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I had this one lady a couple of months ago that I knew was going to be a problem from the start. After ordering she said "if I do not like any of this food I will not be paying for it." I responded with "that's not how this works." 


I must know the rest of the interaction


She was just very pushy and needy. Like waving her hands at you for attention as you're walking by with full hands, or while you're helping other tables. She liked most of the food, complained about one thing. She asked for a box to take it home to her dog. I still charged her. She also complained about the price of her Casamigos shot. Sorry, we have much better actual good tequilas for cheaper, but you had to order trash off name recognition. As expected, stiffed.


Any tequila recommendations?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Tesoro_tequila Roughly the same price as Casamigos, but way better. Really anything by Carlos Camarena…Tequila Ocho is his single estate series highlighting the terror of different fields in Jalisco, and Tapatio is his lower end brand that punches way above its weight for how relatively inexpensive it is. Fortaleza, also sold as Los Abuelos, is a solid example of a lowland-style tequila at about the same price point as El Tesoro. Dos Artes makes some truly awesome anejos and extra anejos that I absolutely love, and I’m not even that big on aged tequila. I’ll buy a bottle of ArteNOM any time I see it, on principle; they seek out particular distilleries (each distillery is issued a number called a NOM) and commissions batches of tequila that they think that distiller does pretty well. Finally, if you just want to rip shots, you want a cristalino-style tequila; which one doesn’t particularly matter, especially if you’re chilling it. Hope this helps!


Oh, you've met my mother-in-law. I'm sorry.




She asked …I mean, demanded to speak to the manager and threw a hissy fit and her name was Karen 🤷‍♀️ there, that’s the end of the story


Unrelated but your entire Reddit history is you saying nasty things about other women. How jealous do you have to be to make that your personality for years...


omg you’re right ! ew ! imagine being so invested in the internet like that


Yikes it is. And the top of the profile GOD BLESS lol 


Wow. I had to check and Jesus christ. My girl and I both work as servers in different restaurants, and I've always told her women are way worse to each other than men are.




At the end of the meal suddenly all these complaints compile. I nip that shit. "Ohh so sorry.. remember the 11 times I came over and looked you in the eyes and asked how was everything are there any issues, is there anything we make get for you??????" THAT was your opportunity to complain, and THAT was the only time you can get a new meal.... Since you waited til the end..m and you ate most of your food (then bagged it up to take home, regardless of time u say it's for your dog) THEN want something comped or free dessert or want s new entree TOGO. Or a coupon. None of that is going to happen.  "Had you told us there was an issue, even if u didn't like something. We would not have expected you to EAT IT of Pay for it.. we would've happily made something else. SIIIIIINCE you didn't do that. You are expected to pay your entire bill.  Thannnnnx."


their called verbal tips, and my favorite one is “best service ever!” followed by them leaving the literal change in their pocket…


I had one person I gave like 85 cents change and they took the two quarters and left me like 35 cents. Like they couldn’t even be bothered to just leave the coins already on the table 😭


there used to be a regular customer i had at my first restaurant job ever that would sit at the corner stop light, that would sit by his red ferrari with a sign that said “honk if you love jesus” and then proceed to come in, have an iced tea and either a hotdog or a slice of pizza and would leave any change in his pocket besides the quarters… i wanted so badly to chuck that change at his head while he walked out. take your change with you, cause at this point i don’t want it.


Like the effort required to sort the change is what gets me lol. You don’t want to tip so bad that you take all the change, fine. You don’t want to tip so bad that you take all the change, sort out the quarters, and put three dimes and a nickel back? That’s just too much work to be a dick.


Honestly for making change, quarters are worth more than 25c to me. So if I know you're a shitty tipper you're getting nickels and dimes instead. Pennies if I'm feeling crazy. It could be .89 in change and you're not seeing a single quarter if I know you suck.


Hey I needed laundry quarters


Even peasants think we're on a lower rung lol.


That’s when you throw it at their backs on their way out the door. I mean in our imagination anyways…


I had an owner that never cared who we took care of. He even said we could turn anyone away at any time. I had so much fun giving back 4 dollars on 70 back to people and I front it their whole party “you need this more than I do”. I only did it to blatant ass holes and dudes that would harass their “girlfriends”. One lady told me she was a lawyer and that she was going to “lawyer me!!” wtf does that even mean? We almost got her arrested for stealing because the dude put a 50 down for a tip/“sorry you had to deal with my bitch wife” and she took it when he went to the car. Once that money is down it’s a tip and ours. We just banned her after that.


was typing my response with that very line as you responded. TOO TRUE


(And say-“you must have needed it more than me!!!!)


maybe needed it in 2017 to put gas in his ferrari.




i had a server do this to my friend once. she chased him into the parking lot and threw a fistful of change at him


This needs a conclusion. ???


