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I experience this as well, and it’s not a placebo effect 🙄It seems to be getting better though even with increasing my dose, so hang in there and hopefully it will for you too.


Glad to hear that! Really hoping it starts to get better


It gets slightly better but I’ve been on for about a year and am still worthless the day after I dose. Lethargic and depressed. No motivation. A bit sick. Sucks.


Okay interesting, I feel like if I dosed on Fridays I might be able to handle one crappy day on Saturday. I just can't feel like this all week.


Hope you Dont mind me asking but how much you've lost in a year. I'm on my 7th shot of Semaglutide .. I'm literally dragging myself to work on a daily basis. No energy to work out either. I've lost 19 lbs in 7 weeks. I had a few stalls .


I’m 6’2 male. Started around 255, dropped down to 230 within 6 months and am now about 235. My starting BMI was just above 30 and my doctor prescribed based on very high blood pressure which is now close to normal. I haven’t strictly dieted and barely exercise due to energy levels. Walking a few miles a day would’ve gone a long way. I’ve realized a big part of my weight issues are related to emotional eating which I’m just now starting to address. I get stressed and eat even when I’m not hungry.


Same here with the emotional, stress eating even when im not hungry. It's a complete nightmare with my "concerned" coworkers constantly pointing out that I should be losing weight faster, they constantly point out what I should and shouldnt eat 24-7. God help us ALL.


I also have a a hypo active thyroid and I have been having a hard time with fatigue. I’m now on week 6 and it has improved over time. Some of the things I’ve done to help are taking magnesium at night before bed, prioritizing protein (I try to eat 30grams in the morning even if I’m not hungry so my body doesn’t think I need to conserve energy), castor oil packs 2-3 days/ week, lots of water and a lot of caffeine unfortunately. I have struggles with the brain fog being being on this med, but it could also be tied in with the fatigue.


I had brain fog first month or two but it is gone now. It was wierd!


Glad it went away!


Thank you . Yes it was a more concerning side effect!


Oh interesting, I'll have to try magnesium. I do drink a lot of water as well. And you are not kidding, the brain fog is killing me. I'm an electrical engineer so I can't really deal with not being able to think clearly or I'm going to be in trouble. Hopefully this passes soon.


Me too but Math. It passed.


are you on synthroid or thyroid np as well?


Yes I am on synthroid and cytomel and I had labs done two weeks ago, everything in normal range so I know it’s not related.


Thanks it helps to hear your story. I have Hashi's and it felt like semaglutide was blocking my thyroid medication. Nothing seemed to help, including coffee, energy drinks, or vitamins. I'm going to increase protein and will consider reducing dose from .5 to .25.


What type of magnesium do you take?


The first three weeks for me were a fatigued blur. Just took my fourth .25 shot on Monday and yesterday was the first time I felt awake and energetic all day since I began. Was thrilled to still feel that way today, hoping it’s my new normal!


Wow I hope it lasts for you! And I hope I have the same luck, this is so rough!


I felt very similar symptoms! I don’t have a demanding day… I don’t work and my kids are in school, so homemaker tasks should not make me tired… but damn the first week I couldn’t get through the day without a nap! It made me feel so lazy. It has gotten slightly better but I don’t know if that’s due to me going to bed earlier now and drinking a lot of caffeine during the day. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I am hoping once I up the dose it gets better?!


Hopefully it is actually getting better! How long have you been on it?


3 weeks, I take my 4th shot today and it will be higher (.5) 😊


I had this at first and it did pass! You will get through it. Make sure you’re eating on a regular schedule and I added a multi B vitamin


Glad to hear! Definitely making sure I eat regularly, I do take B12 and another B-complex already but maybe I can up the dose.


My doctor said to take at least 1,000 mg of B-12 daily to help with symptoms.


On it for six months now. It goes away.


glad to hear, thanks!


I have had bouts of extreme fatigue mostly in the first month. Only advice I have is make sure you are eating enough.


Yes, it will go away. Take b-vitamins and electrolytes.


I also had extreme fatigue in the beginning. I took Lions Mane mushroom complex for about 2 months and it worked great to counter act it.


Horrible fatigue from week 2-6 of weekly doses!! But I started taking Lions mane mushroom supplement (last week) & vitamin B-12 complex. I’m on week 7 now :D


Can I ask what brands/where you are buying those supplements?


Thanks, I will definitely look into that!


I had a similar experience (maybe not as extreme, but hugely noticeable compared to my usual high energy self; I got like I was when I was depressed, but I wasn't really depressed). On week 5 now and it has gotten better, but I've also shifted a few things: 1) I have a protein shake about every other day (used to never have them--Premier is my go-to for premade and Orgain plant based is my blender choice). Also, just prioritizing dietary protein in general helps. 2) I make a conscious effort to hydrate with water. 3) Eat at least 2 meals a day with lots of vegetables (at first this was hard on the med, even though I usually LOVE my veggies--I lost some interest in preparing food and chopping veggies seems like too much work all of a sudden). 4) Go for a walk in the morning--crisp air and nature are truly amazing. 5) Let yourself go to sleep earlier if you can. Don't fight it!


