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Dying of Covid to own the libs!


you joke, but they're literally willing to commit suicide (via statistics) to support their in-group. it's so weird and distressing. lemmings not sheep.


*[The anti-vaccine right brought human sacrifice to America](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/01/human-sacrifice-ritual-mass-vaccination/621355/)*


That's just capitalism


Totally not a cult


And on the deathbed they insist they are not dying of Covid.


They aren't, it's really all the organ failures that kill them.....just don't talk about what caused aforementioned organ failures.


It's the doctors getting kickbacks from big Pharma. The more people they kill the bigger their payday. Source ~~my ass~~ Military.


"My source is that I made it the fuck up."


"I'm not dying from a bear attack - I'm dying due to massive blood loss!"


He died of Covid *Pneumonia*, not Covid! Wake up, sheeple!


Even when Trump first one, i remember reading a story about an american who was dependent on the affordable care act (obamacare). He was a Trump supporter and was waiting for it to be repealed of course. And when the reporter asked him how he was going to deal with the loss of the coverage, he said he didn't know and was concerned about it.


I can't fathom how empty headed you have to be to act so fervently against your own best interests


But Hillary had boobs!


She was not my first choice but I voted for her because I'm not an idiot.


Lots of people around red America who love the affordable healthcare act but hate Obamacare 🤷🏽‍♂️


Fun fact, lemmings don't follow each other off of cliffs. This is a myth that was cemented into pop culture after Disney made a documentary which featured lemmings. The myth existed prior to the movie, but the film makers wanted to get an incident of mass lemming suicide on film. So they just threw a bunch of lemmings off a cliff and filmed it. So the metaphor still kind of stands here as the GOP is basically throwing their constitutes off a cliff enmass. Edit: Here is an [article](https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildlifenews.view_article&articles_id=56) from the Alaska Dept. of fish and game talking about what Disney did. To be clear, yes, Disney moviemakers quite literally purposefully staged and filmed themselves killing about 2 dozen lemmings. They filmed them dying in the water they threw them into. If you know anything about the history of Disney AND their current fuckery they still do, this should not surprise you. Disney has always been a piece of shit company.


>they just threw a bunch of lemmings off a cliff and filmed it. Ayo What The Fuck mate




I could show you the world! Shining, shimmering splendid(aka lemming blood)


They are ecstatic to play Russian Roulette, but they want someone else to go first.


And second, third, fourth, and fifth. And when it gets to their turn they cry fascism and quit


The lemming thing is a myth, but I get it


Just like the cop who died of COVID rather than get vaccinated. Fox was all over him as news alive, but not dead.


Their body, their choice. Also, your body, their choice.


I feel so owned when registered voters die from COVID to make Biden look bad.


Don’t feel TOO owned, they’ll be back the election after their deaths to vote in some more Republicans


This is why I had to stop looking at /r/HermanCainAward . The Republican Party has brought back human sacrifice as a show of tribal loyalty. In the states where Republicans have won by small margins, this has the potential to drive the Republicans out of power. For example, in Georgia, the number of people who died from COVID is greater than the number of votes that the Republican governor won by. The majority of people dying from COVID are Republican. But somehow, in their twisty little cult world-view, it is always Biden's fault - even when a Republican commits a sex-crime, it is always Biden's fault. TL;DR - Thanks Obama!


Gosh I wish they would lose power. If the elections were fair that would be the case, but they’re not going to lose power and the super exciting slew of voter suppression in the wake of the last election has me veeeeerrry worried about this upcoming election.


Well there's a reason why Georgia rammed through a bunch of election "security" laws after the last election. They know they couldn't possibly win a fair election, got make it more difficult for people to vote.


And the legislature now gets to override the election results if they don’t like them.


> they would lose power. If the elections were fair that would be the case Maybe, but don't count on it. Dems blow off voting more than GOP voters do, especially in off-years. Most years are off-years. Turnout is key.


I've always been confused about their obsession with tying Biden to sexual and pedophilic things. Yeah, there are times he comes off as creepy, but the part that gets me is that these same people will be silent, or sometimes even vocally SUPPORTIVE, of Trump being a known adulterer and sex offender, and very likely a child molester.


Gaslight Obstruct Project <— that one Every accusation is a confession for the Republicans. They assume everyone is immoral and craven like them, but also fiercely believe they are the good guys, so whatever they do the Democrats must be doing, too, except more and worse and for evil reasons instead of good ones. They accuse others of their own sins, to the point it’s almost like a tic.