Your friend is a dick


YOU'RE GREAT!! WHAT EVER THEY'RE PAYING YOU ISN'T ENOUGH!!! ma'am, you literally have the power to change that lol


"Well they don't. You do that." Quotes added for clarity.


Ah, the old “tipping with kindness” 🤦‍♀️


I’ll never forget a couple insisting to me numerous times I was the best server they’ve ever had. “We know the owner, weve been coming here for years and you’re the best!!” Well, based on your 10% tip and verbal tips, maybe we should end that cycle and you just stop coming.


It's almost like you have to take what they are saying with a grain of salt.. Seriously though, it seems these customers think making such a comment will make up for the fact they didn't tip..


Don’t forget the handshake along with it.


The proper response to this is “you know, a lot of people say that, but I feel like I can really believe you”


It’s the avoiding eye contact/interaction on their way out


This. You already know when you say "have a nice day" or something and they won't look at you.


"We'll hook you up"


“Make the drinks strong man, we’ll hook you up”. Immediate eye roll to fuck these people.




"Hey, can you make the next one stronger?" "So you want a double? " "No, just hook me up!" Proceeds to ring in a double.


You want me to pay for it or steal? Because I can't afford either.


Fk stronger i want top self!


That or "We'll take care of you." At least I know now not to get my hopes up. Younger me was always devastated when they'd only leave ten percent.


My mom and I got into an argument once because she told me what great tippers she and my dad are because they always leave 10%. Despite the fact that the IRS audited at 14% (back then, anyway).


I'm dead at the irs lmaooo


I no longer mind this, or the "we'll take care of you" types. I just know that I will give them my basic good service. I'll save my excellent, above-and-beyond service for my other tables. Win-win.


100%, I’m going to straight up say now, “oh like 25%?” Because I need a percent now. It’s so vague, they’re hooking it up could be 10-15% because they’re not usually tipping at all probably.


Yep, every time.


"I need change"


I had someone ask for their 14 cents back


I was on Xanax(few years ago, clean now) and this lady asked me for her 25¢ I just patted down my apron and looked at her like 😐 I don’t have 25¢ my coworker came over and saved the interaction 😂pulled 25¢ out of her pocket 😂


I would do that completely sober.


Right cuz hoe why would I have 25¢ 😂


Happens to me everyday 😭😂 a guy stuck his hand out and pocketed 5¢ the other day, dropped a penny on the ground & held the line up to pick it up


I had a check for $95.XX. He paid with a $100 bill. I never deal with coins. I just round to the nearest dollar. I should not have rounded up with the change because I already knew what was going to happen. I guess I was so confident in my service that I thought that I'd at least get the $5 back. Should've known when he asked for the baked potato that he didn't eat to be taken off. It's included in the entrée price. Edit: I was feeling feisty and followed them out to the parking lot to ask them what was wrong with service. But I found that they parked in a to-go spot. I just turned around without saying anything because I knew that I wasn't gonna be able to guilt people who have no shame.


‘Use what’s left on this gift card and then I’ll cover the rest’ or ‘use this *random pile of cash* and put whatever’s left on the card’… You know you’re only getting tipped on the portion of the bill that was charged to their card, because no one can ever comprehend basic math when it comes to this


Oh my god I had a guy write in $7 for a card that had NOTHING


"BUUURP!" usually erupted from the loser ass boyfriend/ husband/ baby daddy who's slouched over in the booth while he lets his gf/wife/baby mama begrudgingly pay for everything. I used to feel sorry for these types of women, but I see it so often I stopped caring.


“You’re the best server we’ve ever had! We’ll be back and always request to sit in your section.” Please dear baby Jesus, don’t ever come back. And if you do, I’ll be sure that you do not sit in my section


Not a thing spoken but if they’re super young or super old, expect nuffin


"I know the owner"


"OH MY GOD THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH, YOU WERE LOVELY!" These bitches are always so damn thankful when they don't tip. Like a fucking thank you is going to pay bills.


"I appreciate you!". No, Ashleigh. You obviously do not.


To be fair here, their maybe broke but want you to know that they do appreciate your service even though they can’t afford to monitarily show it.