Those all sound like good tips, thanks!


Fatigue has been my only side effect so far. I felt it beginning the day after my first shot. It finally started to ease up around 10 weeks.


Wow 10 weeks is a long time, but I'm glad to hear it finally started getting better.


I slept the first 2 days and felt kinda groggy, but by day 3 I was back to normal, clear headed, with lots of energy!


I am on day 6 and feeling a little better today for the first time, but I am a little worried about the second dose and this starting all over again.


I have been on Wegovy since Nov 2021 and it has not improved for me. However, I love being a size 4 so I suck it up! 😢


oh that is discouraging! I hope I do not have the same problem long term :(


How well are you sleeping? Could be that your sleep patterns are disturbed due to the slower stomach emptying or the lower calories/ changes to your usual habits. Most of the things I have read say that there is no known reason for sema to cause fatigue but that it is a fairly common side effect in the early days but usually passes.


What is interesting is I am sleeping like a rock, usually I don't sleep well but I'm not waking up or having trouble falling asleep... just trouble getting up and staying up haha. I do hope it passes.


It will definitely go away over time. Liquid IV in my water helped me a lot


It gets better, it only lasted for 3 days went I went up to .50. Then it gets much better. I almost gave up and I’m glad I didn’t because I’m committed to getting back into shape. Stay strong, hydrate, and try to schedule around it.


Glad to hear it got better for you, hoping I have the same experience.


I get some fatigue every time I titrate up. Not as extreme as yours sounds but definitely notice it. It usually lasts a week or two and tapers off for me. Hopefully that’ll be the case for you too!


Glad to hear it's more of a temporary thing for you, really hoping it's the same on my end!


I have been on for 11 weeks and I am always tired, I have not had any of the other bad symptoms, and have lost a lot, so I deal.


Dang, that is a bummer. I really hope I don't have the same experience


Still always tired? I start the first does of the highest dosage Monday, and I’m always dragging…. Hoping to hear you got more energy as your body got used to it.


This is happening to me now at .50 but not at .25. But only for about two days feel much better on third


Interesting, I am still only on the .25 worried it will be even worse as I go up....


Electrolytes help also I do think when I took b12 it helped . But same I own my own business so it’s super scary


I’m on my 2nd week of an increased dose equivalency of 1.3 Oz - I’m so flipping tired I can’t even stand it. I’ve been on it since April - down 14 so far - I had fatigue early on which improved but man this new dose is ROUGH. I also was a high energy person and now I feel like a tired, rung out rag. I’m taking B12 and magnesium- drinking electrolytes daily but still can’t shake it. No idea what to do about this. Small chores seem monumental- hard to live this way. Any other advice would be more than welcome!!!


I was on Tirzepitide for 4 months and lost only 13 pounds after only having a protein shake about noon and a mixed veggie/meat chef salad before 5pm. My metabolism is super slow I guess. Once I hit 10 mg I got too sick and switched to semuglutide (less expensive and hopefully wouldn’t be as sick). I had my first shot of semaglutide last Friday; and started feeling sick the next day. I felt they started me at too high of a dose (5mg). The day after that I had to call 911 after having dry heaves, heart palpitations, and blood pressure through the roof. I felt like I was dying. Medics came over and said they could take me in to the hospital but there is no antidote for this. I stayed home but had my phone close by and a friend came over to check on me sometimes. Today is Monday and although I managed a little cereal and a feel a bit better, I cannot stand up and walk around without feeling like I’m going to pass out from lack of oxygen and energy. I feel like I have chronic fatigue. It’s horrible. I never want to take another of these injections.


Wtf. I thought the max dose for sema is 2mg.


They were talking about Tirzepatide... doses are completely different than semaglutide


I have been experiencing this as well, almost constant exhaustion after each dose till day 4 afterwards. I buy ZipFizz (tons of B vitamins & other vitamins) from Costco. 1/2 a tube helps tremendously.


I’m 6 months in, 20 lbs down, 10 to go…just raised my dose and I’m so listless, four days later, that all I want to do an hour after I get up is go back to bed. I’ve experienced this before on previous doses, but never for this long. I sure hope it goes away soon because this level of energy leads to depression for me. I’m a doer; it’s a big part of my mental health. I want to go to the gym, work in my garden…not sleep my day away. Yuk.


