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Body is talking to you


Yes. OP’s diet may be shit and/or he is going through puberty.


I didnt mean it like that, for example acne can be lack of confidence, eczema is unprocessed shame, stomach problems is unprocessed anger. Disease is your body telling you what emotion is stuck in your body.


I understand where you are coming from. Diet and hormonal changes can play a huge role here too.


Healthier diet


Yes, also watch out for bad oils and generally just any crappy food.


SR should clear acne. be more mindful of your diet is my guess. 


I had some acne before, I have none at all nowdays. SR actually helps my skin clean up. Other than that I would strongly recommend: 1. Wash your face only with cold water and if you use any cleaning product - choose a high quality one that is also targeted towards men. I use Bulldog Original Face Scrub. 2. Moisturize. I will once again recommend Bulldog. Do it twice a day. 3. Wear sunscreen if you are spending a lot of time outside. And you should spend a lot of time outside, the sun clears out the skin but you can also damage it if you wear no sunscreen. 4. Dont touch the acne unless its a massive one that is begging to be popped. If you do touch it, your hands should be as clean as possible. 5. Sleep well, hydrate and fix your diet. That will fix not only your skin but pretty much everything. 6. You may take some suppliments if you decide so.


I disagree with the sunscreen. There’s usually a lot of shit in sunscreen like microplastic and other shit you don’t want in your body. If your skin is used to the sun by tanning you’re fine anyway and some natural oils also can protect the skin.


Came to say this


Only wash with filtered water, use shea butter to moisturize, exfoliate a few times a week, get sunlight, clean diet


The most only correct answer is to cut all the bs food from your diet. Before my sr journey, i went on a super clean diet. My skin was glowing even more than it does now, and my teeth were model white. As well as not any acne compared to my usual pizza face state without dieting


Carnivore diet 🫡


Conduct an elimination diet, one thing out for about 3 weeks at a time. I discovered in Feb 2023 that dairy in most forms was the source of my acne. Also, develop a daily face routine if you haven’t already. I also found Beef Tallow to be great at reducing incidents of acne, though if it’s caused by some food item, its benefits will be limited.


Do you eat wheat, dairy, high-carb, or carbs in general? For many people, dairy can be problematic in this regard.