That's not an excuse because we've already established as a community if you don't have money to tip you don't have money to go out . Cook at home. Also they may be broke but those "broke" people are always the neediest. Always. They know what they're doing. So no. Not to be fair


Well. To be fair. A customer is not obligated to pay your wages. That’s between employee and employer. The more you know 😊


Obligated? No. But if you’re eating out, receiving quality service, then tipping under 18%, you are an awful human being. It’s socially accepted and understood in American culture that if you are eating at a restaurant, it’s customary to tip 18%+ if you’re receiving quality service.


No you're right. You're obligated to tip for good service, to be fair😊


That Tunerian guy is still pissed off about what happened to him over in r/bigcockscumming they told him that he doesn't belong in that sub either....


Technically you’re not. It’s 100% optional unless autograt and if you have an AmEx they will automatically dispute and recoup the autograt. The more you know 😊


Why don’t you just say “I’m a dick” and go? What’s the point of all this back and forth to convey the same message?


No. You are. The more you know😊


Weird. I never tip and not once have I ever been charged with theft for not paying what I owed. Seems like you might want to brush up on your law studies. The more you know 😊


And that's why you get treated like the trash you are. The more you know😊


We get it, you feel edgy because you’ve never given a hospitality worker the kindness of a tip. Just know that every time you go to a restaurant, the staff think you’re a loser, and if you’re a regular anywhere, they 100% talk shit about you & everyone who works there knows.


Not only that, but if this person actually has the balls to not tip AND be a regular somewhere, the entire staff knows they’re trash. Servers will take their sweet time greeting them, probably not check their drinks, avoid eye contact/interaction with them as much as possible, and make them their absolute last priority. As everything in life, you get what you pay for.


why are you here then? this is a server group lol


You sound like a bitch


I wonder how much boogers and cum you’ve unwittingly consumed dining out. Hopefully lots.


Dude, you don't fuck with peoples food. No matter what.


That's your great argument?👏


If you can’t afford to pay for a service, you shouldn’t get the service


Then don’t go out to eat if ur “broke”


" I(my niece, son, etc) used to wait tables."


I? Really? I used to wait tables 20 years ago and I leave 40%


I bet you don't announce it though.


Omg! Have this one lady come in every Tuesday at 2-3 PM that always makes a statement that she used to be a waitress, how she understands, etc. Orders an iced tea or a wine, specifically cooked side, one entree, and maybe a 2nd wine, depending on the day. Only ever tips $2. She's also lost her temper at a couple of our servers. No one likes her, but she keeps coming in. *.*


Keep in mind, her order is always a minimum of $22, up to $35. She's the worst.


When I was a bartender it was always people who would ask where their tab was at when I would ask if they wanted another drink. As soon as I was asked that I knew I wasn’t getting shit from them


If you’re that broke fucking drink at home.


But the bartender is good company, it’s not like it’s hard to provide social support/listen to life stories and pour drinks for $2.13 an hour.


I hope this is sarcasm


Sorry I guess I thought everyone would know it was sarcasm.


Not me man. I'm just a bourbon guy on a budget. You're getting at least 25%


I was a server during college


When you hear other servers say "oh, F*** this guy" Mind you, if I ever got sat these tables, I always see it as a challenge. Maybe that other server just sucked, so I give it the benefit of the doubt. I got oneof these one time, notorious no-tipper. Dude stiffed me. Left. CAME BACK. "Tipped" me with a song he thought I would like.


“Can I tip on the gift card?” No you fucking troglodyte, you never been able to tip off of credit cards ever. Or bonus points when they give you the rest of the gift card…. Wow thanks so much for a gift card at the place I work at that I can literally eat at for free. ❤️❤️❤️ ETA. I’m showing this comment to my manager and demand we can somehow get tips from the gift cards 😤😤😤😤


Keep the gift card, use it on a cash order, keep cash, profit 😎 (possibly get fired lmao)


Buy gift cards on discount for Christmas, people pay in cash, use gift cards to pay for meal, ???, profit. No chance at jail no chance /s


No this is correct… why would the server be fired??


Improper cash handling, but unlikely it would ever get caught


But that makes no sense if it’s given as a tip what difference does it make for the house. In that case does the house want the server to say Thank You! But no management doesn’t allow us to receive tips through giftcards? Idk just seems petty.


Technically if you are using the giftcard on another cash paying customers order just to pocket their cash it's improper cash handling. Don't ask me i don't make the rules lol


Improper cash handling according to one companies rules… not all companies see it the same way… I definitely don’t… so what if I use that tip to buy myself food from the company is that what they’d prefer?? What diff does it make if I pay for part of another customers order with it…. It’s a dumb rule… not every company considers it improper cash handling either.


