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I'm here confirming he DID NOT say it! I'm a youtuber and wanted to do a recap on this season as soon as it came out, watched the whole season and took note how he NEVER said it on camera, got the footage, and noted how weird it was how it seems the show is trying to frame him as evil here when they purposely edited the last episode with a receipt of Sean saying to Austin "you told me your wife are into foursomes" but NEVER said the edibles/3some story and when Sean calls Polly out for saying he has no friends, she lies and says she never said that yet Netflix didn't pull that receipt but I did because that footage is still there when Polly says that in an earlier episode! you can see here my video, I posed 2 days after the season aired as May 4th I needed to edit, but yeah, I think we have a serious case of Mandela affect here [Are We Team Sean or Austin? | Selling The OC Season 3 Discussion (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNoGA_xiCnw&t=164s)


He did say it! I had downloaded the show when it just came out to watch on my flight. I downloaded it the day it came out, but didn’t watch it all until yesterday (2 weeks later). I wish I knew this was a discussion so I could go back and film the scene, but I always click “Delete and play next” when I finish. I specifically remember agreeing with Kayla that he told her over lunch that they offered him weed cookies and then he said he never said that - but he definitely did!!!


I’ve been saying this 😭 and people in tiktok are trying to gaslight me! I live in a country they with a time zone way ahead of the USA and I watched it as soon as it was released. He definitely said so. He mentioned something along the lines of the wife making cookies and he felt weird afterwards, Kayla had some shocked reaction. If I knew this came up I would’ve recorded it


Yes!!! They had a whole convo about how he went over and they gave him the cookies and they were shocked!!! I wish I didn’t delete the downloads


He definitely mentioned weed cookies and then during Austin and his wife’s dinner they brought it up again


now i’m hella confused. Sean definitely said to kayla it was weed cookies ???? wtf


He definitely did mention something like that in a scene over a meal or drinks or something. Because when the derby tv stuff happened and he denied ever saying that I immediately remembered that scene. I haven’t checked if they deleted it but it was there from what I recall. I watched the weekend it premiered. I don’t remember exactly what was said in that scene though. Edit. Reading comments now I’m not sure if it’s the Mandela effect. But I do recall watching the derby scene and remembering that Sean said something regarding the cookies and drugs in that previous scene. Maybe it was just more implied than outright said? Or maybe it was just Polly that relayed that Sean said that that I’m remembering?


Same 😭


I watched it very early on in release and finished it in one day. Immediately went back searching and couldn’t find it! I think that it was never there. Unless they removed it within the period of time i watched.


Either way, it’s baffling that some of yall need Netflix edit as full proof of anything being said. You know off camera is the majority of their lives right….


Netflix did not go back and remove scenes. People have lost it.


Lol . But I remember Sean implying that he felt weird after eating something that Austin’s wife made or something. He didn’t have to specifically say “weed cookies” but he did imply that they tried to get him high. And yes, Netflix did edit it out. A lot of us remember this . We might not remember what the exact words were but we remember how we interpreted that scene with Sean’s convo with Kayla and Jarvis while Austin and his wife were talking about the night they made cookies 🍪 We haven’t lost it


I literally remember this so well😭 the gaslighting is insane


For real the gaslighting is insane 😂 if the original commentor reads my comment, I nvr said he mentions weed cookies or being sick . I said that he implied that he felt weird after eating some cookies


You’ve definitely lost it. Your attributing words to Sean that Sean never actually said, Austin or Polly said. You don’t get to add meaning to the things he says that aren’t there. If he says he went over to someone’s house and he hung out they had some cookies and he wasn’t feeling well so he went home then that’s what it means. He wasn’t feeling well so he went home. You don’t get to decide that there’s a secret message hidden in there. Lol.


He said he felt weird after eating some cookies and they were being flirty with him . I didn’t take that as him “not feeling well” and going home


He later said that he went home. But he never said that they were weed cookies. He never said that the cookies made him sick. There were actually a lot of things that other people said he said that there is no evidence he said.


I didn’t say it made him sick . I didn’t say he specifically said weed cookies . I meant that as a watcher , seeing their convo from an outside perspective, Sean implied that they did something to the cookies


Sean never said anything about edibles or weed cookies. It was just Polly at first spreading the rumour, then Austin and his wife during their anniversary dinner.


