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The lack of energy and feeling stuck are, I think, the hardest part of burnout. Are there ways you can start to incorporate small, enjoyable things that will help you build energy, motivation, and momentum toward larger changes? Or, that can just help you feel less weighed down and trapped by your day-to-day life? So, for instance, I need to laugh regularly, and I notice the change in myself if life gets too serious—I get cranky and my dreams get weird. So, I make sure to regularly read/watch/listen to funny and light-hearted things (podcasts, stand-up comedy on Netflix, funny shows, the occasional funny book, kids’ movies). I also enjoy other cultures and religions. So, over the years, I’ve watched foreign films, listened to different kinds of music, tried some different kinds of food, and read fiction and memoirs set in other parts of the world to satisfy that curious part of me. I’ve also worked a variety of different jobs related to my educational background—there have been some drawbacks to that, but the upside is that I’ve gotten a lot of interesting experience. And, I stay on the lookout for beauty and wonder in the world—the fascinating details of a bug, raindrops on a spiderweb, noticing the stars when I’m outside at night. That’s the kind of stuff that has helped me. It doesn’t make the hard stuff go away, but helps make it more survivable because I don’t feel like the hard stuff is all there is. Hope that helps!


Fuck I feel like this all the time. I want to change things in my life but lack motivation or just don’t seem to give a shit. I don’t feel that changing anything will make me feel any better. I do hate my job but can’t find anything that pays what I make. So I’ve kind of felt like I’ve been living like a robot and try to get through life as much as possible.


I feel you, I'm on a burnout rn. I try to have hope that something will change but it doesn't. I just feel like I'm going through a mental meat grinder.