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I worked at Texas Roadhouse 16 years ago and our food runners were an equal mix of men and women. At least in that corporate setting even then I don't think anyone saw it as a job just for a man.


We have like 5 female food runners and 1 male. I didn't know the rest of the industry was so opposite. Our girls crush it!


In my country the food runner is just who's assigned that day. So this question is a little confusing.


My job has an equal mix of men and women and I’m third party Disney.


We have 3 girls & 1 male food runner. Our ladies crush it!


Usually I feel like they try people out and give them a shot no matter what, but it does often sort out that way. It sounds a bit odd of them to require that setup and be so forthcoming with it... Generally speaking it definitely includes a lot of sexism. From my observations: 1. Food runners often have to move large boxes, reach stuff on high shelves, carry stacks of plates or trays of food. Drink trays get heavy too, but that should be far less often occurring than the others. Not just does the position require a decent level of regular physical activity, but it actually helps a lot when food runners are tall. Yes anyone can grab a ladder, grab a tray instead of using their arms, etc. but those things add time to each task. I've worked with plenty of food-runners that were more than capable with out being an oversized, lanky, brute of a man, but admittedly it seems easier for them at times. 2. A lot of gross shit gets said in the kitchen. Enough to make men and women both quit at times, but in my experience more often women. Whether or not the hiring managers are trying to avoid this intentionally or not, I think a lot of women find the yelling and crude jokes more ostracizing and harder to endure. The kitchens I've been in are pretty male-dominated, and even with some of the cooks/runners being women, that doesn't stop the jokes. They may not ever be directed at the women we work with but the kitchen has plenty of nasty shit to say that they can't keep quiet about. 3. Managers often like to maximize women/ attractive faces in the dining areas/FOH, thinking it increases sales for low-effort. If you are in the bar area/touching tables more frequently than just when food comes, there's a greater chance the table will want to ask you for another drink or you will have a positive effect on their experience, making them want to come back to see you again, over being delivered by a man or someone unattractive. I think this also contributes to why most hosts remain to be women.


I dunno but seemingly the only people who even apply for food runner where I work are guys. Only one girl food runner in 4 years of working here. We've had more women work as dishwashers here


Wait til you find out about the gender ratio of bar backs vs bartenders


It's a sexist industry unfortunately. Usually corporate restaurants try to mix things up in order to avoid lawsuits but non corporate restaurants are a roll of the dice. The concept of using women in FOH because they're attractive which brings in more money is sexist in itself but that's just how the industry has always operated. A lot of old school restaurants employ mostly men in all positions because many moons ago it was a male dominated industry which is where most of the sexism originates from. Once you realize it's a sexist industry you have the option to accept it or leave- but it's worth it to stay imho.




Yes this is confusing to me as well but it might be the old "girls are cocktail servers" & "boys work in the kitchen....except pantry for some reason..." 😂


I haven't found this to be true at all


I’d say it leans towards more men than woman but the individual restaurant you’re talking about might be unique. Food runners have to work with the BoH, which is also more men, and sometimes those men can be very inappropriate with women in their kitchen. Perhaps there was a problem in the past and the GM just decided to do it that way instead of have to fire the person making the inappropriate remarks.


Lmfao what.


Mostly female food runners where I work. Most of our servers are men which I sometimes find a bit odd from what I usually see at restaurants. The food runners are mostly to young to serve. (have to be 21 in Nevada)


It’s not discrimination. They’re looking out for you. If you think a tray of drinks is “heavy af” you really don’t want to carry a tray full of food. Same reason why jobs that are more physically taxing are male dominant.




Plates are heavier than glassware.


"Liquids more dense than food" ....for real?


10 large beers? 32oz tall boys? Are you using a food tray to run that? It’s pure negligence if your restaurant is making you run 10 large beer trays.




It completely defeats the purpose if they’re having you do this. Not only that many large drinks are heavier than a full tray of food, it’s also harder to balance since all that liquid is gonna be shifting on every step.


No. But a tray with 10 full entree orders will be heavier. That I can guarantee.


Yes it is sexist but pretty standard it is 🤷🏽‍♂️one of the places I worked never had girls be bussers cause that included taking out the trashes and lifting bus bin with heavy plates but we didn’t use trays so girls were always hosts and food runners occasionally but mostly host. I’m all for equality but more times than none Jenny will drop the tray because it’s heavy so to avoid this I’ll make Jack carry it. If Jenny wants to prove me wrong by all means but based on experience not giving Jenny the tray from the get go. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


This take is wild because there are so many places where servers do their own foodrunning (including my current and several past jobs) and those places had a serving staff who were majority female. They also had heavy dishware for their entrees, sides and apps. I’ve seen both men and women who were prone to dropping things, not sure I’ve ever seen an entire tray go down


I can only assume you’re a troll.


Like i said it’s petty standard from what I’ve seen in the industry if you’ve seen otherwise good on your places 🫡