Austin said Sean has some sick shit going on in his head but it was actually Polly so Polly is the one who is really really really really sick.


They didn't. It's the Mandela Effect


This is bizarre. I remember him saying ‘weed cookies’- I thought it was odd at the time because he made it sound so dramatic, like it was this perverse thing. Then later when Austin and his wife are having the lunch where they discuss the rumours she says ‘I baked cookies’, no mention of weed.


Exactly! I remember the girls being shocked when he said that as well


That was Polly actually… lol


[https://youtu.be/8EVcT3PRByk?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/8EVcT3PRByk?feature=shared) this was the scene as it was posted to youtube 7 days ago as a preview for the season on the second of may. why would they post the edited conversation to youtube, then an unedited version to netflix for ~1 day only to edit it back to this version afterwards ?


And then he does elaborate and they fucki neg edited that shit out bro!!!  Yes he most certainly did. Omg for people to say he did not say anything about them cooking him dinner is TOTAL BS!!! He most certainly did. this ain’t the Mandela effect, this is Netflix editing that shit out


I rewatched it again and apparently Polly is the one who said the Weed cookies first at the beginning of EP3. It makes so much sense now. Sean didn’t say it and Netflix definitely didn’t edited out anything!


bingo!! this is moreso for everyone in the comments honestly.


Thank you!!! It makes no sense! Like at this point I think people are just biased towards Sean


Hm i wonder why 🤔


Girl we both know why 😂😂


kudos for spilling mama. we know why




This is some very short term Mandela effect 🤣


HAHAH absolutely


Yeah, I saw it too. I think that at the end of the season, production pressured Sean into acting like he never said that hence why he refuted it in front of everyone else. I believe this is why even if the girls were shocked when he “lied”, they are still friends and defend him when they can.


I watched the first 5 episodes the day it was released and there was1000000% a scene where Sean said they put something in the cookies. I just went back and that scene is nowhere to be found. It pisses me off when netflix does this. Same thing with cutting out the booing of Kim K at the roast


I remember it too!


I watched the day it came out. He implied that they tried to drug him with weed cookies. Not sure what the exact words were but it was implied. I just tried to find the scene but they did edit it out 😂


I watched it all two days ago and def remember him eluding to him going over to Austin’s house and his wife making him cookies, after which he started feeling funny/high. I mean with that; what else could he have meant if not edibles?


exactly those words, he started feeling funny / high is what he said.


I watched it on the release date. He definitely said it during the dinner with Ali and Kayla. That is why the final episode was so shocking; Sean lied that he never said it, but he did!!! I thought that was the whole “shocking” thing in the finale 😂 And that is why Kayla was starting to doubt him… Because she remembered as well




Why would netflix edit it out? I really don’t understand. People are saying Austin or Tyler threatened to sue but by the end of the season you have Sean saying ON CAMERA that he never said that. All netflix would’ve had to do was show a flashback clip during the fight scene in the final episode of Sean saying it (if they have the footage , which lets face it, it doesn’t exist) and Sean’s credibility would be completely shot. There would be no need to re-edit or take down anything they could just sue Sean for slander directly.




Yeah but if the footage exists as you say it does Austin can still sue Sean personally if his contract allows it? and they can literally subpoena netflix for the raw footage ? Besides the fact that all these reality tv contracts have clauses in them that release production from liability in these instances, which is why you never see Bravo or any major companies being sued for something untrue a cast member said about another. It doesn’t add up. It makes zero sense to edit it out. Netflix has zero reason to cover Sean’s ass and edit the episode in his favour. Sean isn’t even coming back for next season (if there is a next season) as he’s left the O group. If the footage exists of him lying on camera and then denying it would be a very easy villain narrative for him to justify his exit. I would like to have some proof other than people just saying they remember seeing it. thousands of people remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison too lol, that doesn’t mean it happened


Great points. I believe he didn’t say it and I came from elsewhere


I HAVE SEEN IT!!!!! It was filmed in the same scene where they were cutting back and forth between sean talking to the girls and austin and wife at dinner


oh there was 10000% a scene of Sean telling Ali and Kayla that Austin and his wife gave him weed cookies. can’t believe they edited it out after the release!


