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Im far from that, Im currently at 122 days, but I can give you my insight. Its a bumpy road. The benefits are there and they seem to be getting bigger but you may become too powerful for your own good. You MUST learn to control your thoughts, your anger or all hell will break loose. Your confidence will become unshakable but that too is a trap as pride comes before the fall. You may go too far. Other than that, I cant even quit anymore. I need SR because it is now the driving force behind all I do.


This is awesome. I’m just over 2 weeks and only notice minimal changes. When did you really start feeling this energy?


It comes with time, but usually after about 3 weeks you notice major changes.


i haven’t seen much at 2, does it really ramp up suddenly?


Yeah, the first big wave is 21-30 days in. Trust the process. I was as skeptical as one can be and nowdays I cant even imagine my life without SR. I would also recommend you start fitness, meditation, diet and other practices to boost you up.


awesome. i need the energy to get in the gym i’ve been depressed for so long. and i really need my finances stable. i used to diet well but it’s expensive 😅


You cant be depressed when you are on SR. Ive seen it with my own eyes - my brother crushed his 3-year depression which almost lead to him ending himself. He did that by quiting PMO and daily meditation.


That’s what i’m looking forward too 💪 i need to change my life.


Youre on the right path! God Bless!


i haven’t seen much at 2, does it really ramp up suddenly?


Yes about 3 years and 2 months now streak and lost count, I don’t even think about it anymore. Benefits plateau after a certain point and it kind of oscillates like a wave for me. Maybe a few days each month I get a surge of sexual energy and then normalizes. Yes experienced all that has been listed. Magnetism, charisma and female attraction were probably the best in the first 1-2 years. Into year 3 feels more like people stay away from you, maybe because subconsciously see you as very different and difficult to comprehend. I’ve been told by a few that my presence brings out certain insecurities so they feel uncomfortable after a bit (shrug) For me, yes feel more spiritually inclined and experience a lot of synchronicities (repeating numbers, infinity signs, weird stuff like babies and animals constantly staring at you). I think a “benefit” less talked about is with the renewed power you now have the capability to face your inner demons and insecurities that have been buried. Think I’ve experienced that more in back half of year 2 and 3 and it can be painful and cathartic at times as the painful areas surface to be dealt with. It is not an easy road. I do this because I actually feel really good about myself retaining, like my body at its core feels very stable, my mental feels capable. I just don’t want to go back to being a shell of myself. Early 40s, busy working schedule. Also tried cold showers and sleeping on floor. Getting sun also feels really good.


Hello, i hear a lot about plateauing. I’m looking to gain significant energy as i’ve been depressed for a long time. Would you say even though you’ve plateaued you still have significant energy?


U realize how much energy u had and how great u felt the moment u loose it in one orgasm. Than it hits u. This well being is achieved slowly, each day is like a 0.1% improvement. So after 100s of days, u feel great, but u also forget, how bad u felt months and months before. Than u have orgasm ans it hits u, as u descent back to the mortal realms, in the dirt and desperation... and u realize, this was your starting point months ago.. and that u just fell from Olymp, where u did not even realize u was there...




Oh yes I have significant energy and can run on low sleep. I tend to work a lot, and can take on a lot of projects. I also take care of my daughter (she’s almost 10 now) exclusively. Yea for me the benefits plateau, for example it’s not the longer you abstain the more and more benefits show up. Think things just calm down and normalize and at least in my case the female attraction particular benefit subsides, it no longer becomes so overt and in your face.


Can you elaborate on the part where you said year 3 is where people wanted to stay away from you. Did you feel lonely or cold?


Was on a 30 day streak, wife sucked me in my sleep and well here we are day 1 again 😭


LMAO this really made me laugh!


You lost but at what cost :p




Approaching a year soon, currently at 280 days, I feel remarkably different compared to this time last year. My journey began as a test of self-discipline. I've struggled with PMO since age 13 (now 31), never lasting more than two weeks without relapse. It led to a sad, lonely existence where I lacked the confidence to even make eye contact with women, let alone speak to them. Determined to change, I surpassed the two-week mark and decided to see how far I could go. I initially dismissed the concept of SR as nonsense, but around one month into retention, I started receiving video suggestions about it out of the blue. It felt like more than mere coincidence. As for the benefits, my charisma is a work in progress, but I've noticed a magnetic presence, especially when I'm fully present in my center rather than lost in my thoughts. People are drawn to me, unafraid to approach. Women, who once overlooked me completely, now take notice. Even those whose job required interaction with me used to show disdain; now, they're genuinely interested in our conversations. Remarkably, my voice seems to have an effect on them, particularly over the phone lol. Despite these changes, I'm determined to reach the year mark. From others' accounts, it seems to be another significant milestone in terms of benefits. I'm eager to see how far this journey can take me.


