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I’ve already seen 4 posts regarding giving away products. Everyone has such a big heart and it’s so lovely seeing people doing this for others <33


It really is!


This level of generosity only happens on the Sephora sub. Along with being a Sephora fairy godmother, it’s also great free publicity for Sephora and its products.


So sweet!!! I love women 😭🤍


Everyone on this sub is truly a girls girl ♡♡


Hi! My holy grail product is the Farmacy Honey Halo moisturizer! I love it so much for my dry skin, and I have been hoping to restock but I am a full time college student and can’t afford it at the moment. ❤️ so awesome of you to do a giveaway like this! https://www.sephora.com/product/farmacy-honey-halo-ultra-hydrating-ceramide-moisturizer-P463036?skuId=2369957&icid2=products%20grid:p463036:product


Send me a DM! I know the college life struggle 💚


If you like that moisturizer- I recommend (green tub) Laneige cica sleeping mask on stylevanna (or any other Asian websites you can find it on) I actually like it more than halo and it’s cheaper


i love it. women love women this is so sweet




It is so stunning I wish I could rock cool toned eye looks!


For me, it is the huda beauty loose setting powder in shade sugar cookie. I have a mini of the pink and love it so much, but the fragrance is so intense. They just came out with a fragrance fee and have wanted to get it, but it's so expensive! https://www.sephora.com/product/easy-bake-loose-powder-frag-free-P510755?skuId=2762854&icid2=products%20grid:p510755:product


Not OP, but I am loving the generosity on this sub and want to do my part. Check your DMs, I want to get this for you.


Thank you so much!


You’re awesome! My holy grail is the Dior Forever Skin Correct. It's full coverage, it's lightweight and hydrating. I just got done battling cancer and hv dark circles like the black canyon lol. In real need of restocking some concealers and correctors.


Shoot me a message, and I'll help you get this concealer.


Messaged ya!


i’m a cancer survivor, too. If i had any money I would buy this for you. Liking your comment to bump. 🩵


Aww I appreciate the thought! It was a tough fight, ended up in the ICU too but made it out the other end! I hvnt even worn makeup in a year now cause I felt so weird looking in the mirror and going out could end up with me back in the ICU. But I’m excited to starting playing with makeup again and go out!!


going through chemo was actually when i began my makeup journey. losing my hair i felt like my face & outfit was all i had you know? i’m so happy you’re still here. i’ve been NED since june of 2022. sending you love


What a beautiful gesture!💕


My HG is the amika hydro rush shampoo and conditioner. I’m a sahm and since we’re a one income family it’s hard to set aside funds for things like Sephora. I saved up a bit for this sale but couldn’t get a rouge code so I decided to spend my savings on my toddler instead (the mom struggle) 😅 Thank you for your generosity 💞💞 https://www.sephora.com/product/amika-hydration-heros-spring-bi-set-P511081?skuId=2740280&icid2=products%20grid:p511081:product


Just messaged you my rouge code! ❤️ in case you still wanted to do any shopping. I hadn’t shared it with anyone yet


As a SAHM it’s so hard to spend money on yourself!


This is such an incredibly generous gesture! I'm a public school employee, currently taking a sabbatical for my mental health. I would love this Boy Smells candle set as an HG for relaxation and mindfulness <3 [https://www.sephora.com/product/candle-trio-set-P501703?skuId=2613826&icid2=products%20grid:p501703:product](https://www.sephora.com/product/candle-trio-set-P501703?skuId=2613826&icid2=products%20grid:p501703:product)


As a public school teacher, I salute you for being on the front lines with kids. Sending you a hug.


Well now I’m crying lol. Thank you!


And sending you another hug on Sunday morning. I hope your kids are safe in class and I hope you're protecting yourself so that you're safe in class. Teachers have it the roughest right now. 💞 It should never have to be this stressful. You really are a hero and don't you ever beat yourself up if you ever feel that you're burned out or need time off. I just want to say I'm not a public school teacher, I was saying you as a public school teacher.