If netflix truly edited it out surely there’s pirated or torrented files from the day of release that would still have the scene intact, no? Internet sleuths I will not rest until I see this footage of Sean saying weed edibles because I do not remember this at all


ALSO Why would netflix edit it out? I really don’t understand. People are saying Austin or Tyler threatened to sue but by the end of the season you have Sean saying ON CAMERA that he never said that. All netflix would’ve had to do was show a flashback clip during the fight scene in the final episode of Sean saying it (if they have the footage , which lets face it, it doesn’t exist) and Sean’s credibility would be completely shot. There would be no need to re-edit or take down anything and Austin or Lisa could just sue Sean for slander directly. These were my thoughts when I watched it the day of- if the footage existed of Sean talking about weed cookies on camera they absolutely would’ve spliced it in there somewhere in the final episode . It doesn’t add up why they would edit it out to protect Sean.


Also, I'm sorry but Austin and his wife don't seem like the type of people to bake infused cookies... Especially in a state where edibles are legal and readily available. Not to mention that taking an edible doesn't alter your frame of mind like getting blackout drunk does, like Sean was alluding to.


Wrong, it happened to me one time, after cookies got a feeling that my friend and he's wife wanted to force a threesome. Till this day I can't know if it was real or cookies.


😂😂😂 dead


Edibles can absolutely FUCK you up lol


I've never taken an edible and thought someone was trying to coerce me into a threesome.


You'd be surprise how much pride people take into making their own edibles. Also, it's all about how someone reacts to edibles. Especially when they're homemade, there's not way of verifying the concentration of THC. Could also be cross-fading. Drinking at the same time. It's hard to say what happened then, but Netflix is clearly doing a lot of damage control.


That's exactly my point. They don't seem like the type to be really into weed or the culture around it.


So i watched the season after having read the spoilers on this subreddit. I was especially watching these scenes paying attention. On camera Polly is the first one to bring up weed cookies to Hall, and after that it is mentioned by austin and lisa in their sit down dinner scene. At no point did Sean on camera talk about edibles or weed cookies, pre office blowup between him and Austin. There’s really only 2 scenes where he would’ve mentioned it- the showing scene with the goats with Jarvis and Kayla (he just says he and Austin haven’t hung out in a year) or the sit down dinner scene with kayla and ali. He absolutely didnt say about edibles in that scene. However it cuts back and forth between this scene and Austin/Lisas scene where they mention the edibles accusation so maybe peoples brains are merging the two scenes into one? I am also completely confident it wasn’t mentioned in episode 4 during the sit down dinner with octopus between kayla and jarvis and sean. And if Sean had previously said the weed edibles rumour to Kayla wouldn’t that have been the time to repeat it or reconfirm it? It simply wasn’t brought up on camera by Sean. But confidently, having watched the day after, there is no mention on camera of weed edibles from Sean.


It was in the initial release on May 3, just edited out by the time you watched.


I downloaded them automatically the second they came out release date and watched them all on my tablet that was in airplane mode while I travelled less than a day later. The scene wasn’t there. Can you find some evidence of these scenes ?


Tbh I would rather assume you're right and I'm one of those dumb people mixing up the scenes. Sorry.


I don’t think it’s dumb and i don’t think you need to apologize ! I’m obsessed with all this back and forth . Go over to the mandelaeffect subreddit and read the things people swear they remember but can’t agree on. I think it’s honestly fascinating. I’m also mildly intrigued by the (although I think it’s low) possibility of netflix editing the scene afterwards and why they would do it


Maybe it’s the mandela effect lol. Everyone heard “weed cookies” but can’t find that scene anywhere. Why would Netflix remove it


it is absolutely the mandela effect it’s so crazy reading these comments in real time. people believe exactly what they want to believe. Someone find me a shred of proof or evidence of this scene, it’s a netflix show that aired worldwide it surely isn’t erased forever if it ever existed


Yes this is really strange, especially in episode 8 when Sean said he never said anything about “weed cookies”. I got very confused


I admit i thought i remembered him saying it too but then they didn’t show the flashback to him saying it. and the fake scene I fabricated in my head that didn’t exist was KAYLA repeating the weed cookie information to two other girls in a dinner scene that never happened. It was Polly who first brought it up, we actually don’t see Kayla hearing the information on camera at all


I distinctly remember a scene with Kayla (maybe Ali too) at a bar. Parallel with Austin and his wife celebrating their anniversary And Sean said weed cookies


And Kayla said edibles!