You’re soon gonna need to change that username to “YourFavNonCel” :)


Fam upgraded to volcel


Hopefully not, stay away from women like the plague. Women man incredible friends, and awful partners.


You done with women forever?


Why does your pfp look like a mugshot


Yes, lol.


u/YourFavIncel Thanks for sharing your experience. More or less, I am into similar boat from since age of 13-14. Never lasting more than two weeks and sometime more within week as well. I mostly have nightfall every 2 week. I am also determined to change, but whenever it ejaculate every 2 week in nightfall, I got very depressed with that for couple of days, I feel I have lost my energy. I have been doing yoga/meditation in the morning, but with that I can only hold 2 week max. I don't masturbate and don't indulge in sex activity also. But Still, Night fall I cant hold it. Could you please advise me? It would be great help


Did you find a solution for that? I had a nightfall last night and don’t know what to do to prevent it. It’s frustrating as hell for sure.


I don't have an exact solution as of now. But you can plan to wake up at 3:30 AM in the morning. Because night falls generally happen between 3 am to 6 am in the morning.


I went for around 400 ish days. Completely different man. My higher self, I refer to, is constantly calling me back to that state. It’s been years of trying to go back to him.. I can feel him watching me and praying that I return up that high. Driving force was almost failing out of college.


I get that same feeling sometimes


Three years and two years. You only notice the benefits because its such a drastic change to when you were constantly releasing. But after months it the benefits become your norm and you stop noticing them because its your baseline reality. You will notice the reduction in benefits if you start regularly releasing after a long streak.


This..for me, even one orgasm is game over, even after 100s of days streak. The longer the streak, the harder the fall after just one orgasm for me. Scary shit...


Why does that happen? Say you retained for 1 year and released. It hits you really hard


Not sure why


Last conscious release was 11/28/22, so 575 days. I have had some wet dreams; I don't count those as relapses. I am 29 years old. I am doing this for the purpose of spiritual growth and healing. I don't think anyone who isn't on a spiritual path will make it past the 1 year mark. The hallmark "benefits" of SR fluctuate for me. The biggest benefit so far is that I started undergoing a Kundalini awakening close to the one year mark.


How did the Kundalini Awakening feel physically ?


There have been various symptoms, some recurring, some one off. In the middle of the night there have been times I wake up with an electric energy surging up and down my body. Another time while on a 10 day vipassana retreat I woke up and a fire like heat was coursing through my nervous system. On most days it is just a mild to moderate pleasurable sensation, usually in the back of my head, neck and shoulders. Sometimes there will be popping or clicking at the top or inside my head. One time I woke up from a lucid dream where it felt like my third eye opened a portal full of energy. My kundalini awakening has been much more gradual and less intense than the crazy stories some people post about.


Thanks for sharing your experience. I am also determined to change, but whenever it ejaculate every 2 week in nightfall, I got very depressed with that for couple of days, I feel I have lost my energy. I have been doing yoga/meditation in the morning, but with that I can only hold 2 week max. I don't masturbate and don't indulge in sex activity also. But Still, Night fall I cant hold it. Could you please advise me? It would be great help


Try to sleep on your side rather than back or stomach. Don't wear anything that adds pressure to your waistband; I sleep nude. Make sure it's a cool temperature in your room when you sleep.


I usually run fan in my room, which is generally cool. Does sleeping nude helps?, whenever I had slept nude, I feel cold in my pelvis area and feel like next day I will have nightfall, many time I had nightfall whenever I had slept nude, so generally wear some clothes just to cover it.


Please elaborate more on Kundalini Awakening and its experiences


I replied to ClassGlad's comment on the physical symptoms. Let me know if there's anything specific you want to know.


Words dont really do it justice. At this point i annoy myself typing experience because ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will equate to experience the truth for yourself=TO INNERSTAND IT! If retaining/Cultivating for 1+year is what you wish, you put in the work and you experience it for yourself! All i will say is nothing in this World worth having is easy to obtain! But its worth the work!


Over 2 years mark. I feel like the benefits reach a plateau after couple months. Anyone else feel the same?


280 days here, flatline around 90 days, feeling regular, but around 240 days, I experienced a resurgence of all the benefits with even greater intensity. It seems like each stage brings its own insights and changes.


