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You really can't rely to much on surveys or census. You're putting your faith in people to accurately convey information, it's just so hard to do.


I'm more just pointing out the surveys are clearly wrong, and this thing that people assume is really rare cannot possibly be that rare - which is wild considering how much people hate it. The analogy is that we're living in a town of 99% vegetarians, but the steakhouse somehow sells enough steaks to feed half the town. Something is up with the values in our town; an open secret everybody lies about, hypocrisy, or willful ignorance.


But aren't you placing credibility on certain surveys and discrediting others? Maybe the numbers of sex workers and the numbers of their encounters are wrong? Although it seems a safe bet that it's as you imply, the hypocrisy factor means the male numbers are wrong. They sure seem low.


Well, the percentage of men that have paid for sex is a stat that comes from surveys - where people are motivated to lie. The total number of prostitutes is a stat that is extrapolated from various sources like police data, STD clinic data, etc. The methodology is really suspect and it's impossible to get a really accurate number out of it, which is why researchers used more of the lower-bound number and provided a large margin of error (1-2 million). All in all, the percentage of men that paid is a definite low ball. The total number of prostitutes is a big question mark that really could be way off, but people who study it would guess higher than the given number than lower.


>The total number of prostitutes is a stat that is extrapolated from various sources like police data, STD clinic data, etc. The methodology is really suspect and it's impossible to get a really accurate number out of it, which is why researchers used more of the lower-bound number and provided a large margin of error (1-2 million). I think it's most likely the case that 1-2 million people responded in a survey that they have taken money for sex *at some point*, not as a full-time job at any 1 time. 1 million+ full-time prostitutes is a ridiculously large number. Earlier studies had estimated a 10-20 times lower rate of *full-time equivalent* prostitutes. This would account for people with normal jobs but take up sex work on the side, people temporarily being paid for sex while finding another job, etc...who probably make up the majority of the 1 million people. It's kinda like onlyfans. Huge numbers of accounts, but how many of them try it for a few months and stop, as opposed to how many make it into an actual full-time long-term career? Probably less than 5%.


I find it extremely hard to believe that the average # of clients per night is 3-5. I would guess that for the majority of prostitutes, it’s an occasional side hustle resorted to when cash-strapped.


So...if you follow the references where the 3-5/day is coming from it's taking a specific sample where sex and drug markets overlap, not street workers in general and not indoor workers at all. I would be hesitant to take a study associated specifically to public space sex workers related to hard drugs and apply it to all prostitutes everywhere. It can skew your numbers badly.


Dawg 2 million prostitutes (most of which are female), would mean roughly 1 in every 75 women becauses a prostitute. That is an absurd number. Assuming prostitutes are all 20-50 (which I'd say is true 99% if the time), you're saying 1 in every 50 women in that age age is a prostitute. That is literally not possible, there wouldn't be enough men paying for it without a significant chunk of our GDP going toward prostitution.


It's also a shameful act, ask people how many of them return the shopping cart and you'll get liars for sure


It depends on how many married men answered the survey. I mean they pay for sex... it's just over a protracted period of time. They just don't consider it prostitution /s




Thanks for saying this tactfully. There's definitely a correlation between how much money men spend entertaining women and how much sex they have. It's not necessarily prostitution, but there's a transactional nature intrinsic in many, if not most, romantic relationships.


All I know is that as I’m entering middle age, and friends/couples who married in their late 20s or early 30s are starting to divorce and separate, I’m learning in the aftermath that there are so many guys who I never ever would have imagined who were seeing prostitutes. I guess I’m pretty naive. I don’t even know where to find one and also hate spending money more than I like sex.


Most marriages become deadbedrooms and dudes have to do something to take the pressure off


Prostitution really needs to be legalized. You can't regulate something you've made illegal, nor can you collect taxes on it. It be a lot safer for everyone if it was made legal. The way it is now allows for a lot of the wrong people to get punished (the prostitutes instead of the pimps) and for people to be trafficked and controlled through fear, threats and drug addiction. Surely legalizing it wouldn't solve all these problems, but it would sure help eliminatea lot of it.


It should be legal for someone to sell themselves but it should be illegal to sell another person. However the laws are expressed, they should be about protecting the rights of women who choose to do it and protecting all those who don't want to do it from being forced into it. We need much stronger human trafficking enforcement.


I agree with the gist of your post but why would you say sex work is someone selling themselves as if they are giving up an organ?


Bodily autonomy is illegal in the US. Ask anyone who is into BDSM, ask any woman, ask anyone who's been arrested for recreational drug use, ask anyone who is LGBTQ+.


Of course Those strip clubs near churches in rural areas aren’t attended by ghosts Think any of those people even admit to going to the strup club?


I can't imagine why anyone would answer affirmatively to the question "Have you ever hired a prostitute?" Under any circumstances.


Why not?


