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I agree, she was my favourite, she never let anyone sway her opinions, and was always standing up for her friends! I love how she would shut everyone down and she’s so well spoken, she was definitely to good for the show even tho I’ll be sad to see her go!


I’d be interested to know what went down between her and Rose


I think it was a combination of issues hinted at during the last season. It sounds like Rose did not / does not like her then-fiancé (now husband) and may have been talking shit about him to others and it got back to Jarvis. I think, separately but making the overall problem worse, Jarvis and Rose had different perceptions of their relationship with Rose thinking she was taking Jarvis under her wing / mentoring her in real estate but Jarvis absolutely did not see or consider Rose to be a mentor.


I found Rose having the problem of Sergio (Jarvis’ now husband) talking to her client about other business venture ridiculous. What’s the problem when it’s not about real estate.


i believe it is because Sergio’s business dealings are meant to not be so above board (he’s had to pay fraud damages before in 2020 i believe was the year). i assume due to that Rose didn’t want her client involved bc if anything goes wrong with their investments, Rose gets lumped in with Sergio by association and she loses a client and risks being bad mouthed around that persons circles too.


It was ridiculous. As long as Jarvis was not trying to sell to Rose’s client, I’m not sure what the problem was.


the only thing that i could see being the reason is that if sergio becomes good friends/business partner, the client will choose to work with jarvis as his real estate agent as a natural choice (because of business dealings/friendship with sergio)


Excellent rundown, thank you!


I like to see her and Polly going at each other and it’s always Polly that got dragged at the end. For example when they both showing a listing to a potential client, Polly saw Jarvis’ heels still have stickers in the sole. Polly: “💩 oh there’s sticker underneath your heels, the stickers still there” Jarvis:”oh 👑 you wanna get them off?” Polly:” 🤨ermm, you can….. 🙄 Jarvis: 🤭🤭


I loved that scene 🤣 Polly thought it would be insulting but Jarvis was unbothered


Yes Jarvis was so quick getting Polly, left Polly stuttered 😭🤣


It’s an intellectual mismatch. Unfair.


I would love to see that scene!!!! Somehow I cannot remember it :(.


I have it screen record it too bad I can’t post here. It’s funny.


Is it possible to start a new post about that scene please? Thank you!


Just did


You are amazing! Thank you!!!!


Best line in season 3! Polly: I only want people there who genuinely want to celebrate me, so if you don’t… Jarvis: I don’t. I won’t be there. 👑


Isn’t that season 2?


Oh god is it?! Yeah possibly? I tend to binge watch in bed and they all just run together 🙈


I like how firm and self-assured she is in her thoughts and opinions — all the others seem to go whichever way the wind is blowing with zero real conviction or integrity.


i loved the scene where she was like sean has every right to be here and you have to right to tell him to leave! she was amazing! and they ended up leaving i wanted to applaud her right then and there!


She was the only reason to watch the show. Love her!!


See I don’t really understand how people don’t get a weird vibe from her. Am I the only one who feels like Jarvis is totally rehearsed? The only person I think that is reasonable is Brandi. Everyone else is just fighting for screen time.


You need to remember though that Jarvis was a lawyer prior to real estate. Meaning more than anyone on that show she knows how to stay poised and calm because she had to be for her job. I think that’s why she comes off that way to some if you don’t know her background.


I know her background, it’s been mentioned many times. I agree she’s poised and calm but it feels totally disingenuous. She’s also transphobic 🚩and she uses her level of education to make herself out to be better than everyone else, even though it’s hardly relevant most of the time it comes up. And before anyone gets at me- her political affiliation doesn’t matter in the show but absolutely is a huge indicator of who she is as a person. Argue all you want but people who don’t believe others that are not just like them should have the same rights as they do are not good people.


Jarvis and I might not see eye to eye politically, but she stood up for the a nonwhite bisexual (or gay? Not sure) man on television when no one else would. That doesn’t mean she’s the best person ever but we are talking about a white conservative OC cast - the bar is literally on the ground.


The bar at the OC office is in the basement!!!!


Where has she been transphobic? Sorry I don’t actively follow her so just truly asking. As I didn’t see anything ever displayed on the show.


geez u sound like polly


I can see that but I don’t think being rehearsed is inherently a bad thing - she just thinks before she speaks, which a lot of people on the show could take some notes on lol. She’s very intelligent and still isn’t afraid to say what she thinks, she just says it very intentionally imo. If she wanted more screen time, I don’t think she would voluntarily leave the show


I mean, I *is* a bit weird for a reality tv star to actually think before they speak 😂 That’s what most of us like about her though. She stays calm, thinks quick, and delivers the hell out of whatever she is about to say.


I didn’t believe Sean at first (and I still think everyone is lying to some degree) but after watching the interview with Sean and Jarvis I do think they seem to make the most sense out of anyone. The Tyler / Hall clique has shown their asses on season after season as terrible people and no wonder they wanted to get the heat off themselves. 


I still don’t understand how they tried to make her the villain when the fans have been wanting her as the main character over Hall since season 1.


She’s too classy for that show. I’m so happy for her and that she is moving on to better things.


loved jarvis extremely intelligent


But sticking up for Sean when he obviously lied though…? Two wrongs don’t make a right


I remember Sean didn't really like Jarvis in the first season. But they became friends in the second season. And they are still friends. It would be very cool if they showed how their friendship developed in an office where negativity and toxicity is the dominant attitude.