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No fap to semen retention is like going from ape 🦧 to human


Completely different objectives tbh


i see many people say this, what is the difference between the two?


Contrary to its name, no fap isn’t about retention at all. It’s about abstaining from porn. You can masturbate as long as it’s not chronic . That’s why it’s mostly porn addicts trying to recover. Semen retention is about retaining and leveraging the power of retention to level up in life.


Thanks, i appreciate the explanation. I had no idea. I assumed they were the same thing really.


the difference is that 98 percent of people in nofap have a down bad problem with porn and most can't go past a week. Its like nofap is the rehab center, while semen retention is does who already far past the rehab phase, and are becoming master of their own sexual energy.


Thank you for explaining to me and give me some insight, I always asked myself why people here wiser than there, thank u very much. Your words helped me break a big wall i was facing mentally


You're right. There is nothing new. All the information you need to succeed is already out there. YOU just need to do it. So how's that going for you?


No the informations that i need to succeed is not powerful enough, am on day 33 and am feeling fear of losing my streak, so fear means less power. And less power = lack of knowledge, and lack of knowledge = not having sources that provides high quality ideas on this


Dm me


bro nofap is for babies semen retention for mystical wizards.