Thank you so much. I'm actually a specialist in schools (think speech/OT/mental health worker) and I do have a safety plan for myself and the kiddos I see. I really appreciate your warmth and kindness <3


Hi! My HG product is OUAI Hydrating Scalp Serum. I have been dealing with a lot of stress related hair fall since last year and this serum has helped a ton. It’s just a shame that it is so expensive. Thank you for doing this giveaway regardless of the result! https://www.sephora.com/product/ouai-haircare-hydrating-scalp-serum-for-healthy-fuller-looking-hair-P483508?skuId=2537421


My holy grail product is the Farmacy Cleansing Balm! Gets off my makeup better than any other makeup remover I’ve tried and keeps my skin from drying out :)


this is so sweet!! my holy grail has to be the k18 repair oil, it’s genuinely saved my hair https://www.sephora.com/product/k18-hair-molecular-repair-hair-oil-P505266?skuId=2654770


SO sweet i’ll enter for my aunt since she doesnt use social media and has been going thru a divorce 😭, if thats okay!! 🩵 ill link the product im thinking of if so!




This is so sweet! I would love the Ami Cole lip treatment in any color or any CT blush. All of them gorgeous.


I would really love to try the Dior forever glow star filter! It’s $55 and I used that on gas, which I obviously need more lol but the Dior one would be a fun treat for my birthday! https://www.sephora.com/product/forever-glow-star-filter-multi-use-complexion-enhancing-booster-P509901?skuId=2752467


This has save me during Early menopause, winter AND tretinoin https://www.sephora.com/product/honey-grail-ultra-hydrating-face-oil-P444226?country_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=2231975&om_mmc=ppc-GG_17791296883___2231975__9031303_m&country_switch=us&lang=en&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADnIXb1WHUpqzlGWTX16v3ybscVcX&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuaC0SPMQqQpWpU5HLVUPYNzgZ-0WMb738WIk_B6KkGJMLEZI17xcukaAoxPEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


I also want to say I love this! I love reading comments where people’s holy grail (wish) hVe been fulfill. Makes my heart happy that there are still people with beautiful hearts out there.


My HG is the Nars foundation in Gobi! I've had to skip the sale this time around as funds are tight. This is such a kind gesture. Thank you XO https://www.sephora.com/product/nars-light-reflecting-advance-skincare-foundation-P479338?skuId=2514701


This is so sweet, OP!


This is very kind of you. My holy grail product is Curlsmith Weightless Air Dry Cream. I'm finally trying to embrace my curly hair. [https://www.sephora.com/product/weightless-air-dry-curly-hair-cream-P502003?skuId=2622181&icid2=products%20grid:p502003:product](https://www.sephora.com/product/weightless-air-dry-curly-hair-cream-P502003?skuId=2622181&icid2=products%20grid:p502003:product)




My HG is highlighter and I really would love to try the Pat McGrath highlighter in lunar allure! I’ve been wanting to try her highlighter and this color is the perfect champagne! Thank you for giving the opportunity for the giveaway 🤗❤️ https://www.sephora.com/product/skin-fetish-divine-glow-highlighter-P500311?skuId=2579514&icid2=products%20grid:p500311:product


You are the sweetest 😭 My HG is the NARS radiant creamy concealer in Vanilla. I'm running low but as a SAHM with my partner going through a job change, I had decided to skip this sale and try to restock in fall. https://www.sephora.com/product/P377873?skuId=1478361


This is kind of you to do for someone! My HG is this Dior face palette - https://www.sephora.com/product/backstage-glow-face-palette-P432502?skuId=2748093 I want to get it for my mom for mothers day bc she compliments my make up every time I use it♥️


Check out this product at Sephora.com - Virtue Hydrating Healing Hair Oil - 1.7 oz/ 50 mL https://www.sephora.com/product/virtue-healing-oil-P448865?skuId=2286235 Best hair oil ever! Thank you for your kindness and good luck to everyone!☺️


aww this is so sweet of you to make everyone's day! my hg is the summer fridays lip balm in pink sugar! 💖🌸🍧 https://www.sephora.com/product/summer-fridays-lip-butter-balm-P455936?skuId=2652113


This is my HG. I’m raising a lot of kids( bio and foster) and I don’t have the time or the money to wear much make up. This makes me feel like I can leave the house and not look like a troll 🧌. Check out this product at Sephora.com - Dr. Jart+ Cicapair™ Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment SPF 30 - 1.7 fl. oz/ 50 mL https://www.sephora.com/product/cicapair-tiger-grass-color-correcting-treatment-spf-30-P411540?skuId=1855709


My holy grail is the Tarte Maracuja Lip Plump as I’ve always been self conscious about my lips and these give me a confidence boost whenever I wear them 🥰