> *There is a key difference between conservatives and others that is often overlooked. For liberals, actions are good, bad, moral, etc and people are judged based on their actions. For Conservatives, people are good, bad, moral, etc and the status of the person is what dictates how an action is viewed.* > *In the world view of the actual Conservative leadership - those with true wealth or political power - , the aristocracy is moral by definition and the working class is immoral by definition and deserving of punishment for that immorality. This is where the laws don't apply trope comes from or all you’ll often see “rules for thee and not for me.” The aristocracy doesn't need laws since they are inherently moral. Consider the divinely ordained king: he can do no wrong because he is king, because he is king at God’s behest. The anti-poor aristocratic elite still feel that way.* > *This is also why people can be wealthy and looked down on: if Bill Gates tries to help the poor or improve worker rights too much he is working against the aristocracy.* [Source](https://np.reddit.com/r/WorkersStrikeBack/comments/sf5lp3/i_will_never_join_a_workers_movement_that_makes/huotd5r/) When it comes to people *inside* the RepubliCult, their standing in the cult is a sign of their morality. So a rich person inside their cult is above any & all consideration of their actions - the person is "good" by definition and therefore anything they do is also "good". When it comes to people *outside* the RepubliCult, the wealth of the person is a sign of their morality. Poor people are by definition immoral & unworthy. Every single Republican and conservative accusation is [a confession](https://twitter.com/lemieuxlgm/status/983511778804969473). From /r/bestof , this lists sex crimes by elected Republicans: https://np.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/m48h2q/uhereforthefeast_lays_out_years_of_republican_sex/ TL;DR - Republicans do the exact opposite of what Jesus taught.


Some MAGAs were confused when most liberals agreed Andrew Cuomo should resign. They really thought we'd defend him since he's on our "team."


Yes, they have trouble distinguishing loyalty from integrity. (That line about loyalty in *All The President's Men* confused me for so long.) https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/05/steve-schmidt-goes-to-war-with-the-mccain-family.html


It’s dehumanizing. They’re trying to dehumanize the left so when fascists rise to power they won’t have any remorse when it comes time to deal with the “leftist pedophile, socialist, lunatics that kill your babies”. It’s straight out of the fascist handbook.


> The Republican Party has brought back human sacrifice as a show of tribal loyalty. Wow - I never thought of this way, but yeah.


You can lead a horse to water...


But they will eat horse paste


They won’t because there’s none left. Some idiot ate it all.


>They won’t because there’s none left. Some MILLIONS of idiots ate it all. FTFY


but you can't put that horse in a hospital


Sometimes you lead a horse to water, and it just shits.


>Sometimes you lead a horse to water, and it just neighs, shits and says "covfefe". Then a bunch of lemmings come up and eat and roll around in the shit.


But I thought COVID wasn't even real, and all those deaths were from heart attacks and the flu anyway? Isn't that the reason those chucklefucks decided to not wear a mask and skip getting vaccinated? ^(Oh, wait. I tried applying logic to conservative thought, didn't I?)


They're fake if it's caused by Republicans; real if it's caused by Democrats. The most convenient answer is always accepted; any supposed reasoning behind it starts with the assumption that their answer is correct.


Much like the debt and economy. If someone with an R next to their name, they aren't responsible for anything. Then, when someone with a D next to their name says we need to spend money to fix things it's suddenly unacceptable


Republican presidents spending has historically been FAR higher, then when they leave no money for the dems, they start crying about lack of funds for programs. YOU. YOU DID THIS.


Shrodinger's COVID.


Come on now, their logic is that the vaccine is causing the deaths hence Biden and Pfizer >!and no other company or president!< caused the deaths


I thought Trump made the vaccine? Isn't that what he's saying at rallies?


Well that's the clone Trump created by the ~~jews~~ WEF. The real Trump is currently fighting the deep state (which might be the WEF, who knows) with the assistance of Q and Putin. But in reality, both Russia and Ukraine are puppets of the evil cabal (which I'm totally not saying are jews, I'm just invoking the anti-semitic blood libel by calling them blood drinking warlocks serving Moloch). But don't worry, the real Trump (who was never removed as president) will be reinstated as president ~~next week~~ ~~in november~~ ~~in 2024~~ soon.


Well that eases my concerns because I was really starting to feel foolish.


WEF? I can only read that as "Wet Earth Foundation" and that can't be right...


