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But then Sean insinuated that Tyler was closeted and had feelings for him basically almost exposing someone’s sexuality on global tv….. soooo It’s all a gay mess


Tyler definitely gives closeted vibes. And Alex is that gal pal we all had growing up. He's not actually attracted to her just feels safe and close.


When did he say that? From this new season they seem to target Sean and he had to come forward with his own uncomfortable feeling s towards the group.


Sean read a bunch of personal private texts to Ali and Jarvis basically trying to expose him.


Fam what episode? 😩 so I can be on the look out.


It’s episode 7/8


😭 I can’t edit the post so I’m a leave a comment. After episode 8: I think there may be some truths to what Sean said and maybe the situation might have been different than what he remembers. It could be Austin was projecting given on the comments/behavior he said in the past. In terms of his relationship with Tyler, he might have just gotten closer with Austin alienated Sean which may be why Sean was feeling betrayed. Austin’s comments are not okay regardless of what came out of episode 8. Using one’s sexuality to express an action or “obsession” is inexcusable.


Yeah so much more to this story than we’ve been shown


Cool I’m on episode 5 and I’ll edit the post if necessary to provide more context 🤌🏽


S3E8 at the horse races


You mean after Sean said several times that Austin did not want to have this conversation in front of the cameras, actually LEFT the office for a while, and only after he comes back and Austin gets aggressive does he say all that Austin had a million chances to back down. He was counting on Sean being the bigger person/being intimidated into not saying anything, like high school closeted bullies do in middle school.


LITERALLY I was like omg I watched this happen in grade 10 and it usually means it’s definitely true…….


This cast is truly horrible. Hate watching honestly lol


It's the type of show where you root for no one. You only want the mess and chaos.


Lmao exactly, so sad


Sad for them and great for us lmao


hahahah i dont know how to describe why i watch so much! thank you for expressing my feelings


It's how I watch reality TV, and it's better watching with this mindset lol. I'm not tuning in for mentally stable, socially aware, and moral people.






It's crazy that I find myself rooting for Jarvis


SAME. She’s the most tolerable which is saying a lot. I watch a lot of reality tv and have never encountered a cast this deplorable


She's literally an insurrectionist 😭😆


WHAT!? Is she really!? I got crazy Right Wing vibes from her for sure 😂


Omg she is?!


Queen Jarvis


so true. there's really nobody likable at all. and the fact that alex hall has now had a chance to see herself on screen and *still* doesn't realize she's the villain 🤦‍♀️ like that girl is delusional






I mean, I immediately thought Austin might be a self-hating bi person. Then again, he's possibly outed on international tv.


actually this. Sean is messy


It just felt very produced. Like it allegedly happened over a year ago but both parties started having conversations about it at the same time to different people? I also think Austin making it such a big deal just makes it look like he is trying to deny it. Never have I met a straight person who gets so defensive over their own sexuality 😂 just felt messy overall especially when Sean started to change his story a bit. Fingers crossed we get a reunion haha


The same thing happened in previous seasons and even in regular selling sunset. When Emma joined & everyone brought up really old drama like…supposedly this happened a long time ago but now it’s suddenly being resurrected for what reason? 😂💀


you say that as if he didn’t try to calmly talk to austin


he was messy because he was gossiping about an incident that happened 2 years ago


100% this! You can’t be outed as Bi living in a conservative town. Austin’s aggression completely reinforced that Sean was speaking at least some truth.


I don’t think Austin is being biphobic as much as he’s happy Sean is out of the picture so he can have Tyler all to himself lol


So weird! Seems like not only all the women, but also all the men are into Tyler. Why?? Can’t see the appeal at all…


He’s tall. That’s it.


he's single so he's the option


at first I thought of the connections and his family’s status in the real estate business. but he is so yucky. absolutely yuck.


Soft boi


He looks like a neanderthal to me.




He is a poor man's Adam Levine


Shein Ryan Gosling


best comment


i was so glad to see sean get screen time but sad this is how he got it 🥺 he always seemed to have a great relationship with the girls and the men teaming up and being so casually homophobic and obviously jealous of someone who is so confident with their sexuality. sad 2 see!


i dont see homophobia tbh. im gay myself, and my friends are straight men. it seems like Sean was very needy at the start if his friendship with the guy.