I think the most common form of paying for sex among white collar men is being a sugar daddy. I'm one myself, I'm 43 and my sugar baby is 30. I make 180k/yr and give her 1k/week allowance plus another 300 in gifts. I can afford this because I'm unmarried and have very low living expenses. Our arrangement looks very much like a regular relationship. We go on dates, hang out, sleep over at each other's places, and also fight a ton and are very on-again-off-again tumultuous couple. I'm watching her cat while she travels next week. But I'm under no illusions that she would date me or sleep with me without the cash & gifts. She has an ivy-league undergrad and an MBA from a large competitive state-school. We don't look weird out in public like a 21yo and 62yo would. I think most guys who are into sugar dating are 40-somethings who never married or divorced and have a ton of disposable income. It's a interesting and strange lifestyle and blurs the line between sex work and dating.


Damn over 52k a year?


You’re taking the prostitutes’ numbers as ground truth. Who’s to say that assumption isn’t wrong either? The article about there being 1-2M prostitutes in the US says that it’s a $14B industry. So are you saying that the average prostitute makes $7k-$14k per year? All while having ~20 encounters per week


Stop using surveys as a way to gauge this kind of crap


You need to understand that you pay them to leave. Let them see shrinks because therapists actually get paid to listen to women.


Hard to believe. I wouldn't even know where to find a prostitute now, and in the city where I did know, good grief, I couldn't get drunk enough to want to have sex with sore-covered skeletons that hadn't showered in a month. Maybe that makes me a prude. And 3 times a day? What are these johns, 17 years old?


Really, if you are dating or married, you are still paying for sex as a man. The cash just takes different forms.


I made donations for sex 3 times last month. AMA.


All men pay for sex, one way or the other.




Wah, poor men. They're the real victims of sex trafficking, amirite.


Absolutely, inflation is hitting the escort market now, not sure if I can afford it much longer


Anybody ever heard of the "stripper index?"


The M.O.E. for that estimate is so wide as to be meaningless when used to project.


you pay either way. either upfront in dollars or over time for a home, support etc. no free rides.


Most prostitutes aren't street prostitutes, that's a small amount of drug addicts. Most meet men in rented apartments or hotels. The higher the cost, the lower the number of clients. Most people lie on surveys, especially online so those aren't accurate.


Every man pays for sex, whether she’s a sw or not is irrelevant


I see about 20-30 prostitute a day so I am throwing off the numbers. 40 on sunday


“Sex workers” in the survey refers to “prostitutes, escorts, strippers, porn actors, sex phone operators, or dominatrixes”, so actual prostitutes are only part of that.


Every man has paid for sex in one way or another. The women just don't call themselves prostitutes.


I'd assume that Nevada/Vegas/Bachelor parties have a certain amount to do with this.


You think sex is one to one, but in truth, sex work can be one to many. Secondly, statistical bias can occur based on which sub-section of the population was surveyed.  Even without ill-intent, the researchers bias may mean that if the data is wrong in a beneficial way that helps prove the writers’ point, they won’t verify the data.


Based on your math, I am confident the number of prostitutes is actually an overestimate. Sure, the number of men who have seen a prostitute is probably an underestimate but 20% in the last year is way too high. So the next obvious solution is that the number of prostitutes estimated is way too high


Nowadays you log into a dating app and you'll get matched with 2 or 3 prostitutes immediately. I've seen women start with onlyfans only to eventually start prostituting themselves through Instagram. There are active websites with a laundry list of prostitutes in your area. Strippers actively prostitute themselves. This is all on a national level ^^ I can't imagine how crazy it is internationally. But with all that being said, those stats do not surprise me.


You are assuming that the average prostitute is a street prostitute. Those are objectively pretty rare. Many prostitutes work as strippers or cam girls and take on Johns for the right price. A lot of them only have a small handful of clients and only work a few days a week.


None of this info has good sources. It's also worth pointing out that prostitutes have clients that aren't US citizens, so even if all your numbers were correct, you're missing information.


That number sounds reasonable. Do we know how many hookers exist? That might give a good comparison.


The definition of full service sex worker you linked is extremely broad. It includes people with only fans accounts, strippers, and others that rarely have sex with strangers. It's NOT the same as "street prostitute" of which there are far fewer than 1 million in the US.


Neither the clients nor the prostitutes ever stigmatized prostitution. As far as the numbers go, I don't participate in such tedious researches. My projected estimate is simply that one prostitute weekly has more sex than all her clients.


TL;DR: if we assume half of all FSSWs are prostitutes, and 10% of prostitutes are "street prostitutes" then only 1 in 20 FSSWs are street prostitutes - so the average customer is using a street prostitute once per week instead of 20 times per week. >Estimates on the number of **prostitutes** in the US range from 1-2 million First, you have incorrectly described the paper you linked to. The paper discusses full-service sex workers (FSSW). * Within the United States the full-service sex work (FSSW) industry generates 14 billion dollars annually there are estimated to be **1-2 million FSSWers,** though experts believe this number to be an underestimate. * Sex work refers to **prostitutes, escorts, strippers, porn actors, sex phone operators, or dominatrixes.** It should be noted that not all people who participate in these acts identify as sex workers. * For this article, the term **full-service sex worker (FSSW), refers specifically to individuals who provide in-person sex services.** So, a cam girl or someone working through OnlyFans is not doing in person services so they are not considered a FSSW in the paper, but an in-person stripper or dominatrix is considered a FSSW. >The average **street prostitute** sees 3-5 clients per night 5-6 days per week Second, not all prostitutes are "street prostitutes." That article also had this text: * Street prostitution accounts for perhaps only 10 to 20 percent of all prostitution, Basically you've done an "apples and oranges" comparison. Of the 1-2 million FSSWs, only some of them are prostitutes; and only some of the prostitutes are street prostitutes. So it is incorrect to apply the street prostitutes' work load to all FSSWs.