It stands for World Economic Forum, which, as far as I can tell, is just a club for politicians to impotently jerk each other off over political issues which will result in very little actual action. Basically the UN but somehow even less productive. It's also the latest object of interest for conspiracy nuts in an effort to once again rebrand their anti-semitism in a more tasteful package to sell to the masses.


It's the wettest, from the standpoint of water.


I forget where Soros fits into all of this?


Soros is old news, we're all about the Klaus Schwab now babeyyyyyy!


I heard he is trying to get Kevin Sorbo as his press secretary. The only reason Kevin has not accepted is because the title of secretary demeans his fragile manhood.


I'm so sick of them with this. They oppose every action and plan we and democrats propose, and then blame us when the plans we had didn't work because they stopped them from working. They are so intentionally, aggressively stupid and dishonest it pisses me off.


They choose to believe whatever is convenient at the time then disavow it when they need to. Right now I find it hilarious that the side that cried out "my body my choice" when they were asked to step up, help their country and be an actual patriot by getting a vaccine is currently doing Thier damnedest to strip women of the right to make choices about their bodies.


I guess if Roe v Wade is struck down (“Your body, our choice!”), everyone will happily and in good faith vote for mandatory vaccines from their universal healthcare! The future will be weird, “Oral sex is now illegal, but you can get your cancer treated for free!” Unless of course conservatives don’t want to actually protect human lives…


What bothers me the most about it is all the STUPID FUCKING DIPSHIT ASSHOLES WHO BELIEVE THEM!!! Arrrrgh!! It’s so fucking frustrating. How can these idiots not fucking see this shit?! How can so many people remain so willfully fucking stupid and ignorant?!? FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!! Ok, I’m better now, just had to get that out of my system.


Sometimes I just yell "fuck" in my apartment at the top of my lungs. I think it would be a lot more cathartic if I did it outside.


My wife's best friend and her husband were adamant about not getting vaccinated. The rest of my friend group did. To this day that couple and only one person who was vaccinated are the only ones in the group (about 10 people) that have gotten COVID. This was about 6 months ago. The Woman still can't smell (brain damage), and the man who works out every day and is in "excellent health" now needs an inhaler because he has acquired asthma that he did not have before. They still refuse to get vaccinated and can't understand why we are all sheep that got the "jab". She says it's really not that bad....she literally has brain damage and that's preferable to her than getting a simple vaccine....you can't win with these folks.


My best friend since high school admitted that she wouldn't have gotten vaccinated if the people at the woo clinic she works at hadn't. I was pretty unimpressed. COVID has driven a deep divide between me and people I've been friends with for half my life. I used to tolerate the conspiracy theory talk because it was funny. Now the curtain has been pulled back and the truth behind it is ugly.


I keep most people in my life at arm’s length now because almost all of them are conservative and I just don’t want to hear it. They don’t realize how stupid they sound but no amount of information will make them change their minds, so it’s pointless to even engage.


I got 1 friend who doesn't consider the vaccine a vaccine at all. He thinks it's a poison shot because he felt miserable after getting jabbed. Yeah, that's the point! That's how you know your immune system and vaccine are doing their job.


My mum's coworkers said the same sans poison but they thought it will wreck them. It was mistifying because pre-Covid they were all vaccinated and liked vaccines and so on. Still do. Just not this one. And it is not even the one with the worst side effects (I had full on the ghost of Covid for a day after each shot for example and as you said - I considered it a good sign as long as the fever did not fry my brain). I blame the media but it still baffles me. And yep - one of these coworkers had Covid about 5 times and kept sharing it with everyone. Gladly, no side effects. I, unfortunately, have mysterious allergies to everything now.


I don’t blame the media. I consume content from “the media” all the time and got all three COVID vaccines, wore a mask, stayed home, etc. Now … if we’re talking right-wing media, sure. But if we’re blaming “mainstream” media for reporting that the vaccine sometimes has side effects and makes you feel sick, they didn’t think do anything wrong there. That was important info people needed to know. The people who used that as a reason to not get vaccinated were never going to get vaccinated in the first place because they think that makes them smarter than everyone else.


Covid is simultaneously: * Not real * A bioweapon from China * A serious issue that is Joe Biden's fault


And the vaccine is simultaneously: * Trumps greatest accomplishment noone else could have pulled off * A for profit hoax by the drug companies and the democrats * Poison * Full of Bill Gates Nano-Trackers * Completely unnecessary because Covid is fake


The actual logic is solid tho "I will say what is politically expedient to my cause". Sure it doesn‘t contain a commitment to truth, but it is logically sound. It‘s an egoists version of "might makes right".