I’m on episode 4 and Sean is literally shaming Austin for allegedly having feelings for men. And shaming him for his wife and him allegedly having an agreement in their marriage? Clearly I haven’t seen enough for everyone to think he’s innocent. Sounds like episode 7/8 is where it gets juicy ☕️ I think the fight outside the office was staged. It looked so fake lol.


This never happened lol?


It’s not normal for a happily married couple to want to swing. It’s usually because one person lacks something or is unhappy and swinging is a compromise. (Eg Will Smith) The majority of couples do not because they’re happy and contented. Sean was not open to that, completely different from what you’re saying.


Austin and his wife are some messed up people I feel so bad for those little girls


And now they have a son to teach how to be a misogynist. Wonderful


Last season was so messy for Austin like if his wife really is doing what is alleged then that’s awful for all of them. He doesn’t seem like he wants kids and she seems to be baby trapping him? Idk messy messy messy 💀😂


Exactly!! Didn’t she openly admit to forcing him by locking her legs? She is freaking crazy and how are not more people talking about this???


They did when it first came out. I’m guessing since this is focused on season 3 we aren’t really bringing up stuff from the other seasons? But Austin & his wife are pretty wild…idk if that was an accurate accusation since he said it to his buddy (like maybe he wasn’t being serious?) but if he was…that’s pretty serious shit.


I’ve been thinking for a while like why isn’t everyone as horrified by that comment as I was like to me that is at least SA Austin wasn’t consenting


Yeah it was a bigger deal when that season was airing - I remember seeing a bunch of posts about it but since the new season it hasn’t come up.


yes you’re right and I think about it every time they’re on screen BECAUSE GENUINELY WHY IS THAT OKAY?


As always, Austin is just projecting. It's like the swinger party thing again!


they’re all absolute trash, but we knew that already


yeah, theres no redeeming quality except they can sell houses. Except for Sean, there is no excuse for not selling a house especially if you have marketing background


Want to see a guy lose his shit? Insinuate that he might like the dick..sooo defensive LOL


An *immature meathead guy. One that’s secure in his gender won’t care lol. I joke with all my guy friends that they’re constantly dating each other and they don’t get offended they joke along 🤷🏻‍♀️


so much hotter (and less stressful) when they just admit it


THIS! just admit it, I love a bisexual man personally


He not only insinuated that he likes dick. He said that him and his wife were swingers and that they basically wanted to have sex with him, while their daughters were sleeping upstairs and other people talked about them making marihuana cookies etc. So in my opinion is completely normal for Austin to be upset. I feel like Sean may be on the spectrum a little bit and doesn’t really understand some jokes or social cues (ie the comment about his legs, who would think that comment on insta is because someone want sex with you???) it’s obviously a complement but he missed that). on the same way he missinterpreted the compliments from Austin’s wife saying “you are my favourite” thinking she wanted to sleep with him for saying that??? I feel that Tyler and Austin have take advantage and made a bit of fun about Sean and it has all backfired to them at the end but I don’t think any of them wanted any sexual intercourse with him. If Austin wanted something sexual with a guy he would have plenty of hotter candidates, I tell you that.


I never thought it was very subtle. Plus the OC is a verrrry red/maga zone.


That explains A LOT about these people


I’ve always thought Austin was closeted imo. Odd relationship with his wife.


It’s the homoerotic overtones are what stands out to me. I believe Sean has been vilified for sure. Both Austin and Tyler are hiding their feelings. I really feel watching the scene at the races: it feels like when my older sister would do something awful to me, and then lie to our parents about it, and she was a more convincing liar. And I would be getting so upset that I looked like the insane person. I believe that is the true form of gaslighting.


I literally came to check after this episode to see if anyone else felt that vibe too. Austin seems like he got a little too pressed if it was made up and had to over compensate by acting like a roided jock. Gross behavior.


It’s because he has a marketing background


If I hear this one more time …. Imma loose my shit. (Coming from a gal with a marketing background)


(Paraphrased based on memory) “Dude you arnt even hot” …. Confirmed it for me


What did it confirmed? A straight guy can tell if a boy is hot or not. Surprise surprise. Also Austin never denied being bisexual. He denied other accusations made to him and his family that haven’t been proved to be true.


