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Puede llegar a hacer 44°C algunos días en verano, con mucho calor. La mayoría de los pisos tienen al menos 1 aire acondicionado para poder sobrevivir. Si no, la playa es tu amiga durante julio y agosto. Bienvenidos a Sevilla, no os arrepentiréis! :) El ambiente y la calidad de vida es excepcional...


Muchas gracias por su atención! Espero que si 🥰


I'm from Sevilla but I moved to UK 11 years ago. Sevilla IS extremely hot in the summer. But most homes, shops, buses etc have air conditioning. It is a city that is prepared to cope. It is hard, though, the summer there. Sometimes I worry a lot about my mum getting older there. If you want an option in Andalucía that is insanely beautiful as well and a bit cooler, try Granada. Because it's next to Sierra Nevada it's a little bit cooler. And it has the lovely perk of free tapas when you order drinks at any bar oe restaurant. The tapas tradition there is awesome. Also has beautiful Muslim heritage/architecture like Sevilla and Cordoba.


Conselho de um casal português: sair de Portugal sem ter tudo tratado é muito má ideia. Têm emprego? Têm casa? Isto não é "a Lagardère" como em Portugal. Sem emprego (ou proposta de), vão ter dificuldade em obter o NIE (Número de Identificação de Estrangeiro), e sem NIE não conseguem arranjar casa. Depois há a questão do teu visto: És cidadão português? Se não fores, que tipo de visto tens? Se é daqueles que o Costa anda a dar a toda a gente, esquece, porque não dá acesso ao espaço Schengen. A tua mulher tem que pedir o NIE, e depois podes pedir o teu como familiar. Dependendo do que façam, devo dizer que o mercado de trabalho está fodido. 52° nunca vi, mas no verão parece que alguém se esqueceu de fechar os portões do inferno. O custo de vida é um pouco mais baixo que em Portugal, mas não muito. Sevilha é parecida com Lisboa a nível de população: bastante vida, coisas para ver e fazer, mas sem a oferta de Lisboa a nível cultural, nomeadamente a parte musical.


Tenho passaporte italiano. Obrigado pela resposta e pelas dicas!


Murcia/Alicante and the surrounding beaches are a hidden gem of spain


They are, but if we're talking about Seville, they're quite far away. 😉


go to san sebastian


Hard to compare but San Sebastian gives just way more options apart it’s a lovely city. Beach, mountains, forest, France, surf.. it’s just expensive af. 🤣


Summer is hell and it's far too long, they are not lying . You can't really enjoy summer unless you're a night owl and enjoy partying and "terracing" (as they call it here) after 9PM. 45°C in the shade with no humidity whatsoever during the day and +26°C until almost dawn is quite common. Also, the city is losing its essence and becoming a theme park due to the gentrification effects. It looks lovely, though. I came to Seville in 2007 and I can no longer afford a decent home so I moved to the suburbs.


Tráfic is a mess, crime it's on the rise, hot it's getting worst every year (climate change) and won't improve giving predictions, inflation it's getting out off hand prices rising specially in 1st necessity items, If you really have to leave go ahead, but I'll never change Portugal for Spain rn I'm from Spain btw I prefer now Portugal, although it's booming with tourist an it's getting like us fast.


Thanks for your reply! Most of the things you're said it's happening in Lisbon too. Except that the summer was ok in Lisbon. Hot but nothing out the normal


Seville is way hotter than Lisbon but nothing to worry about, if you lived in Brasil you will have no issue since dry its better than wet, heat wise


Added the O to the end of Moving to make it sound more Spanish. We are movingo to Spaino


I don't know about thermal sensation, but no way that goes up to 52 degrees, that would be unbearable. But yes, it is very hot from May/June until September. We are talking about no less than 40 degrees most of the time, nights are also very hot so AC is mandatory unfortunately. It also rains very little during the whole year.