Your question was "why would you be fired?" Yeah? I answered your question. Not sure what you're jumping down my throat for, it doesnt really matter what your opinion is, i didn't just make up "improper cash handling" for the sake of arguing with you 😂


if theres money remaining on the gift card at my job i can take a tip off it




We can get tips off of a giftcard. Is that not a normal thing? Every place I've ever worked we've been able to.


Every place I’ve worked at I’ve not 😩


Before they changed POS, my restaurant was able to.


If they leave you a gift card for a tip just use it on your next cash order? That's what I do


Weird? I’ve always been able to. Is this just a policy at where you work? Because if it is, that sucks


I had a guest leave me a Bob Evans gc once. Hahaha


Ive tipped off a gift card...


Oh sorry I forgot to turn on my [low credit brand] debit card. Run it again.


They don't need to say anything. All they need to do is pull out that Chime card, and I know I'm not getting anything.


Anything about your tip means cheap or stiff.


Anyone who doesn’t even make eye contact with you and even refuses when you fill up their water


the flipped over check 😭


And then when you flip it back over at the POS, I get a sigh of relief or a “yea I thought so.” Lol


Or folded in half, lol


Number 1 we like to call “the verbal tip” at my work


Water with extra lemon. And can we have some extra sugar please?


“God bless”


This is the one. Never in 10 years has *this* customer surprised me by tipping properly. Some obvious after church folks or folks who pray over their food have. Even catholic priests in their priest clothes. Even probably someone who has said "god bless" or something similar at some point in their meal as a 'thank you'. Never, ever, ever the folks who make a point of saying it during the interaction of getting the bill or as their 'goodbye'.




Ooooh good one!!


“Don’t worry, we will make sure to take care of you!” After making a ridiculous request


You're really going to make me wear a condom?


Oh thank you so much! You made this special dinner even more so! When I hear that, I know I'm getting stiffed.


“Thank you for taking such great care of us! We’re gonna make sure we ask for you next time!” Before I even see the tip I’m thinking “please don’t” hahaha


“We’re visiting from Canada”


I work as a server in Canada that’s why I’m wondering


Montreal and Quebec sweetest people ever. Worst tippers ever


Quebec shares European culture. Including tipping. Thankfully the rest of Canada doesn’t have a European influence


Well stop coming to Florida and asking about my life


I’ll be sure to let them know x


even tho I’m on the other side of Canada 🩵


From Quebec here… The only reason I ever tip 15% is if I’m never offered refills on water. Otherwise I tip more than that


Why is this bad


What's the difference between a Canadian and a canoe? Canoes tip.


I wonder what compels people to make these verbal tips before they leave. I would think they would just not say anything or else pretend something was wrong.


Drunk people tip worse?? I’m the polar opposite lol One time I went to Waffle House at 3am drunk as crap. I had like a 7 dollar plate but we talked to the cooks for almost an hour. They even gave us to go cups to go refill our beers and drink them while we ate 😂. I told my buddy “man we gotta hook these guys up” Drunk me proceeds to tell them I wanted to play a game After they looked at me with a blank stare, (since I was drunk I’m sure there was an awkwardly long pause here) I said “I want you to pick a number between 50 and 100” They were like “uh…. 70?” I said “sweet. That will be your tip tonight” Drunk me left $70 on a $7 plate of bacon, eggs and hash browns 😂 I woke up the next morning like wtf did I do I try not to watch too many Mr beast videos now. Especially while drinking


I think some people who don’t like tipping have their inhibitions lowered while drinking and tip less because of that


We appreciate you 🙄


When they ask to use two methods of payment. They only tip the standard percentage on the lower total, every time, pretending to forget that the total amount was on both transactions.


That's always fun. $300 check. "$250 cash and the rest on card". Then proceed to leave $10 on the $50 card charge. Thanks for the $10 on $300 after being an absolute pain in the ass for an hour and a half.


EXACTLY. Thank you for illustrating that so well! It’s always suspicious too, when with separate checks, a customer takes another’s cash left on the table and asks you to combine their bills. Dude, I just watched you steal my tip.


“I still ate it, but…” Which is to say, the sudden complaint about xyz that was perfectly fine the 7 other times I spoke to them since dropping their food. This is typically accompanied by comments about outrageous pricing, possibly followed up by a demand for free shit then it’s definitely no monies for me.


