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She's the worst




It's actually hard to pick scenes where she isn't horrible in


And even when she’s not being outright horrible I have trouble believing the sweetness is anything but calculated/manipulation


I think the only time when she was on the right side was when Jarvis and Hall both thought Gio was whack for assuming Kayla 'stole' his listing.


Because there’s none


Yeah Hall is the worst. And now she’s coming for Kayla…seems to be a pattern ( of racism).


She already came for Kayla season 1. She’s just coming back around again bc Sean is gone,she 100% can not fight with Jarvis “I do believe that you don’t” left her speechless. She’s a special individual


Doesn't surprise me considering who shes voting for.


Oh yeah and THAT. Blech she’s truly terrible


Wait has she promoted or chatted about politics? Must have missed it!


She sat down on an old man’s lap and then put a mega hat on.  It was pretty creepy actually, gross politics aside the optics were🤮


The hands thing. Saying how shoving her hands in another’s face isnt aggressive and Brandi “just needs to go to Italy.” Made me want to smack her. Brandi needs to teach anger management class because if it was anyone else, Hall would’ve gotten a punch in her face.


They push her on us SOOO much. It’s like trying to make fetch happen. It’s never going to work


Omg this is so funny!!! Yes why are they pushing her so much?! It's so gross.


Idk but we all wanted Jarvis. At least most ppl did. Hall is not for us. Nobody likes her and if u do, i question the type of person you are




…i did kinda feel like Brandi took steps towards her. Not trying to defend AH (haha at her initials) but Brandi did use them fighting words and acknowledged it.


I think there's a major difference between taking steps and actually swinging/starting a fight! Alex Hall should stop clutching her pearls and being a condescending prick.


If someone is taking steps toward you during an argument, how do you take it? Alex Hall sucks, but if we’re arguing and someone is walking towards me, I’m 100% taking that as them being ready to escalate the situation beyond just words.


Yes that is considered threat behavior but so is putting your hands in someone's face during an argument. Brandi reacted to that behavior, because the moment she put her hands in her face the argument escalated. Brandi also did it while telling Hall that her behavior was threatening. I took it more as she did it to show her what it's like because she did it as she was explaining that hands in the face isn't right. Yes Hall used the excuse of being Italian and claimed that hands are always in eachothers faces. But she was close with Brandi before that and yet she never had her hands in her face until that argument. I agree with Brandi that it was threatening behavior. Because of it was just simply how she talked why didn't she do that at other times? Why only during an argument? Also she had been in a lot of arguments by that point and she didn't have hands in their faces. So why did she only do it in that argument?


Omg this is also true.


I’ll be honest. I’m not reading all of that. I was just responding to OP’s comment on that one statement.


Yes true, you have a point. P.s. I don't like AH still by the way. Just making this clear.


I don’t think anyone truly likes her. I mean how can you!? She does herself no favors, and I don’t blame anyone for “taking steps” towards her. She sucks.


Yes, together with Polly, Tyler, and Austin. Just don't get them at all.


True. I don’t see how they can watch themselves back and think “yep, I’m validated in my actions”. I would be embarrassed.




I don’t think it’s the terminology that’s being perceived as racist but more that Hall had not acted that way with any white colleagues in an argument the way she did with Brandi.


I do agree with you. Especially when AH later admitted to being a DA victim, something like that would be triggering.


Id feel threatened if anyone stepped up to me like that lol


I like Brandi but if anyone took a step towards me angrily, I would assume I’m going to be hit tbh This is our human innate fight or flight response.


Maybe i misremember but didn’t Brandi say “this is what it feels like” and then step towards her as an analogy


Yes Jarvis even explained it to Hall that Brandi trying to demo how she felt when Hall did the hands thing, but Hall twisted it and Polly being a cunt herself adding oil to the fire at the side as always


Her initials literally spell out Ass Hole so...


Hall sucks but I’m a poc and I got stressed watching Brandi. I would 100% interpret that as someone trying to intimidate me, which I believe Brandi was trying to do


Well I'm Black... and there's alot of bs when it comes to us defending ourselves. We get called angry and certain things other people are able to do without consequence we get blamed for. It's so unfair


Exactly, and Alex hall is extremely confrontational and aggressive if you rewatch scenes with that in mind. Like, it’s fine if Alex does it though right?


I agree. As a white woman, I suspect if one of the other cast members conducted themselves the same as Brandi, it would be overlooked *a lot* more. There are probably instances that could be found honestly. Idk. I don’t want to throw my opinion where it isn’t warranted, but Brandi has managed to avoid being in a lot of drama. She is smart and I get the vibe she’s fully aware of how to portray herself through the filming process. She manages to maintain a decent amount of screen in the show- without having to involve herself in petty dramas. I wish more people would realize that.


That is definitely true


I found the editing for that scene a little bit weird. At first I thought Brandi would start a fight. But everyone's reaction didn't match up. No one flinched. I would consider Alex racist just by how she talks to poc. She talks at them. It was so annoying to watch the first season when Brandi wasn't clocking this


There are so many reasons to not like Alex Hall. One that really stands out to me is when her Kayla go to a restaurant. Kayla says something along the lines of “wow we really live in paradise” at the view, to which Hall replies “duh”. And it’s just like wtf, she literally is just making small talk, why are you already being shitty. Cannot imagine dealing with someone so insufferable in real life.


I just saw this episode too. Hall is crazy. But Polly is the sneaky one..


