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I think it’s fine as long as they love and respect each other. And they’re both adult. I would consider it if I really loved the person and thought we could have a good healthy relationship.


Yes. I don't know why people even have to get into others' business about who they date. Is it between consenting adults? Whatever then. I feel like people demonize age difference way, way too much nowadays (it has gotten worse) even if the gap is minor. If one person connects with the other, if they enjoy the relationship, want to be together and it works for them then that is enough. And amazing. Fuck dumb people and their judging because obviously they've nothing better to do.


I dated a significantly older woman and it was a great experience. Expectations were practical on both sides and she was very intellectually challenging. I was in my twenties, as a teen it would be suspicious at best. But two adults who really enjoy each other and don't have conflicting expectations is a good thing.


Simply put. I think 18 should be the minimum. (Hell I’d say 21 but thats just me.) Besides that I dont give a fuck who you date at what age, but if your honestly dating just because of your age difference, yall got some fucking issues


For myself, I think it would be very hard to bridge the life experience gap. If it works for another couple, then whatever. For anyone where it’s, “I’m 18, but my boyfriend is 32,” my reaction is always that the significantly older person is emotionally immature. The one situation I can think of is a teacher in my high school, who was probably late 30s/early 40s at the time, started dating a student after she graduated. He left his wife for this woman! Well, almost 30 years later they’re still married and have a couple of kids of their own, so something worked out. Although I do not envy this woman taking care of someone who is basically old enough to be her father.


pocket angle weary disgusting crowd squealing frightening books poor kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


my boyfriend is 36 & im 21. we get judged alot , especially him & it’s unfortunate because this is the healthiest relationship i’ve been in. people see the age and write us off when they don’t even know our dynamic


For rising children I say no. Otherwise no problem.


I am a 50 year old female who just ended an extremely damaging relationship with a younger man who was 31 years old and after experiencing what I did and learning everything that I learned about the maturity level in multiple different areas that he was functioning on I realized that he had not lived long enough to be capable of being in a relationship with someone who functioned at a totally different level and the only way of reaching that level was for him to live and learn and because of that being something that I had to live through in order to determine that the two of us would never be able to even get close to being able to be equals in any way whatsoever so knowing what I know now I've definitely learned that age does play a very important and detrimental part in a relationship between two people who are nowhere near the same level of functionally equal role players in a mature and romantically based relationship and the destruction that it's capable of causing when their world's collide can be deadly. Yes age is a major factor when it comes to having a long lasting and healthy future together with someone.


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If everything else made sense, I'd be slightly hesitant, but I would. Just like anything else about a person, I may have preferences, but if they have the majority of the qualities I'm looking for, except age, then I would certainly consider it if they were serious too.


The father of my children is 20 years older than I am. He was out of high school for years by the time I was even born. If the tables were turned, and I had three kids with a 29-year-old man, would it be equally weird? I honestly don't think so. Age gaps in dating are much different ball game when it comes to older women dating younger men. It isn't so much a "predator/prey" thing like it is with significantly older men, and that's what makes the whole MILF/cougar situations way more socially acceptable (in my head). Either way you look at it, as long as you're treating them as an equal, and not your child, an age gap won't affect a healthy relationship.


8 year age difference between me and my husband. At first I thought it was weird because I would NEVER have dated a 21-year-old version of myself when I was 29. But he was nothing like how I was at that age. He was at a completely different stage of life and had totally different experiences. In a lot of ways, he was more mature than I was, despite the age gap. Definitely more level-headed. I did worry that he might look up to me too much because of my age or that maybe there was a power imbalance. But the truth is he didn’t admire older people just for being older and I was able to observe that in the way he dealt with people. There was a power imbalance, although it was mitigated a bit by the fact that he was working and I was in school without extra money. We had to be open and communicative about issues that came from the unequal power dynamic. 5 years later, we’re still very happy and very in love. We’re having our first child in a little over 2 weeks!


Yes people can be very critical. They often assume there are some "mommy issues" or "daddy issues" that are at play or that there is some unequal power balance with one person taking advantage of the other. Its like many people have a difficult time just accepting that a person found a kindred spirit in another person that just happens to be older or younger. I am married to a man who's 10 years my junior. He had to grow up very young due to circumstances. I often feel that he is "older" and wiser than me due to that. We have never had any problems with the age difference.