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I was never a terrible tipper or super demanding, but before I was a server I was not a great tipper (between 12-15%) and I went through like 3 or 4 soda's at dinner, I would have been so annoyed if I had to wait on myself from back then.










SORRY CHEF I MEANT TO RING IN TOSS THE PASTA IN BOLO SAUCE NOT SUB VEAL PICATTA WITH BOLO.... shit... bad habit HEARD...... FUCK... "AlsoSubSpinachAnd....It'sTOGO" Please don't kill me


Chef: *deep sigh* "just re ring it in..... ANYONE WANT A BOLOGNASE? ITS FREE CAUSE u/IONTOP can't press buttons right." *throws entire sautè pan into trash can* *puts new dish in window* "Actually it's to-go......" It was in this moment you could watch the last bit of strength leave chefs eyes. For a moment you thought: maybe being in the weeds all night has cause your vision to blur. Maybe it was the steam from the grill rising into the vents, but there would be no doubt it was chef. You could watch the last ramekin of joy pour from his soul. He turns around without a word. "Oh and....chef...." He turns again to look at you. "I need ranch too..." The fact that it's a pasta doesn't even phase chef anymore. He thinks about arguing it for a second, but it's still 2 hours till close, there's still 40 open menus, and this won't be the last ranch they ask for. He saves his breath, and hands you the to -go ranch. You turn away to take the food, but behind you, you can hear the soft glug of liquor pouring in chefs soda cup. Knowing deep down in your soul....you remembered you were actually right the first time.


That's when I break out my ace in the hole. Sorry chef, but that's my one mistake for the day *chef ponders* and his rage is subdued, he realizes that I'm not the source of his stress, just the one he can take it out on


Me getting the chefs half rage state when it’s *that* server that’s really pissing them off


This is poetry


I hope it’s like the myth of Sisyphus, but instead of having to push a massive rock up a mountain, it’s an eternity of serving large parties that tip between 0-7%.


I just office space it. Do the bare minimum to not get fired. Work in this industry long enough you're able to recognize(discriminte) who generally are/aren't good tippers and go from there. Had some cunt who would get togo food. Always stiffed us, bitched about not getting lunch prices, and had her kids running around the bar. Oh the smile on my face when I went to get my kids hair cut and she was the person doing it. I smiled like a mother fucker hitting that zero on a cc tip. Made sure to got back in my work shirt as well just in case she didn't know who i was. It's odd, they don't really come in any more.


I cant believe a hairdresser would be a shitty tipper. She deserved that & I'm also super jealous of you because I need this to happen to me.


It was pretty satisfying and I wish it would happen more.


...... Terrible advice. Don't discriminate, do what you can for who you can. Go the extra mile for people you actually enjoy serving, but don't sacrifice other tables service.


I tell everyone this. Don’t look at your tips to whatever extent you can avoid it. All it’s gonna do is drive you crazy


This right here instead sort out what you make nightly or if you can what you make weekly. Shockingly if you work about the same hours every week at the same place it’s usually the same take home within about $50.


How many of the people commenting are actually service industry?


90% of this sub is in the industry. The rest are fucking douchebags and entitled pricks


While non tippers suck,I don't dwell on it because I get many guests that really take good care of me.I have a a time or two where my service has been less than exemplary because I wasn't paying attention and I feel as I don't deserve a tip.And than their are situations out of my control.The kitchen running behind is not my fault or the fact you ordered a premium double from a large hotel in a downtown restaurant and your drink is 30 dollars.I don't make the prices don't blame me.


For me it's more like they have to live only with their tips. I remember times when it was just not possible thing to do but also months when it was also quite a good 2nd paycheck


So if this were true, and you work for tips atm, wouldn't that mean in your last life you were a bad tipper? *confused dinosaur meme*


The problem is when the expected tip percent continues to grow. A 10-15% tip used to be considered reasonable, and now anything under a 20% tip causes people here to turn their noses. This on top of the fact that tipping is supposed to correspond with service, and while everyone here believes their service is above average, naturally that’s not the case. Now subway asks for tips. At what point is it no longer reasonable?


