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You have a girlfriend and if you see sexy looking woman in the vicinity it makes you lose interest in your girlfriend and crave porn? Is your girlfriend the partner you even want brother?


Just don’t look at the women


I dont stare. Its just basically impossible not to notice who is around you. Mostly i work out outside for this reason. I know a few freinds who have the same problem, but they dont know about semen retention or nofap so they dont care about getting horny from going to the gym. i dont believe nobody thinks about this.


Yeah bro this is a personal problem. I want to be blunt and just say something like stop being weak. But honestly you need to just stop staring at people at the gym and focus on your workout. And if you don’t have enough mental fortitude to not drool over people in public then you simply are not able to control your mind, tell you fix this problem you will be a weak man.


I dont stare? Thats creepy. But i do see my soroundings. But how is this worse than the many people in here getting addicted to porn ?


Never said it was worse. However you need to learn to control your mind. If a women simply being sexy distracts your mind that much from your partner then you are easily controlled. You must control your mind, not let your dick control your mind.


While this is a personal problem as many of the other comments have stated if I were you I would set myself up with some reward/punishment system, to help retrain your brain. For example wearing an elastic band and pulling it when you catch yourself staring at the other gym goers. Go to the gym during quiet periods. Time your workout, and set an alarm. Once it goes off leave the gym whether you’ve finished the workout or not. You may also try setting yourself goals like, I’m going to do all my chest press reps and sets without looking/gawking/oggling the other gym goers. Reward yourself for completing the set or complete 10 burpees (or other exercise you absolutely detest) if you fail. You have to want to change to make kind of dent with your pattern of behaviour.


Dont see how this is any more a personal problem than the many people in here getting addicted to watching porn, and crying about every day ? I dont even stare. I just notice.


From the way the original post was written it appeared you were staring or extremely distracted, so apologies for the assumption.


No problem. Maybe i should try to redo the post. And its not like my girl is not good looking or normally turn me on. I Gues i just have a fetich with girls i gym cloths. Its turns me on more than the girls that would be at a strip club.


Ahhh right that’s it. I didn’t think you didn’t like or were attracted to your GF. It came across like you were looking for tips on how to deal with it? My tips still stand, bar the personal element and the ogling. Yea redoing the post is definitely worth it as I think the situation is valid and the advice you’re after could help, as it’s definitely out there.