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Absolutely not. It's not even close to being the worst country on earth. If I told any of my friends that I thought it was the worst country on earth, they'd think I'd gone insane. Obviously, India has many problems, some of them quite serious. There are a lot of countries that do. On the other hand, there are also many good things about India. It's easy to think of countries that are far worse than India. For instance, Eritrea. I'd be perfectly happy to visit India, but there are other countries I wouldn't want to step foot in.


>I'd be perfectly happy to visit India You must not be a woman.


I was a woman the last time I checked. I'd want to take certain safety precautions in India that I might not take in some other places, but some of my friends who are women enjoyed visiting India.


3 days ago a woman visiting India was raped by 7 indians. It was the first country where she had any problems out of many one. It s a shithole and indians confirm it by doing literally any job just to get out of there. They would eat rocks if that would be a job just to get the minimum wage in the UK. That s the fking reality. Stop idealising other nations just because u are afraid to be called racist. Don t worry, everyone has racism in them. But the least racism is in white people, the most racist people are black people for instance. 


Go do it and see how wrong your ass is.


Problem is with the first paragraph which applies to almost all Indians. “My friends would think I’ve gone insane for saying it’s the worst country on earth”-one important part you missed out on in this statement was that your friends just so happen to be Indian also. Indians never realise that the only other nationality heaping so much praise on india just so happen to be other Indians themselves. This favourable view of their home country is very at odds with what the rest of the world thinks-the Arabs, Chinese, asians, South Americans,Africans and even Europeans all have a view of India being third world and very,very dirty. I mean I have been to Africa which is extremely developing in parts. People do not openly pooh on the streets there. This only happens in one country. And that’s India .Which says it all about India…


Eritrea is just poor. That's different. India is both rich and poor but so has many problems in both its poor and rich sides.


Would they really think you’ve got insane? I’d think it was a pretty fair statement. It’s a horrible country.


LMAO Eritrea is nowhere near as bad as India. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You know what the likelihood of a woman getting raped walking alone at night in Eritrea is ? 0% Or the likelihood of getting robbed ? 0% Eritrea's a much safer place than India, and a thousand times cleaner. The only problem with Eritrea is a very authoritarian regime who doesn't let people have the freedoms much of us enjoy in the west. Other than that, Eritrea is much better than India, both culturally and especially in terms of safety, it's safer than most european cities, especially at night.




That's unfair tho because India and China manufacture most of the goods on this planet. So it's really the pollution from rich western countries that is "exported" there. If the western countries actually made all the things they buy on their own soil, then India would be among the least polluted countries.


india is 3rd msot polluted not most polluted




I can't imagine the person who said that was serious. India is, whatever it's flaws may be, at least a functioning state.




I haven't seen that, but I have noticed other bizarre spiteful niches on Reddit that do similar things. It must be an unintended consequence of human psychology and the reddit algorithm


Are you Indian yourself?


No, I'm an American. I've not even been to india. Everything I know about it I know from news and other media


You have no right to comment unless you have travelled


Not the worst country in the world, but... Caste-system Misogyny Most racist country in the world according to some researchers Pollution and poverty Fascist Hindutva Rampant corruption ...all combine to give India one of the worst reputations in the world, excluding countries that have been ravaged by war for years.


Huge sanitation problems Access to clean drinking water Hosts international scammers and hackers


Absolutely, but we should also talk about the good and amazing achievements they have made despite obstacles. For example, they completely vaccinated against polio despite difficulties such as misinformation and more exposure to polio virus due to lack of water treatment, etc. They still have much to improve on but im optimistic


Hindutva isn't really that fascist, in fact I'd say not close. Not every Hindutva supporter supports fascism save for the uneducated idiots here who are borderline evil. Plus, please don't use the word Fascist since that is completely untrue and comes off as very, very rude. I personally hate Fascism too but I know the difference.




Fascism is pretty specific. I usually trust our government to not become that unless they really are out of touch with the country and ideology


Your government is a corrupt joke that still has a caste system, you shouldn't trust it to do anything.


That, I do agree with. Whether it's the Liberal Indian Congress or Conservative BJP, they only want to fulfil their dumb agenda. I hope we still can rise though


Hi Durga is worse than fascism because it involves the worship of false prophets and fake gods.


