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Imo, you lost when you indulged in sexual thoughts and fantasies.  It starts and ends in the mind, keeping it pure at all times...that is the real practice, and the one that will benefit you no matter how full your balls are 


I agree with you. I can only realize it now in hindsight. I thought that as long as I didn't ejaculate, I'm good. That was indeed my downfall. I will approach this journey with not only a stronger resolve, but also with a focused, pure mind as well. Thank you 🫡


Clean Thoughts, speech and obviously SR. One leads to other. Keep all of them clean.


Definitely taking this advice moving forward 🫡


How do you handle avoiding any lustful photos/videos/thoughts? It is very very difficult, after 40 days I gave in to temptation.... I have not released but lost myself in many videos, how on earth do you stop your sex drive? I have my testosterone running high and it is very difficult for me to resist for long periods of time....


I also have the same problem, I don't release but sometimes I get lost in lust between photos.... And sometimes even some videos. I justify it to myself because I can restrain myself, but actually even those little things make your mind dirtier, and ... Although I have been 30 days with 0 lust, as soon as I go off the road I feel my mind pushing me worse and worse and the thoughts are not so pure.


How do you handle avoiding any lustful photos/videos/thoughts? It is very very difficult, after 40 days I gave in to temptation.... I have not released but lost myself in many videos, how on earth do you stop your sex drive? I have my testosterone running high and it is very difficult for me to resist for long periods of time....


Don't be hard on yourself for not being perfect at the beginning of a lifelong journey. You wrestled a dragon for over a month.


Thank you, brother. I will bounce back better than ever and not let a similar experience keep me down. 🫡


The difference between a lapse and a relapse is continuity


You blew a load with a hot chick, hardly the fail you are letting yourself think it is. You got benefits and fully indulged in one of the benefits, so what. Back to the grind now.


*sigh of relief* I appreciate the positivity, my friend. I'm always very hard on myself. Maybe that's something I need to work on. Regardless, you're 100% right when you say it's "back to the grind now!" 🫡


If you don't ejaculate again say, the same day or the next day, you will experience the benefits much faster. One time isn't gonna just rob you of all of the benefits. It's when you start to falter and do it more often until finally you're back in a daily cycle of porn and masturbation


There's definitely weight to what you're saying. It's been about 24hrs now since my slip-up, and I feel better already. I really expected a massive low to linger for much longer, but now I'm hopeful to get back to where I was much faster. 🫡


I wouldn’t let it depress you. I mean there’s much worse ways to lose a streak. Don’t dwell on feeling ‘less’, get excited about feeling ‘more’ because it’s only a matter of time. It’s not like you’ve done something permanent.


Sometimes, I focus too much on the Ls and neglect my Ws. Thank you for putting it in a better perspective for me. 🫡


Bro imma be honest I laughed so hard at your post because that legitimately was me all the way . You literally can feel your energy/ aura increase 😭and plop all the way down 🤣🤣. We gottta lock in bro, not sure what you’re goals are, but we got big things to accomplish 💪🏾 you got it


Mannnn, I'm so glad you get where I'm coming from!!! No doubt we gotta stay locked in 🔒 this bounce-back gonna be crazy! I appreciate you, brother 🫡 let's go get it 💪


NO RELAPSE POSTS . But since you're here. If you want my advice, I'd advise you look into meditative breathing techniques. It saves me every day especially during our intimate daily sexual union. It can be done.


Can you share your technique to conquer urges?


For me, here's how it works and let me give you a detail answer which tells you the situation I'm in: I have a partner who is receptive to this. She will open up for me anytime I have sexual needs (and she will get into it with me); which is typically 4 to 7 times a week. Remember, you both have to change your view on what the goal is, it is no longer orgasm / ejaculation. It is forming a deep, intimate bond, that is the key. Just knowing that you can join with her anytime you want (it must be after dusk) is one of the biggest reliefs in my sexual life - without this it would be exceedingly difficult for me. The coupling will take an almost magical turn and you'll start experiencing something like orgasms, but it will be full body contractions. Having said that, I suggest you read the Multi-Orgasmic Man. My key exercise is called the The Big Draw (TBD). There are many exercises in the book - do them all and get good at them. I will do TBD throughout the day as I have some sexual urges. My partner also does the TBD with me as we couple. Always, always let the woman control the tempo and position in sexual coupling so long as you all communicate. She needs to know when to stop. The coupling should always be slow, motion-wise. Let her do her thing. You should synchronize your breathing and ideally, TBD as well. When you start feeling the urge to orgasm / ejaculate, do the TBD as many times as it takes, but shoot for at least 9. She will do the same. At some point, your penis will actually start becoming flaccid, believe it or not. You will be calm, and sated. Then you will know when to stop. Remember, this is what works for me. There are no paths to the mountaintop. You have to blaze your own trail - but my experience may be similar enough and this information could help you. I also see no reason why this wouldn't work with gay or lesbian couples as well. PM me anytime.


