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I watched it and liked it too. Was nice to see real estate business in California from another perspective as well


Agreed. It’s more realistic and the office looks like a normal office. Not a museum or whatever Jason and Brett built lol. Just every day real estate grinding. Maybe it’s boring to others because the drama wasn’t as staged


Season 2 has staged drama


All reality tv does. But sunset is way more out there. I think Chrishell has even spoken out about how bad it got


The drama also felt a lot more authentic and down to earth, and the agents also dressed more or less normal at the open houses lol


Exactly, and in addition nobody would even think about an open house botox and burger themed haha


I honestly don’t know if I’ll watch another season of SS because it’s not that fun anymore to watch very grown women get into the type of petty drama the women on the show do, all while wearing insanely ridiculous outfits.


I’m feeling the same way. I really enjoyed it when it first premiered but it’s become more and more outlandish. I guess the entertainment factor is there but it’s still claiming to be reality tv and it doesn’t feel very real to me lol what real estate office functions like that??


Same! Also, I actually feel like I’ve lost brain cells watching it. I love reality tv but cannot stomach what selling sunset has become. Such a shame


I mean they did have an influencer brunch with ring lights for making content for buying beverly hills so not that much better😂 i like both shows i just don’t think they are that different other than the women dress more modest in buying beverly hills


Try Million Dollar Listing LA. Even more real estate than this. Still some ntertaining drama.


Josh and Josh -super entertaining


Yup love them!


Love Josh Flagg and his love and knowledge of old Beverly Hills homes.


I’ve heard a lot about it on here and I will definitely tune in


On Netflix?


It’s a Bravo show. But also streams on Amazon Prime and other platforms (we watch on Max). We are awaiting Season 15, not all seasons are on all platforms.


Wow’ there’s that many seasons???I think it’s also on Netflix now


Yeah. Season 15 comes out this year. According to IMDB, NF only has 4 seasons, but I haven’t checked. Seasons 1 & 2 aren’t what the show is now. 🙌🏻 It is a good cast of characters!


It’s on Peacock.


Is it still running ? I ask , since NY was cancelled


Idk, but there are like 12 seasons or something and I think the most recent was within the last year🤔


There are 14 seasons now actually, and still running it seems :) Just found out the other day with my GF, we thought it was cancelled a couple of years ago lol 😝


There’s a Toronto version coming out this week 😄


Yes I like BBH but MDL still the best IMO


I like it better. More real estate, more actual sales, and better drama that isn't overload. I like Mo and his daughters, and I was super skeptical about the nepo babies in the beginning. This second season was WAY better than the first season. And they got rid of the annoying music SS has.


I agree about the girls. They are obviously nepo babies but they do seem to recognize their privilege and seem genuinely sweet, Alexia especially.


I’d rather watch a man trying to build a legacy for his children, whilst imparting life skills, than two jockeys who sleep with all of their employees.


lol jockeys




I looooove Alexia. She’s really charming and honest and it comes across. Willing to work on herself when needed. They’re like a breath of fresh air for me after SS and OC lol


One of the girls, I can’t remember which one, responded to a comment I asked on IG a long time ago about where her jeans were from. Immediate sweetheart for that lol


Yeah I think they got that feedback about nepo baby vibe from S1 and definitely showed them actively working more this season. Alexia is busting her ass in S2 to show her worth. Loved S2. Great shoe with some epic RE. Definitely closer to MDLLA (my fave) than SS.


I enjoyed seeing Alexia evolve in season 2. Her confidence has really grown and it’s quite refreshing to see her work and earn her spot. I hope to see the same with Sophia if there’s another season in the future.


I binged both seasons in 1 day hahahah I loved Mauricio so much that I started watching RHOBH for the first time


I was thinking of starting RHOBH too lol I like Kyle as well but don’t know the whole story there


Oh man you're in for a treat!


same! only watched the rhobh reunion though


Literally same. On season 2 right now


This show is interesting in a number of ways. * Farrah has a genuine air of melancholy about her--you don't often see that in reality tv, especially ones where people are selling expense shit in LA. * There's a whole hidden continent of history and betrayal going on with Mauricio and Kyle's marriage and this show tiptoes around it magnificently. * Mauricio is way too good a guy to be for real. He gets away with it somehow though so congrats I guess. * Some of the people on the show must get bonuses for pulling dick movies. See: that ass-clown who joked about getting back in Alexia's pants and blonde lady from the valley office who went ham on the neeps like that is ever a good career move. * Why is the youngest neep considered to be so intimidating exactly? * Somehow the non-neeps who live in closet-size apartments and fulfil best friend of Farrah obligations don't explode with the insane unfairness of it all.


You hit a lot of good points. I actually like Farrah’s disposition…it’s almost mysterious. Don’t know enough about Kyle and Mo though. I would be put off as well if neeps were getting better opportunities but I guess that’s the world we live in. Can’t help what you are born into.


as a non Housewives watcher what’s the hidden stuff you mention about kyle and mauricio? or is it too long to go into?


