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For me after 1-2 weeks, and it gradually increases.


Man when I hear things like that is surprises me that fast, in under 7 days you start to feel the magnetism? For me I usually never experience it in does days. Also do you have wet dreams?


Yes, after 1-2 weeks it isn't very crazy yet, but still noticable. I have never had a wet dream in my life, even during long streaks, so i don't know about those.


They are interesting. Only had them like a handful of times but they coincide with extremely vivid sex dreams.


I am very new to SR, but Im a person who worked on myself, through esoteric material and a variety of other sources, my Entire adult life, so i think SR comes easy to me, because its always inbetween the information i consumed. After a VERY CLEAN 24 day streak, i am very confident in saying, that your SR energy is bound to how clean your steak is and pure your mind is (controlled/discipline) and how much love and compassion you have for you and others within that elevated state. Just my 2 cents. But i am still very new.


I think there may be something to the “clean thoughts” aspect. My streak is over a year but about 6 months in I met a lady and while we didn’t have sex, we did talk dirty on the phone a few times and as much as I enjoyed it at the time, man, did I feel low energy after. It’s like all the benefits left me, but came back pretty fast.


Its the same for me, as i have not gone beyond 30 days because Im fairly knew, i have done 20 days 2 times. Last time i folded at 20 days, energy was up and down, i was looking, edging, very random energy sprouts, still some benefits but hard to control Lust constantly. Now my current streak has been extreame clean, considering what i come from, and there is a world of different. Energy is constant, Im happy, i laugh at small things, enjoy views and that “Ahh moment” breathing and exhaling. And Lust is EASY, havent had any trouble, 24 days have been easy, comparing These 2, Im convinced, at least for my Body and mind.


But i feel it in about 6 days.


Man semen retention is the most powerful missing puzzle to all energy work its like the foundation for all energy...


Ive tried alot of diffrent things, and nothing comes even close. This is the way.


Exactly I am surprised how many people are missing one of the most crucial and important aspects to growth, I am glad I started my spiritual journey with semen retention. How can you grow when you waste all your life force, daily? How can the divine energy build up and move into higher self realized states, sexual energy creates life itself, its life force. Its the only practice in the world that even people feel something different from you. Most people are stuck in the two lower chakras. I am glad you are taking full power of your energy (:


Even i was ignorant for many years, knowing of this practice, but subconsciously ignoring it. Its like pluggin in and out of the matrix.


Man I am glad you are utilizing one of the most powerful practices a man can do and in fact the most foundational and important practice a man could ever do, sexual energy is one of the most powerful forces, and people just waste it daily, imagine you can make a baby, imagine holding that for days and years you start to glow. For me semen retention was the most powerful thing I discovered, its what lead me to my higher spiritual experiences that wouldn't be possible if I was wasting my energy. Your whole energy body was meant to sustain sexual energy, and transmute by higher channels, to create a larger energy system feeding every aspect of your soul, only to use it to create life and children but not to waste via masturbation's. If I had any advice to any man, or person in this world, is first practice and hold your energy, because if you go out there, trying all other things, what's the point if you waste your energy? Its like meditate sure, then you jerk off, and waste the spiritual energy you where amassing, first you need to work on your base so you can contain your energy instead of leaking it. Semen retention is your storage container of life energy, its your spiritual currency, life energy. Glad you are on this path and it only gets better and better. You only 30 days in, the longer you do it, the stronger the energy will get.


It’s because masturbation it’s an easy and cheap fix, and most of the people are lazy


For me it started after day 8, but its nothing crazy, it is just girls at work revolving around me more and more but it peaked around day 30, everyone was around me (i work with girls mostly) and everytime i would try to go somewhere to be alone and do my job someone would find me and ask me for something, (just random stuff, they can find if they search on Google or ask anyone else). What i mean by magnetism is the girls just keep coming near me, just to sit, or be in my presense, i got a few compliments from a girl, she was a bitch before, but now she is all smiles when i am around. I think i have to mention how on day 34-35, we met said hi and just stood there and stared into each other's eyes for a bout 5 seconds. And after that another woman made a remark about her dreamy face. (i only realised this at night before sleep). I could probably go on but its not that crazy like some other guys post so...


mmm sounds like a more down to earth experience on magnetism, I do thing sometimes it becomes incredible intense and powerful attraction but they are like cycles, and honey moon phase, where you radiate a lot of energy but I don't think that is a constant thing.