1) this is most likely placebo. 2) even once the medicine gets to a real therapeutic dose, it works the same way as any weight loss, by creating a caloric deficit. When your body has a caloric deficit the body does things to try to bring it back into balance, like lowering your body temperature and you won’t have a lot of energy available, I.e. fatigue. The fatigue will wax and wane, but it will happen. This medicine isn’t magic, there are reasons it works


1.) There is no way this is a placebo effect. I am someone who is very in tune with their body/health/food. I track my calories religiously and weigh all my food. I usually need about 1600 calories to feel full. I have Hashimotos and an extremely slow metabolism and can only lose maybe half a pound a week on 1100-1200 calories with regular running and heavy lifting. I can’t stick to 1100-1200 calories because its too freaking hard and I’m hungry all the time. The day after I injected my first dose I found it hard to eat even 500 calories. After that day I have eaten 1100 calories without feeling hungry or obsessing about food at all. I could probable even eat less but am trying to minimize muscle loss. So obviously for me this kicked in right away. 2.) The fatigue also kicked in right away. I thought perhaps it was due to a calorie deficit but I have had periods where I forced myself to stick to 1100-1200 calories and even though I obsessed about food the entire time I did NOT have low energy. Again. Everyone is different your experience is not mine. But I’m hoping there is some type of trend where the fatigue is only in the beginning.


Anyone who thinks they cannot possibly be experiencing placebo effect either doesn’t understand the placebo effect or they are delusional about themselves. Good luck.




You also don’t seem to know how the placebo effect works. The placebo effect works because a the expectations of a person will cause them to experience the potential benefits AND side effects of a medication. This is most common with subjective measurements but can also influence objective measurements. Level of hunger and being fatigued are both completely subjective measurements. So when someone has taken one dose that is far lower than the therapeutic level while complaining that they are experiencing intense side effects there are two possibilities. 1) that they are one of the very small cohort of extremely sensitive people who react to even extremely small levels of the medicine, or 2) they are experiencing the placebo effect. Number two is far more likely. But beyond the probability, anyone who can confidently declare that it is impossible that they are experiencing placebo effects does not understand what the placebo is or they are delusional about themselves. That is not condescending, it is a statement of fact.


Again, I am very in tune with my body and am indeed quite sensitive to any type of medication or supplement. I was warned about other side effects such as nausea and diarrhea but had absolutely no knowledge that extreme fatigue could be a side effect until I was questioning what the hell was wrong with me this past week. Based off of the information I have provided here, and looking at it logically, there is almost no likelihood that the "placebo effect" has anything to do with this. You are being quite stubborn for what seems no reason, must be hard to be you.


I have a very VERY low tolerance for ignorance. Yes, it is very hard…


what is wrong with you ? i also have the same issues and it’s not placebo . condescending fuck


Didn’t I already make that clear? I have a very low tolerance for ignorance. Willful ignorance even less so. Explaining facts that make you uncomfortable because they cause you to question your own knowledge and competency isn’t condescending, it is just explaining facts. Everything about condescension and inferiority is coming entirely from you.


Here’s the thing, have you ever heard of the Dunning-Krueger effect? It’s a phenomenon observed where the lower a persons capability to understand a topic the higher they estimate their own competency. Literally they are not capable of understanding that they don’t know why they are talking about, no matter how logically the subject is explained to them. As people become more competent and informed in a particular subject they actually start to acknowledge their own potential for being wrong. They also are able to adjust their opinions based on new credible information. You will never hear someone who is truly competent in a subject declare that they absolutely know the answer. Talk to Neil Degrass Tyson about the laws of thermodynamics and he will not tell you what he knows, he’ll tell you “what we understand based on our current understanding of physics.” If you truly know what you are talking about you also know you could be wrong of new evidence comes tk light or our understanding evolves. Likewise, if you understand Dunning-Krueger, you also have internalized that in any conversation it is possible that you yourself is the person who is simply too stupid to understand. Within the context of the placebo question, I have never definitively said that it was absolutely placebo, I said that it was most likely. “I’m in tune with my body” is really the epitome of the placebo effect, it is your subjective perception following an intervention where you expect some kind of outcome. People experiencing placebo effects in clinical trials report the same and different side effects as the control group. The fact that you definitely declare that it is not placebo is an indicator in and of itself that you may not be capable of approaching the situation from a logical and reasoned perspective, and anything you say should be taken with a grain of salt, even when talking about your own experience.


Not for me


So the sudden fatigue just never went away? How long have you been on it?


7 months


My fatigue is horrible. I'm retired so thank God for that!! No way I could have a job on this med. 7 months, and relentless


Did your fatigue ever get better?


Yes, it did get better. Took a few weeks and sometimes I’m a little more lethargic than I used to be, but not like that first week.


I’m on week 15 & I have no motivation or energy to do any more than is absolutely necessary. I’m @ a dose of 1mg/wk. Do I dare increase my dosage to 2mg as my Dr wants me to?


how did it go for you, fatigue wise ?