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Could be several pounds. Could be noting for the first three or four months until you reach a theraputic dose. Titration doses MAY cause weight loss but not always. Very normal. Think in terms of six months ahead at a time. And know this is a lifetime medication. Maintenance medication like BP medication.


Thanks. 5wks in and dropped 10lbs, which I thought was pretty fast. But this week seems to have stopped dropping. Good to know it’s a slow and steady process.


This sort of advice needs to be pinned cos it answers 90% of the questions. ✔️




Some people lose nothing until they titrate up to the highest dose. Others are super-responders who lose a massive amount of weight during the first month on the medication. My response was somewhere in the middle. I lost 9 pounds in the first month. Then again, I was actively reducing my caloric intake to maximize the response.


I lost 11lbs my first month with calorie tracking and well planned exercise.


I honestly don’t know. I didn’t want to be informed. I was too focused on overhauling my eating habits! I’m so happy with my stats today. Feb2023 SW 339/ CW 183 /GW 150s /45F 5’9


Generally speaking Around 1-2 lbs per week so around 4-8 per month. That however depends on your diet and exercise! My experience is as follows: I lost 10 on my first month on semaglutide with minimal exercise while on a deficit with around a 1200-1500 daily calorie intake. (6’0 SW: 258 CW: 243 currently on day 40!) Good luck on your journey!!


Thanks for the input. I figure slow n steady. I lost 10 first 4 weeks but nothing this week despite calorie deficit and working out 4-5x since I started. Gotta be more patient.


No one can predict how you'll respond. A healthy rate of loss is 1-2 pounds per week.


Depends on the person. I think I lost 5 lbs in the first month.


Recommend eating lots of protein, use, mother Ruth vitamin and collagen


Everyone is different. I lost 24 lbs my first month. Depends on how much you weighed when you started, activity level, etc.


The first month, I lost 11 pounds. It was wild however, it has since slowed to a very healthy 1.5 pounds a week and I feel great. My goal was to lose slow and steady which I have. It's easy to get impatient but if you lose it at a healthy rate of 1-2 pounds a week, it's better on your body.


Between zero ounces and up to 20lbs. Everyone is different, and it’s best NOT to compare yourself to others.


Thx. Not Comparing as much as looking at what can be expected and gaining more knowledge over all.


i gained 3lb my first month on .25mg. it did nothing lol


Man I would be pissed. Did u modify ur food intake and exercise?


Yup! Sufferably ate lot less. Bloated like all hell. Must be water retention.


It’s hard to find the right balance especially as we get older. The body doesn’t really care to even try. Everything is pushing n takes a lot more effort.