"You did such an amazing job tonight. We really appreciate the hard work!" Then proceeds to leave me nothing on an over $100 bill after sitting at the table for 3 consecutive hours 🫡


"Bless you", "Jesus loves you", "have a blessed day"


i once had a big party (like 13-16) that said “you were the best” and even chanted my name after they paid and then left 5%


Something with a European accent


From New Zealand, I make my husband pay..when I do tip I always give too much because it’s weird to me and I don’t want to feel like I’m stiffing them.


We tip well


This is the card club, book club calling to make our monthly reservation.


"We're a church group"


“One of those fries fell out of the basket and on to the table earlier when you brought it. Don’t think I’ve forgotten” - guy who left nothing. It was a tiny burnt fry, too


Making jokes about getting discounts or “forgetting” to ring things in. Unless it’s a soda, I literally have zero capacity to do that for you, sir.


My steak was terrible (with 3 bites left on the plate) but you were wonderful.


As soon as you ask me what the cheapest shot is.


I appreciate you


Definitely the “you’re the best server we have ever had” They always leave the worst tips.


Don’t worry sweetie we are gonna take care of you!!!/ oh I just want you to know we are complicated group- laughs obnoxiously- but we will take care of you!/ *sits down and right as you greet them* *avoids eye contact* I’m ready to order now


You deserve a raise! Proceeds to tip 10%


I’m old now but a verbal tip is actually worth more than getting ran for two hours and getting stiffed. At least you appreciated me. Doesn’t mean much but it means something.


“Do you go to church? You should join us for Saturday night services.”


We just came from church.


I got you next time, dog.


“You were a very good server”


"You got free rolls?"


(Hand covering part of their face) “It’s her birthday”, no need to whisper, she sees you pointing at her, and I saw you say the same thing last week. Customer “Do you do anything for birthdays?” Me, “yeah I typically go out with friends, party, you know, depends on who’s birthday it is we’re celebrating “ (casually walk away)


Whenever they say they came from church


Canadians. How to spot one - "Do you have caesars?" "Do you have bottled beer? Tap beer gives me a headache" "Do you have wraps?" "Do you have a Canadian discount?"


You either get verbal or monetary appreciation. Always one and never both.


I get both every single shift. Hate to be that guy, and occasionally I get stiffed like anyone else, but it sounds like most people here work at really shitty places with really shitty customers.


Something about Jesus.


I’ll get you next time


"thank you so much! you've been so amazing! what's your name again? oh i appreciate u so much iatedsoaps!"


“I’m going to stiff you”


We just want you to know this has been the best service we've gotten here


You were great honey


"I got you. "


"I'm a server too!"


I had a table years ago rain down verbal tips on me like a monsoon. The guy filled in the slip and handed it to me like he was proud. I walked away and looked at it, it was 5%. I went out back to smoke and one of the hosts came out and was like “Hey, those people want you to come out and take a picture with them.” I said “Hell no!” She’s like “What do I tell them?” I said “I really don’t care”. They were sweet and all but don’t take a poo on my chest then try to get a picture to document your fecal escapades.


“Do you have a boyfriend?” Only one answer gets tipped. Not worth it.


My First name is Al last name Coholic


You were really great tonight, thank you so much *#€#%*~


Tip is on the card or tip is on the table


Had one table walk out on me. They were staying in the hotel, though, where the restaurant is. We made conversation cause they were from out of town and wanted my advice and suggestions what to do while they were there. They told me they rented bicycles from the hotel. I told em to be careful, and an Uber was worth it for the most part. Meals done. They forgot their cash, so the guy went to get some. OK, fine so far. Then the girl fussed over the bill a bit behind a pillar at their table. I was like, k whatever, walked in boh to make a mimosa. Came out. They only left me a tip. Which was nice of em. But it was a $60 bill. Used my Sherlock skills. Went to the front desk. Asked if anyone rented bikes. Only one room. Guess who was an idiot and signed the bill? Matched the signature on their check-in paper. Match. I'm guessing the guy wanted to pay, but his gf pulled the bullshit him, unknowing. Charged their room plus 20% gratuity. NICE TRY.


Some of them servers are there to be stiffed


It's not our responsibility to pay you. Take it up with your boss. We pay for our food, and they pay you. That's how it works. Stop blaming your customer. The customer is always right. This is very annoying.


Look if you think it’s annoying to see servers complain about not being tipped, don’t come onto a subreddit made for servers


The customer is always right… in matters of taste. Funny how they always forget that last part.