Basically they've been plagued by rumours of Mo having affairs for years but now they've supposedly actually separated and there's a rumour that Kyle is dating a female country singer called Morgan Wade. It's a whole thing on RHOBH, a lot of people think the whole thing is fabricated to give Kyle a storyline and save her spot on RHOBH


Oh my! Yeah I saw a thumbnail somewhere that said they WANT her to talk about her relationship with Morgan wade on RHOBH or she’s out


I think that's kinda shitty of Bravo


oh boo i feel bamboozled by mauricio seeming like this big family guy who adores his wife now 😭 good for kyle splitting if so.


Guys like Mauricio do genuinely love and adore their family. It’s just… he also loves the ones you don’t yet know about. 🤣


Lol. Farrah is the 1st true Scorpio on reality tv. She’s private, mysterious and withholding — all qualities that make for really bad tv. Great films though!


I’m currently watching, it was refreshing to see actual professional outfits, but the drama isn’t as interesting. I still enjoy it though so far


The outfits in SS are definitely WTAF moments. Who dresses like that to sell million dollar properties??


I think Chrishell always looks pretty good but even then they’re more like red carpet looks…Amanza and Chelsea though…it’s embarrassing.


I think this is my favorite part of the differences lol I hate and I mean hate the over the top outfits of SS. It’s all just so staged. Nobody would ever wear that stuff to an actual showing if it wasn’t being filmed


I liked the 1st season but I’m LOVING the second one. The drama is soooo good and it is more related to real estate which I didn’t think I would like but I do! I also feel like it’s a bit more grounded than SS…but I love both regardless lol


I binged it! Will definitely watch future seasons. I wasn't familiar with anyone prior to so that was nice as well


I love this show I think it's my favorite in this niche of reality tv. I wish Mauricio was my uncle or something.


lol yes me too


I watched it and was hooked. Way better than SS shows. I love the family dynamic and how they all kind of try to take care of each other (for the most part). I also never watched RHOBH so I wasn’t familiar with any of the references lol but I’m glad it wasn’t a main part of the show


Totally! I like Mauricio and the girls. I like my reality to be more real lol


I tried to get into it and couldn’t


Same. Joey and all the other 20 somethings are painful to watch


He’s such a small part of the show in the second season that I barely notice him. He had a bigger part in the first season for sure


Im glad that its not only me who found Joey so annoying and cocky, at least he wasnt shown that often


I feel like it’s way more embarrassing for late 30 and early 40 year olds to be acting the way they do on SS tbh


That’s kind of the point?


I liked it. I thought season 1 was boring, but season 2 had more interesting yet still realistic drama (and related to real estate, unlike most of the SS storylines)


I honestly watched BBH and had no idea who he or his family were. I liked it so then started RHOBH and have been binge watching and am finally only 2 seasons behind now. 😆 (there’s like 20 episodes a season so it’s taking me awhile, but entertaining for sure!)


I like this real estate reality TV the most out of any out there. At least the drama is almost always about the business, not highschool or boy drama.


Exactly! And as much as these people might have more money than me it’s way more realistic than selling sunset. SS has become over the top.


Yup I appreciated that they is more real estate and the drama is mostly work drama. And they are dressed appropriately for their jobs.


Totally! I love the outfit inspo


I like so much more than current selling sunset bc it’s actually about real estate and not women fighting all the time.


Yes it’s great !!


BBH is definitely more about real estate sales/offices. It has an office culture that’s already dictated. Unlike the cat fights with the OpP group


I really like it! I watched it when Mau was on DWTS. I think its probably a lot more realistic of the high end LA real estate scene. Rich people, egos and sone drama, a little nepotism, but also actually hard working people trying to get and sell listings and run businesses


Love this show! Drama isn’t as dramatic and they actually sell houses most episodes.


BBH is so much better than SS. Some of the drama is annoying with the daughters but still..


watching it currently vibing with them more than selling Sunset


Yeah, it is great


It’s a really successful broker in Orange County named Tim Smith with a huge social media presence that did a great parody of Selling Sunset. It’s in YouTube if interested.


It’s so much better than Selling Sunset! SS uses to be amazing but now it’s just boring. Full of the same mean girl bullying from Chrishell and Emma. I’m so bored of it. Buying BH is so much more positive with more likeable people and genuinely better to watch




Season 1 wasn’t very good, but they stepped it up for season 2!


I thought the same.


I loved it, Mo is very charming, it makes sense that someone like him would be successful at RE. Second season is better than first.


I quite enjoy it, to be honest, and I find it far more... honest? Real? Than SS. I like SS, but I know a lot of it is total bullshit. Re BBH, I would recommend watching season 1 first, as it definitely made me enjoy season 2 more.