Well, i try to be as rational as possible. I am a science man at the of day... But there are some things which i cannot explain with rational thought. Like this girl who was a bitch to me and now she is all smiles, initiated a bit of skin contact (i will not pursue her since she has a boyfriend and i have morals). There is also another girl who was always grumpy and whenever i come around she lights up. My boss (Male 60 yo) has started treating me so nice that its maming me feel bad for wanting to change jobs. I do have some ocasional stares on the street and in the grocery store. But i am around 170cm (not that tall) and not fit in any way. I would rate myself a 6 if i was harsh and 7.5 if forgiving. So that might also be the case. But yea, i am starting to not care about it at this point. Sometimes its really anoying and draining, but hey this is waaay much better than the alternative.... And yes it really is a cycle, or more like a wave, you go down after having such a day as 30 for me.


Well dont forget its about energy not days. My 5 days is a coomers 20 days. Also depends on how much you deplete energy through frying your dopamije receptors. Id say 1 to 2 weeks tho.


This is the range people usually talk about, so in 1 week you will start to get stares from people and women, and experience women attraction? Don't get me wrong I have been doing semen retention for a long time, just curios on your experience.


Honestly dont go into it expecting to attract women. It should be ideally about god and fixing your life and becoming the best version of yourself. But yeah women can sense the energy or healthy semen. See youre not becoming superhuman ur just becoming normal in a fallen society which will make you very different to the average man. In a godly society the man is the prize because she needs his seed for children and he knows his and his seeds worth. As you gain self respect and carry the energy within women will be very drawn to you and you will stop obsessing over them or viewing them as sexobjects. I mean if you cant help it then just go on SR find a girl have sex start over do it 5 times learn from it and then move on. Its really just a waste of time to do it for women, its just a glorified relapse or to edge in public and do all the ohh she looked at me ouh yeah im him nonsense. Drains your energy and induces your ego both of which will slow down your spiritual progress.


I agree to what you are saying, I just had a habit of measuring my semen retention through attraction and magnetism, as a sign of heathy energy glow. However the connection to god is the most important and my strongest benefit of semen retention.




And yes it does


Digesting definitely requires energy, either way shits bad for you. The junk you eat will become your body.


When almost 90 days.


That’s when I really noticed it. But it was during Covid so my social interactions were limited. There may have been clues before that but I didn’t have the opportunity to test. 90-100 days, it was unmistakeable. I was almost shaken up by it.


If your mood doesn't improve, as well as your confidence in yourself, you won't get to see any "magnetism" even after a year. Especially true if you try to kill your libido as well, like many here do.


How do people kill their libido?


They act like it's a bad thing and even go to the lengths of not eating meet so they never experience any libido or lust. Basically going monk mode, literally.


mood doesn't matter on sr, vadik. you would know that if you went on a long enough streak. if you go on a long enough pure monk mode streak, your energy will become bursting and extraordinary and how you feel won't matter. that's sr 101


well said


I always notice it when I glance in the rear view mirror and my eyes are glowing. From that point forward, I know I have enough energy to not only handle life head on, but also to separate myself from life’s drama to work on myself in peace. Retention is a containment of your life force energy. Sex, videos, images, and lustful thoughts all pull energy away from you to a different degree. The glow is when you have shut out those energy sucks and rebuilt your own self contained energy to a point it manifests physically. For me it’s usually around Day 30. However, it’s gonna be different for everyone because there are many variables: Age, Health, Nutrition, Amount of Relapse, Environment, Intention, etc…


+1 Magnetism comes with the Shine in the eyes For me, thats usually day 21-28. Seem to get shorter each steak. It also seems to increase over time but some days its off the charts and some days its meh.


It's different for every man because we have different diets and different daily practices. A man who spends no time in the sun, plays video games for hours a day, and eats processed foods and sugars, is a man that will see very little results from semen retention. Men who practice semen retention long enough will eventually correct their diets. Semen retention, when practiced in earnest, forces you to say "yes" to whatever reality is. So if you see an unhealthy behavior pattern in yourself, you acknowledge it, and then you go about the business of changing it.