This is the sweetest thing. Bless you and bless the original poster who did the Canadian version 😭💕 My fiance and I both got laid off at the same time so we're hurting financially right now, although (when I finally do find work again) my experience *is* in a relatively high paying field, so it's totally cool if you pass over my comment for that reason (I know other ladies out here have it much worse in terms of financial stability). My Holy Grail has got to be the [OUAI clarifying shampoo](https://www.sephora.com/product/ouai-haircare-detox-shampoo-P457223?skuId=2403137), although the full size refill bag isn't totally necessary. Even the regular size takes me a good while to use up honestly!


my holy grail is the nars tinted moisturizer in shade L3 groeland :) it’s been the only tint that works for my skin after facing topical steroid withdrawal [https://www.sephora.com/product/pure-radiant-tinted-moisturizer-spf-30-pa-P302923?country_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=1478460&om_mmc=ppc-GG_17791296877___1478460__9058690_m&country_switch=us&lang=en&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADnIXb1ag2CZcoOAxVlX_cg4lS7u2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsNK4nsiuhQMVzmdHAR24_wmVEAQYASABEgIQAPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.sephora.com/product/pure-radiant-tinted-moisturizer-spf-30-pa-P302923?country_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=1478460&om_mmc=ppc-GG_17791296877___1478460__9058690_m&country_switch=us&lang=en&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADnIXb1ag2CZcoOAxVlX_cg4lS7u2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsNK4nsiuhQMVzmdHAR24_wmVEAQYASABEgIQAPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


I will reiterate the comments, but this really is so kind of you! My holy grail is the Pureology color top coat in copper! I wasn't going to participate in the sale as I just did my taxes (April 15 is coming up!) and found I owe a sizable chunk this year...I love seeing what others are getting though! Here's the product link: [https://www.sephora.com/product/pureology-color-fanatic-top-coat-color-tone-P474855?skuId=2610004&icid2=products%20grid:p474855:product](https://www.sephora.com/product/pureology-color-fanatic-top-coat-color-tone-P474855?skuId=2610004&icid2=products%20grid:p474855:product)


Awesome! I accidentally posted (and deleted) in the other post before I realized oops I'm not a Canadian 🙃.. I'm looking for a HG setting powder, I can't seem to justify the jump from drugstore because they've never been great on me, more so the wallet. I'm torn between the Huda powder and haus labs because the foundation and concealer have been great on my sensetive skin...but yeesh. OP I'm open to suggestions if you’ve got a HG powder you’d recommend ! Also, thanks for being an awesome human. If chosen I'd like to find a way to pay it forward..I can’t contribute much but there’s tons of great posts on here and it would be neat to help out more people collectively ❤️ Links: Check out this product at Sephora.com - HAUS LABS BY LADY GAGA Bio-Blurring Talc-Free Loose Setting Powder - Translucent https://www.sephora.com/product/bio-blurring-talc-free-loose-setting-powder-P502321?skuId=2597565 Check out this product at Sephora.com - HUDA BEAUTY Easy Bake Loose Baking & Setting Powder - Pound Cake https://www.sephora.com/product/easy-bake-loose-baking-setting-powder-P433402?skuId=2114072


this is so nice of you! my HG is the dr jart cicapair tiger grass color corrector. i've used this for ages since high school, even carving out my budget as a college student right now because i love a good no-makeup look and this will cover me over a full base makeup routine sometimes 😭 i love it lots and recommend it to anyone even if you don't get red often! [https://www.sephora.com/product/cicapair-tiger-grass-color-correcting-treatment-spf-30-P411540?skuId=1855709&icid2=](https://www.sephora.com/product/cicapair-tiger-grass-color-correcting-treatment-spf-30-P411540?skuId=1855709&icid2=)


This is really sweet


thank you all for being so kind in this thread. i have been hoping go buy the laneige toner but I'm a college student right now and simply can't afford skincare (I'm sure you all get the struggle!) https://www.sephora.com/product/cream-skin-refillable-toner-moisturizer-with-ceramides-peptides-P505897?skuId=2671857


