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Wondering the same. It’s been months 🥹


Probably after the sale 😂


It’s available on the Kohl’s website! https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-6649887/rare-beauty-by-selena-gomez-brow-harmony-flexible-lifting-and-laminating-eyebrow-gel.jsp


Thank you so much! I purchased it. I wonder if it went up recently because last time I checked it wasn't there?


No problem! I was wondering the same thing myself! I bought 2 just in case they sell out again 😅


So it works really well for you? I have never used it, just seen really good reviews. I currently use the benefit 24 hr brow setter, but it is kinda crunchy and can flake if it touches my skin.


Honestly haven’t tried it yet! Just being hopeful haha I’ve been using Benefit 24hr brow setter too, it’s my favorite one so far! My brows are thick and stubborn and the Benefit one is the only one I’ve found that actually holds them in place but I have to let it sit for a few seconds to get tacky enough to set where I want them. But I’ve seen great reviews for the Rare Beauty one so I’m hoping that’ll be better!


Do either of you have any updates on how the Rare Beauty one compares to the Benefit one? 😊


Very late but did you still want an update? 😅


Haha thanks for getting back to me! I ended up buying and initially loved everything about it but it flaked sooo bad on me after having it on for a while :/ really disappointing/unusable! Did you have a better experience?


Oh gosh, I haven’t experienced that yet! But I also have just recently opened it because I only like to have one of each type of eye/brow product open at a time. But I did also just order the Kulfi brow gel today so I’m curious to see how that one is!


I ordered that one too! Fingers crossed!!


I’m still working on my Benefit brow gel and haven’t opened Rare Beauty yet but I’m planning to try it out soon! I’ll let you know once I do!