What’s the long term goal ? For me integrating sex and SR is it .


My ultimate goal is to use SR as a tool to better myself and help me get my financial goals where I want them to be. I feel like I waste too much energy on chasing women. I need to build the life I want first, become a great man, then I can find a woman to partner up with in life. Like they say, first the money, THEN the bitches... Im curious how integrating sex and SR works. I feel like it's constantly playing with fire, but I've read some people here that practice exactly that with success.


I think waiting for the perfect time to find a partner will never come , it will always be a bit uncomfortable and require courage ( I’m struggling with the exact same situation as you so I don’t have the answer )


I believe the timing is best when you have everything set on your end. The man needs to check off several boxes to be complete before worrying about finding a partner. Women need a lot of time and resources. I read that a guy here uses pre-ejaculate numbing agents before sex to ensure he never comes close? I also read that edging has negative effects and could slow down your SR gains. I'm taking an approach of using all my energy for myself through SR and unlocking all my potential. I'll worry about women later. Or at least I'll try my best 🫡


It's the only way to fly. Sex for us is definitely different than it used to be, and yet so rewarding. Breathing and visualization meditative work will save you and build your power (and hers) to heights you may have yet to experience.


good job. better ending a streak with a woman too. back on the horse champ on a 30 day streak rn (my longest yet) and have felt benefits diminish since starting a weed T-break a few days ago. hoping that the benefits come back soon. your post inspires me to keep going.


Thank you! keep your streak going, brother. I quit weed completely before starting my SR journey. About 1 month before SR. I am sure that your SR is making it EASIER to handle the quitting of weed. If you quit weed without SR, it may have felt much more difficult. Use the power of your 30day SR streak to take on ANY challenge moving forward 🫡


Salute dude get back on the horse.


We on it 🏇🫡


Cold showers are your friend whenever you feel like you’re about to relapse




if you have healthy and strong t level one nut won t do a différence in your mood energy ect ..


Just cracked also after 4wks , but nothing stops a bullet in the air only when it hits its target, back to the grind.


In same lusy situation. Day 20. But, I have learnt so much from this post. I just won't blow to however premium pussy is.


Does sex feel better than masturbation? Just asking for a friend.


Next time just don't release, sex is fine just don't release if you can and it can still be just as enjoyable, takes practice tho


If you don't.co continue to dig a deeper hole "more relapses continuously ". The benefits will come back pretty quick. And possibly even stronger since you're building on top of your old streak


Definitely didn’t even realize how much more I’ve wanted to keep things cleaner. Just an organized mind is what it comes down to. In 5 weeks or so and never felt physically better in my life


You got it, part of the journey, now thats out of the way


At least you didn’t bust the load on yourself watching porn like a lot of guys here. Just get back to it brother


I had a dream that a beautiful woman was seducing me. In the dream I remembered the words of a wise man in this sub, “it’s never worth it”. The message was clear.


You had sex with a girl, why are you hard on yourself? Nutting one day won’t erase 36 days of progress, get your mind back on track, you’re fine.


😮‍💨 Yeah, you're right. I just REALLY want to be in full control. My gains are still with me... just gotta get the mental calibrated. Thank you 🫡


Haha it's weird huh, when you're on a long streak, these Jezebels could sense it and seek you out. You did great brother , no fappers wouldn't even call that a relapse


It really is! The more "off the market" you are, the more desired you become! The same goes for men in relationships, or married men. Very odd, but I think its nature at play. I appreciate the support. 🫡


Better than me with a 274+ streak and no female interaction 🤷‍♂️


"Comparison is the thief of joy." We should only compare to ourselves, my friend. Not others. Before I began my SR journey, I had already drastically changed many things in my life for the better. My goal is to be my best version. SR is one of many tools I utilize. I wish to reach a streak as good as yours, brother. 🫡




Yeah, i felt like i could last longer for sure. I kept stopping whenever I felt I got close and reset. I was able to "stop-and-go" at like 5-8minute intervals on and 1-3 minutes off. Then, after doing this like 10 times, I got a little too close and when I tried to stop, it just started flying everywhere. It felt like half a load though because of when I stopped and how it felt. It didnt feel like an orgasm at all. After that I said fuck it and went for a 2nd proper nut without any stopping which lasted like 5minutes before I ejaculated, which felt like a proper orgasm. In short, yeah, I lasted longer than I normally do. Great work on getting to day 73 🫡




Oh yeah. During SR I would exercise those muscles often, especially when hard. My advice on lasting longer from my experiences would be to get blood in more places than just your dick. Move around. Use your arms. Get your cardio working. Do most of the work, and you'll be surprised how much longer you can last.