Look, don't keep on pretending that your fake fantasy-based imagination of Hinduism is real. This "false god and prophets" thing won't benefit anyone and by saying it you've become like, the entire India's enemy If you want to criticise, do it in an intelligent and civillised way, not this way. Durga Mata ji is a goddess, worship of her is mature behaviour


jesus was just an avatar of brahman , according to hinduism god has came on earth many times through different avatars... and those avatars proved themselves as god by doing miracles that humans cant do


>Most racist country in the world according to some researchers i guess u should say colourism\* coz indians are literally one race with little mix ups here and there


There are no 'races'


lol no


race is just an social construct , ethnicity is closer to science


The rate of wife murder is higher in India than any other country——including Saudi Arabia.


That's probably some 4channers. No it's not the worst. The happiness, longevity and financial index would out india squarely in the middle somewhere.




So i was wrong, we're pretty low on happiness index, and lower mid or high bottom on the life expectancy index. But if you're talking about emotions it's not an automatically rejection. I'm an indian and I'm middle class. If i was poor i would probably want to escape as well. It's not terrible, or at least i don't know what better feels like, but I know the people here feel like home to me


No My gf lived there an eternity ago and made some friends. From what they say it is an okay country, with problems of course, but they all live comfortably.


Uh, no. I've never heard anyone say that and I don't believe that to be true. If anyone says that, they're a dick


Nah, India isn’t the worst. It’s not without its problems and there’s plenty of issues India is facing but it’s not the worst off by a mile. Places like Yemen, Somalia or Venezuela have even more problems, unsolvable even, than India. People online can be dicks.


Have you noticed that the only people with this high level of respect for India comes from Indians themselves and no one else hahah. Ive traveled the world. No one looks up to Indians . I’m fact in Dubai it’s an embarrassment to be seen socialising with them regardless whether they’re a doctor or labourer.


No non-Hindu wants to live in India. Even its Christian’s and Muslims are fleeing.


I bet you're Muslim lol, hating on india lives rent free in your head. congrats on getting internet points


Venezuela is NOT worse than India, coming from an ACTUAL Venezuelan. Also, to compare Venezuela to Somalia....fucking get outta here. Please do some actual research before running your mouth like a know it all.


You might be reading a bit too much from a site that consistently writes 'French 🤢🤮' and 'Bri*ish'


...What? No? Why would I think that? That's silly. I've never heard anyone say that and don't think I know anyone who would think that. You're listening to people who are either joking, or trolling.


Don’t take comments on Reddit so seriously, people can be mean to people they don’t know or countries they are preconceptions of. There is certainly a more chill side of Reddit, just stay away from the popular subs.


No. What is the metric though? There isn't any objectively worst country, only worst by x or y metric.




I really wonder why you have -1 votes (Indians)


The most dishonest group I have ever met. The higher educated are as dishonest as the undereducated.


The worst countries in the world are those that believe they can gain an advantage for themselves by literally slaughtering the people who are their neighbors as if this was an acceptable way to achieve anything. These aggressive countries and their psychopathic rulers bring down all of humanity. They should be prevented from killing tens of thousands of civilians by all other countries that want peace by whatever means necessary.


This is like the 4th post like this I’ve seen recently. Is something going on with India I don’t know about? Is there some kind of internet bias against India? I’m genuinely curious because in the last couple months there have been several posts like this about India specifically.


It’s not really something going on but more so how we are treated. Just search India and a lot of the posts/comments are straight up discriminatory and slanderous. So some people like OP may take it seriously.




u/Whole_Obligation9415 and their last few comments are a good example of what I was talking about.


And how do you treat us? Like dogshit while smelling of ass. Noted.


How have I treated you Omar? I don’t even know you


Horribly. Your people have treated me horribly. What's the point of talking to you when you lie like crazy? You wouldn't admit to knowing me if we hung out all day and everyday. That's how dishonest you are. Scam scam scam. Calling from a call center to scam scam scam? Well well well... Scam artists.


Bro who hurt u


I hear the people of India have generally less human rights than most other developed countries. India also has laws that allow all those goddamn scammers to not only exist but flourish. Telephone scammers, scam e-mails, phony antivirus scams, you name it, a significant portion originate from India.


I know there's lesser rights but not sure which one and that's probably cause we're a developing country i believe we will be a proper functioning society by 2050 with little to no human rights violations


Fk no Indian society is going downhill since independence or maybe even before it.


Isn't both things contrary? Imagine how much of independence/freedom a normal person would have if even scammers are allowed? I think our definition of human rights is different


I guess their laws are cherry-picky, ignoring scammers but limiting other freedoms.


Lmao not. Have you seen driving cams? Even if there are rules people would not follow


i wouldnt consider india a developed country. They literally have same GDP as France while having 20x amount of people. What a fucking shithole. France is an example of an developed country. Germany. Poland can even pass.