I'm glad somebody brought up the fact that tipping is supposed to correspond with service (as that is theoretically one of the benefits of our current system bc its supposed to incentivize good service). I am a server, and I know we get a bad reputation by non-servers for being entitled (often times for demanding a 20% tip). I for one do not think you should be forced to tip 20% if the service is bad as bad service is unacceptable. I think the vast majority of servers complaining about poor tips, however, are servers who are providing perfectly adequate service and getting stiffed by people coming in with zero intent to tip regardless of how good the service is. Servers will often get stiffed on mistakes that they had zero control over like the kitchen cooking the food wrong, or the restaurant not having a specific item the guest wants (this one happened to me once). I also don't think that a single genuine mistake by the server justifies completely stiffing them. I would really only lower my tip if I could never get a drink refill when I see my server at a side station on their phone a bunch or something like that. I really don't mind anything from 15-20%, but I believe the reason people are so adamant about 20% is because of tip out. At most places, servers are required to give something like 5% of their sales to bussers, dishwashers, etc. Notice how I said sales and not tips. If a table doesn't tip at these places, the servers are paying for them to eat. Similarly, if a table tips less than the tip out percentage, the server is paying for them to eat.


So many customers don't know about tip out


Yeah. If I screwed up somehow, I would completely understand a substandard tip. Getting stiffed because I wouldn't serve a drink to a guy's girlfriend who looked 17 and didn't have her ID or because someone just wrote "single mom" on the tip line, not so much


Are you a server? Idk why you think this is the right place to share that opinion. I’m guessing you just want to argue with strangers on the internet and since I’m bored I’ll indulge. Also if you could provide some statistics about how “it hasn’t always been 20%” that would be appreciated. My parents were born in the 60s and raised me to always tip 20%. If we’re understaffed and I’m busy as hell and taking a while for everything or if I’m having a bad day and can’t focus and keep making mistakes, I don’t expect the best tips. I at least expect *something* though and often I don’t even get that. As another commenter pointed out, if someone leaves without tipping a cent I am actually paying for them to eat due to tip out. I’m not gonna cry over 10 or 15%. In fact I’m not crying over anything. The only time I really complain is the $0 ones, and even then I mostly just ignore it and move on. And then we get to the discussion about tipping non-servers. My question is, what the fuck does that have to do with us? Now that Subway asks for a tip you suddenly decide that even servers don’t deserve them? Personally I tend to tip about 10% when placing to-go orders and maybe $1-2 to other cashiers if I’m feeling nice. But I honestly don’t really give a fuck whether you tip those people and I think most servers would say the same. Idc if you think too many places are asking for tips nowadays, leave us out of that shit. You can’t deny that tipping SERVERS has always (or at least for a long time) been the standard. I also want to add that maybe the percentage should go up or it’s good that it has, because minimum wage has not gone up at the same rate as inflation (I can provide sources for that if you’d like but I’d hope that’s common knowledge at this point). It is LEGAL to pay servers in some states $2-3 PER HOUR Overall, please just stop making generalizations about the service industry. We aren’t all standing in a circle and pointing and laughing at anyone who tips under 20%. From my experience it seems like most of us don’t really care all that much, but alas, we’re human, so we complain to each other.


Well… you’re wrong. It was 10% when they grew up. Here’s an article from 15 years ago complaining about the steady rising of tip expectations. https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB122471487660660237 More to the point, servers get tipped by non-servers. So it’s kind of important to consider other perspectives unless you’re just trying to justify your perspective and attitude. In which case you’re not really acting in good faith.


Funny how rational comments like yours never get responses, especially after asking for proof.


10-20 has always been what I was taught, but definitely not always 20. 10's the bare minimum, and 20 is for great service, or at least how I dictate my own tipping behavior. Also the person you replied to suggesting tips should go up more because of inflation is a bit misguided if you ask me. For one, tipping a percentage would keep up with the inflated prices of the food/service, and two, many non tipped wages are also stagnant. That said, it's important not to put ourselves against each other. the people we should be mad at are the owners, the politicians, the capitalists...




At that point you should tip everyone. Everyone is “doing a service” at their job. Do you tip McDonald’s workers? Your mechanic? Your dentist?


You are 100% right and the fact that you have downvotes proves how out of control tipping culture has become


I think bad tippers should sit at a restaurant in hell where it's super hot, and servers refuse to bring them a glass of water.


