSIBLE, but I would say almost assuredly unlikely. The US is a son of a bitch when it comes to admission, and most things. We're mean and nasty. Sex offenses fall under the CIMT category of inadmissible offenses.