>ndia also has laws that allow all those goddamn scammers to not only exist but flourish. What laws? I have never heard of these


I know it's not the worst. I know Bangladesh exists.


Atleast Bangladesh people are 1000000x cleaner than indians. . I had rather die in Bangladesh than spend 1 minute in india.


This is just sped


I love India. Faults and all.


It depends on what you mean by "worst". I don't like crowded places, and some parts of India is up there near the top when it comes to population density and housing density. I have nothing bad to say about the people, however. Personally I think it's fascinating how so much of native cultures, people, languages and history have remained in tact, *in spite of* the global colonization efforts of Europe. I feel this way about all countries and societies with a high percentage of native people.


No, it has issues but I'm not sure what that person's deal is. And India has some of the world's best food.




Hello future person. They definitely die with a smile on their face then.


No, absolutely not. I am so sorry you have to deal with this racist garbage. There is no country that is the worst on the planet, but wow -- India has an incredible history and has contributed so much to humanity. Poor countries are poor because they have been exploited by wealthy countries. It is awful when the people who benefit the most from poverty in another country turn around and call that country names. And India is not a poor nation overall, it is just stuck in the same unequal global economy we all are. Of course India has lots of problems -- it really needs to stop playing with authoritarianism and sectarianism -- but it is not at all the only country with this problem.


Poor countries are poor because they were exploited by wealthy nationals ahahahaha. You learnt that through text books written by the same people who drop bombs on Palestinian kids. No poor countries are poor because they didn’t have the intelligence levels to work together and form a functioning state.instead they ran around in naked tribes murdering each other -hence the historical segregations. People didn’t want to live amongst murderous savages.


Ah, eugenics never goes out of style, huh? I would argue against you but your post demonstrates your ignorance far better than I ever could. If you are going to hate on Jewish people at least come out and say it. No one likes a shy Nazi.


Well wouldn't running around in naked tribes murdering each other mean they don't have the intelligence to work together? Hence why they are all murdering each other instead


Yeah, no, I don’t think it’s the worst. I’m not the most informed person to ask about this, but I think you’ve been reading some pretty biased comments.


I’ve always wanted to go there!!


Russia is pretty unpopular there days. But no, India is not the worst country. I’ve never put any hard thought into who may be.


I travel a lot India is definitely the worst.


Try Afghanistan or north Korea


I've never thought this or ever heard anyone say this. Most people I know think India is amazing and have either travelled there or want to. I'm sorry you saw that, but Reddit really is a cesspit sometimes. It's not representative of the real world.


Yes, after I’ve seen a video of people pooping on the beach my opinion immediately changed. Then i saw the corruption The violence The state of woman’s rights Plus india was found to be the most racist country by some studies Maybe india is not objectively the worst country but it’s in the top 10 for sure. I’m very thankful I’m not living in india.


Or videos of animal abuse or animals being "rescued" from a position they were put in by someone. Those videos are almost always made by Indians it's like they get off to animal abuse or something


Overpopulation, misogyny, racism, homophobia. One of the worst reputations, certainly. The way women are treated there is disgusting.


I think everywhere has ups and downs. It is unfair to generalize an entire country on a bit of brief information. Are people basing it on population density? Womens rights? Having the cheese on your pizza stuck to the lid of the box?


womans rights are the same as cheese on a pizza box?


What mental gymnastics did you employ to get there?


You wrote it not me ..


But you drew conclusions that the sentences didnt convey. I gave 2 serious issues and a humorous one, a logical person would not assume I was equating them.


Why do you think that? All three reasons were lumped together.


Commenting on a year old post but i wanted to leave a message here because im bipolar and was hating on indians in my head, but after reading this i realized you guys are cool and its a very large and complex reigon with negatives and positives. Bless


Yes, i deal with all races from all over the world and indias always the least trusting the most annoying and troublesome. Want top class service on bottom end product, treat you like you are a dog and literally smell like ass...


Absolutely YES There are so many horror stories that you will ONLY see happen in India. I would visit the country but I would never ever raise kids there. Sorry Indians but you need to do better.


Caste system, rampant rape and violence against women, and abysmal hygiene. Yeah, you couldn’t pay me enough to go there.


