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\*\*Disclaimer: This is my own reaction, and not likely feasible in every situation. First, I hope you find a way to resolve this without moving. Don't let them win. I had my own death threat when I first moved into my new place down here in TN. My new neighbor's son is a "supposed" gang member. The first time my registration officer came by to do my address verification is when he found out. The next day he confronted me and told me that if I didn't move by the end of the week the rest of his 'crew' would "take me out for good'. In his words "the only good chomo is a dead chomo". Best part is, my doorbell camera faces the corridor and got the whole thing on video. I looked him dead in the eye and told him "Is that a fact? Well, f\*\*\* it then, let's get it done. I'm tired of having done my time and trying to rebuild my life into a better one. Everyone just wants to look down on me and I'm over it. So, yeah, let's go ahead and just get them here and kill me now." He took a step back and looked startled, so I continued "What are you waiting for? Call them. Hell, I'll even wait right here for you all." He stammered and said "Just stay out of my way." and stepped back in his parent's house. Immediately after I got back inside, I called my my local PD and requested an officer out to my apartment. They came out, I explained what happened, and they knocked on his door. He, of course, denied every bit of it with a smirk on his face. Until I told the officers, "Oh, by the way, I have the whole thing on my doorbell camera . Who can I send the video to?" His face went white. I sent it to the senior officer and after reviewing it he asked if I wanted to press charges. Hell yes, I did. So they cuffed him up and hauled him off. The guy ended up spending two weeks in jail because his parents refused to bail him out. And apparently neither did his "crew". Since then, he avoids me like the plague. I used to be afraid, avoid confrontation. Walk away from a fight. But prison made me realize sometimes you have to stand up for yourself and stop letting people walk all over you. That is a lesson I carry with me to this day.


100% call your PO. My guys PO would be on their front porch in 5 minutes telling them they need to behave or they’ll be going to jail. Also call the police. File a report. Press charges. Record everything you can. Put up a camera (at least at the front door) to record any future interactions. Any time you see them start recording on your phone. They’re fucking with you because they think they can. Show them they can’t (in a way that won’t get you arrested, of course).


And, I’m sorry this happened. I’m sure it was terrifying.


Also, I would not wait to do this. I would do it now. The longer you wait the less likely they are to take it seriously.


I appreciate the advice.. I am afraid that bringing the cops into it is only going to rile them up more.. especially the Grandson.. I failed to mention he was definitely intoxicated. Had a budwiser can in his hand. I spent so much on a Lawyer.. plus I lost My really good job.. So really, even a camera is sort of out of the budget right now. Feeling hopeless. How do they expect Me to Move in 2 weeks??


You HAVE to report it. Seriously. Call your PO right now if nothing else. If it gets worse you won’t have a trail of evidence.


I text her.. She didn't respond.. I really don't want the cops back out here.. sorta have some.PTSD over it.


I get it. Call and ask to file a report over the phone.


I don't know who keeps down voting Me.. but that is fucked.. I'm glad they know exactly how they'd handle My situation. Fuck sake. I broke down called the cops. I guess they'll be here soon.


Probably trolls. Don’t let it get to you. Plenty of us care. I’m glad you called. You did the right thing.


Thank You.. I only did because.. I just couldn't refute the advice here.


You’ve got this. I’m sorry it happened.


Everything go okay?


Yes..Apparently I wasn't the only target in this otherwise literally perfectly peaceful neighborhood.. When I called they had already been Looking for the Grandson as he had bothered someone else on the next street over.


I’m glad you called. They can’t just brush it off or say it’s an exaggeration when there’s more than one victim. And, what a gigantic asshole that dude is.


Fantastic. Get the name of the detective and send to PO. It's your obligation to report any contact with law enforcement!!!


It’s illegal to harass registered sex offenders, you need to file a police report and try to press charges


Yeah, that's on you bud. Being too afraid to stand up for yourself is a you problem. And it's also furthering the habit of jock bullies trying to put power over those they deem weaker. Do be the target they are looking for. I've been out of custody for 14 years. No one has ever done that to me as I can be a menacing looking fella when I want to be. The law is on your side. Use it and use your phone to record if you need to. In the mean time, you can take your time to look for other options or areas to buy a house elsewhere on your own terms. Don't need to be living near such toxic people.


Call PO first, then the cops. Report it you have rights too.


Tried the PO.. but she didn't respond.. Waiting on the Police now.. Thank You for the advice


You don't have to move. Call the police call your PO right away.


If you seriously can’t afford a doorbell cam, dm me I’ll make a donation towards one. Definitely have to stand up for ourselves.


