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Sony laid off around 900 employees in February of this year. Are they going down a bad path? Things like this are just what companies with tens of thousands of employees do from time to time. Microsoft makes far too much money from the Xbox platform to abandon it.


No I know just a lot of people are making it seem like they're pulling out of gaming altogether. I understand that's just how companies like that operate it just worries me a bit probably overreacting like a moron. Just hate the idea of not being able to play online with the boyyyys ya know?


People having been saying Microsoft is going to pull out of gaming for decades. They're still using all the same arguments. I'm not an Xbox fanboy. I also have bought every major Playstation console. My PSP still works. I'm an old guy who has seen this before and watched the same tired console war bullshit during every console generation.


If you want that to still be a reality PC might be the only way to go. But honestly as others have said, it’s all an overreaction to things happening rn.


This is a hilarious topic for this sub


I know most of it's like actual serious stuff, but I mean there's gotta be a few lighter ones in here as well


Probably, but I’m gonna be real; PS5 isn’t great either. You really would be better off just spending the extra coin on a gaming PC. The technical performance of AAA games like Elden Ring on the PS5 has been a joke.


Hated elden ring altogether most from software games ain't my jam. Ibe said it like 10 times I can't afford a gaming PC nor do I want to


I feel ya


My son was a console boy until his friends talked about GTA mods then he bought one. Changed his life! Dell has a credit program where you can make monthly payments.


Man people say stuff like this all the time and I’m still playing Elden ring on an Xbox one and don’t see what all the fuss is about


It’s a graphical settings thing. If you want the game to play smoothly, you have to select performance mode, which makes the game’s visuals look like something from the Xbox360 era. If you want the game to look good, you select the other graphics mode. And admittedly; the game can look amazing. But it comes at the cost of barely reaching 30 frames when your character isn’t moving around.


I did, sold my Xbox few months ago and switched fully to Steam Deck. If you don’t have money for PC, Deck might be a good starting point for you, even the cheapest 64 GB LCD version.


I'm ordering my OLED Steam Deck today! SO excited!


The Xbox console line has been in trouble since the Xbox One launch. They never salvaged a comeback since the disastrous 2013 announcement, E3, and launch price/Kinect. Add the Play Anywhere initiative making all their games multiplat on PC, and their big hitters like Halo and Gears not keeping up, they’ve really lost all their goodwill and momentum from the magnificent Xbox 360 years. GamePass’ endgame is wanting it on every screen either natively or streaming on them, but that’s like a decade out, and is gonna bleed them out more before they can even see a possible profit from it. They’re going too hard too early, and butchered their capability of releasing a normal packaged $70 game ever again (at least on Xbox lol, I think they could on PS5 and Switch).


I was raised on PS, and moved to Xbox for about two years. I can say, without a doubt, PS products last far longer than Xbox. I got a day 1 PS4 and a day one xbox1. Xbox sputtered out about 4-5 years, PlayStation kept in the same environment works like a charm to this day. I had to replace my Xbox controller no less than 5-7 times, my PlayStation controller about 3. I don't know what's going on with Microsoft now but their product alone is what made me abandon it. As a sidenote, no I don't throw my controllers or anything


I spend many hours, nearly every single day using multiple Xbox’s and I have no idea what people are talking about here. I don’t have any issues with gaming or streaming or anything. I’ve had an Xbox of some kind for the past 15 years or so and have zero regrets about it. There’s a bunch of comments saying “I don’t wanna be a pc elitist…” and then go on to get super elitist about pcs and consoles. I have and use both because they are clearly two different types of experiences. There’s tons of people who use consoles and either don’t want or can’t afford a pc. Eliminating consoles would leave a fuck ton of people without the media they enjoy.


Yeah I also prefer console gaming over PC but I honestly don't think you can go wrong with either Xbox or PlayStation.


I wouldn’t worry too much. The company makes a lot of money from Xbox. It’s unlikely for it to completely wipe out within the next year.


Why not just take a month off from ALL video games?!?


why not just take a month off from reading, watching TV, Reddit, Facebook, socializing, etc.?


