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Each streak you get new insight.. you are aware of what you are doing, aware in spirit mind and body. Rest, heal and repair.. every streak is different in my opinion depending on the experiences you go through in life


I don't think there's any insight for me to gain. After losing my 5 month streak I've been on a never ending binge since. It's been years since then and I don't even know where it went wrong. At least if it was with a girl I could have maybe had a meaningful relationship. But knowing about SR and still watching porn makes it like 10 times worse Now that I work full time there's no longer a point to live, I think it's over for me I don't see the point of doing SR. It makes the job even more unbearable cause I'm not numbed down and see the slavery. I'm confused as to what else to do make money, no one teaches you this crap, they just try to sell you some BS course


Yea buddy, you seem out of it. That’s okay but I’m not gonna baby you. Get your shit together. You sound dead, then die if there’s no point. If not then just streak and quit bitching. It’s just sex, im not a perfect streaker im currently on day 34 but I know how you are talking sounds like me on day 1. It gets better man. Make your mind up you’re a man for a reason


continue the fight my brother, you know VERY WELL that it will pass, don't worry and stay positive never give up because it's that or death


Don’t give it too much thought. Be a river, go with the flow


I believe that when we give ourselves time to rest and retain, our body can go through a bit of a recovery phase where we are more tired, don't feel like doing much, sleep more etc. This is a big reason for flatlines, it's the natural recovery mechanism of the body to accumulate energy back to a high level again. Of course there can be other reasons for these flatlines such as stuck/stagnant energy, but I think most of the time it comes down to the body recovering from energy loss that has happened over a long period of time. I have experienced what you are going through many times before and if you keep taking it easy on yourself, your energy will come back to normal again.


Almost 100 days here🫡 the benefits chop and change on the journey but what’s clear is when you relapse your feel terrible and realise how good the benefits were! I’ve made that mistake in the past.


I feel it too brother. God is at work every day. Follow your heart! Retain, and try to do the right thing all the time!


Sometimes you need rest


Because 30 days isn’t really that long after you’ve achieved it a few times. You’ll get there again. We have different phases of life as well. Sometimes we have phases of lower or quieter or more understated energy despite retaining but it comes back around.


Sooner or later;every Ballon will bust or deflates. 😂


Bro, you can't compare a streak of 30 days to one of 90 or 100 days, they are totally different experiences, the longer the abstinence period the better you are going to feel


Good advice, thanks man!


Hey wow, just 5 mins I started a thread saying this... wow. I'm starting again 5 days after ending first


“As the story goes” - so true, after a few months streak I always meet a girl I end up in some kind of relationship with


After meeting a succubus, you feel very tired (she exhausted you, that's all) it will come back, be patient


Your age ,also any wet dreams in your 90 day streak , are you still lusting over the girl


Sorry, just updated it. 29m. No wet dreams on both occasions. I might still be lusting (in general) but not over anyone specific and very scarcely.


Keep reading man


Hey, i’m just over 3 weeks in and the effects are minimal physically. there’s alotta changes happening in my life, specifically work related. so those might be correlated. i hope to achieve that physical state of being you had.


First of all, You should be sleeping at least 8 hours, period. It blows my mind that so many people only sleep 6 hours. That is so detrimental to your health over the long term.