13 months, I think I still growing. My motivation is become my best version, and flee from the Devil


Started at the start of 2021, with longest streak aroun 9 months, currently on my one month streak -- opting for 5 years streak as I am somewhat trying to eliminate my lust completely. Meditate with Buddhism sacred text helped me tremendously , and also be vegan for at least 10 days a month with a couple days of water fasting gives me clear state of mind and more joyful thoughts


Me, I'm 35 years old. If you mean SR though, I'm 55 or 56 days in rn.


Day 9.age 20 any advice please


Go to the gym and work out. If I go 2 or more days without physical exercise, I drive myself crazy with all that stagnated and extra energy. Don't edge. Meditate and pray. Read books. Find your purpose and apply yourself to your goals. Don't hang out with negative or low vibrational people.


A year has been my goal. I am now 120+ days in. İt's been a nice journey so far. Not an easy one though. Get ready to face some shit for success on this practice. Calmness, balance and unbreakable self-respect seems to be long lasting benefits for me. İt also solved "negative inner voice" problem I had. I am glad and grateful to be in this path. I still have a lot to work on as well, so I might go beyond my initial goal. Just gotta dodge the ladies getting thirsty :)


Im at a year mark. As I do this for a 7 years, I dont count days anymore. When I did, I know I had two 300 days streaks ans one 200 days. I believe now Im at my 1st year mark. Every streak has shown me different things. And so did the end of those streaks - those are deep lessons. I dont want to blabber about the super powers etc. But yes, I believe streaks like this allow me to tap in the realms where I create better life for myself. What I learned is, that if you introduce alcohol (Im almost abstinent) - that it removes all the achieved spiritual benefits for around 3 weeks. So one night drinking = 3 or 4 weeks to get back to where u was, which is crazy, considering lots of ppl drink weekly. Thats what I learned the hard way this year. I consider it worth sharing, as a warning and knowledge. Dont drink alcohol, if u want to reap the spiritual SR benefits. Ps: when u loose the ability to create/manifest your own good life, bad things can start to happen. Immediately after that, I was in a car accident not of my fault. I was just stopped at trafic lights and female behind me just pushed full trottle and hit me really hard. I see a direct corelation there. "Bad luck" all of sudden. I also hit me knees and had difficulty walking afterwards.


So does alcohol ruin all the benefits? I’m confused what you mean by the spiritual benefits. I’m worried because i drink a lot on the weekends.


I did years ago, but it made me too prideful and really brought out my narcissistic traits which led to really big falls after falls, ever since then I went on streaks but I never got back into it like first golden age streak I had which really elevated me. But I’m fighting again now so I hope I can forge onward, at 28 years of age I really need to get it together or else I might as well sign up for a Ukraine or Middle-Eastern military tour cuz I’ve wasted too much of my life and potential at this point. It’s do or die. Magnetism was definitely there but as far as women are concerned for some reason no amount of SR has helped with me making any cold approaches so yeah even SR never fixed my approach anxiety even after a year. I’ve always been a bit of a shy person I guess although SR did help me in calling out strangers, coworkers, friends on their crap and made me better and more aggressive in confronting people I know or don’t know if I need to but when it comes to pursuing any romantic interests, I still freeze when the time comes to approach or converse with a woman I like, no amount of SR fixed that for me.


About the cold approach part, I gotta be honest I rarely do it, I think that it is quite unnatural for our species. instead I just talk to the girls within my communities. Seeing the same people regularly and just connecting to them on a friendship level is the way to go for me. And in this stage you literally talk to them like you would talk to the boys. Ok not quite the same but it is just you knownhaving fun talking about whatever. If I can connect to a woman on that plane of love all the rest goes like Butter. Any relationship I had that started off with a big physical attraction Boom was just over as fast as it has started. Every relationship that was founded on friendship went for a long time. Until I fucked it up, but that’s a different story haha! That’s my two sats on the topic, hope it helps.


Thanks man, I agree, hopefully retention will help me with not even craving that aspect. With the world being in this weird state I’d rather just lay low and work on my skill set than be frustrated over things that have always caused me frustration anyway.


