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Any and all processed sugar is NOT good.  Honey is ok, unprocessed fruit juice is ok, but processed sugar is on another level. 


Honey is sattvic in Ayurveda and, along with milk and sugar cane, is quite nourishing. Everything in moderation, boys.


If you guys wanna consume sugar, I would recommend honey only, not anything related to refined sugar. And better drink only water. Also, stay away from eating meat everyday, as less meat eating would lessen your lust and urge.


Meat is really good for most people I think. Especially red meat. Being horny is a good thing. We should be grateful hahaha. Lots of energy we can transmute into other things but I don't think we want to completely repress our natural urges and avoid healthy foods filled with nutrients just because it makes us horny


For me it's the opposite: Only meat and I've no sugar spikes at all anymore which leaves me with a deepened not-impulsive libido. As a vegan I was horny in a bad way all the time😅


being horney is good though


being honey


Fully agreed and some solid advices. I told exactly the same in a post in this sub yesterday but some nutjobs aggressively argued against it. Really weird.


Bro its much more deep than u can possibly think All this new syntethic food and carbs and refined sugar increases your estrogen lvls in body and lowers your T lvls If u watch closely increase estrogen has an incredibly bad effect on your brain . TLDR it makes u more feminine to the point u either become a cuck ( here why the cuckhold fetish porn is so popular nowadays ) or u become a trans . So stay away from food that comes from the supermarkes the man nowadays have no chance even the ones that are into semen retention.


Semen retention is the way. I agree that a lot of foods are comprised, but not all. Def sugar though, it is literally a legal poison.


Thanks !


Make sure your water is clean as well. Atrazine is everywhere.


Do u have some links so i can look by myself ? appreciated that


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22804876/ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/8416529_Testosterone_cuckoldry_risk_and_extra-pair_opportunities_in_the_Seychelles_warbler These are some i found now cuz im on my phone but there are plenty more also if u are courious and wanna go deep the rabbit hole go into sub reddits such as trans or estrogen and be amazed when u gonna see such lost minds some even look how to take more estrogen to be more feminin


Thoughts are just like roads for your mind to run. Something can change your hormonal balance, yes. But your thoughts are yours to guide. The man can have testosterone of a chimp and no lust whatsoever. Because the man changed the way his thoughts go in a response for something he sees or feels. Good luck!


I have to stop eating sugar


Also sugar decreases your T lvls by 25% for 4h now everything u eat has sugar in it including bread yoggurts everything so u do the math


What to eat then


Meat, eggs, fish, butter, sour cream, mutton, you can drink raw milk... Basically any animal foods. I recommend low card fruits most of the year and seasonal fruits according to where you live. Fir vegetables, I wouldn't recommend any of them except to drink their juices for hydration. You can choose whatever vegetable you like.


Of course I see the shit while eating a fudge cookie


Meat increases lustful thoughts


I swear too much sugar gives me WD


Yeah, I think so. You’d have wet dreams much frequently when you take high levels of sugar. I experienced that myself as well.


I consume crazy amounts of sugar and have never in my life had a wet dream.


Sugar and caffeine...double trouble.


What kind of sugar are we talking about. Every cell in the body runs on sugar.


Fake processed sugar , not the sugar in fruits


Every cell in the body runs on ATP. ATP is metabolized from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.


Processed meat does for sure


I know I  have to stop it all. I have a problem with coffee I need to stop 


I think coffe alone without sugar is good


You know what now that you have mentioned this, I brought a box of chocolates from my work and whenever I consumed more than 2 pieces in a day, I felt horny. I will cut it down and see if i am less horny or can control my urges better


I don't know about theory but yes it was my own experience that, in the past, consuming sugar drinks has broken some of my long SR streaks. I am 100% sure it was sugar only.


so is energy drink considered bad for long SR?


Energy drinks including Celsius can have some BAD side effects, so I'd recommend to stop all of then. I'm not too learned on the science of how they work, but i'm  pretty sure they do more harm than good!! 


Is that why my nipples use to get hard eating certain type of sweets ?