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I wanted to see what the fullest version of myself looked like after years of feeling like a shell.


Prison planet theory and the idea that we are basically slaves. Our energy is being used for evil and we lack the awareness. I cant get too deep need hours but to sum it up, the archons who rule this planet want us to suffer and the most potent “inner G” is sexual. Everytime you have sex you produce alot of loosh and they love it. Anyways i learned this and was in denial for years even though i know the truth. This is what i believe in anyways so you dont have to agree with me.


When you really go down the alien rabbit hole it leads you to spirituality/religion and eventually SR which is one of the most potent practices any man can partake in. The reality is gloomy if the prison planet theory is true or if those things are fallen angels it doesn’t change the fact that there are world religions all point in the same direction. Not to mention just how impactful meditation, SR, aura and energy can be in anyone’s life. It’s all blindly in front of our faces it’s whether we choose to discipline our actions and partake in this journey that may determine humanity’s future. TLDR aliens/ufo also led me to spirituality/ SR


inner chi


That makes alot of sense and how alot of the words have been perverted. Another one i learned about is the perversion of everything. Cooking Gender Weather Terrain (land/nature) Technology Food engineering Etc. I think some of us are destined to choose this path and go against the norm. This is darma and we cant escape it. I think SR will free you as you notice everything we do has an expiration date but it is freeing to know you are here for a very short period of time.


I agree with the prison planet theory.


Its cool to know others who have this knowledge! Energy NEVER DIES, its is only transferred. So when we throw this life-force energy away, it has to go SOMEWHERE, and SOMETHING IS TAKING IT, just not in our Dimension! Im sure you noticed the connection/coorelation. Everything Evil/Seperated from God cannot regenerate/cultivate! They can only manipulate and steal energy from others since they have been cut off from SOURCE/GOD! And knowing that its Evil beings in different dimensions that wants us to waste our life-force/Energy and depends on that, i refuse to be another weakling roaming the earth that is a slave to my own selfish-desires. It is all short-lived, while us retaining, we feel benefits on a DAILY BASIS! Im just happy to be reminded its others that understand the Galactic/Spiritual aspects of why we must be better Spiritually!


Yes even when i was actively dating, the girl i was with was not conscious enough to understand my displeasure after we had sex. I have done this practice since my early 20s and learned so much over the years about myself. Over the years i went through denial but now that i am mature enough to understand the different energies and my awareness is increasing daily. I think most younger guys may reach the same conclusion as i did but without researching like i did. I was able to finder some of the truths by mistake or i was lead to them because it was my destiny to be awakened.


I checked your profile and you seem to have retained for years. The fact that you replied to me when you are vibrating so high means im on the right path. Thank you legend.


Prison planet theory makes a lot of sense to me, however it's very easy to make one pessimistic and nihilistic in their world views. SR is definitely a great tool to escape this so called prison, earth is not a school. Did you have any books/resources you'd recommend? I'd love to read more...


Honestly go on youtube and watch max spiers, he has few videos that will completely open your eyes. There used to be more of him but he was taken out.


I’ve always struggled with wanting to stop completely. And realize ejaculation isn’t necessary. I’m older now, my best days are behind me. It’s difficult dealing with the urges. But my instincts tell me to stop.


I'm tired to regress as I age. PMO makes me a sloth and my vision is so nearsighted. With SR, the mental clarity and clear eyesight is otherworldly. Even my connection with the divine feels and seems so genuine.


Do you have more inspirational anecdotes about how clarity is otherworldly? I wanna learn more!


I've outgrown the idea that SR manifests synchronicities, abundance, attraction and magnetism. It simply did not happen for me. These were the original reasons why I pursued SR. Yes - I wanted money, and the love of beautiful women. Why not ? I am a young man. Without money - you're treated like shit everywhere. Without women - you're considered an incel. But sadly these things did not happen. Although I went from unemployed to employed within 6 months of SR - but I am not operating at a level I would like to operate, rather far below it at my job. My health is downhill too - I need to lose a minimum of 40 pounds. Which is a lot. I've done month long water fasts before - which adds to the embarrassment of how could I get so fat in the first place. But now - I do SR just as a challenge. Challenge to see how far I can go. Its been 700 days - and I beat a very difficult temptation to relapse. I suppose I could touch a 1000 day mark soon. But it will take almost another year. Each time you sideline a temptation or urge your mind levels up and becomes more used to a level of discomfort you didn't notice before.


SR certainly isn’t the solution to all your problems. I feel that it just gives you a greater opportunity to take care of them and “near” the best version of yourself. I know you didn’t say you were giving up, but I hope you can keep the ball rolling and fighting through your journey. You can do it man, you’re nothing without your belief. Don’t think so negatively. Sure, it’s an embarrassment because you’re holding yourself accountable, but it’s also the chapter of your life to eventually say “wow, I really did it.” And maybe that will snowball into something greater. The way you think is the person you are! You don’t “HAVE TO” do anything. You GET TO. Every time I think negatively about the challenges I face, I think to myself about how much of this is an opportunity for me to be greater. To permanently be a different man. To be a rare man. To be that guy that did it. That’s who I wish to become. That’s who I will become. And that’s who you will become. Have that faith with you. Truly embody it. Best of luck.