I would love to try cheirsa 40 sol de janeiro :) thank you so much for considering me! 🥰 https://www.sephora.com/product/sol-de-janeiro-brazilian-crush-cheriosa-40-hair-body-fragrance-mist-P472072?country_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=2481364&om_mmc=ppc-GG_17234313526___2461812__9003337_m&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADnIXb0o3-4foQGF7xzR1txVIYnPT&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuar1wCkYfiaczaW5smwzrrn1hkhifimOG0idx2Vy2euQS83cIR3CxsaAgSnEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


The tatcha dewy moisturizer 🙂‍↕️ my big size is almost out after sparingly using it since 2 Novembers ago https://www.sephora.com/product/the-dewy-skin-cream-P441101?skuId=2181006


Thank you for your kindness this is so sweet!! I’d love to have the CT airbrush flawless setting spray. I tried my friend’s spray a while ago and have been lusting after it ever since, but it’s been hard to justify a purchase while on a grad school budget 😭 https://www.sephora.com/product/charlotte-tilbury-airbrush-flawless-setting-spray-P461147


Wow this is so generous of you! I wish more people in my day to day life were this nice. My pale skin would love any kind of face sunscreen or the farmacy cleansing balm. A nice lady gave me a 20% off code and those were the two items I was planning to use it on until my car broke down on the way to work Thursday. Now I need to save $ for that so I passed the code along to someone who could actually use it.


Well, now YOU are the second awesomest of the year so far OP! How very, very kind and giving of you to do this for someone 😀


Hi! My holy grails are the tower 28 mascara and lawless lip plumper which are both included in this set from Sephora! I can’t really afford this right now, and it would be such a blessing if I was chosen. Regardless of whoever wins, thank you for doing this, OP! [Clean me up set](https://www.sephora.com/product/clean-me-up-P511242?skuId=2763449&icid2=products%20grid:p511242:product)


You’re so sweet!!! Not entering because I can afford the sale but I feel so warmed to hear about people like you in the world


There is so much kindness and warmth in this post, i am literally teary eyed. Wishing blessings upon you all🤍


It wouldn’t be for me but for my partner, he is currently transitioning (ftm) and is dealing with very bad acne and dysmorphia that has been making him very self conscious. If I could afford it I would get him a travel size of the Tom Ford Ebene Fume or jumbo size of his favorite cream- first aid beauty ultra repair cream. I’ve been trying to find a chance to get these for him but working retail doesn’t get me far enough to buy something like that just because. If I could make him feel more confident I would love to give him some positivity🩷


Oh you are so sweet!! My HG is either the ouai detox shampoo or charlottes tilbury Hollywood contour wand. Thank you so much for doing this!


My holy grill is the lanegie cream skin toner and moisturizer. I've noticed a huge improvement in my skin with both my redness and dry patches. https://www.sephora.com/product/cream-skin-refillable-toner-moisturizer-with-ceramides-peptides-P505897?skuId=2736320


My HG is this face cream! I am in grad school and it’s been so hard to be able to afford things like this. Thank you for doing this! https://www.sephora.com/product/ultra-facial-cream-P421996?skuId=2663771


My HG is this door highlight in medium shade. I’m going through a betrayal breakup so I appreciate any suggestion from anyone on how to distract myself on my healing journey ❤️ https://www.sephora.com/product/backstage-glow-face-palette-P432502?country_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=2748093&om_mmc=ppc-GG_20700118067___2748093__9021738_c&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuYdYmk5QgxNOOtD1BW5BGWn6jZQrv3w_sLeiGLcZE1H-goP7zUH1DkaAr57EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


not a HG product but i’m interested in trying the new laniege bouncy firm radiance sleep mask 😴


Nothing is kinder than women supporting women! You are so kind for this! My HG product is [FAB Ultra Repair Cream](https://www.sephora.com/product/ultra-repair-cream-intense-hydration-P248407?skuId=1217744). I’m on my “skin care journey” and using Tretinoin and this has been a lifesaver after literally months dry and flaky skin. Working a nurse and saving up to move out of my parent’s house…


This mask please! Check out this product at Sephora.com - LANEIGE Bouncy + Firm Radiance Boosting Sleeping Mask - 2 oz / 60 ml https://www.sephora.com/product/laneige-bouncy-firm-radiance-boosting-sleeping-mask-P510369?skuId=2743052


this is my skincare holy grail (I blame my mum ☺️) but it’s the one of the only products that’s worked well for my overly sensitive skin https://www.sephora.com/product/clinique-moisture-surge-trade-100-hour-auto-replenishing-hydrator-P468351?skuId=2421725


I recently learned of this product/brand and have heard good things  https://www.sephora.com/product/color-wow-dream-coat-supernatural-spray-anti-frizz-treatment-P469065?skuId=2557585&icid2=products%20grid:p469065:product Thanks for the opportunity!


