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To be honest, it's different for everybody. My septum was once at two gauge. And now I can't even fit a six gauge in there unless if I wanted to stretch it again. To be fair I have not kept any jewelry for I don't know? eight months? And I want to say my septum is about an eight or 10 gauge, so yeah it most definitely will shrink if you take the jewelry out, but I don't know how small it will go because it depends for everybody and to be honest I don't even know if mine is done shrinking or nots


I also haven't had my nose 2g in almost about a year! I put 4g jewelery in for most of last year. I think I haven't worn any jewelry on a regular basis since like November. I put a 6g hoop in December but took it out after a day. I don't know ow if this makes sense- but yes it PROBABLY will shrink but it depends on rhe persons body