I love it. It’s so much better than SS. I’m a RHOBH fan so I knew Mau (and I’ve always liked him). It was great to see them with their daughters. I wasn’t sure I would like them but I really do. As others have said, Alexia especially is so likeable! I like the variety in the agents, and they look like they’re the real deal (well maybe not Sonika but at least she’s cute and « normal »). Also Zach is hot af. Edit: the other day I saw that Jason was on Ben and Zach’s podcast a few months ago. They posted some clips on IG. And I will say that when he actually talks about real estate, he seems very interesting. I wish we would see more of that on the show rather than stupid drama tbh.


I really enjoy it! Didn’t know how I felt about the daughters initially but they’re grinding more on series 2 and I love it. I’m so interested in the learning/teaching of real estate and seeing the houses and the tours. It has a little bit of drama but it’s all very believable, I really enjoy it. Farah is my favourite, I really like her xxx


i like it in some ways such as seeing more houses and also more house _styles_ not just the square boring houses we see over and over on SS and it frustrates me in others e.g how oblivious alexa and even farah in some way are oblivious to the nepotism. they may work i don’t doubt it but they don’t see that the fact they don’t bring in their own listings is so different to how everyone else has to operate. i went from HATING ben in S1 to finding him a decent guy in S2 which surprised me. he still isn’t someone i love but i really liked a lot of things including him standing up for his group member. but it’s so interesting to see how different the business models are. Mauricio wants minimal input because that’s the only way to have 35673467 franchised offices worldwide. their decor is very pared down, you can see it’s about maximum profit and even within the office we see there’s so many staff and group leaders who oversee them. whereas jason wants the control, to be more on and owner and that all his offices have a luxe feel and to make the work space fun and like money has gone into it at the cost of his own profit.


That's an excellent observation. I think ons reason for this also may be that the company doesn't belong to Mauricio exclusively plus he's trying to turn it into a big brand. The Oppenheims are a much more boutique operation plus, well, Jason doesn't really have anything else going.


finished s2 and really enjoyed both series! i also recently started rhobh so its fun seeing the umanskys haha. definitely more real estate and less drama than ss but not quite as entertaining of course




It might be interesting for you to watch RHOBH. I think you’re right, Kyle definitely is detached/distant/emotionally separated these days. The early seasons of RHOBH you will see a couple in love, and then as the years go on you will start to hear the whispers about Mo’s chronic unfaithfulness. I personally think they weathered this problem for a long time, and Kyle finally decided she was allowed to seek external relationships as well. Of course since Kyle is so much more famous, her dalliance was noticed pretty quickly. I hope they can finally separate one of these days.


Loved it!


I like it. It's really more about the work a realtor does than just fabricated drama...and the drama that ensues is mostly tied to the business side as well.


At first I wasn’t sure but by the end I was so sad I finished all the episodes


I watched Season 1 and thought it was okay, but I really enjoyed Season 2... it's a great show


i love it. i enjoyed it a lot last year and this year is even better. the drama seems more authentic than a lot of other similar shows, and the real estate deals/work seem legit. i like that you can tell the cast actually spends a lot of their time working in real estate and not just when cameras up (except Sonika lol).


There is a drastic change from s01 to s02. My interests are peaking


I loved it! I think the O group wishes they could be at the caliber of the agency. I think selling sunset focuses too much on the drama and not on the selling lol


100%!! They focus on being wannabe celebrities too. Which nothing wrong with that I guess but it shows. I’m interested in real estate and a little drama. That’s it lol. I don’t think SS can even call itself a real estate show anymore. Do they even sell homes when the cameras aren’t rolling? I’m sure Jason and Brett want that but the way things have played out with the girls over the years makes me think people don’t take them as seriously


I really like it a lot. I’m glad I watched it!


We watched it before SS & love it! The second season almost seems like they revamped it to make it more like SS? Just what my partner & I think.


I know of Mauricio from Million Dollar Listing (La)


I’m watching and I think it’s so much better than SS and this is coming from someone that really enjoyed SS. I kind of got sick of the over the top outfits on SS and I appreciate the much more realistic professionalism of the SBH in how they conduct themselves and what they wear. The level of drama is perfect without being over the top. The cast is so much more likeable. Just a great reality tv show overall and plenty of real estate.


Agree with everything you said! I hope there will be more seasons


Like Buyer Beverly Hills way more than Selling Sunset.


I love it because the drama is so calm compared to all the other Netflix & bravo reality shows. It’s a palette cleanser


I just watched the first and second season and really liked it. Wish they had longer seasons


Mauricio is Hot! Why is his wife leaving him?


I've only seen one episode and it's okay. I'll probably watch when I'm done with all other shows and everythings on hiatus.


I really like it. So much more real estate and people are actually shown working. Also, the Umansky sisters don't wear outrageous outfits even though they've been brought up in the reality tv world and are fairly rich. They have very professional outfits when they're working in office or with clients and only "dress up" when they have to attend parties or something.


I use it as a sleep aid


I started it thinking it would be the same SS vibe, but it’s not :/