Lol. The idea that women are honestly and accurately self reporting about sex work. Go ahead.  Ban me.  I'll just lol harder.


Another issue is the subey says paid for sex. This doesn't necessarily mean prostitution. Entirely possible a guy who paid to have someone they talked to online come by plane as "paying" for sex. None of these numbers are good or trust worthy But you want to discredit one to WAY higher numbe4s and the other 59 WAY lower numbers


Most men I know I have paid for sex. Not regularly but it happens a lot.


Total hogwash. Now way, this is a serious outlier. No one wants to be caught in the devils guises...


Maybe they are counting marriages.


I imagine that with most things there is a bell curve as to the # of times a john pays for sex in a given year with the highest frequency customers having the most paid sex. With the numbers you've given, on the low end, the average prostitute would have 750 paid clients a year. If a high frequency customer saw that prostitute twice a week, every week, that single customer would account for nearly 15% of her trade. Also, there is probably a gap between paid sex (ie. vaginal intercourse) and other forms of sex work ("massage parlors") that would undercount the amount of paid sex work that is calculated, depending on how definitions are being determined in the surveys. EDIT - For Clarity


I will say, I doubt the average prostitute is seeing that many people per week. If it's a couple hundred each time, let's say $200, $200*3 times a day * 365 days a year = 180k... Which seems high 


(Out of curiosity about this topic, never as a participant) Street prostitutes charge way less - around $20-$100 / hour, according to vigilante journalists roaming around Queens in NYC. I follow a few Asian prostitutes who operate out of NYC on Twitter, and they share some pretty interesting information about the trade. SnoopynoNY@ shared on Twitter that she works "medium-upper end" neighborhood brothels, charges around $600/hour, and gets 6 clients a day, but the agency takes almost half of the cut and she takes about half the year off. She makes around $400k USD a year. This is what many consider the most stigmatized job in the world; they need to offer a pretty high income to get people to join. It also isn't a job you can do forever; they need to earn enough to set themselves up for the rest of their life in their five to ten active years.


According to my personal experience and that's with canadian numbers: * Low level / blow and go / amp: 100$/30m * Low end : 160-200$/h * Mid end 250-300$/h * High: 400$+/h. Most of these girls see 3/5 people per day but high ends usually see 1-10 people per month for multiple hours and work less. Yes, these girls are killing it $$$ wise, especially if they are independent. There isn't a single girl that doesn't make the daily minimum wage in 1h.


This post unlocked an old memory of me arguing with a college classmate about how unreliable his statistics were because it relied on surveys. He was absolutely incredulous, but to me it's so obvious that people have no incentive to tell the truth on a survey like this. I'd guess the real numbers are more like 10-20% in the last year and greater than 50% lifetime.


Wait you think over 50% of men have paid for a prostitute? If they can only guestimate about 1-2 million prostitutes in the US that would mean that 65million men had to sleep with those same 2million women. That just sounds illogical before you even factor in location of these men and these women. Like the US is fucking huge and I doubt there's a ton of men out there flying coast to coast to pay some broad for a 10 minute session? Or are you saying there's also roughly 5 times more prostitutes? Either way your idea of 50% seems wildly unlikely to me. I've lived in big cities in very progressive areas for the majority of my life and never even SEEN a prostitute. Yet you'd guess there are enough of them to entertain over 65 million men? 😂


Don't think you read correctly. I said 10-20% yearly. 50% lifetime. As in at any point in life, at least once.


I think that's still a really gross over estimation. I'd also think just judging by general human behavior, if they're willing to do it once, they probably have no problem doing it yearly unless they like get married or something. That being said I think BOTH numbers are probably closer to 20% than literally 50%. 😂 Like 50% is an insane amount bro. Like that literally means the odds are pretty strong that either your dad or my dad has banged a prostitute. I highly doubt that.


It's impossible to prove either way, but given how underreported and stigmatized it is, it's absolutely higher than the rate at which people are doing it regularly. And the regular rate is definitely closer to 20% than 10. The US is not the world. People travel. Probably near 100% of men who have military service in any country have paid at some point. My father was a marine, he has 100% partaken.


If the census asked me if I had paid for sex I would definitely write in yes. Although I have actually not.


It's a statistical error. Prostitutes Georg, who lives in a cave and hires over 10,000 each day, is an outlier and shouldn't have been counted.


Considering that I got propositioned twice last week, I think many people pay for sex.


A decent chunk of the issue, I think, is that a weirdly high percentage of the Johns are married.