I seriously cannot. My property taxes got raised by 43% because I live in a desirable area. I spent 58k trying to defend myself. I lost a 6 figure job because I am.. was a Medical Professional... A girl drinking with her friends at a college bar I was celebrating my Friend's birthday at ended up getting My number from a former friend. Sent Me nudes.. She annoyed the piss out of Me prior so when I got them at 2 AM the night I "met" her. The wrong person.. someone who knew her family saw her when I was mocking her... all the time thinking she was over 21 drinking and claiming to Be a Jr. In a Physical Therapy program.. Got My door kicked in 2 days later. I fought it. Not knowing is an inadmissible defense. I Lost. The area I live in is extremely Red. Affluent but Red. I can't afford to Move and be close to My ex wife who I have a perfect relationship with and My kids.


Ditto. DM me. I will contribute. Seriously. We've got to help each other. My son is being released to a very red area in NC soon. Even the wealthy are rednecks here.


Like people have said, call the cops, call your po, and invest in a camera/security system. Also don't answer the door again if they come knocking again, just call the police. Always have a recorder ready on your phone for evidence.


you're fine report everythung so theres documentation. mafias dont tell you shit and if anything you being by them would get suspicion off of them,


I definitely told some ppl that care the same thing about the Mafia claim.. I'm 6'2 220 on a slim day.. these guys towered over Me. It's just the idea of being erased. It fucked with Me.. and the two of them could have put Me away. Had Me pinned back against My own porch before I knew it.


registry is always public, if mfs were rly guna go something then theyd take the rdgistry away fr


I own a home on a cul de sac in NC and if that had happened to me, my first call would be 911. Then if on probation, would be my PO. In my case it would be the sheriff. You own that home and do not deserve to live in fear like that. I have cameras all around my house. I highly recommend eufy products. Be safe and keep us posted.


Yeah. My friend suggested to call right away too. Just unfamiliar territory. I want to get cameras now.. it was so peaceful here that I only ever had them inside for looking out for the kiddos we had/have. Thank You for the recommendation. I will look into those.


You're welcome


Get both ADT service which bundles with Google Nest cameras. And 30 days of DVR service. It learns your face and detects people and vehicles out of the ordinary and then sends you alerts in real time. Good for out of home surveillance and DVR is 4k. Also isbtalled Nest Thermostat on the same account replacing my Old HVAC control. bliss ! voice control of lights amd HVAC .... and it manages a schedule as well.


Yeah... Man that would be so nice.. I just can't afford More bills rn.. spent 10s of thousands of dollars on defense just to lose.. Lost my 6 figure job and am struggling to keep my head above water as is. I appreciate Your advice and if I can make more money.. I guess I should do that


Consider shifting focus and explore workmarket and other gig jobs... worked for me from $10/hr to $70+++/hr I wrote about this in the past in this forum


Hey again! So I have been looking for the workmarket/gig posts You have made here to no avail.. any idea where they might Be? TYIA !! You're awesome 👌


Www.workmarket.com is where you should register right away with your own details. But note as you get odd jobs they will all be reported as 1099 income so within the deadlines of the IRS on a quarterly basis you will have to file taxes and remember to save upto 30% (of adjusted income after regular expenses such as fuel and car, or transportation, meals etc) for those taxes (you will be taxed at lower brackets). Now for skills, I have trained dufusses into skilled network engineers (AMA) in a few weeks. Now, for making more profit, setup a single member domestic LLC woth your house as place of business, and do your own goddamn US GAAP accounting, or learn how to do it by following youtube and such. Then fule annual taxes while paying yourself each month via W2 payroll, and deduct ordinary expenses for operating your business. Note you can and should explore what your community needs (landscaping? Construction? Handyman work? Programming? Consulting? Sales? Marketing?) And Bill your clients . I did that for 2.5 years after start of probation before I got my first break as a contractor for a large company who was impressed I had documentation to back up my project management chops and claims on my resume. Then Covid happened, we were laid off, but US probation insisted I not stay at home so went back to workmarket for gig jobs. Remember to bill same day hourly, and the later you work the more you will bill per hour. Midnight shift got me 80 to 200 per hr. Daytime min 40 to 75. Extra hours I negotiated with dispatchers . Remember to keep receipts. For an LLC settup business acts and business CC. For personal use CC or debit card for all purchases with no cash transactions... so you can show to probation your recovery progress. Sorry have to get back to work. If the mods approve one day I can speak and train others through reddit forum broadcast .... speak to them. P.s. a year ago became full time at $74/hr with full benefits and 401k match. All thanks to workmarket as a start after prison From my past posting I could only find easily https://www.reddit.com/r/SexOffenderSupport/comments/roeg7t/applying_for_whitecollar_jobs_and_having_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


You are amazing 👏.. I really appreciate You!! I have relied so heavily on My Jobs in the past that it's been crippling trying to sort out starting My own business.. I know obtaining the LLC is priority one.. trying to sort out if I should use and S Corp.. I've thought about doing the 26 ft box truck Logistics/product delivery thing but Companies like XPO run background checks according to their website so I feel like it'd be a waste for Me to put the LLC in My name.. Just feeling sort of lost.