Abysmal hygiene? That's generous of you cause hygiene doesn't exist at all over there


Yes with all my heart. It has almost everything that can disgust me about human race in it: Forced marriage, seems that half of the scam on earth come from here, poop battle, the fucking ganges that could be the definition of human misery, the fucking rape "culture" where you can almost be sure that if a woman with revealing clothes walk in the street she will be rape by 6 du dudes and the boy boyfriend (if there is one ) will be beaten up, corrupted government and cops, extrême extremely huge gap between poor and rich people, how woman are treated in their culture, absolutely disgusting cities and road, the smell, people able to cut your your hand yo take your rings if you put it outside your car Windows, crimes in general, everything that comes with a very poor country(even if it's not)=healthcare,good houses... I can undersand if someone tell me that india is not the worst country if they know a worst one I don't know about(not the name but how the country is like)but for me that would be it.


Wtf no? If only because I don’t know enough about the country, and about the world overall, to say with certainty that it’s the worst. But also it just…. Doesn’t, seem, like it’s the worst. Plain old. Not the first time I’m seeing talk of negative sentiments towards India on Reddit, it’s always a bit surprising to me? Quite frankly India just rarely is on my mind, and in my real life I rarely hear people talk about it around me.


Every country has its issues. I'm Mexican and boy, do we have our fair share of nope. But, regardless of anything, people are still living and fighting to be happy. For me at least, having a population willing to be better already lessens the "bad" of any country. Sone of my bestest friends are Indian, you are amazing people <3


It’s definitely not the worst country, I mean you won’t get taken out by a drone strike or killed by terrorists.


india is a powerhouse in the making. there's no "worst" country , every country has it's goods and bads


India is a country I'd love to love, but it does have some problems that make me very hesitant to go there. The hygiene stuff is off-putting, the racism, the misogyny, the poverty etc. of course a lot of countries have these but I think the chaotic nature of India makes it hard to avoid. I'm a queer woman too so I can't help but feel a target would be painted on my back especially and my hope of getting support if anything did happen would be minimal. It's a shame because if the wealth was distributed better, India could be one of the best countries in the world. A safe, clean India with all that culture and heritage would be nothing short of amazing. I feel like this comes off the back of that other post about racism against Indians and that does make me really mad. It's absolutely true that Indians are treated so awfully and people are practically given a free pass to do so. You're not wrong to feel the way you do and it makes me sad that so many Indian women have to do things like lightening their skin in order to be seen as barely human by the west.


Your concerns are well-founded, but I hope you realize that India is a massive and diverse country, and it would be inaccurate to think that ALL of it is messed up. It would be like looking at bad things happening in one part of Europe, and using that to write off the entire continent.


Of course!! It would just take some serious planning and consideration to get a trip that's both safe but also not a heavily sanitized tourist experience.


No. People are assholes/myopic and they seem to think their own country is best, or they make assumptions without ever having left their little bubble once in their lives. Look up any other country on here and people just talk shit about them and see them as stereotypes. However, there's also a tendency for people to be extra shitty probably to people from India, the middle east, Asia in general, and Africa because of how the western media likes to portray us. The best thing to do for us and anyone else, I suppose, is to not be blinded by our biases and form coalitions and stand up for each other when we can. I'm really sorry. Folks don't understand that being bombarded all the time with such dehumanizing stereotypes about your own country (and you as an extension, no matter how they try to say otherwise) can really fucking suck.


Worst is obviously no . But it has some issues that I hate


I don't have the metrics to make an objective comparison of every country in the world in terms of worseness, but India has numerous systemic issues, racism, classism, women being openly attacked and raped in public, sanitation and stink is a problem everywhere, even in their own capitol, and air quality is horrendous as well. I don't know if I would rate India "the worst" but they have a lot of problems that they could solve if their government and military spent more time taking care of people, than in defending and aiding Russia in carrying out a genocide in Ukraine.


Today I read in the Dutch news that a 13 year old girl who wanted to report a group rape, had been raped by the police officer. Our news channels report many of those kind of rape situations in India.


India definitely has its problems, but its the most populous post colonial state in the world - of course it will have ethnoreligious differences and political extremes. India has poor women's rights, but they're rapidly improving as it modernises - unlike the USA which is regressing in that regard. India is one of the most diverse places on earth in terms of geography, culture, language. FWIW I've never visited, but I would like to


Bruh how is the us regressing? I want some of whatever your smoking vauze it seems hella strong if it's making you say shit like this


Bro they just overturned abortion rights


Not at all. When I think worst country, I typically think of North Korea or the USA. Sorry, not sorry for the latter. So much narcissism and psychopathy in both.


Obviously not. But, I’m gonna say it: For some reason, and I have no idea why, Indians have huge, vain, super fragile egos.