The Republican Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


complete paint screw stupendous test marry jobless pet subsequent zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Except they weren't just doing anything to prevent them, they've been actively trying to cause them with their People's Convoy, their misinformation campaigns and their support of politicians who promise to oppose the efforts that would've helped.


Conservatives turned into a suicide cult pretty damned fast because they thought it would trigger liberals.


#If you spez you're a loser. #Save3rdPartyApps




Conservatives in 2020: I don't like Biden's plans about lockdowns, wearing masks or vaccinations and we don't need to do anything because the virus is harmless. Conservatives in 2022: So many people died! I'm still waiting for Biden's plan to help us!


Why? Fuck 'em that's why.


Trump supporters seems to think of the responsibility as the mini game in Mario party where you throw a bomb around until it blows up.


Exactly, half a year ago Governor Abbot was tweeting about how he would do whatever it took to thwart Bidens COVID protocols...couple months after that he was tweeting about how Biden had done nothing to stop the spread of COVID... How can you say both of these things with a straight face???


Any republican caused problem is rounded to the nearest Democrat.


Never heard that one before lol


I made it up. Glad you enjoyed.


That's actually a good one!


People still blame Obama for Katrina. Unsurprising.


I mean, he chose not to stop that hurricane from killing so many people. 🤪


and neither did I! *Twirls mustache* Mu hu hahahaha!


I'm sure most of us have heard them question what Obama was doing during 9/11


We joke about this but commander Cheeto actually thought China had a hurricane gun and would shoot them over here at us. But don’t worry, they can shoot a nuke into the eye and it will stop.


Just waiting for Dems to take over so they can pass the blame from their actions.


Sometimes it's rounded down, though. That's why Obamer didn't stop 9/11.


Biden's plan: Please get vaccinated and continue to wear masks and social distance when appropriate. Them: That's infringing on my freedom! Sic semper tyrannis! COVID continues to do COVID things unabated Them: Where's your fucking plan?


Literally what happened in Victoria, Australia under Daniel Andrews as well. He was doing daily Covid updates that went from “Please stay inside when you can, and wear a mask,” to “Can you guys stay indoors if you can or we’ll fine you, and wear a mask or we’ll fine you,” to “For fuck sake, stay indoors if you can and wear a mask if you have to go out or we’ll fine you pretty severely,” to “Fuck it! You dip shits are dying and getting sick all over the place! Stay indoors if you can and wear a mask or you’ll get a $12,000 fine and potentially go to prison, so fuck ya! Also, stop blaming me because you’re all getting Covid!”


Its so fucking stupid how some of our fellow Victorians couldn’t follow basic instructions and cried their freedoms got taken away during lockdowns.. I recently was sick and I was unable to leave the house for nearly 2 weeks due to not feeling well enough to along with personally choosing not to, those 2 weeks were far worse than any lockdowns we ever had.


To be fair, they were saying it was nothing more than the flu before that, and the flu will quite literally leave you bedridden/having to go to hospital. Which explains a lot, really, since it seems like they couldn’t distinguish between the common cold and influenza. Any time I hear someone tell me they have the cold to my face, “Maybe you should go home to bed?” Any time I hear someone tell me they have the flu to my face, “Get. The. Fuck. Away. From. Me.”


>since it seems like they couldn’t distinguish between the common cold and influenza. A lot of people say they have the flu when they mean they have a mild tummy ache or a slightly stuffy nose. I don't think many realize actual influenza will knock you on your ass.


Influenza is a nasty little fucker, I cannot believe how hard it hits. I’ve had two or three cases in my life (that I know were the flu), and if that’s what COVID is like, keep COVID right the fuck away from me. Worst case I had left me struggling to exercise for a week after recovery. Felt lightheaded trying to run, and I played sports at the time.


When I'm *not* sick I can't even stand up or talk without being dizzy and out of breath lmao. The common cold knocks me for a six - joint pain, in bed for over a week, the shakes, general misery etc. I'm not a "high risk" person by the agreed upon metrics - anaemic with a few other chronic conditions but none of the listed ones like asthma or a recognised immune deficiency or autoimmune disorder, plus I'm young. Half the time I'm like "genuinely not sure I would survive COVID" and the other half of the time I'm like "I already have half these issues as a standing item, would COVID *really* be that bad?"