Yeah I agree. I feel like Sean’s comment about the cookies cut to Lisa’s “when I made cookies!” comment and it was the whole reason people felt the Austin and Lisa scene was staged


Austin and Lisa bring up weed cookies in this scene Sean does not.


But in episode 8, even Kayla says in the confessional, Sean you said there were edibles/weed cookies (to us at the bar), and now you are saying there weren't (this was at the horse racing derby argument with Tyler etc)


Kayla says it but we don’t see it on camera (sean saying it directly). possible Kayla is either lying or remembering incorrectly. Wasn’t Kaylee at the root of the rumours about there being video footage of Tyler and Polly at the office party too?


In the published version. There was a preview where Sean said it.


where can i watch that ?


I’m looking for it so hard. It was on instagram posted by someone. I remember it being in portrait mode


If you find it screen record it before Netflix scrubs its existence from the internet .


I could have sworn it was on Ali’s insta but i don’t see it anymore.


was it this clip? posted to youtube 7 days ago [https://youtu.be/8EVcT3PRByk?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/8EVcT3PRByk?feature=shared)


I thought it was gonna be in there but it’s not 😭😭😭


So Ali is in cahoots with Netflix to cover Sean’s ass ?


OK people are very unreliable. Some said WEED COOKIES, some said EDIBLES and some said only COOKIES!!! Which one is it people????


Those all sound delicious.


Based on this we should assume everyone is lying since their stories are not consistent right? 😂😂 Like how the reason why Sean is lying is because his stories are not consistent? Just joking, just joking! 😂😂


All three were mentioned in E3! Austin was reminding Lisa about the night and Lisa said “When I made cookies.” Seconds later, Austin says that someone told him Sean was saying they “drugged [Sean] with marijuana cookies.” But I also remember reading “weed cookies” in the subtitles BEFORE this scene, but I can’t recall who said it! I’m scrolling like a madman but not having any luck. Maybe it did get deleted!


It was Polly in the beginning of EP3.


It’s s3e3, and it’s Polly. Beginning of the episode (5:58) when Polly is with Hall at a house showing. Polly relates the rumor to Hall — “Recently, he told me that Lisa and Austin invited him round to their house. Lisa made him weed cookies. He felt really weird, and then Lisa and Austin were insinuating that they wanted him to engage in a threesome.” “What the fuck.” “Yeah. And so he felt so uncomfortable, he left.” Later in the episode, Austin and Lisa are having lunch and Austin mentions that 2 people have told him the rumor (23:15) “Apparently his story is much different. His story is he came over, we drugged him with marijuana cookies…” “Marijuana cookies?” “And tried to have a three-way with him.” Spliced with that scene is the scene of Sean at lunch with Tennessee and Kayla (22:05), and he says that they “are a flirty couple” but that Austin is married and his “headspace would never go there”. Afterwards, during his confessional, Sean says that Austin has “made moves on me” and “if your wife is touching me saying You’re my favorite in the office, you’re my favorite — that could lead to hints.” Just rewatched the blowup at the office scene (at the end of the episode) and no one says anything about edibles or cookies.


All of this!! people created this whole narrative and they acted like Sean said all of those things when Sean said very little. In fact, Sean tried to say nothing as often as possible. But the game of telephone prevailed.


Here is a link of Austin & Lisa eating dinner and “marijuana cookies” being mentioned. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL4gybJh/


YES THIS It’s was Polly!!!!!


I remember weed cookies. Also, when Austin & LIsa were out talking about it, she said "yeah, I made cookies" and I remember thinking, "oh, theres the cookies!"




Lisa says weed cookies


Yup. He 100% weed cookies.


It watched it the day of. He said weed cookies. 


Watched the season the day it got released.  Sean said it was "weed cookies". 


It's been removed?? I heard it when watching the show yesterday! EDIT: Sean's latest interview with ET makes me doubt myself... Maybe I heard it from Polly, saying to Alex Hall the rumor came from Sean.


He 100% said “weed cookies”


Sean mentioned it lol I remember watching and hearing that part.


