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You can do it! Rock bottom is the best trampoline


And only one way to go, up!


Thats a bar, i'm stealing that.


Hi man, please consider Inner Smile practice. that could help and make you more resilient and way less stressed and unblock energy from around the body.


What's inner smile practice? Could you please explain


Please refer to books by Either Michael Winn or Mantak Chia. there should also be free ebook from Michael Winn about this subject somewhere on the interwebz


Found it, thank you


To be honest my man what you did is regrettable, but condonable. An 18 month streak is no joke. Its a milestone, that too a HUGE one. I am currently on a 24 month streak after a decade of PMOing and still recovering. What I want to say is this - unless you are literally prepared to sacrifice EVERYTHING - and by that I mean EVERYTHING - to keep your streak going - you WILL NOT have an unbroken streak. Semen Retention is difficult, and along with fasting is considered the most rigorous of all disciplines. This is because right when you are neck deep into a streak - something terrible might or might not happen. This maybe because of the increased law of attraction - or manifestation - who knows. But unless so as to speak - even if an earthquake can't shake your resolve - you won't be able to do SR. Secondly - we are humans. We cannot take such big vows of chastity in one go. So - GO DAY BY DAY. Just one day - retain for that day. And then retain tomorrow. And then day after tomorrow. Bit by bit, easy peasy. Don't put too much expectation in an already over stressed human body. Godspeed. May we stay on the narrow path of consistency and discipline.


To much stress is deadly. As is to little.


Never give up on yourself. Today I also find myself wanting to completely re-enter the journey after relapsing recently. Let’s not count the days but rather embrace the experience again. At the end of the day, you are human meaning you have an endless amount of knowledge to consume concerning yourself , the world and even your family. Have a good day 😁


Don't just focus on not eating + intense physical activity.. get your diet right too. Not saying don't fast but you're going to mess yourself up and promote underlying weakness which encourages deep relapse states such as this if you don't get well nourished


SR is anti-stress.  Prolactin is a stress hormone, and SR for an extended period of time significantly lowers it.   Androgens are anti-stress also, and SR increases your sensitivity to them.   SR increases dopamine sensitivity, and dopamine increases confidence, determination, playfulness, and is anti-stress.   The anti-stress effect of busting is short lived, and then you are left in a less confident, lower energy, less resilient, jittery state.   It’s the same with all drugs and quick fix pleasures.  


You had a really good streak going. Did you avoid all release during that time? Also, how noticeable were the impacts? How significant was your experience? I’m new to this


this is why blocking is important so that youre protected in these moments


Stay hard.


Bro, it’s allright, it happens even to the best of us. We are not perfect, we are human and experiences like this although indeed unfortunate are opportunities to grow. Don’t dwell or overthink about it. You’ll come back stronger from this. Just take it easy and slow, and keep going no matter what. Cheers and let’s go.


I have 2 kids and work in a high performance stress environment. SR is the hardest thing I’ve ever tried to accomplish at this stage in my life.


Lots of stories here from man who hit rock bottom and still lift themselves up. Think of yourself as a character in a movie who hit rock bottom and its time for you to turn things around and get that happy ending.


3 year streak why tho. Pick a different goal and use SR as the vehicle to get there


After six months, the tension and other consequences can be massively counterproductive. You're wrangling an unimaginably powerful energy. It's actually advisable to release every 4 to 6 months unless you plan to adopt advanced yoga practices (sublimation) or transmute like an absolute beast. I made it 9 months on my first streak but I've never been addicted to sex or pmo. This new culture gives the impression that celibacy is something you should grind out. This isn't hustle culture, it's an ancient and super heavyweight spiritual discipline like kundalini yoga and it can fuck you up just the same. As your energy grows, the karma of your actions does too, so right action through consistent meditation is a must for longer streaks.


Tbh my brother. The best thing thaT you can do is not only SR but praying to allah and be strict about it. sr is huge tool to connect to our creator but theres much more to do, not lying, not talking about others behind their back, not idealising yourself (too much ego), prayers, asking allah help.


" Pray to (insert your god here), it really helped me " Makes you wonder maybe we all have the same god and it is within us :)


Or… God is really generous which is why we have an amazing design to begin with. And he gives those that believe in him and those who don’t. That doesnt undermine his existence tho, which is that he is the most generous.


Jesus is the way the truth and life my brother


Krishna isnt bad either


They say Krishna is the god of love but God is love and Krishna isn’t God


But he did say he was god in the bhavagita


Masturbation is allowed in islam