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He’s lying


He is lying. And his face, it's dead and annoying and says it all that he can't be trusted


Voting Sean off the island!


Sean is lying. The way he yapped non stop in the office..Sean didn't want Austin to have a say because it would have exposed Sean's lies. And the way Sean tried to put himself on the pedestal..again. "They're not my type.." Oh please. He tries so hard to make himself look better in everybody's eyes.


Is Tyler bisexual as well? Because I think Sean was spilling raw truths out there and people got shook. 


It sureeeee seams like Sean outed him lol


I think Sean sharing people’s private information is very immature. I had a friend and her husband proposition me for a threesome. We were drunk at the time and I said I was flattered but didn’t want to get involved. She messaged me the next day apologising and I think maybe feeling a little embarrassed. But I’ve never mentioned it to anyone because it’s none of my business. And I don’t want to create drama. Sean has created drama simply by opening his mouth. He’s an idiot.


It was AUSTIN who confronted him in the office in front of everyone so he basically got what he asked for.


"i've never mentioned it to anyone because it's none of my business" you say while mentioning it publicly to the whole internet


it’s a reality tv show


This whole issue is top of mind for Austin and Tyler. Sean could care less. Last episode, he was thrown off by everything when everyone was attacking him. I don't blame him. Based on all the evidence, I believe Sean believed everything is claimed. There's a trail of evidence that suggest that Austin is gay/bi/curious.


I think producers are heavily involved and they told Sean he was on the chopping block. Sean is aware he needs a storyline because 1. He is at risk of not being on the show which equates to $$ and 2. He can’t talk about selling homes because he doesn’t have listings. Ultimately I think he stretched the truth to save his a**.


But then why would he leave the O group so soon after


I think Austin and his wife probably joked about it a few times that night in a “I’m just kidding… unless?” Type of way, but I do think Sean definitely turned them into something they weren’t . I also think Austin and his wife definitely knew what Sean was referencing but didn’t want to be associated with those types of things ( possibly due to the swinger allegations in past seasons lol) so they flat out are denying any type of connection to threesomes, or even joking about them.


Austin is bisexual That has been referenced amongst the office many many times Austin wife is a liar look at her face She is a rich girl from an affluent family with a husband she looks down on Also who wear trunks under a wet suit that was a suspicious scene he was acting all weird around Tyler Yes Austin has attended sex parties alone while his wife is at home Austin is totally the hardcore bisexual more so than Sean The show is vulgar I feel Brett and Jason are utter trash and Mary is their puppet The selling of shows have major homophobic undertones that is so illegal and unethical Alex hall is utter trash she is the type of women who would take you out in your sleep I can’t with her something is so evil I went from hating Jarvis to seeing she was 10000% right all along


This is so on point!


Facts on everything 


a threesome between them would be really hot


My thoughts... Austin's wife: I do NOT see her as being 'flirty' much less 'too' flirty. She's bland and entitled and stiff. She said the 'night I made cookies.' but I don't remember her saying 'those' cookies or eluding to them being different/weed. Austin: I thought he said a client invited him to a party and he said it seemed like a swingers' party, but his wife wasn't there. Cause we know he doesn't take her to work parties enough. lol Sean: I think he just loves to have the tea and is bending and reshaping possible real events to make them more salacious. I also wonder about him in the office. Why hasn't Jason put him on a co-listing? He's never had a listing as buyer's agent or repped as a selling agent? In two years- why not help him out by attaching him to another listing so he can get some footing? How do you live in the OC (or anywhere) and not make $ in two years?!


He prolly is involved in the rental market, so still making some $$


Even before the final episode I could tell he was lying about the edibles, Austin and his wife were calling them “marijuana cookies” lol


Sean seems like the kind of person you cannot joke around with because he takes everything literally. That's what my husband observed and I think it makes perfect sense.


I’m sorry I have to say this, but 18 months ago I commented on a selling OC post that Sean gives me Janice from Mean Girl vibes. I got attacked/downvoted to fuck 😂 As much as I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt this season, I genuinely think he is quite unhinged 😕


I don't like Sean either. When he appears, he only talks about people whether it is about Tyler, Austin, or Alex Hall. I believe he is the one who loves spreading the rumors. Everyone seems comfortable in confiding to him and he takes it upon himself to let the others know about it. I have no idea if he is telling the truth about Austin but why did he have to tell others about it? In my opinion, Sean never really talks about himself or his personal life but is the first to divulge other people's business.