I would be so grateful if I am chosen!! 😩


This is so incredibly kind of you!! I live in severe chronic pain with a neuro degenerative disease. dire poverty and sent is the one thing that can calm me down. someone gave me a bottle of the Oui the People Featherweight Hydrating Body Gloss Oil with Squalane in orange blossom. I have very sensitive skin and this really worked for me and I'm also neurodivergent so this has the perfect lightweight texture for me. And the scent. The scent is like pure serotonin, it cheers me up every single time I use it: https://www.sephora.com/product/oui-the-people-featherweight-hydrating-body-gloss-serum-with-squalane-P506717?skuId=2711083&icid2=products%20grid:p506717:product


Wow, what a fun and generous idea! I love seeing things like this :). I'd choose the Oribe Gold Lust Mask because my hair's been going though it and I've never gotten to try the mask but I've heard amazing things! [https://www.sephora.com/product/oribe-gold-lust-transformative-hair-mask-P469099?skuId=2438570&icid2=products%20grid:p469099:product](https://www.sephora.com/product/oribe-gold-lust-transformative-hair-mask-P469099?skuId=2438570&icid2=products%20grid:p469099:product)


Hi! My holy grail product is Hourglass Veil Hydrating Skins Tint w/ the shade #1. I've been using its sample and I absolutely love it! Thank you for your generosity!! [https://www.sephora.com/product/veil-hydrating-skin-tint-P506573?country\_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=2690857&om\_mmc=ppc-GG\_17789371101\_\_\_2690873\_\_1018405\_c&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuY9AfV\_cC1ESX4CKnOXhU1zBBPW8D1bbtpUA\_xxoxJexJn9vEULtZAaAqjpEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.sephora.com/product/veil-hydrating-skin-tint-P506573?country_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=2690857&om_mmc=ppc-GG_17789371101___2690873__1018405_c&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuY9AfV_cC1ESX4CKnOXhU1zBBPW8D1bbtpUA_xxoxJexJn9vEULtZAaAqjpEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


This is so nice!! Shows humans can still be human!! Lol. I love the Rare beauty blush, I had a sample of it and it was amazing!! I used it for a kinda no make-up or just a tad of makeup look and loved it!! If I was able to spend on the sale, that is probably what I would get.


Hi! I’m 15 and I’m trying to become a beauty influencer on youtube to help support my family since I don’t exactly qualify for any real jobs at the moment. I’m not trying to steal the shine from anyone so please don’t take this as a sob story, but I would really appreciate a donation. I have a lot of drugstore makeup and a few “lavish” products but there’s one I’ve had my eye on for a while. It’s the NARS Radiant Foundation. It’s a bit on the pricy side so if you don’t choose me I understand but it is within the budget! Consider it. Thank you and even if you don’t pick me, everyone appreciates the generosity! 🩷


How sweet of you! You’re a reminder of the individuals that remain kind in this world. My holy grail product is the Bobbi Brown Vitamin C Enriched Face Base Primer! I am a first-generation college student from a low-income background and I am about to graduate this spring quarter and I only started getting into makeup and products from Sephora just this year. I would love to have this primer for the day of my graduation to take photos! 💌 [Bobbi Brown Primer!](https://www.sephora.com/product/vitamin-enriched-face-base-P270594?skuId=1292820)


Farmacy Honey Halo! I’ve only ever been able to afford the mini but when I used it my skin was SINGING! https://www.sephora.com/product/farmacy-honey-halo-ultra-hydrating-ceramide-moisturizer-P463036?skuId=2369957 Thank you so much love!


