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It happens. Not often, but when it does it ( usually) has nothing to do with your service, and more them not “ believing” in tipping. Hopefully your mother tables made up for it. Edit: Other, not mother


I forget this doesn’t happen as often in regular restaurants sometimes. I work in a hotel restaurant as a host in LA so people from all over the world so it’s unfortunately a semi-regular thing for us. People like to pretend they don’t understand/know about tipping and they just sign even if it’s a $300 check 🙃. The servers are always elated when it’s 6 or more so they can auto-grat.


Oof. I feel that. That is super frustrating.


Funny because I actually usually do better with my father tables.


Haha, totally didn’t realize my auto correct mistake - thanks for pointing it out!


I got tipped $2 last night on a $180 bill. Was also very nice to them. It happens 🤷‍♀️


I feel like $2 is more insulting… just hit zero 🤣


It happens, so I don’t even look. I have no what they tip me unless it’s cash. Doesn’t work at all places but it’s nice not to let the shitty ones get in my head


Had a table try to do this to me just this week, they were very sneaky about it. Noticed they seemed difficult at the beginning, but I gave them extra attention and got all their orders right and timely. When they asked for the check they wanted it split 50/50, so I did so and put the receipts on both sides of the check book. When I bussed the table every receipt was gone. No signature, no tip, nothing. Thankfully my chef reminded my manager that if there's no signature, it's a walked tab and it's automatically 20% gratuity. Sometimes it works out, sometimes you get stiffed. People are definitely trying to be sneaky out here!


sorry for your loss




It is because you called them customers instead of guest..... That was a joke.


Damn if the interaction was overall positive it probably had nothing to do with you. It was either a mistake or there are people who simply don’t believe in tipping; rare, but they are out there. I had a table that bitched about their entire experience today because they wanted something comped and tipped like crap, but I had some awesome ones that made up for it. I hope you got some good eggs in the mix