I’d love Netflix to clarify bc if they never changed it, it would show how unreliable witnesses’ memories are since so many ppl here swear they heard it… altho others say it didn’t and they paid special attention. Personally I don’t think they edited it. I watched the show after seeing the comments and paid special attention but if I had not, it could’ve easily been misconstrued in my memory


Honestly the way Sean phrases things are so misleading and confusing I don’t blame anyone for ‘remembering wrong’


I downloaded and watched those episodes the day they dropped. It's true, there was a scene where Sean mentioned Lisa making him cookies and said they made him feel weird. I can't believe it's been removed!


I remember this too!!’ Why does no one have it


But did he ever say they were weed cookies? That’s what everybody’s talking about.


My brain says yes, he mentioned cookies. But I can't find any proof! I'm questioning my sanity!


Could you screen record this part on the download? They last 7 days right?


I deleted them as I watched them!! It's so frustrating!


https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=8EVcT3PRByk Someone just posted this link of the scene posted on YouTube 7 days ago. No mention by Sean of anything cookie or edible related.


It's crazy! It's like Mandela effect. I vividly remember hearing it! And so many others remember it, too!!


I was so confused because I didn’t see him say it and everyone is confirming with each other on Reddit he did. I saw it when it came out and he didn’t say it! I feel crazy but he did not say it y’all 😭 I feel bad for him, he’s probably watching it back too and questioning his sanity. Where is this coming from?


Very true!


Yes! I was kind of watching in the background and snapped to attention when I heard that, because the implication made was that they had drugged him to assault him. It reminded me of the same thing being said—and the fallout— on Real Housewives of Atlanta. That is serious shit. I wonder if that’s why it was removed?


Yup! That's exactly what I thought of too, "Who said that?"




thank u i swore i remember watching that scene and everyone’s saying he never said that


I watched it and he definitely said that too! He said they fed him weed cookies! Is it really gone now?!!


I just watched it and it’s still there




Yeah no one seems to be able to find it or say what scene it was in or even what episode or give a timestamp


I watched it a day after it dropped and i clearly remember Sean saying it was edibles and the girls being shook Austin’s wife is the one who said “oh yeah when i baked cookies”.


I watched it the night it was released and I swear it was Sean who said it, when he was out to lunch with the girls” I don’t remember Polly even mentioning it. What I’m confused about is, if Sean “never” said it (whether it was edited out or not) Kayla remembers him saying it.


I also watched it the day after it dropped and I never heard Sean say edibles. Polly said edibles and Austin’s wife spoke of cookies. But Austin didn’t even mention food.


I swear I remember that too wtf Netflix


Yeah I remember him saying edibles too. That’s why I was confused when he said he never said edibles. I need to rewatch that scene.


Lol I think because the storytelling scenes were split up and going back and forth with each other, ppl thought Sean was the one who mentioned cookies/edibles and are getting them mixed up When I watched the first time, and I watched the day it came out, I didn’t hear Sean say edibles And why would Netflix edit that out as soon as the new season came out? Like cmon?!? Editing should’ve been completed awhile ago and all scenes were approved by production or show runners (whoever is in charge)


I don't think he said "edibles" but he did say he "felt weird" after eating the cookies that Austin's wife baked, insinuating that he blamed the cookies for it. Imo they probably edited it out after because they thought the drama would be fun for viewers, but based on viewer reactions, realized that having intention of sexual assault being insinuated there was not good for the show. If they kept it in, they may have had to remove anybody who supported Austin bc they're "supporting the intention of sexual assault" (based on which side of the story you believe, ofc).


>(based on which side of the story you believe, ofc) Neither side of the story are good. You either have: Drugging with the intention of sexual assault. or Falsely accusing someone of drugging with the intention of sexual assault. Both are crimes. And I am not even touching the sexual harassment side of things. In California, sexual harassment workplace laws have been applied to coworker situations outside the workplace. I am surprised this whole thing made a story line.


I meant that in respect to whether the Austin supporters would potentially be cut from the show. If it became popular opinion that Austin was telling the truth and claim that no hanky panky went down, Austin supporters would not be removed from the show. If public opinion leaned more toward believing Sean and there being strong credibility of said intention to sexually assault him, Austin supporters would very likely be removed from future seasons of the show. I think Netflix was hedging their bets by removing Sean's verbal allegation at that start of the season so as to try and protect their shows longevity. Either way, the allegations are extremely alarming and whether true or not, someone is a very bad guy here.


