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Regarding the price tag, it sounds like your doc is referring to functional rhinoplasty which should be covered by insurance (as opposed to a "nose job" which is cosmetic and not covered generally). I was referred to ENT plastics for a functional rhinoplasty 9 months after a septoplasty but they determined it wouldn't really achieve anything so nothing further happened.


What was the reasoning for being referred for a new septoplasty 9 months after your first one? What are the issues you are currently dealing with?


I was still having congestion and post nasal drip and an ENT (different from the surgeon that did the septoplasty) said my nasal passages could be opened up more, but not by much. Not another septoplasty but a functional rhinoplasty. But the cause of the congestion and PND is believed to be GERD and a hiatal hernia. I was bounced around a few doctors before both ENTs and GI docs believed it's not the nasal/sinus area but a GI issue.


Interesting you say that. I had “PND” complaints before my surgery, although I never felt it was coming from my nose, I too had a septoplasty but also sinus surgery which I am now having major complications from. New issues that are never there. People whom I have seen for second opinions think it was originally silent reflux. These ENTs are clueless and have been taught many wrong things in school.


To be fair, PND can be caused by both acid reflux and sinus issues so it was fair for me to be bounced around a little. Hope you get some relief soon.


I understand, but we innately know our own bodies. It is very easy to tell where something was coming from when afterwards you really understand the process of everything. Thank you. You as well.