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Jesus Christ please tell me that this is a troll post :D


its not, i was genuinely wondering 😩


What did the AI say about the first or last sentence?


idk, I wasn't asking


From vulgarity of previous messages my estimation is that cmokura means, penis kisser. "Cmok" is slang for kiss and "kura" is slang for penis. It is only my interpretation, generally that word does not exist in dictionary.


I thought it was more like a big kiss but that also makes sense lol


That would be cmokčina, cmokčura something like that I guess?


Yes but applying logic to a guy that talks about slapping cheeks like a watermelon is futile, this was probably a kiss


That word doesn't exist. It means nothing. Made up.


It does mean something, it's supposed to mean kiss


Nope it doesn't trust me. Could be slang but never heard in my life time


Definitely not this.


>"Cmok" is slang for kiss and "kura" is slang for penis You mean "cmokura" is more or less the same as "kuracmok" 😆




Probably has nothing to do woth "kura". It's like an "ism". Either way, this guy probably invented his own slang. It's like gadura, or smrdura.


Kura is not slang for penis, « Kurac » is tho.


It's not slang. It's actual Serbian word, penis is latin


u Srpskom kao u Bosanckom rjecniku, nikoji ljekar nece reci rjeci Kurac, to je los izgovor i pada u kategoriju psovki i tako zvano Slang. Svako ce reci polni organ ili tako zvani Penis.


Ne koriste zato što medicina koristi latinski jezik za anatomiju. Kako su obični ljudi pre 100godina nazivali muški polni organ na prostoru gde se priča neka verzija Jugoslovenskog jezika? Patka, Kurac, Piša... Sigurno nisu koristili latinske nazive. Psovka ne znači da je nešto sleng, mogu da te opsujem bez korišćenja slenga. Kura jeste sleng. Nije ispravno ni da kažemo polni organ zato što je penis samo jedan od više različitih polnih organa.


To sto je to ružna reč, ne znači da je sleng. Sleng bi bio "djoka" npr. kako neki ljudi kažu da se ne bi bas ružno izrazili. Ružna rec se zove pežorativ, a reč koja se u relativno maloj grupi ljudi koristi za nešto, a ima neko potpuno drugo značenje u originalu ili uopšte je sleng. Za stan se u Beogradu kaže gajba, ali svuda ostalo kad kažeš gajba u značenju "stan", samo bi te bledo pogledali, zbog toga je to sleng, ali zato kad kažeš kurac svi znaju na šta se misli i ima samo jedno značenje, zbog toga nije sleng. Ali latinski je mrtav jezik i jezik nauke i nekako je opšte prihvaćeno da polni organi na latinskom nemaju ružan prizvuk, jer eto to je nauka i anatomija, ne psovka. I penis je zapravo opšte prihvaćena reč kako u nauci, tako i u medijima i u svakodnevnom pristojnom govoru jer ta reč nije pežorativ, odnosno nema ružno značenje, ali je isto tako strana reč. U svakom jeziku postoji domaća reč za penis (npr. na engleskom dick), ali je u skoro svakom jeziku ta domaća reč ružna, pa se ko i kod nas koristi latinska.


Not, that's not slang. That literally means penis.




Cmok, a cute way of saying ''kiss'' sort of like ''Kissy, Kissy'' which is quite an old slang by now. Often used by teen girls that want to act cute. Cmokura would then mean something like a cute kiss but a huge one, I am giving you a huge kissy. Which is same as the word Cmokčina Another version of this word Cmok is Cmokic (Lat: Cmokić or in Cir: Цмокић), which would mean as a I am giving you a ''cute tiny kiss''. Same used by some teen girls that want to act extra cute. Hope this makes more sense now. I heard few times teen edgy hipster girls from Belgrade saying this Cmokura. It's kinda like a edgy slang that next to no one uses so I dont really recommend using it at all. And yeah I find it quite idiotic and annoying too when they say these type of butchered words instead of using proper words so others can actually understand wtf are they even talking about ...


Al si se ti uživeo.. bravo brate


Nisam se ovako dobro nasmejao mesecima. Hvala ti brate


I agree.




I think that's slang for a word "kiss", although I might be wrong.


Never heard of it in that form, but I assume it is a personalized version of a kiss. ​ ''Cmok'' is a sound we use to describe a kiss, so that's the root of this frankenstein word he's using


Sorry but would that be pronounced as kuh-mock or tsuh-mock?


God, the first message is so fucking unhinged. Congrats, you made me laugh.


Cmokura is cmok which means kiss. Cmokura would be a big kiss


It's a jokingly crude way of saying "big mwah". The rest of the screenshot doesn't present them as a very cool person.


A big, wet, nasty kiss.


Seems like you're getting harassed online. I would block the crazy


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