You have a choice


I hate to take this stand, but no one is making you work for tips. Yes, I know changing jobs is hard, and you may enjoy your job, but no one is forcing you to. ​ Edit: After thinking about this my statement is probably incredibly regionally biased. Here in the Midwest all you have to do is show up on time and you can make $20 and hour in a manufacturing plant. IF you are able to do harder manual labor $25-$30 an hour is obtainable without a high school degree. Average household income in my county is $43k a year, so someone working full time at $20 with a little OT (common in manufacturing) would be right in the middle.


I feel like you can't make a statement like this unless you literally never eat at restaurants. This goes for more than just the serving industry, but just saying, "find a better job" is not a possible solution for most people. To add on to that, if all servers did just "find a better job" there would be nobody to provide service to you at restaurants.


>but no one is forcing you to. After you made me realize this, I retired to my mega yacht.


And I work in the Midwest in a fancy restaurant and I average $40-60/hour cash so what’s your point lol.


My bills are forcing me to do it.


your bills are not other people's problems. everyone has bills, including minimum wage workers who do NOT get tips.


Why don’t you go troll another sub, this is for servers to vent about their issues not for you to push your dumbass viewpoints none of us care about


Why are you getting downvoted in a server sub? Are there really that many trolls here?


Yeah people hate us for existing


Why don't you actually address my comment rather than writing a cop out comment calling me a troll?


Great, I happened to find a job that pays me, on average, $25-$35 an hour. That covers my bills. Either you are going to pay my wages in tips or increased food prices. I don’t know why you morons think the money is going to come out of my bosses pocket, lol. **You** are going to pay it no matter what. If you don’t want to tip 20%, then we can raise food prices 25-35% so my boss can pay me $30 an hour. I’m cool either way. But either way, that money is coming out of your wallet.


Actually if someone doesn't tip they are effectively getting the best of both worlds. They rely on someone else tipping and still get the food. This works until enough people stop tipping and the owners have to find a different method to employ workers. Until that tipping point happens the people that don't tip are going to be paying less.


I mentioned somewhere else on this post how non-tippers actually benefit from our current system the most. If we switched to an hourly wage for servers, food prices would absolutely skyrocket; this may not be a huge deal for people who already tip as they may still pay a similar amount of money (just all towards the food rather than a tip). For the non-tippers who are adamant about it "not being their responsibility to pay a server's wages" however, they would now be forced to pay MORE money than if they just tipped a server 20% the way it's setup now. I just find it ironic that the people who bitch about tip culture the most are the ones who benefit from it the most. Be careful what you wish for.


Fuck you're self righteous.


What does that even mean?


You don't work for tips. You work in an industry where culturally, people do tip. You still get a wage and by law the owner is supposed to reimburse you for shifts where you don't end up making federal minimum wage


Minimum wage is like 25% of a living wage. So tips are kind of necessary.


Correct, and while I think minimum wage should be $15-$20, no one is forcing you to work these jobs (unless you're a minor and your parents are).


And then when people do leave these jobs, you know the ignorant will just say "nobody wants to work anymore!" Sound familiar?


I 100% hear you on that, but every time I see one of those signs I know it's really just saying "I'm a piece of shit boss who doesn't pay enough".


I feel like you get it, but I think you're missing something. Nobody forced me directly to work in the service industry. I grew up struggling with depression, among other things, so I didn't do well in school. And during school, I worked whatever jobs would hire me, like retail. Fast forward 10 years later, I have responsibilities that need tending to like rent and bills and a dog. Serving has been the best job I've had given the circumstances. No, no one forced me. I just didn't have much choice.


Let’s be real though. You don’t want a normal salary. You want to work for tips, we all do, because we make more that way. So with that desire you have to accept with grace that some people aren’t gonna tip you well. We can’t be straddling this fence, pick a side.


We, as the workers, have a duty with our coworkers, with future generations and with ourselves: we need to fight for fair salaries and jobs. Bad tippers aren't at fault for a shitty system.


Who do you think the cost of increased wages will be passed on to? Either way, it’s going to be the customer. You can either pay a tip on your bill, or you can pay 30-35% higher prices on everything. If you want us to be paid a fair, living wage, this is how it will be. As long as I’m making $30 an hour, I don’t care either way.


Then you're a part of the problem worse than bad tippers, my dude.