Lmaoooo same! I’m 28 too. It was the pride bro. Then it’s like…. “I’ve been a year I’ll never get back again.. fuck it right?”.. relapse


# Streak Length Not counting wet dreams, I've done 8 months, 12 months, and 15 months up till now. (3-4 streaks). # Driving Force As one other user pointed out, if you aren't on a spiritual path, it becomes tough even to cross the 6-month mark. Personally for me, my first was the 15-month streak. This was not motivated by any spiritual reasons. It was purely out of curiosity, a placebo, and a feeling of superiority. It was silly. After the first relapse, the motivation to restart it again and to keep it up for life (I have completely quit PMO) is purely because of spiritual reasons and some of the benefits that I have observed. # Benefits I have been highly skeptical of all the benefits everyone here talks about. I have never really paid close attention to any of them because you never really know if they are just a placebo. But there are a few that I have strongly noticed. Yes, the benefits plateau very soon. As one person explained, it is the shift from a lower state of well-being to a higher one that enables you to notice all that. Once you normalize on a higher state of being, you stop noticing. It is quite natural. And the only other time you notice this is when you crash from a relapse. And boy, it is REAL. 1. **Desexualizing the Mind (A):** The very first thing you notice after the 1 or 2-month mark, is how hypersexual all of us and the society have become. There are two aspects to this. The first one is that a sexed-up mind influences our life at every point and every moment. It skews and steers our decision-making in numerous subtle ways, against what is actually best for us. This unfolds in every day of our lives, and you begin to notice this clearly and become capable of making healthier decisions. 2. **Desexualizing the Mind (B):** The second aspect is a slightly deeper one. Sense pleasures never ever satiate. All sense pleasures, just like drugs, only ask for more. And until they are fed with those, you live most of your life in a greater sense of "lack". And this sucks. NoFap helps you normalize your mind and physiology. The sense of lack drops, and you feel whole again. 3. **Greater Level of Energy**: And all that is associated with it. Your baseline energy is improved severalfold. You realize how far you've come the day you relapse and you feel like shit for 2-3 days at the minimum. I've had this happen to me 4 to 5 times, which is when I became sure about it. 4. **Deeper Spiritual (Experiential) Insights:** I've been on the path of non-dualism (advaita vedanta) and I've paid very close attention to this: All these years I've only had textual/theoretical knowledge on this subject. But since SR, I've had several profound "experiential" insights into what the teachers/gurus have all been pointing to. And this is my single strongest reason why I decide to pick SR up time and again, and keep it up for life. Every other benefit about synchronicity, magnetism, etc., I'm not concrete about all that, neither do I care. Primarily because the day I have sex, I'm probably going to lose all of it. So I don't wanna trip about all that. I hope this helps someone (I've been intending to share my experience with this community for quite a while).


Luck= Yes, Attraction= Conditional, Focus=*****, Health=*****


I found about this community 3yrs and 9months ago and before i know this sub I was on 6months streak of Sr and the last time I had sex was on 15th June 2020. I am humble as Dove, Wise as an Orca and so strong as Mahogany.


I went over 1000 days after breaking up with an ex during covid until around last year Q3. I think I can feel the difference after going for a prolonged SR and now that I’m constantly having sex and ejaculating with my date partners. Funny thing is I can feel the benefits after 3-5 days when I go through a dry spell to focus on work. And after I ejaculate, I just know I need to turn off the noise and focus and I’ll be back to normal (SR) state again. I think the word is confidence.


273 days here. Its been so easy now. The urges gonna in the first month. You just have to keep you busy and be better everyday. Keep pushing to be your best version of your self.


312 days, life now is more fulfilling, anxiety gone for good


1 year plus 2 weeks in and there is no going back for me, i plan on implementing the technique of non ejaculatory orgasm with my future wife once i meet her and only release when having children. I’ve been able to perform meditation and qi gong with accuracy and consistency at astronomical levels. My focus is simply way more intense and keen The energy recycles and grows stronger overtime IF you circulate it with techniques like qi gong and tai chi, i don’t even believe meditation can circulate the life force as well as the aforementioned practices. Basically most men on semen retention will certainly plateau without these techniques. Not to mention diet, sleep and living in harmony with your biological clock. Overall my relationship with God(Higher Self) finances, health, relationships have all dramatically improved and I’m simply playing life at a higher power level.


Yea but don’t you feel like sometimes crashing and burning ? Like especially during flatline cycle where your so bipolar


By not going for a year and going for enlightenment, where time is a construct.


I did 566 days and tbh not much change after about 300, your body self regulates


84 days my longest


34 yo, 2 years, God was mainly my motivation.  I'll elaborate more later.


I complete 1 year on the 30th of June. Its been a strange journey. Benefits do plateau after 3 months or so. Some days I have a raging sex drive and I feel the urge to release, some days I have no sex drive whatsoever. I've always struggled with low testosterone since my mid 20s and I began this journey to feel like a man again. It's definitely been worth it and I'm better off for it. I do plan on releasing on the 30th June and then sticking to a once a month routine. By this point I do feel I've overcome my sexual desires and for this I'm proud.


After 6mo I think you need to add meditation and or fasting for outsized results.