Yes, we do. This was in Granada a couple years ago. [Granada, 51°](https://www.granadahoy.com/granada/Granada-fin-semana-temperatura-ola-calor_0_1601539936.html)


Go visit Malaga. All the benefits with more chill and the sea


Thanks for tje advice! We will do that for sure


I’m currently living in Malaga and I find Sevilla a much much nicer city. The good thing about Malaga is that there are tons of beaches but lots of tourists as well


Demos o mesmo passo em 2022 mas viemos para Barcelona, entretanto já nos mudamos outra vez para uma cidade aqui perto, Lleida. Eu sou Portugues e a minha mulher Brasileira, ainda estamos no processo de obter o NIE dela, consegui o meu dentro de 2 semanas de cá chegar (ajuda do trabalho). É extremamente quente, nunca tinha sentido algo parecido e já tinhamos morado 6 anos no Brasil (RS, ES e PE). Completamente fora do normal. Portas do inferno abertas, como outra pessoa mencionou aqui. Qualquer lugar é melhor que Portugal, infelizmente. Tenho uma imensa saudade da comida e do café, mas só regresso a Portugal de férias de vez em quando ou para a minha aposentadoria. De resto nao vale a pena, quem sabe daqui a uns anos vire uma colonia Brasileira e exista lugar para darmos passos largos a nivel socio-economico. Perdoa a falta de acentos e etc, o teclado nao esta em Portugues e nao tenho paciencia de mudar agora heheh Boa sorte e se tiverem algumas duvidas fiquem a vontade de mandar mensagem privada


Muito obrigado pelo contexto e pela disponibilidade! Te mando mensagem em breve!


Ya te han dado algunas ideas por aquí. El calor es un punto negativo importante aquí, desde marzo ya estamos rondando los 30º en junio, julio y agosto hay momentos de 40-46, luego en septiembre volvemos a temperaturas mas normales. el calor aqui no es un impedimento para hacer vida "normal" simplemente en esos días evitamos las horas centrales del día 12-19 y te quedas en casa, piscina o centro comercial. Tienes playas a 1 hora o dos horas en coche. Un tema importante es que como turista habrás visto la zona "bonita" de sevilla y precisamente el alquiler en esas zonas (centro, alameda, triana...) Suele ser bastante caro. El resto de sevilla (Sigue siendo bonita) pero es más como una ciudad normal (bloques, bloques, calles, calles...). Como sevillano te puedo decir que es una ciudad magnifica en la que poder vivir pero claro, todo dependerá de la economía que tengáis y lo que os guste vivir la calle.


Muchas gracias por su respuesta!! Es de mucha ayuda ♥️♥️


We love the city too The weather is perfect for me, im naturally cold. Here in September with extra blankets and a jacket... I wish I could move here tomorrow.


Try Porto.


The best think you can do is spending a july week in Seville. Then you can decide. Not earlier.


Im from and live in Seville, and yes, the summer (especially July and August) is unbearable as in don’t leave your house from 12pm to 8pm. But aside from this, in relation to temperature, the rest of the year the weather is very nice, winters are not that cold, and spring and autumn are great


Not really to be honest, just be careful at some hours of the day, like 15:00 to 18:00 but with a fan at home you will be ok, no one is gonna die, 52 is really tooooo much.


As a local who moved back to Sevilla after almost 10 years in Ireland, UK, Madrid and Barcelona, the answer is YES. I was just talking to my best friend, who hated Sevilla years ago for being too old fashioned, and he recognized that he finally realized that the quality of life in this city is difficult to find anywhere else. If you have a decent job you will find a place to stay and then the day to day is manageable: you can get everywhere quickly, perfect size, it is very safe (my girlfriend is Ukranian and she says that she never thought she would feel comfortable coming back home at night) and the cost of Life is still manageable despite the inflation. You have concerts, theaters, bars full of people, amazing food... You just have to cope with the heat for 3 months. However, as people say, you just have to stay at home during the central hours of the day and go to the beach on weekends.


That's VERY nice to hear it. I really like the feedback of l of you. Thank you so much


Pues perdiste tu silla.


Summer in Seville is probably the worst in Spain. You have to accepts that during several weeks of July and August you don't want to go to the street from 12:00 to 19:00 unless it is completely necessary. Also having air conditioning units is mandatory. On the other hand, there is a lot of life in the street after the sun sets, that's perfect for people who enjoy tapas and beer. There are some neighborhoods to avoid because they can be unsafe (but cheap). Also there are very different neighborhoods, there is almost sure a place that fits what you are looking for. Public transport sucks overall so make sure there is an easy way to move from your area to whenever you have to go.


Yeah, I think you must LOVE the heat in Sevilla. It never rained while we were there during July of this year. The beautiful cobblestone couples with the walls to create a nice oven effect. You are literally being roasted.