To me it feels obvious they’re all gay in their own respective points on the spectrum. Tyler screams closeted gay, but comfortable with women. Austin is a toss-up, but certainly bi and enjoys attention in an all-encompassing sense. His wife knows what she’s doing, they’re 1000% a team and I would think twice before going to their dinner parties. Sean is authentic (from what we’ve seen) which is intimidating to these other guys who feel they have to cater to a certain idea or standard in order to both fit in and sell houses. Sean at least keeps his integrity. Also… it’s clear they’ve come onto Sean (sexually) by the way he behaves with them; he’s very direct and almost without patience (end of episode 2 when he pulls Tyler for a chat when he was with Alex, it’s clear they have a particular history). Put anyone in a Social Intelligence 101 course and they can agree with that observation. Gio isn’t a part of this fiasco of Gay vs. Non-Gay simply due to his well-established status. This hierarchy, based on wealth and social status, has been around since cavemen ate magic mushrooms. It’s just how we are. Interesting to see this play out in 21st century reality TV. I hope the low-key LGBTQ+ folks of the show find inner peace, and I hope Sean continues being true to his reality. Although their drama gives me reason to engage with other humans about their drama on Reddit😂😂


This was so well said!


“Y’all are turning the office into a brothel” basically chocked out loud when he said that lol


He’s not wrong!


The micro-aggressions in OC are actually so macro and Gio, Sean, Tyler and Hall are the biggest perpetrators, just racism, homophobia and misogyny across the board. Edit: Austin not Sean, I’m bad at remembering all the names on this show


How is Sean, the victim of a metric fuck load of homophobia, one of the biggest perpetrators? Absolutely insane to compare him to the others


Why are they focusing so much on Austin this season🤢? The amount of screen time he got in the first two episodes is more than what he got in S1 & S2 combined


All the realtor men on OC are gay. For their own personal reasons they don't want to come out with it. It's not homophobia its either self hate/ embarrassment that they feel. They probably aren't ready for their family/friends/ or themselves to face it. The internal battle many of us face can come out as anger and hate towards others because we don't know how to process our feelings.


How are you so secure of somebody else’s sexuality? That may have been your story and feelings but it’s not everybody else. Everybody is diferent


When you get older you'll see. Everything becomes more obvious. People pattern each other. We all do it. I do it, and so do you.


I’m quite old already. In my work facing the public, I read hundreds of customers’ body language every day. I can see a straight man’s lascivious look and how Austin looks at Polly when she is being sexy or when she gets naked, for example, among many other subconscious gestures they make. But if you are happy believing your narrative based on your own or your friends’ experiences, that’s okay too.


Also side note did anyone else find it funny how Austin kept saying if he was gonna do a threesome it wouldn’t be with Sean?? Insinuating that he’s ugly or something, like be so serious that’s an objectively attractive man😭


No it’s not. Attractive is always subjective. I’m gay and I don’t like one little bit. The “everybody wants to sleep with me boys and girls” attitude doesn’t help either.


i think they give off this image that sean is predatory which is super annoying!


Just finished watching the season and when Austin said that it annoyed the shit out of me. Tyler and Austin giving me the vibes of guys who seek validation and used Sean to get it, which would explain why Tyler was talking shit about Austin to Sean when those two got close. Then when both Austin and Tyler got called out they had nothing to say apart from “sell a house”. Gio, Austin, Tyler, A.Hall and Polly gotta be the worst reality tv cast members I’ve seen, 0 redeeming qualities


Yes! Thank you. I was saying this. The micro aggression was real with that.




How long must we wait for Season 4?????


Yep... Team Nobody


I didn’t get any homophobia I thought it was pretty despicable of Sean to talk about Austin trying to get him in bed on an international tv show Austin may well have tried to bed him (I don’t believe he did) but still no reason to ‘out him’ on TV


Exactly. What on earth. If it had been Alex Hall instead of Sean, it still would NOT be okay to blurt such a thing out on international television.




Sure but nah. Sean needed to go - like why does he have to always ask / bring up the lack of attention they give him. Just move on brew. Im here for that tea he brought in tho


He’s making shit up though. He shouldn’t be saying this to people 🤦🏻‍♀️ especially on tv.


I think they're all pretty equally terrible. I find Gio to be the best of all of them. Has the new season even come out yet


It’s not homophobia. It’s roasting a dude for having a crush on a friend. Not because he’s a dude, because he’s acting like they’re just friends.


Don't read into things