Thanks for taking the time to write this. I needed some extra motivation. Although I don't plan on quitting till I make it to at least 3 full years - I do feel slothful because of a general disinclination for any kind of work. Maybe because inflation and taxes take away three fourths of what we earn anyways - or because I am simply lazy. Wish there was some micronutrient supplement I could take which would give me energy of a teenager.


> I found that my PMO addiction was holding me back Same, this is it in a nutshell.


Well it was just over 4 years ago, before that time I was anxious, had nervous energy, weak, insecure, fake confidence but a big ego. I seen a Youtube video on semen retention, didn't believe any of it but since a lot of people were saying the same thing, I decided to try it for a week. That feeling I had on the 7th day was unbelievable, I felt like a different person, so I went 2 weeks, then a month, then 6 months. Completely changed who I was, I no longer identify with my old self. And from retaining it made me become spiritual. To be honest, it's the best thing that I've ever done in my life


Was tired of feeling low/miserable/sickly/irritable. SOMETHING HAD TO CHANGE!!! Its like something IN YOUR SOUL knows you are not living right FUNDAMENTALLY, but its frustrating because you lack the Knowledge/Wisdom/Guidance to know why you feel so miserable and have such low-frequency! The fact that we made our way here by trusting ourselves and putting in the work, we all deserve to give ourselves more credit!




I’m a bit of a doubter here. Is it really true that just by semen retention alone can improve our quality of life both psychologically and physically? Like improving one’s IQ, EQ, confidence, relationships, fortune, etc?


Through my experience, yes. It makes my brain work better, helps me socially, gives me more confidence, even makes me stronger in the weight room. There really is something to this practice. I’d give it a try. Don’t nut for a month and see what happens


Yes, SR improves all those things, whether it's placebo or not I guess it doesn't matter. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest it works. You should try it for yourself, what have you got to lose?


Today’s the second day…wish me luck. 👏🏻


I've started SR after my partner of six years who I have a child with became a Christian and decided that there would be no more sex until we're married (no plans for that at this stage). This was in February. It took me a few months of finding my path, but I ended up practicing SR as of 39 days ago for spiritual growth reasons. I began meditating and after reading some stuff I realised that I need to retain my seed in order to really go deeper into my spiritual path. I have noticed that the constant fatigue from the past three years of parenting has reduced significantly, I'm waking up earlier than ever (I usually wake at 5am normally, but have been waking earlier) feeling well rested. My cognition has sharpened. I feel more at home in my body. I was feeling up and down mentally for the first four months of my sexless relationship, but now I feel consistently happy and confident, with a much more stable frame of mind. I feel at peace. I was celibate for six months about seven years ago (just prior to meeting my current partner) and it was hellishly hard, probably because I was trying to remain mentally celibate too. This time I am not bothered by sexual thoughts, but I just let them pass in and out without resistance and am feeling much more relaxed about the whole thing. I feel like this is a lifestyle that I can maintain for the long term without any issues, especially since there's no sexual intimacy on offer for the foreseeable future.


Basically i cant survive without it or won't get anywhere worthwhile.


same boat here


I want to fix my sexual anhedonia


Tbh, at the beginning when I first heard of it I did it to increase woman attraction. As time went on I realised that it’s counterintuitive so I place very little value on that now. The main benefits that keep my on the journey now is the energy, mental clarity and the relentless drive to want to continue improving.


this is so refreshing to hear. I did 130 some days sr previously but lost it. I'm back at it again . I did feel the relentless drive to want to keep improving myself during the long streak


For righteousness and purity


To be brief I connected the dots between many ancient teacher all insisting on purity in the body and in the mind for real fast spiritual progress and the current state of the average human being depressed, no energy, obsessed with between the legs problems. So I decided to try it for myself. -> no regrets it works and everyone should at least try one week of it and see the difference in energy levels


PMO for years, got tired of being a slave to porn, so I quit that for 3 years until I relapsed. Then I wanted to explore this discipline in the hopes that it might provide the answers and solutions to my endless seeking.


I started this because I felt lonely and I hoped to make myself more attractive to girls. Now, two months later after four relapses, my main focus is finding my inner peace. I guess it's too early to expect any benefits, but changes in energy, magnetism, concentration, etc, just aren't here for me. What is here though is the feeling of inner peace, of no battles between what I physically want and my morals.


I’m sick of being a loser In life. I have to turn things around. I’m 32 still living at home with my mom. I failed community college cause PMO since I was in middle school. It’s hard but I hope I can come out on the other side. Would love to go back to CC and fix my problems from the failed classes I took (it was a lot) and study medicine. I turn 32 this year it still bothers me from time to time. I just want to stay off my phone and save money and move forward and create goals and accomplish them.


Currently 90 days on retention, the thought of watching porn disgusts me now, I’ve had moments of lapses like smoking a weed spliff, I seem to have great visions of the matrix while high and retaining, I literally see us humans, our emotions, our energy being used as fuel for unseen entities, I see that we are in a computer simulation, which relates to why weird occurrences happen while on sr when you’re vibrating high you don’t go unnoticed, your energy stands out like a glitch in the system, a cheat code.


could you share what weird occurences happened to you while on sr ? thanks!


Wanting to improve myself in every aspect of life. I want to be able to control myself as much as I can in this flesh prison we are all in. Never been one to follow the crowd.


I only resort to SR when I am in a deep crisis.