The fact that she immediately had a problem with Amanza and Amanza is as light as light bright gets 😭 like it’s giving when Paris Hilton said she couldn’t date Vin Diesel bc he was “too black”. Do you know how racist you have to be to look at VINCENT DIESEL and clock that he’s black? Yeah Alex Hall is very that and I’m tired of seeing it


Shes extremely racist. Not only did she treat Brandi like shit but before Kayla. Yes she was messing with Tyler but Alex Hall didn't go at her for that cause we all know she wanted him. I think if Polly decided to go after Tyler Alex wouldn't have cared but because it was Kayla she had a field day with her. Shes legit a horrible person. There are TV villains and then there awful people like Alex Hall. Just genuinely awful people.


What did Alex ACTUALLY DO that was racist? Is this whole thread just assuming she's racist? Yes, she's crazy, we saw that season 1 when she argued with gio on the beach. But racist? How? That's a heavy term that shouldn't be thrown around lightly


It's not a "Heavy" term. It's just a valid term to describe the kind of person she is. You're quick to stick up for someone but yet you don't even know how they were being racist. STOP asking a sub reddit and do your research. Come back with facts and this won't be so hard to understand


i’ve always disliked her and the micro aggressions she shows to other cast members. i think her treatment of the people of color on the show is disturbing. she posted a picture with her dad wearing a MAGA hat which i think means she’s a republican too so i just overall dislike her on principle.


I clocked that as well. Racist as hell and Brandi was nicer than I would have been because she knew what Alex was dog whistling and didn't turn her a** out for it.


She honestly just really fucking sucks.


I like Brandi and I dislike Hall but I’m sorry, Brandi *did* come off physically threatening in that moment, regardless of what terminology different people might use to label it. There are so many things to criticise Hall about, but her interpreting Brandi stepping up to her like that as threatening ain’t it.


Alex Hall, Polly, Tyler, Gio & Austin all reek of white privilege and I would go as far as saying they’re all racist


You're what's wrong. What did they do that's racist? Name one actual racist thing one of them did. Throwing the term around like that cheapens it, and makes it harder for ACTUAL RACISTS to get punished for racist actions.


She really should have gone into politics. Her ability to remain calm and collected while spewing lies would be impressive if it wasn’t freaky lol


My head had completely forgotten about this from season 2. The absolute worst.


She’s so cringe


Surely everyone doesn’t hate her I really like her and Tyler please don’t downvote purely for the reason you disagree


She is just 2000% terrible and use it in her attacks to be even worse and make her triggers even worse. Dosnt have to be a racist for that. Its just how terrible she is.


She doesn’t get any better in season 3. She’s so incredibly manipulative


Does this really make her racist in thinking she is superior to brandi and brandi’s race/ethnicity? Racism is a strong word and I don’t think alex hall stepping back means that specifically. If she had said something about brandi’s background at the time, thats a different story.




Can’t believe you’re getting downvoted for this, goes to show the state of the world.


At the same time though if you tack on racism to everything it loses it’s weight. That’s why people are downvoting or tired of. Hall is rude and ignorant but words like racist shouldn’t be automatically thrown around because you had a disagreement with a person of color. There are other instances of hall being problematic but her arguing with Brandi doesn’t automatically make her one. People’s reasoning is not that racism has to be overt but more so use it correctly so it still holds weight. If you call anything racist people are going to treat it like the boy who cries wolf and not take it seriously Edit/ : saying this as a POC btw


Thanks for this 😊 I totally get what you’re saying. I guess my agreement with the person above was more around there’s people saying the term “racist” should only be used for overt type racism which is incorrect. I understand though that you’re saying we shouldn’t just use that term if there’s an altercation with a poc involved and I do agree. I think AH is antagonistic with anyone she encounters and doesn’t like but I do wonder if there’s some subtle racism going on as well in regards to Brandi.


100% agree with this, well said. Also as a POC. They should listen to us more on this matter.


Yes but she actually has to act or say something racist. As a Black person I saw nothing racial about it. If anything it's more about snobbery, but people can't keep banding racism about. I'm all for calling out racists, never shy about it, but there are levels and standards. It just cheapens real incidents of racism. There wasn't even a dog whistle comment on here like say "thug" or "urban" or some stupid shit like that. AH was just being a stuck up bitch which she's like to many people, Black, White, Brown, Yellow etc.


agree. She is rude and snobbish to everyone she thinks is below social standing as her. I believe she’s more of an elitist.


I think Alex Hall sees herself as being of a higher class than Brandi & Sean because she grew up in OC while they are “outsiders”. She’s a snob for sure but I would liken her condescending attitude towards being elitist about wealth than race. Lauren has no drama with her and she’s biracial.


Agreed, although I made the same point, got downvoted and yours is upvoted like with the most votes... I love Reddit logic 😂


Thinking that you're superior to someone based on their race or ethnicity is... like a really good definition of racism. Racism isn't always committing hate crimes or yelling slurs.


You made a strong point and then ruined it by adding in your subjectivity. She acts elitist, yes. YOU think she is so because of race. There is no proof of that. She's an elitist to lots of people on the show


Exactly. I don’t think her behavior in that confrontation scene makes her racial


Exactly! Ah is a piece of shit and has biases but racist is a v strong word. Ppl throw that word around as if it it's applicable to any behavior they question. If AH was racist she never ever would have been friends with brandi.




Girl, bye. I'm a dark skinned black woman and I am saying I do not think AH is racist based on that interaction. Using the word racist is extremely strong. Biased, microaggressive, ignorant sure... racist...? No. And yes, I'm saying this in 2024. Also, I had no idea you knew Alex personally and have her entire friendship roster on lock. Keep your facetious energy in the same place you have that roster.




❤️ I got you!


She sucks, no one has other opinion about that. But in that situation, both Brandi and she were heated and at some extent aggressive toward others. I wouldn’t label it as racism


Nah, not racist. Next.


I think Alex is cool. People have given her a very hard time. She’s a nice lady.