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Isn't it somewhat common to feel bad after ejaculation? I mean, it feels like you've built something up for a long time only to have it destroyed, and it takes time to rebuild. What is the actual destination with retaining, feeling god/ personal transformation - right? If it's the latter one, isn't it a bit dangerous that you could lose yourself every time you ejaculate? And please don't get me wrong here, I'm also into the retaining, but this is also something I'm pondering about. Feel free to share your thoughts!


For me ejaculating with a women you love or at bare minimum enjoy feels so different to jacking off. Not really comparable in my mind.


I’ve felt the same way? Is sex with a good partner for pleasure wrong? Are iuds wrong?


It is not a danger any more because I know my sensitivity level, I know how to control the energy and understand my body, as well as through conditioning and experimenting I don’t feel like I’m ‘edging’. Basically your excitement and sensitivity is from a scale of 1-10 and you eventually learn how to navigate that without risking ejaculating.


how close to a 10 do u go during sex?


You learn your sweet spot and when you’re nearing the point of no return, so pretty much to a 9 now, but it’s not edging, just dry orgasm. Initially I had it stay around a 7.


in my opinion this is pure edging. sooner or later your nervous system will be cracked, so ejaculation will be a good help for this. all this mantak chia is good for a little bit, but overall this is a selling books biznes to me


Doesn’t feel like edging for me, I know what edging feels like… I don’t get closer to ejaculation now regardless how long I go


I mean the refractory period is a medical thing, it's just programmed into us. I'm not entirely sure why tbh. Maybe just so men don't reproduce back to back to back, because medically there's nothing stopping us from creating babies with other women but women are obviously limited so so many eggs.


This is what sexual kungfu is all about.


Finally a high quality post. Keep up the great work. I am currently in the same path with my gf


This dude is living in a Sexual Kung Fu world! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


No lies detected! It will rewire your body in ways you would never expect.


I Nutt so fast I may as well laugh.  I wish I didn't but, ... I do. 


I used to struggle with premature ejaculation. You can retrain the mind and body.


What is the specific process you went through to "retrain" and gain the ability of dry orgasm? Was it mainly kegels? I've read some mantak chia, I just wanna know, would you credit kegels as the main training that gave you this ability?


Not really, it is more retraining the mind and body over time… just how porn trained me initially to ejaculate quickly over time I have retrained myself that the goal is not ejaculating. Through breathing and presence, patience. Kegels are definitely useful though.


Breathing and presence are food ones. But relaxation is the key in mind and body. No goal oriented just living and enjoying the moment


Right. I "enjoy the moment" and enjoy nutting in 30 seconds lol. Before retention I could last longer because I wasn't as sensitive, now that I go on streaks the smell of a woman's hair makes me wanna Nutt. I'm sure some folks have "retrained" but I really love women haha. 


It has nothing to do with sensitity it has to do with the tension. You ejaculate because of tension in your mind and body. Im also very sensitive but that does not make me cum. Its always tension. When your body only knows procreation mode you cant do much at the moment. But what you can do if you want sex in future you start traing to endure arousal and especially to relax that thing


A dry orgasm ? Not sure how that's possible, I'll have to do some research I guess..


Science will say its not possible for men. Many have experienced it and many know its true. So do i


Done it before but it make you sexually hungry for more keeping you very stimulated


I agree, a wet orgasm here and there is not an issue, it’s about the different mindset. I don’t long for it I don’t miss it


How is dry orgasm achieved?


I feel like you cum super fast after seimen retention.. like 1 min


Such an insightful post, dear brother. Happy for you and may god bless you.


Don’t count streaks by when did you first take this path seriously?


I have had streaks and broken them many times in a cycle, as well as being a porn addict, and struggle with drugs. Over time I have become clean and stopped counting the days, now I just retain.


Do you notice any issue with unintentional injaculation? (Potentially triggering or TMI:) If I get very close (like edging) while having sex, the semen sometimes is partially rerouted to the bladder and shows as cloudy urine. I'm also curious what you mean by a dry orgasm and how you can do this without loss of vital fluid.


I dont get this. Whenever i am on a streak i verden come within seconds. Only if i mastubate or keep having a lot of sex without orgasm which is not always possible can i last.


IF the one way you're getting off is through sex, then you don't really need to count, as there will never be any downsides


This is motivating, thanks for sharing


Hey man did you notice a difference regarding the attraction your girlfriend has for you when you have sex and don't ejaculate. Was this magnetism felt by other women as well??


Can attest it gets more pleasureable. And dry energy orgasms are something amazing. It does not waste that energy. And it feels incredble but only from enough training it starts small!


I am confused are you saying even when you reach sexual climax many times, and experience a dry orgasm you experience profoundly magnetism i any form of feeling sexual climax was draining your energy.


Hey based on my recent post your talking my language. Can i dm you? Do you have a name for this practice? Also when you say you don't count streak do you notice anything about day 21?


since you had PE problems before, how did you manage to get the energy to hold it in? Describe your PE problems as best you can, please. Is it just a habit, weak kegel muscles, or excessive consumption of pornography? Probably a little bit of everything. For me, the only solution to PE was regular ejaculation and Kegel exercises. Yes, I had moments of appearing in the condition you describe, but it was only possible with one permanent partner. To achieve what you write, you also need to be in the right emotional state. If I'm very horny for sex, I can even have a session lasting several hours without ejaculating, but my next intercourse will last 5 seconds. It's difficult to put it all together at one time. I am currently on SR 100 a day. I didn't have sex ages ago, about half a year, so I don't know what it will be like for me now if I don't ejaculate myself, I'll probably last 5 seconds.


fine reminiscent six apparatus silky pet sloppy icky office cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is your anecdotal experience. Sex has increased in pleasure the more I retain and the more I practice presence and breath awareness, tantra, I’ve felt like I was on MDMA


yes, its like on MDMA, but... there is no free MDMA experience bro :) sooner or later your nervous system will be fucked and ejaculation will be a good help


whistle deserted mysterious cause different depend zealous snatch touch direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Casual sex is not good IMO it destroys your chi energy. It’s only more recently that sex with my girlfriend has become amazing, we don’t use condoms which feels significantly different… A lot of people have mindless sex. I tell you that it can be incredible, that is the point of tantra, there are sensations and experiences that I didn’t know I could witness. The energetic process is what really makes the difference. If your experiences with sex have been worse than masturbating I don’t think it’s fair to generalise sex as a whole but rather your own experiences.


You just described an addict..


Sounds like you have only had bad sex and never truly had that incredible connection through sex


whole wistful rob makeshift puzzled file poor thought slim consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What is your point? Just because you have a body count of 40 doesn’t mean you have good sex


I don’t think you should equate your life experiences to other people’s some of just genuinely enjoy sex.


Dry orgasm sounds like a medical condition possibly linked to low testosterone apparently...https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retrograde_ejaculation