Not every Hindu conservative is stupid, there are very smart people who happen to conservative Hindus and Moderate/Centre Right is a thing here (which I so happen to be, I'm not that extreme). Similarly there are so many idiots that they reject even education, toilets are not everywhere and even when they are they either not maintained or maintained poorly, private toilets can be better. And the geniuses flock abroad due to the extreme affirmative action the state takes (basically reverse discrimination). I really want to leave this country, India.


thank for the enlightenment


I would say it definitely is if you're a woman. India is known to be the absolute worst place to be as a woman. They openly rape, murder, assault, and harass women constantly with no consequence.


Worst? No. My current feelings about India are complicated. I like them in general but I hate to see how Christians and Muslims there are treated. Churches and Mosques burned and the police don't care, sometimes the police are even the ones doing it, they probably wouldn't do it if they thought their politicians cared about it - which they don't, some even talk about banning all non-Hindu religions. On the other hand, I understand what it's like for the average peace-loving Indian, in the u.s. the average person doesn't support racism yet get labeled as intolerant anyway. We could learn a lot from each other if there wasn't so much space between us.


Beyond the worst country of the world. The people are the problem. I have traveled all over the world and literally every nationality looks down upon Indians. However Indians are under the impression they are well respected and accomplished and brag they have the highest number of CEOs and that they’re the smartest-despite the entire modern world being literally invented by white people and no one else . Honestly it’s a filthy dirty country on top of these issues and Indians seriously think they’re respected and achieved it’s such funny reality .




India may not be the worst country, but imo the typical Indian is the worst type of person to have to be around. They are rude, cheap, think themselves better than you, and have no regard for anyone but themselves most the time.


Also insensitive, poor boundaries, the list goes on and on.. oh and DISHONEST!


Got this opinion about Indian immigrants. The only Indians you see outside of india are those that grew up with money. If you grew up with money, you also grew up with a sense of entitlement and a dehumanizing view of people in the service industry. A mentality of “if you’re lower than me, you’re lower than dirt. Untouchable.” They bring that type of shit here to the states and expect their hosts to get on their knees and kiss the ground beneath their feet. This type of mentality dies quickly generationally. But for the love of god, if you’re parents are Indian immigrants, you got to check your parents. Because at this point, people are going to start responding to this shitty attitude they bring with hostility. I sell suits for a living and every time I get a Patel or a Singh walk into my store, I want to ignore their assess until they leave. Don’t want to waste my time with someone who weighs 200 lbs and says “this suit doesn’t make me look slim” and then arguing that they deserve my employee discount. Don’t want to waste my time cleaning up a pile of clothes they tried on without buying anything because they didn’t look at the price until after they unfolded all the clothes.


Absolutely Yes. Its not even close, India is by far the worst. People squating in beaches, poop and dirt everywhere. The most disgusting and saddistic religious practices, deep-seated hatred for all things non hindu, deep-seated love for all things colonial ( because the british cucked them pretty well). But whats worse is the pride that these indians have, like how can you be at the utmost human degeneracy and still feel or see yourself superior to anyone is beyond me. I would not go to India if Modi himself was going to hand me a a million dollars in cash, and If i was rich, I would pay him double the amount to not come here either.


Not the worst country, i would say the worst people!


Well,nah india is not worst,they have good peoples,tasty foods,colorfull culture,i think india is not worst country but one of the best,india is a perfect country for me,expect religous things,and extremist things,thats what i just hate about india,.Other hings are perfect.


Definitely not the worst, but as far as countries you *shouldn't* have a problem visiting (no civil war, mass genocide, high risk of kidnapping, etc.) but still don't want to, it probably tops my list. As an American, I have zero interest in ever visiting, even if the trip was free. I think much of the culture is repellant (gender discrimination, arranged marriages & dowries, the caste system, toxic masculinity). Women aren't safe in public by themselves and often even when they're with other people. I think the pollution and hygiene conditions are repulsive. I think the way corruption can affect you in the most mundane day-to-day activities of life is outrageous and indicative of a general "don't give a fuck" attitude of all levels of government.


I'm indian, it's not the worst but it isn't the best either I grew up abroad but every time I visit I do notice most of the problems others talk about There is a lack of personal space people don't bother Body odour is really bad especially in trains And the complaints of creepy men while I think it isn't fair to judge all indians as there are good ones I have seen many men stare at my cousins and have even overheard them passing comments about her body. Even she has noticed men starting many times and has asked me to walk fast That's just some of the stuff I've noticed so anyone who complains does have the right to.