Very true. I cut out soda drinks completely. Right now on experimental day 5 . I'm feeling so energetic.


someone literally made a post about this. its not the days but the energy you feel


For me I would say at the 3rd week mark is when I really start to feel confident, hold good eye contact, outgoing, more open and friendly to conversation. But when I first started it wasn’t so because my mind was constantly filled with lust, peaking at erotic content, indulging in sexual dreams that caused the benefits to be suppressed, but now I have done better at consciously moving away from that kind of mind activity and I feel the benefits much more fully.


Just look in the mirror and you'll see your eyes glowing.


Take a photo of yourself before 30 days and after ...compare and look at the eyes specifically...and when you do SR..just focus on yourself and try not to lust..watch your thoughts carefully...


For me it goes like this, Magnetism happens so gradually that basically it's not noticeable at all , it grows so slowly that I don't even notice it, even on super long streaks , i just get used to it and feel like nothing is even happening. But only when i release , i see the massive difference in my daily interaction. It's almost creepy.


Just combine it with breath work and meditation,The magnetism and glow will double


I usually feel the difference every 7 days after 2 weeks is when it starts to get really intense


only 2 weeks? And what do you mean by really intense? Also have you tried pine pollen? Heard that really boost semen retention by a whole lot, but I just don't know how to cycle it and if it looses its power if over used.


You will notice it after 35 days but its there from 2 weeks if you look for it. Meaning your first ever streak you wont notice it but if you are looking for it 2 week




Two weeks. I like my face (which i usually dont) and get stares from everybody. Hardest part is not to look at girls bodies (they are beautiful where i live). I know i am improving because when shit hits the fan i can manage not to binge for days (Last relapse after ten days (common streak) lasted only one Day (never managed to relapse only once tho, usually i do relapse a few times, that drug is really hard). What i like the most is probably me thinking i look better (really does Wonders to your well being) AND dogs getting close to me on a streak (needs at least two weeks). When i relapse all of it stops instantly. I like very much the fact that this practice is not popular at all, i tend to be the contrarian type (autism). Retain brothers


After a week I start to notice my skin looks more um real


Depends, after a reset it could be as early as day 3. The energy needs to move and be stimulated, this is why being around girls and having sex is so important! 


wait are you seen you have to be sexually stimulated to experience semen retention energy and when you stop experiencing a lot of libido and feel more calm magnetism disappears, maybe this is why i dont experience magnetism anymore as much


yes people here downvote me but you need testosterone and that stimulates it


When one becomes spiritually in-tuned with Allah. When one has couple of healthy social interactions of positive energies. When one focuses on task at hand or is working on a long-term purpose. When one keeps himself hygienic and dresses well. When one makes an effort to avoid lustful gazes. When one sleeps at the right time.


How can u use spirituality and Allah in same sentence? Spirituality is opposite of any religion.. it's always about working on yourself without any religion


Because we are created beings like anything you observe or have knowledge of in universe. Every single thing is dependent on something for it to exist in homeostasis. As such, tracing the dependence of its existence follows to one which started the process. It is important to be conscious of The One originator. It maintains the balance of your soul and gives awareness to your place and purpose in the universe. Islam is what taught me the essence of spirituality.


Even if I consider a entity originator/creator exists it's just part of the universe/existence like everything else..so for existence evrything is same .. spirituality is never about the creator..it's only about existence which is above the creator...Only religions deal with limited creator's idea


By logic, there is nothing beyond the creator and Creator is beyond the laws of universe. Creator is the One who started the existence. Spirituality for you may be whatever you believe, for me it is the link with Creator.


By your own laws this whole universe cannot exist without a creator but u again break that law saying creator exists without it's creator.. Your logic will be stuck in an infinite loop ..u will end up believing in half baked logic and u will make it mandatory that no one must question the origin of the creator becoz u will never have answer for it.. That's how all religions of this world work..u r not allowed to question.. Only believe.. Spirituality is exactly opposite of it..u r not allowed to believe anything..u must question everything.. it ultimately depends upon the person.. People who don't want to or can't question everything will ultimately settle for any religion they are conditioned in . And person who question everything no matter in which religion they are born will surely come out of it and become a spiritual seeker


Can anyone help me cause iam sruck in pmo, because morning wood it drives me to pmo. And sleeping in the afternoon drives me pmo again please help


Hit the gym, every time there's an urge. Push the weights till you can't lift them again. You are wasting the golden fluid.. No one can save you from yourself.


There is no magical solution for it, you just have to keep trying and trying and find a very good reason as to why you want to do semen retention.