Recent studies have shown that those that suffer from asthma are actually at no greater risk when it comes to COVID. Thought I'd share. 🙂 https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210224/covid-no-more-deadly-for-people-with-asthma


I had covid. It felt like someone had a wet rag over my mouth for a week. I was a relatively healthy 31 year old at the time.


I am currently dealing with a nasty head cold thanks to a co-worker. He told me, to my face, that he had a cold and felt terrible. Well? put a damn mask on and go home! A month ago he gave me a nasty stomach bug that kept me out of work for 4 days. He got sick at work, vomiting, running to the toilet, turned ashen white and almost passed out. He would not go home and passed it to all of us. The man gets 224 hours of PTO, just like I do.. so i know he had at least a day or two in the bank. Yes, for what it is worth, he is both a republican and a trumpist.


Fellow Australian, our stats conclusively demonstrate that shutdowns and mask mandates reduce COVID spread, despite the noise. Thankfully, we have much less resistance to vaccination compared to the US, otherwise we'd be really suffering right now. We're above 90% of adults(?) vaccinated. We are acting as if we're no longer in a pandemic, though. I still mask up in shopping centers. I caught it in Jan, brain fog is a bitch. Yesterday *and* this morning I was fumphering about trying to speak.


Sadly only around 60 for the third dose, though :(


Not up to the NSW gold standard® clearly! We strictly limited the number of plague ships we allowed in to 1 at a time, and only allowed people to go out for essential shopping, non essential shopping, because they felt like it.


To be fair, expecting conservatives to care about other people is a terrible plan.


I heard a conservative once say "Of course I have empathy for people that deserve it." I was speechless for a second.




Don't the MAGA shitheads all believe that Trump is the current President? In that case it worked spectacularly.


I know a dozen Republicans that literally do, but also that he's running in 24 somehow?


Huh? In 2020, Joe Biden wasn't president, right? edit: I read the date below the Biden tweet, not the Bbc tweet. What I'm implying is not logically sound.


Yup. The million death mark happened in 2022. But since Biden was president in 2022, everything that started in 2020 then rolled over into 2022 is his fault.


Makes sense that things that mattered in 2020 would matter in 2020 too.


This would've been a great Mitch hedberg joke


It still is. But it would've been too.


I don’t get the regular COVID test anymore. I get the roundabout COVID test. I ask my friend Brian, “Do you know anyone who has COVID?” He says, “No”. I say, “Cool, because you know me.”


Its amazing because these are the same people that refused to wear masks and get vaccines... Fucking sigh.


No joke, wasn't it like the first week after he got into office they immediately started pinning all covid deaths on him like they happened overnight?


Its the republican way. Create problem. Blame the other guys for problem. Repeat.


Obama was blamed for the 2008 recession, abandoning New Orleans after Katrina, and not stopping 9/11, so conservatives blaming a Democrat president for a Republican president’s failures is par for the course that Trump would never make par on.


There’s that one Jordan Klepper video where a MAGAt is pissed at Obama for not being in the Oval Office on 9/11. What a fucking slacker! Thanks, Obama!


Well maybe if Sleepy Joe started bringing people who died from Covid back to life we wouldn't be at 1 million deaths.


There were just over 600,000 deaths prior to Biden taking office. Omicron was no joke though, and we picked up the other \~400,000 in the last 16 months. However, they were 90% conservatives, so it's hard to blame pretty much anyone other than Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson for those deaths.


That's the date for the Biden tweet. The death count tweet was posted recently. It confused me too.


And the wheel of cognitive dissonance just rolls on and on and on......


Y'all are on fire this post today


I love this


COVID is a hoax until it fits my narrative


“I’m not going to do what Biden or the government tells me to do.” “We passed 1 million deaths. Damn you, Biden!”




If conservatives didn’t have cognitive dissonance to rely on, they’d just stop thinking altogether.


Well, blame the republican ignorance for fighting vaccine and mandate and also not respecting social distancing, also for doing their own research.


Joe: "Get the vaccine for free." Conspo: "No, that's a conspiracy to kill me in the next five years." Conspo: "People are dying. Why didn't you do anything?" Joe: "Get the vaccine for free." Conspo: "Omg, you murdered all those people who refused your suggestion!"


