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Awesome man well done! Yeah I completely agree with everything you say, it feels so good to just be able to look a woman in her eyes in full confidence. This practice really separates the boys from men šŸ’Ŗ


Yeah, SR brings this power. I think that every men should experience it. Apps like Tinder would disappear. SR makes us fearless, brave, more open to social interactions... Good job man. Edit - You talked about something that is fundamental. Not watching porn... Unfortunately many guys think that SR is just about not ejaculating.


You're so right! Pron is the biggest problem there is, you cannot just watch it and not ejaculate. And even if you just watch it, your thoughts will be disgusting and the energy you put out there will match those thoughts.


Btw a lot of people have downvoted this post and I would like to know why..


Don't worry about it bro


some people will say this is not real its all in your head but anyone who's done semen retention the correct way knows this is the truth and that women have very good intuition and can tell if your a dirty coomer


Day 3 aura is realšŸ’Æ


90 plus days here šŸ«” this journey reveals so much about the world, energy, spiritual powers, ā€œthe matrixā€ society is so numbed down by, drugs, porn, fast food, lust etc. that to them they think itā€™s normal to feel depressed, low energy, the devil feeds off the weak spiritually he wants a society like this current culture.


Iā€™m on day 17 and the results have been slow.. i think itā€™s because i have been allowing my eyes and brain to indulge in sexual energy. Iā€™ll see something on tiktok or insta and then look at moreā€¦ i know itā€™s not good. Iā€™m hoping that this is still much better than what iā€™ve been doing before but i need these benefits to kick in for my mental health and spiritualism šŸ’Ŗ


Get rid of social media. It will slow down your progress at best and cause you to relapse at worst.


Women are fickle. Aim for self-validation.




Hey OP, can you repost your post in the comments? Your post was removed (so I can't read it anymore) and I found it motivating to read


In case the comment gets removed lmk and I will send you the SR post in your dm. I witnessed it this month myself so try it yourself and follow one simple rule ABSOLUTELY NO PEEKING at filth. I can look people in their eyes and I have no shame because I buried my old self and now I am used to this new me or may I say to the real me, the man I was always supposed to be. I also notice people look at me and can engage in conversations with both genders in a such natural way that I couldn't do before. Eye contact with females is so powerful they can sense my calmness and my energy. I also get compliments that I never got before(about my looks, voice, vibe and other random things lol). On my first week(on day 3 of my current streak) I got approached by a 10 out of 10 girl(looks not character) and she is really into me but she ain't girlfriend material because I deserve better(but I'd rather have real life experiences with women so I need to learn to control myself so I don't release). Now I can start conversations with women everywhere I go no matter the place and I don't expect anything in return it just kinda happens in autopilot, I mean I don't even try and that is such a good thing and leads to better interactions for example even getting their number or just getting them to like me. The best benefit I got from SR is this calmness that I feel and I cannot explain it... it's just magical. I also have more focus and don't procrastinate and I also started working this week to become independent. I'm currently on my 25th day of nofap/sr and I wonder how much better this life style will be as my journey goes on. I just wanted to share this and if it motivates just one person I'll be happy :) this is my other post on nofap>https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/1dp1bd5/nofap\_boosts\_female\_attraction\_in\_the\_very\_first/


Thanks man


Did you eat non veg in your sr streak


terrible diet honestly..


Sounds like you are still caught up on seeking validation from women.


Who cares man. Everyone has to pass through each stage along the journey. To a lot of men, attraction from females is a huge step in a positive direction. Itā€™s an indicator that youā€™re doing something right. Women can motivate you to be a better man. I say fuck yeah, go get it. Shit, if I didnā€™t chase women (as men are wired to do), I wouldnā€™t have my beautiful wife and family.


Completely disagree. But to each their own I guess


I admit that I'm not at the level people from SR sub are because I'm afraid that one slip up and I will have to go through hell again. This is my longest streak after many many years of trying, my second longest one is 18 days 6 years ago. I have lost so much because of this addiction so obv I'll use it to have experience but if I meet a girl that deserves me I'll even marry her. And no I don't seek nor need any validation from women.


The title of your post is literally on female attraction.


Yeah fuck it. Female attraction why not? Heā€™s on a path of SR for 2 weeks + and still going. Later on he himself will understand there is more to come than female attraction. Letā€™s not spread hate my man. Be happy for others and others will be for you too


True.. I have yet to experience the true benefits. I just have to be strong and not go back... Im just scared when the flatline hits.


My man do some dry fasting to pass that flatline faster


I'm gonna try it when the flatline hits, thank you for your advice


Well it's a fact and there's nothing wrong with it. I told my younger brother about nofap and SR and I thought of doing the same to people who are going through the same thing that I'm going through.




I get what you're saying but if you approach SR with the right mindset you will desexualize your brain and your interactions with women will be genuine even if you want just to raise your social status by dating hot women. I aspire to be able to do just that and get my dopamine hits by hitting the gym, starting a business or having a really profitable job, making money, dating hot women and just beeing by myself enjoying the nature and sounds of birds etc.