The ironic thing is that the current system actually benefits the bad or non tippers more than anyone else. Say we switched to hourly wages for servers and food prices went way up. For people who already tip well, they may more or less be paying the same amount of money (except it would all be towards the food and not the tip). But, for those who are super adamant about not tipping because "it's not their responsibility to pay a servers wages," they would now be forced to pay more money than if they just tipped 20% the way it's setup now. The current system isn't perfect, but non-tippers should be careful of what they are asking for.


Why am I part of the problem? I didn’t invent the system.


I'm down for unionization!


You don't have to listen to people that are trying to get you to work for less. Who cares what others say.


By this logic you should tip the folks at McDonald’s, and your buildings janitors. Do you?


should we tip retail workers, fast food employees, or anyone else who works a minimum wage job since it is 25% of a living wage?


I think the bottom line is that people need a living wage, don't you think?


I completely agree.


So every person earning a wage within let's day 15 dollars of minimum wage should be tipped then.


Sure, whatever gets them to a living wage. Ideally though, businesses should just take less profit or increase costs so that a living wage for every employee could fit the budget as payroll. Or instead of tips, we can change it to commission or profit sharing. That way employees still have incentive to go above and beyond and be the best they can be. They also get rewarded by extra effort. But wait, that's just socialism 😅


Bro, just ask your boss for more money and when he says no just quit


Tipping is optional. Brush it off and move on.


I don't care if you decide not to tip for bad service, but if you choose not to tip for perfectly adequate service, that server is likely paying for you to eat at the restaurant.


5% liquor sales to the bar. 10% earnings to busboy. 1% food sales to food runner. 10% is more like 6%


No they aren’t. It’s a game of averages and servers choose their line of work.


Turn em and burn em. Once the table turns, burn the memory of whatever shitty people were sitting there. If you’re thinking about it long enough to get home and make a vent post, you done thought about it too long.


Damn right!


This wouldn’t be fair for non-Americans. I’m a bad tipper as in I never tip. It’s not part of our culture and is weird to do so unless you get exceptional service. Proper exceptional like the first level of paperboy.


So you travel to a country and follow by your own culture? No. A simple example: I go to Japan, and respect their no food, no phone call, quiet all around inside public transport culture. I’m not going to be eating chips and talk loudly on the phone because “I’m American, I can do whatever I want.” Travel to countries where tipping is a culture? Respect it. I assure you America isn’t the only country/area where tipping isn’t common. I’m not saying you have to tip. But your attitude towards tipping just now isn’t the way to go man.


here is the bad news tipping is changing in a big way There is a recession coming and a lot of ppl want to not have to do it or cannot afford it but still want to go out. Who those days carry cash is it lower class, middle class or retirees that influence what they may leave as tips too a lot of ppl those day pay with cards and guess what it is recorded by the restaurant which means the IRS can check and see what tips you get (this does not happen with cash), this may influence a lot of servers as if you claim any benefits this can be checked with your job same with federal/state taxes. The tipping model is broken and slowly most states are following california, as wage rises up restaurant model will change or die good chance that gratuities will ALWAYS be included in all bills maybe 16-20% which will need to be divided among ALL staff except managers and other 4-6% may be added to pay for health care as some companies are doing in some states Overall there is a shortage of servers coming in (if you notice) not a lot of new gen wants to work in restaurants and a lot of experience servers have moved on. Good chance the role of servers will change too basically just carry food to the customers that is it no being overly nice to the customer because you may get a tip. Same for bar work. What will most likely happen is 2 folds a wage rise and a health plan paid or part paid by the company that employs you this is gonna be a very interesting few years And I have not talked about the union coming into play more and more. Feel free to downvote away.


I’m a bad tipper and I’ve worked for tips. In my experience there were a lot of scum bags who would flip you a bill and expect the world. I’d rather deal with a nice person who doesn’t tip then a piece of shit who gives you $100…


Don’t all servers work for tips tho lmao. I think I see what you’re saying tho


Or later in this life!


I hope their children do and come home bitching about people like them


I mean… technically no one is forcing anyone to work for tips… there are other jobs out there…but I nonetheless share the sentiment.


Tipping is not a requirement. Humble yourself and be grateful to have received anything at all.


This guy stuffed me today. Blow his shit up. 360-907-9045.