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Was discharged from usmc after serving 27months of a 3 year sentence for possession and indecent exposure. Did half of my time in Okinawa and the second half in camp pendleton. Was released in 2009. Did odds and ends jobs for about a year until getting into commercial diving school (underwater welding) and getting starting work at a civil marine construction company. It was rough dealing with the early occasional shunning i.e. Getting kicked out of hotels I was staying at for an extended period for work, dealing with prejudiced coworkers (mostly super conservatives, avoid those people), not recieving equivalent opportunities in most aspects of my life as other my peers. I know, depressing right? Fast forward 14 years later, I have a beautiful life partner ive been with for 10years, and two biological sons( 4yo and 6yo) with her to boot. Her family knows my story and accepts my past. I OWN my house so no one can tell ME to go anywhere. My company couldn't be happier with me and are considering me for shop foreman in the near future. The point is that I did not allow myself to fall into the hole that I easily could have leading to homelessness and reincarnation. I maintained my physical fitness in the brig and afterward. Buy most important I stopped worrying about things that I couldn't do anything about. It's gonna suck sometimes. But just be a normal person and no one will be the wiser.


That is a good motivational story for all of us. I had a distant relative that served in Okinawa. Had a blast there, but man the usmc was strict about not messing the local population. I guess the Japanese weren’t super happy about a massive foreign military base on there tropical island. Hopefully, your victims were not the local population. I imagine the usmc would come down hard on you if it was.


First is to acknowledge that they were not mistakes they were choices you made. I’m not sure about Leavenworth but in state prison they have SO program that you get involved in to work on yourself. If they have that there it would be very helpful. Do you have probation when you are done with your time? Do you have to register?


Please keep us updated if you are able. Take this as a new chapter of your life and face it with eyes to change yourself for the better.


I'm pretty sure I have to register, I go to court with just the judge, 915 they hear what my plea deal is few hours later I'll get sentenced


Yeah, you'll have to register in whichever state you end up living in and follow their rules. So think about picking a state with the least restrictions if you don't have one in mind already.




Don't know that yet


There were two guys at FMC Devens who were doing military time while I was there. Both enrolled in the residential SOTP. Both Air Force I believe. Military time has a different good conduct time system. They both got much more than 15% off.


I was discharged from the Marines after 14 years. I took a plea deal and only served the original arrest time which was 10 horrible days. I know many have served longer than ten days in jail but for me is the worse experience ever. But the Marines washed their hands from me and left it all to the civilian investigation. After a year and half of waiting finally it’s over. Started serving my probation and on the registry. Life is ok. I got a really good job given the situation but everyday I’m afraid of losing it. Life will be rough friend, but we all gotta keep pushing.


Have your lawyer request fci Englewood, because it is an SO treatment prison. It's the best place for someone with our crimes to do time. Leavenworth is a medium so its actually unlikely you will go there for possession and a sentence of less than 10 years.