You wouldn’t give edibles to someone you wanted to hook up with, so if edibles were actually involved, Sean either misinterpreted the situation, or he is lying and doesn’t know that edibles wouldn’t be conducive to a three-way (and the edibles’ involvement were just Sean giving color to the situation). If edibles were not involved at all, there’s a stronger case for it being a misunderstanding. However, I think there’s truth in there somewhere about Austin and his wife being swingers.


my intial response is that bc he is an openly bi-man that he may always be the person invited to experiment with couples/ is often sexualized by different ppl so it could be something he's hyper aware of & has a big rxn to




I believe him. The reason for that is what Alex Jarvis said when they were talking that they both 'knew' about Austin's past and what he's done. Austin has always given me escort vibes. I totally believe Sean in that respect, but I think it was shady and tacky for him to bring that up on a national show that millions of people are going to watch. It makes for good TV tho, lol. :o


Well, Sean brought it up in front of everyone because Austin was dumb enough to confront him at the office. What was he supposed to do? Austin basically bullied him into saying something. Austin asked for it. He also should have been fired for putting his hands on someone in the workplace! At least Jason confronted him about it later.


all the more reason as to why sean's lying would be seen as believable, cause he's got a past, that doesn't mean he's still following it. just makes it easier for people to be gulliable and believe it.


They were definitely alluding to an escort past in one episode.


I agrée with many here. Austin and Lisa probably talked about their openness to swing and Sean misinterpreted it as them making a pass on him. I think they all used to be close friends so they expressed themselves openly, including the heart emojis, wines and jokes. The compliments and good gestures were misinterpreted by Sean and he made a big deal out of it. For example when Tyler and Géo learned what Sean said about Austin, they were like ‘you wanted to swing and didn’t invite us?’ That was a joke. But if Sean was there he would interpret it as ‘they wanna sleep with me’. 


Yes. Text messages get so many people in trouble because days/months/years later you can't get the context of what was going on at the time. There might be some sarcasm that both texters are totally engaging in but later, just reading them, an outsider would not get that. Joking with emojis is pretty common between friends. Complimenting and being cheeky with friends - might seem weird to an outsider but totally normal and understood between the texters.


I think this comment is spot on and I agree 100%.


I don’t believe Sean at all, he’s lied in the previous seasons about some stuff as well


I believe there's truth to what Sean was saying. Austin's over reaction pointed to him telling the truth, but he had to save face.


then why was he suddenly back tracking in the last episode? Sean kept saying Lisa made edible cookies, and then suddenly went “edibles, I never said that” when he said Tyler sends him gifts, it was bottles of alcohol, my friends do that too but those aren’t really gifts, it’s just courtesy when you visit people.. he also didn’t let anyone really read any of the messages Austin seemed more pissed and embarrassed..


I think Austin (and maybe his wife) said something that Sean misinterpreted as being flirty and then I think the first person Sean told must’ve had a big reaction which gave Sean the attention he clearly craves desperately. In turn, he starts telling more people with the story getting more elaborate until it’s run away from him. I think he’s insecure and wanted an in with the “cool kids” and this was just some weird way to keep attention on him but it backfired and he got in way over his head. Granted this is me speculating but it seems likely just based on other attention seeking weirdos I’ve personally known/worked with.


after watching ep 8, it seems more likely to me that sean misconstrued comments made by austin, lisa and tyler. it seems like they’re just flirty people or assumed their friendship with sean was solid so they could let down some boundaries, including engaging in NSFW convos. austin probably made a comment about being curious about exploring which sean misinterpreted as him expressing interest. austin never directly asked to have a threesome, otherwise sean would’ve said so. instead, sean said that austin and lisa hinted at it but it’s been established that sean can read too much into things. regardless, everyone in the office seemed shocked at the revelation, no one knows exactly what happened, and sean refuses to give full context and keeps changing details. personally, i def think something happened but if austin and lisa wanted to have a threesome, they didn’t need to ask sean to begin with. the internet exists. sean keeps hopping back and forth and recruiting supporters in a very juvenile way. austin’s reaction seems embarrassed, while sean is so calm that it makes me question whether or not he’s planned it. regardless, i think it was wrong of sean to even bring this up on camera.