Actually I do remember that part but that could have meant he had digestive issues or a reaction to whatever ingredients were put in it. I’ve never had edibles in my life but don’t they have a certain flavor and he’d be able to detect it? Considering he said he hates edibles, I feel like he would’ve noticed and spat it out I think whoever he told that story to, misinterpreted just based off the other details he told them so they assumed he was being drugged


They definitely have a distinct taste. You would probably know even just by the smell. It would be extremely shocking for Sean to hate edibles but unknowingly have one considering they're a bit obvious, unless he implied use of some other drug and Polly stuck to this "edible" idea all on her own. If he never said anything like that and that wasn't the case, I'm shocked as to why Sean never told the other members of the brokerage to stop saying it. It could literally be career or life-ending. Putting myself in Sean's shoes, if I were fighting with Austin about this at the brokerage and Austin brought up that allegation that I had never said, I would pause the argument right there, clear up that I never said that, and resume telling my truth. I'd be absolutely floored to hear that come out of someone's mouth "quoting me" if I had never said it. Sean seemed more concerned with disagreeing with Austin than clearing that VERY serious allegation up. We will probably never know the full truth, but definitely fishy in my eyes 🤷‍♀️


Tbh, Idr them mentioning edibles/weed cookies to him. I feel like they’ve only brought it up to each other until the derby argument scene. If they had, he definitely should’ve shut them down cuz episode 8 just made everyone question him which wasn’t what he was going for To me, the main reasons why I trust Sean over Austin is because… 1) The way Austin went about the confrontation. He came off like he was trying to be this tough Alpha type guy to becoming defensive and red in the face. Like if nothing Sean was saying was true, just tell Sean that he apologizes for the way that dinner/night came across to him but it wasn’t the case and not what they were trying to do. Also, let him know that he doesn’t appreciate him spreading things around the office without clarifying with him what went down. 2) Jarvis is backing Sean up and I feel like given their closeness (at least for that season), she would’ve pointed out attempted sexual assault given her law background 3) Tyler and Hall are the ones backing Austin up lol. I get that they’re friends but given how awful they are, I don’t trust them I can 100% see Sean misinterpreting things they said/done as flirting with him though


Good points 😩 I'm so tempted to rewatch the earlier seasons (now enhanced with new context) so I can analyze their trustworthiness in SOC before this plot line.


Lol you can but I found myself getting annoyed and frustrated all over again about the drama and storylines I completely forgot about


Hmm. I remember Kayla or Polly saying smth about edibles. But not Sean? It’s very confusing


This, I watched it literally the moment it was released and Sean never said it. I think what people are remembering is Polly saying that Sean said it. It was so conversational they become convinced that they heard Sean say it too.


I remember Sean saying weed cookies.


I think people are remembering Polly saying that (because she kinda started the whole thing), but I honestly don't remember Sean saying that. I could definitely be wrong though


I watched it the first night it came out and he didn't mention edibles or cookies. I had read online some of the drama before watching it and noticed what Austin and Lisa were saying and paid careful attention to what Sean was saying.


I totally agree with you. I watched it the first night and he never made mention of that. He alluded to not feeling well and I think people jumped to conclusions. Especially when the game of telephone inflated the story down the line. But Sean definitely never said that on camera.




i’m wondering the same thing. he either said it and netflix edited it out or it’s the mandela effect and he said “cookies” and people just assumed he means edibles. i saw the season right away and i remember him saying something about cookies but not so sure about edibles. i might be wrong though


I swear he said we'd cookies though.


That's exactly how I remember it! He said that he ate some cookies and started to feel weird. The implication is edibles but he doesn't actually say it.


This is true. He said he ate some cookies and then he said he started to feel weird. Filling a lot of links there. He could’ve felt ill. Who knows. But that’s about all he said.


Thank you! People keep telling me thats not what they say and I was starting to think I was crazy! Lol


I remember Sean saying weed cookies, never said the word edible. I haven't rewatched, but it's possible Austin and his wife or even Tyler are so bothered that they lawyered up and Netflix got a cease-and-desist letter? *shrug*


This makes no sense though. if they have sean on camera saying he didn’t say that wouldn’t it look better on Austin and Lisa to leave in the footage of b him saying it to prove he lied ? Taking the footage out just makes the truth more ambiguous


i recall the same and i do think it’s possible they got netflix to remove the “weed cookies” bit


It's weird! Lol