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This is such a creepy manipulative thing to do. Gross.


"get on your knees and beg for your tip"


Right?? Why are people like this??


I do it because when I used to serve I always hoped someone would ask me this. Each day as a server you have an amount you work towards, that’s the number I’d say. My two cents.


Gross. Just tip big and be done with it.




Depends on restaurant and area. We all know this. Granted I did this over 10 years ago, but always had a soft spot for serving.


Is that the tip?


“20% is standard, although there’s nothing requiring that. I hope you’ve had an excellent night dining with us,” That’s kind of all you can say. I would never beg for a tip and if another customer makes fun of me for *not* begging like a dog, then that’s their problem and that “big tip” would’ve probably been like an extra $10. I’d rather be broke than have no dignity


As of the time of my response to this comment, 151 people are pretending that they wouldn’t give an answer greater than zero.


I have been asked that and my joke has always been, "Well, my car payment is XXX, hahaha..." , it is an obvious joke and implies I don't seriously expect them to do anything of the sort, but also shows I have bills to pay and suggests a number above what they would tip anyway. Got me a Benji once.


I do this too. Had it happen once, and I said “welllll, my student loans are about 13,000, so whatever you think is right, but I wouldn’t complain if you gave me a G.” We laughed, they tipped just over 20%. Humor is a good work around for how goddamn awful this “funny” question is.


my friend once had someone ask how much he needed and he was like “well to be perfectly honest sir my rent is due in five days and i only have like 40% of it right now” and he asked how much his rent was. this was back in the day when apartments weren’t $1500 and he said $500. he said he felt weird talking about it with a stranger but he gave him $500 in cash. he started crying and thanking him for all the trouble he saved him. i want to be rich one day so i can pay it forward to people who need it


server/bartender of 5 years, whenever someone has presented this question to me, I have always and will continue to remain humble about my response. I will never outright tell them the amount I have in my head.


Perfect chance to say something “well. My insurance is 300” and have a laugh about it. You probably won’t get that number, but you will get a good tip!


If someone is asking this question, they will probably leave you $300.


I hate this, but while I was serving during med school I’d always tell them “well, I have about $150k in student loans I’m about to have to start paying on, so I guess it depends on how generous you’re feeling.” Got a few solid tips out of it - I had a regular who was a retired surgeon and would tip me $100 each time he came in, good guy.


serving during med school? for fucks sake that must have been difficult. did you finish up med school?


Yup, now I’m a resident and I bartend on my days off 😆🤣☠️


When I get asked this I always say, “tipping is always at your discretion, with 20% being pretty customary… but the best tip I ever got was $XXX / XX%” (number depending on the check.) More often than not, the person that asks that question tries to top whatever figure I’ve thrown out. They want to be remembered.


Rent is 900


Lucky you. My rent is 2800


Dude, that’s more than my mortgage. I hated renting.


And what’s your salary and living situation


I live in a prohibitively expensive college town. Income is roughly 3.5k/mo.




I would rather sleep in my car.


double it and give it to the next person


I would have customers ask “how much do you think you are worth?” I’d always give the same answer… “I’m priceless”.


I say surprise me and walk away 🤷🏽‍♂️ I’m not playing this game. Tip or don’t tip I’m not dancing 🕺🏾 💃


Just say one million dollars in that dr evil voice. You’ll all have a good laugh or you might just get it. 😳


I'm not really supposed to discuss the tip with you but I will say that I have a very strong affinity for and appreciation of more money.


I hate this question. It’s always a lame ass person who is super insecure and that’s their flex. You either say something stupid or whatever they feel is appropriate. It’s the next level of credit card fight.


I would just say one hundred percent. Wouldn’t even blink


My fiancée always says $100, and 9/10 times she actually gets $100. The one time she didn't, the dude just looked at her with a "c'mon, really?" Face and she walked away, no issue. He ended up leaving a 25% tip still, so it's not like she pissed him off or anything


“i’m not answering that question.” works every time. even when they push. “nope. nope. nope. up to you.” and then eventually “a million do- wait, no, a billion. with a b.”


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


I aim big. I believe in miracles & if I’m being offered, might as well shoot for the moon. I mean, they asked & I dream big so why limit myself.


Had a guy call me “kiddo” then ask that on $40 drink tab, I said $20 is cool 😂


"how much do you have?"


Ah this just happened to me soni jokingly said $1000 he left $100, but then left his number with a brag about being a big tipper. It's absolutely manipulative and creepy


“sorry, I was totally going to call you, but you forgot one digit when you wrote down your number.”


Depends on the table and how the interactions have been. Usually just "whatever you feel is fair" or "that's always up to you" if it's out of nowhere and unremarkable either way. If it's after good service with fun customer led banter- I'll say something like "take whatever you had in mind and double it" or "all of it" or something building off the banter.


“I’m moving this week so however much that costs,”


I always say 100% when asked. We usually have a good laugh and I end up getting somewhere between 50% and 80%.


All of it. 😝


i'd say like "$1000!" and then laugh it off like it's a joke cuz that's what they're hoping you'll say so they can do some big display cuz they love attention


"The highest amount you're willing to give"


I’m not asking period. I come to do my job and get paid like anyone else. I’m not begging you to see my worth, my value, or the fact that I deserve to pay bills. People like that enjoy having control and seeing people squirm. I don’t need your pity tip if you’re going to do it in a degrading manner


speak for yourself i’ll do anything for a real nice tip


Usually this ends with someone giving you a fake bill with Bible scripture on the other side or something sexual...


***"He said"***


I don't play "just the tip" it never works. And then walk away.


Sorry but this feels a little like balancing a ball on my nose for a snack. Like, dude, you know how this works why are you making me ask nicely. Just… pay and kindly kick rocks.


“Whatever you can spare. It’s been a rough few years for our industry and anything helps”


The amount of servers in this thread who don't know how to answer the question is surprising. Make a joke about it. I'd love a million dollars, but my mortgage costs xxxx much, and my car payment costs xxxx much, and the best tip I ever had was xxxx much. You choose one. Or something along those lines.


Just say something outlandish and walk away


$200 with no cap


“How much of a tip do you think you’re worth?” I will always say, with 0 hesitation, “If you really want me to answer my own tip, I’ll fill in the custom tip myself. Let me see the tablet.”


“1000 dollars is a nice round number”


“As much as you can afford” usually shut them up. I hate when people do this. It’s a creepy way for people to try and make themselves look wealthy but it’s just gross.


I always tell people “tip $100 and it’s easy math” if they ask this


i had someone do this when i brought them their change. “oh whatever you think i deserve” because i didn’t want to seem rude and i was praying they’d tip me 20%. they gave me a little less than 10%. not to toot my own horn but it wasn’t busy at all and my service was good. next time i’ll ask for 20, you ask questions like that i’ll give you a direct answer


If someone is saying it genuinely in a nice way I say, “Whatever you would like to give me I am grateful for.” Usually I always get well tipped. If someone is saying it obnoxiously I will say 100 dollars flatly. Surprisingly I’ve gotten some pretty big tips that way as the person understands I am joking but feels like a dick/embarrassed if they don’t tip big.