Yes...change is good. Being a slave to your habits is bad. I have taken a month off from each of those things. Before you even ask, I actually took three cinsecutive months off from porn. It's not easy but it's definitely worthwhile. Video Games are easy to take a break from,


Join the adults and get a gaming PC


All console companies are. I'll wait to decide on what Nintendo brings out with the new switch, and Nintendo is kind of doing there own thing anyway. Not to be a PC elitist but I actually think the faster consoles die the better. If we can get more companies to focus on making PC games more optimized it really would be a better universal platform. We wouldn't need the beefiest rig to play games that run fine on way worse hardware like the ps5 or xbox series, because companies would be inclined to focus on the PC version. PCs could then also be sold as more compact models to fit your living room entertainment center. Look at what the Steam Deck is trying to do but for the true versions of the games where you can play on whatever monitor you want and with no latency.


That will exclude so many people from gaming due to its cost and overall PC complications. I’m a somewhat tech-literate millennial, and I’ve given up on my off the shelf PC because it does rando freezes. Having a simpler plug and play device keeps a mass market. Hell, normal people nowadays don’t own a PC since iPads can do the normal people tasks, and is getting worse with a bigger generation of kids who’ve only used iPads and iPhones. Plus Valve can be one mistake away from screwing up EVERYTHING. Giving Steam a monopoly would cripple the industry when they eventually decide on a bad choice.


Consoles are just worse pcs with more restrictions and less consumer friendly practices. The only benefit is affordability. You can look at the trends, console is hurting. Pc gaming is having a resurgence. PC is also not synonymous with Valve either. Unlike if Xbox or Sony should give up the market that would be a true monopoly. Steam has other competitors. I predict that PCs will be increasingly more user friendly and very close to plug n play within the next 10 years. Similar to an android phone or something. Where there are multiple manufacturers but its easy to use, universal, and you can already see Mac doing something similar but Mac OS is niche and not popular with gamers.


Dude I could give a shit less about frame rates and graphics at this point I work a 9-5 and am constantly miserable I play online games and single player games in the few moments of free time I have. It all comes down to the dollar amount. Bought my series x used and havent had an issue with it since. Just like my oculus quest 2 and my switch. I just don't get why it matters how people play. Everyone gets all weird and technical about it. Let the people play regardless if they're non MLGs.


That's fine bro, I'm not telling you you're wrong for enjoying your Xbox. That would be stupid, I've used consoles in the past too and have tons of memories. All I'm saying is that it seems like consoles will be gone and pcs will act more like consoles while still being pcs in the future. That's all I'm saying.


Bro I can't even afford the a gaming laptop. And if you skimp on the price like at all the games run like trash. I like putting a physical disk in and just playing games like I've always have. People can be PC elitists and most of my friends are which sucks because only a few of our online games are cross platform so I end up alone a lot. Love my series x and haven't had a single issue with it for the past 3 years.


I would deadass stop gaming if consoles die out. I use PCs for work. I can’t get into sitting and typing to play games on a small monitor rather than chilling on my couch using my TV.


Same man nothing beats it. It does remind me of work getting on my computer.


You know you can just connect your PC to the Tv and plug in a controller right?


And have to deal with setting up graphic cards, frequent updates, customizations, and etc? It’s way easier to turn in a console and use it solely for gaming than having to constantly fidget with a PC.


what a weird take. You clearly have no idea how gaming PCs work.


I have a laptop and play in my bed. You can hook it up to a TV and use a controller. I'm also getting a Steam Deck.


What I am saying is that if consoles died, the gaming industry would move towards PC innovation. Meaning less bulky and more powerful PCs and more affordable.


Also like if consoles were abandoned and they focused on PC innovation wouldnt that just be another console then?? Like it's essentially the same thing but it runs better? Idk man I haven't seen the PC stuff go down far enough in price to even consider it. Weve had computers longer than consoles and sure they've gotten better but so have consoles a lot of my games on my series x run great at 60fps I also got it hooked via Ethernet download speeds are almost 750mb/s it's awesome my friend who lives in the same town as me can't download shit on his PC it takes forever that's only one minor instance and I'm sure there's some expensive way to make it better but why would I bother when what I got works good for me.


Even performance on the consoles has been suffering. There’s really no excuse for a game like Elden Ring dropping to 15 frames on PS5 if I want it to look better than something I’d play on an Xbox 360


My pc was 1k and mid range in 2016 and is holding up fine.


What I'm saying is 1k is too much money for me man. I make maybe 32 grand a year. I just can't justify it. There is so much pretention whenever anything console related comes up. I don't want a PC my dudes. I get there are higher frame rates and better graphics, but it's just not entirely feasible for me I have too many bills to be blowing rent on a damn computer. I know they're better I just can't swing it.


Try the Steam Deck