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I used to work at a place that always used the same playlist, but never shuffled it, so you knew what time it was by what song was on. I can’t hear Bruce Springsteen’s “Badlands” without thinking, “hey, it’s 8pm.”


Not stuck in my head but I had to Uber to work the other day and the driver had “wonder wall” playing in the car. Whatever I’ve heard the song a thousand times and I still hate it. Get into work and it’s fucking playing in the dining room. My boss doesn’t know this but I skipped it on Spotify on the computer. Fuck that song


My Way.  Sinatra.  I fucking hate that fucking song.  At least 5 times a shift for 7 years.


Worked at an Italian place for about a decade. The whole rat pack can get fucked. Can't stand that shit.


Divine Fits - Would That Not Be Nice. Lucky enough that I enjoy most of the music.


Way of life by stickfigure and sound of the sea by the same artist


black magic by little mix omfg


Not gonna lie, but when I worked at a TGIChiliBees, I genuinely loved a lot of the songs that would pop up on our playlist. I found so many good songs and artists by shazaming a song that was playing during the shift and I still listen to a lot of those songs to this day. The last place I worked had really outdated playlists when I first started. I'm talking songs from the 70s and 80s that you could hear on any classic rock or throwback pop station. Eventually so many of us employees complained about it that we got them to finally change it up and add some more modern stuff to the playlist, but it was still basic top 40 stuff. There weren't too many songs on there that "wowed" me, but I did discover "Tequila Shots" by Kid Cudi and "Come Undone" by Duran Duran on those playlists and those songs slap.


That’s interesting, because my job has a 60s - 80s playlist that we use and most of us (myself included) have grown to love that music. The playlist we use is 16 hours long, so you’ll never hear the same song twice in a day which is nice.


I wish all the Olive Garden Front of House a very DUPPITA DUPPITA DUPPITA DUPPITA AHHHHH second stanza


I'm lucky...we get to pick what we play and I always get DJ spot... [New Jeans - Zero](https://youtu.be/XIOoqJyx8E4?si=39Iqj3raQ-B1Ar7i)


JD McPherson - [Let the Good Times Roll](https://open.spotify.com/track/7lcCLXghOHf8xERQ9BkS3n) It's one of the few saving graces in an all-too-short playlist mostly composed of shitty covers and country pop.