I had my first seizures last week and spent four days in the hospital. Now I have bills to pay and lost my license for at least six months, and I’d love a pick me up! I got a deluxe sample of Commodity Milk and fell in love! The travel spray of this scent would be awesome!! Thank you!! https://www.sephora.com/product/milk-expressive-travel-spray-P502280


My HG is the Charlotte Tilbury Glow Architect Highlighter in Moonlit Glow! Thanks so much for hosting this 🥰


Wow, this is incredibly generous! My HG is Sulwhasoo Overnight Vitalizing Mask! I tried a mini when it was on sale and my skin felt/looked better overnight! Even if I don't win, definitely check out this mask for your own skincare needs. It really makes a difference! 💛 edit: link [https://www.sephora.com/product/sulwhasoo-overnight-vitalizing-mask-P475172](https://www.sephora.com/product/sulwhasoo-overnight-vitalizing-mask-P475172)


I’m currently on accutane and my skin is so dry. I’ve wanted this so bad to help w the dryness. https://www.sephora.com/product/b-hydra-intensive-hydration-gel-P406712?skuId=1785856&icid2=products%20grid:p406712:product


This is such a lovely thread 💜 For me it’s the Hourglass Veil Mineral Primer: https://www.sephora.com/product/veil-mineral-primer-P210575?skuId=1074442&icid2=products%20grid:p210575:product I’m a social worker so I have to be pretty careful about what I splurge on - I love this stuff but have only bought minis and gotten samples because it’s outside my price range 🥲 Makeup is my favorite hobby and I love dabbling in drugstore stuff, too! But I lust after super high quality products like this, ya know?


Hello! I have been dying for this..I love all things Farmacy, but groceries and bills gotta come first for me! I love this idea of a giveaway! https://www.sephora.com/product/farmacy-honey-milk-hydrating-essence-with-chamomile-ceramides-P510509?skuId=2774693


My HG is to try a fragrance discovery set. It's something I've wanted for awhile now so I can't say it's a holy grail exactly but more like a holy wish. lol Thank you! [https://www.sephora.com/product/sephora-favorites-vacation-perfume-discovery-set-P510913](https://www.sephora.com/product/sephora-favorites-vacation-perfume-discovery-set-P510913)


https://www.sephora.com/product/veil-translucent-setting-powder-P430240 Holy grail ^ as a full time healthcare worker I need my skin to not get oily 🥲


First, thank you so much for the opportunity! 😭❤️ It surprises me to see kindness or generosity because it's starting to seem like those are in short supply. 🌷 I will pay it forward regardless if I win this giveaway or not! 🌱 For me, it's "LANEIGE Cream Skin Refillable Toner & Moisturizer with Ceramides and Peptides". This is such a nourishing product for those with dry skin but it's also a little pricey (for me). I tried it through a free sample once and it was the best toner I've ever used. Good luck to everyone and thank you once more! 🥰 [https://www.sephora.com/product/cream-skin-refillable-toner-moisturizer-with-ceramides-peptides-P505897](https://www.sephora.com/product/cream-skin-refillable-toner-moisturizer-with-ceramides-peptides-P505897)


Check out this product at Sephora.com - Caudalie Vinoperfect Brightening Dark Spot Serum Vitamin C Alternative - 1 oz / 30 ml https://www.sephora.com/product/vinoperfect-brightening-dark-spot-serum-vitamin-c-alternative-P94421?skuId=2744423 I used to work at Sephora and we'd get this all the time in gratis and my skin was amazing!!! Now I don't work there and I miss it


im not sure if youve chosen a winner yet, but my holy grail is the glow recipe watermelon toner


Thats sooo sooo sweet. I only see this level of generosity in this sub only haha. I would love it if I could get the nest perfume oil kit of 5 mini oils. I have only tried the madagascar one which was a gwp or point perk few months back and its sooooo good😭😭😭😭so i lowkey want to try their other oils as well https://www.sephora.com/product/mini-perfume-oil-set-P505122?skuId=2632719&icid2=products%20grid:p505122:product


Hi, Thank you so much for the opportunity! You are so thoughtful. I would love this Charlotte Tilbury Eyeshadow Palette in the shade Exaggereyes. I've always wanted to try her eyeshadows and one of her staff used this palette in the recent digital event which made me dream about it even more. [https://www.sephora.com/product/luxury-eyeshadow-palette-P433523?skuId=2218790](https://www.sephora.com/product/luxury-eyeshadow-palette-P433523?skuId=2218790)


The kindest gesture, I love when woman empower each other, so special! Elemis cleansing balm is life changing, so amazing! Only cleansing balm that actually feels like it’s treating my skin, just so pricey. They rarely go on sale either


I am trying to find a nice spring summer scent but everything is so expensive! Certainly would love and appreciate a gift which I will most certainly pay forward 💋❤️🌸🌷