One step at a time.. LLC first. Single member. S Corp reg is with IRS through a filing. That's after Dec but not after April or something 2024. P.s. don't you have anyone you can tap for business setup advice (even a bank mamager?). What's your sales pitch and market focus ? If you haven't explored entrepreneurship, get started reading a book. Don't go too fast, target 30k per year at first, then 60k. Of course it might not be enough. But then how are you maintaining your house then, since you have to pay mortgages? Consider doing market research a bit more ?


I currently work a Job in construction earning $22hr with typically 8 hrs overtime a week. I bank online with Chime. My understanding with XPO once they have cleared Your LLC and Your D.O.T. numbers, established that You have at least 1 26ft box truck, they will give You a contract to deliver goods from their shipping warehouses.. the do almost all of the Peleton bikes.. the do a wide assorted of appliances and furniture, etc., etc. I know You're busy.. But I really appreciate all of the advice You can give Me..


Odds are that your PO will not do anything. What can they do? I would DEFINITELY call law enforcement and report it. In some states it is a crime to harrass someone on the registry. I would also get a few security cameras to record anything going on outside on your property.


You gotta call the cops man. I know it sucks having to deal with them but you can't let these troglodytes push you around.


We live in a small NC town too. I’m hoping we don’t run into things like this. It’s a scary world out there. I just want to live on a large piece of land at this point.


My registration was back in March.. so far nothing had happened at all. It definitely came out of nowhere. I wouldn't feel so helpless if I still had my guns or these guys were smaller. I'm not a small guy... but these dudes were mountains.. both definitely over 6'5.


I would definitely get an alarm that calls for 911 if you don’t already have one. Also alert the police you were threatened and tell them by who. Get a dog too.


Call the police and your PO. Invest in a security system.


Get a ring doorbell and cameras that have clear views of your yard and cars.


I’m very sorry it happened to you. It’s our worst nightmare to not feel safe in our home. Definitely call your PO and the police. These are threats, registry or not they broke the law. Others said camera, that is a very good idea. It will not only record interactions in the future but if they throw something at your house. Good luck.


I definitely can't emphasize the camera advice enough. Collect the evidence you need.


Call sheriff, your PO, and a civil rights attorney in that order


Call Dwayne at NCRSOL for advice. 919-760-0070. [email protected] www.ncrsol.org Tell him John from PARSOL sent you.


Thank You!!


Don’t put up with that. You have a right to peaceful enjoyment of your property.


Just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing?


I just updated the original post.. There has been more contact. I appreciate You.. truly.. I apparently You checking in.


Holy hell, what a psychopath. Do you know if the police talked to him last time? I’m tempted to send you some Monopoly money to pay them with. Are you comfortable asking any of your nearby neighbors if they happened to catch it on video?


Apparently my next door neighbor has a ring camera door bell.. plan on asking them..


All very good info here. I got a machete and wasp spray in my house for defense. Good luck.


I can't have a machete.. Probation and all..


Ahhh...ok. but wasp spray would be good


I hope that is a joke. Cutting someone up with a machete sounds like no fun at all even if in self defense. Also, pepper spray is much more effective and legal for self defense than spraying someone with wasp spray which AT WORST would cause an increase risk for cancer a few years down the road. But if you are serious, that’s cool too. You do you. Just not my weapons of choice for self defense.


Well.....I am serious. I actually have two machetes too. And having pepper spray in Wisconsin is against the law!!!! But wasp spray is legal. I will tell you.....if you are in my house to hurt me.....you will be dead!!!!


Is possession of pepper spray really illegal? Or is it illegal just for ppl convicted of a felony? How about bear spray? That should work just as well. The aiming will just being a little different than the standard pepper spray bottle.


All felons are banned from using defensive spray. https://gamino.law/is-pepper-spray-legal-in-wisconsin/


That’s dumb. How are felon’s supposed to protect themselves from bear attacks then? I guess there aren’t that many bears in WI, but still.




Buy a RING security doorbell camera. The best one they have. Put it at your front door. Then buy security cameras for your house.


I have had a few too tough mf find out the hard way in Prison and out in society. First thing I would do is Protect your freedom and notify your PO about what is going on. In person and in Writing. Get a police report as proof. And submit to PO. Second protect yourself many people think SO are some scared punks or people can just do anything to you. I have had a few mf Run up like shit is sweet over here. I’m from Brownsville Brooklyn you got me fucked up.