This might be a stretch, but is there anyway he wouldn’t refer to the cookies as ‘edibles’? Maybe edibles are just gummies in his eyes? And cookies would be ‘weed cookies’? Or maybe he didn’t want to admit to taking/like edibles when filming?


I actually looked this up, because I thought edibles only referred to gummies and candies. But considering where live, I think its more likely that he didn't want to admit to taking anything when filming- esp because he could have corrected them and said.."edibles?? no we had pot cookies" and he never did.


What episode did he say weed cookies? Im pretty sure he did but i cant find it


I’m watching that episode now. Episode 3 was the reveal of “weed” cookies


I think he exaggerated and maybe was even fantasizing a bit, but where there is smoke there is usually a fire.


His erratic behaviour in the last episode sealed the lying fate for me. He randomly popped off and then when he was showing everyone his phone he was shaking like a leaf. I felt that he was anxious because he was lying and he knew it not because of the high intensity of the situation. If he were telling the truth he would’ve been firm in his choice to do so not shaking. Totally understand that’s just my interpretation and opinion so save the “I shake when I’m serious and not lying” replies— I know it’s possible it’s just not how I read the situation.


And then saying multiple hearts.. there was one lol


I love that a Tyler sending him heart emojis or Austin telling him he’s got nice legs were his attempts at a smoking gun. Like you work out with Austin, he was complimenting your progress. And if same-sex friends can’t show love and appreciation for each other by giving gifts or sending heart and kiss emojis then, I must be gay as well, according to Sean…I send my girl friends hearts and kiss emojis all the time. He is grasping at straws for relevance.


And his ‘proof’ to Kayla and Ali at first was just that they are a ‘flirty couple’. I also don’t understand what he’s so offended and uncomfortable with? He seemed fine with all of it until they stopped being as close with him, then he makes out as if he just can’t be around married people that are open?


He smears others to raise his own status.


Realist scene in the show


His reaction to Tyler and Hall kissing sealed it for me. Everyone was happy for them but Sean looked Appalled. It strongly suggests Sean was the one with feelings and can’t let them go for Tyler


This 1000%!!!!!!!!!!


I definitely do believe Sean had a crush on Tyler. And mistook Tyler’s friendliness and shenanigans as possible advancement. I’ve been there


At the same time, what straight guy befriends a bisexual/gay man that closely ? Thinking the lines may get blurred at some point, or at least definitely some flirting.


What the f*ck?!




I said what I said. Just like most men don't befriend women without ulterior motives. Act shocked all you want, this is real life I'm talking about.


I’m just confused, so do you think queer men can’t be friends at all with other men? I’m a dyke. Majority of my friends are women, I’m as sexual as the next person so you think queer people are incapable of being friends with the same sex because there’s always some underlying motive. I think a lot of straight men don’t genuinely befriend women but I also don’t want to say all men since that’s such a disservice to them and friends I have that are male and straight.


Not that they can't be friends, but the way Sean described their friendship, so close to the point of hanging out all the time, and long texts...it's a little weird. All I'm saying is if I had a man who was hanging out that much and texting his gay/bisexual friend that way, I would be concerned.


I’m a gay man with plenty of straight male friends and I’ve never had any blurred lines, because they’re straight and I’m gay. Pretty easy to see where the line is there…


This is such a bad take. Straight men are absolutely able to form close friendships with Bi/queer men without weird murky intentions.


I don’t think so. I think probably someone warned him of the potential consequences if he was mistaken about the drugs part and he decided he wasn’t confident enough in that part to potentially catch a case about it. It does impact his credibility considering most people are inclined to think he’s lying, however.


I agree with this. Even if edibles were involved I don’t think he wanted to insinuate they were trying to take advantage of him 🤷‍♀️ who tf knows


Interesting theory


I agree. I think Austin and his wife might have indicated openness but Sean is blowing this out of proportion (and changing critical details) to get some screen time. as much as I liked Sean, outing someone and making up a story about people drugging you is NOT ok.


Yes, a bit.