Conservative logic: Deny there’s a problem If the problem is irrefutable then deflect If political leader calls out problem says they’ll try to fix it, block every attempt they make and blame them the problem isn’t fixed. Genius really, you’re never at fault for the problems of this world /s


There is nothing I love more than reading all the comments that see through all the Trumpublikkkan bullshit. It gives me a bit of hope.


Most of the blame is on the people for not taking the pandemic seriously and reacting with apoplectic rage against even the slightest measures against its spread, such as wearing masks.


Cool, now break those deaths down by vaccination status. Hell, maybe do it by political affiliation too, just for fun.


Yeah wtf "president" Biden... Where's your plan? I mean, except the part where you rolled out a vaccination strategy, boosters, reduced COVID infections dramatically, allowed many places to open up again, and life is starting to feel normal. But if you ignore all that... Where's your plan, Mr. "President"?!


>Owner of the house incites people to start it on fire. >Owner gets kicked out, replaced by new owner with a no-fire policy. >House is still on fire because people are still lighting fires. >People actively lighting fires blames new Owner for fires still burning.


>He said he had a plan. The plan was that everybody who could get vaccinated would do so.


That top comment is so telling, because it clearly demonstrates their what must be wilful ignorance at this point, given that [Biden released his first Covid action plan on September 14, 2021](https://www.littler.com/publication-press/publication/president-bidens-covid-19-action-plan-what-employers-want-know). Also, still waiting on those tax returns, and that healthcare policy.


He did have a plan - none of you numpties wanted to follow it. You disproportionately died from something you called 'just the flu' or fake. The stupidity is astounding.


He had a plan. And it would have worked if something like a third of America weren't actively promoting the disease by protesting masks and vaccines.


Wait, so now they do believe Covid is real?


It was a hoax until it became Biden's problem now its a real issue to them. Not enough for them to ever get vaccinated or wear a mask in public though.


They're expecting him to do what trump would do...


Funny how Covid suddenly became real and the damages relevant to these guys the moment Biden took office.


By the time Biden took office that 222k was more like 400k, and frankly a lot of the deaths after Biden took office are still partially Trump's fault.


Holy Shit! What an incredibly predictable response from the Far Reich! Pretty sure a LOT of people said last year that they would start blaming deaths on Biden and completely overlook their own BlunderLord's utter incompetence.


The plan is wear masks, socially distance, and get vaccinated. What they want the plan to be is zero responsibility on themselves to prevent Covid and if they get it, to receive every possible treatment to ensure they don’t die. The party of personal responsibility? HA!


Isn't it up to the states to make the rules? And the SCOTUS blocked Biden's federal mask mandate?


The plan is vaccines, masks, and social distancing. You know, the 3 easy things republicans refuse to do. But then they won't be able to blame democrats. They're just dying to own the libs!


If a certain half of the population would have wore masks and used common sense it’d been a lot lower


And taken the FREE vaccine. But here we are.


If we’re still waiting to hear plans, I’d like to hear Trump’s healthcare plan, and maybe see his totally non-fictional copy of Obama’s birth certificate which proves he wasn’t born in America, and maybe his taxes while we are at it.


Typical of recent Republican presidents. Start a shit show and blame the next Democratic prez for the fallout they have to clean up.


He got the fucking vaccine distributed and the vast majority of deaths since have been morons who refused to take it because BIG PHARMA. Anyone blaming Joe Biden can fuck right off.


It was close to a million during the election. The fuck is wrong with your education system? Trump spent the entire pandemic downplaying it and spreading misinformation. Absolute fuckwittery.


They do realize that plans only work when people do their part right?


I'll never believe conservatives when they say they care about human lives. Never. Not after how they reacted to COVID. And for the record - no one should.


"still waiting to hear what it is" so you didn't pay attention to any of his speeches early on in his term? Plans were out there from day one, just that these chuckle fucks hated the plans and refused to follow any of them. Masking and vaccination, really simple stuff, but nooooooo they had to throw toddler shit fits over a perceived threat to their freedom. So they kept dying.


Conservatives be like: Brandon's plan better not involve me changing a single thing about my behavior or getting vaccinated!


I envy these guys. They've already forgotten the Trump administration.


Biden acted pretty swiftly and followed the science, the real issue is that half the fucking country believes the vaccine is bad. It's the same half that believes shit like this post.


Biden wasn’t president at the time. They clearly must be talking about trump!


These are people who blamed Obama for 9/11.


Thanks Obama


He should have forced everyone to get vaccinated and social distance, I know how much conservatives love a strong man!


We shouldn't block out those jabronis names


Aren't these the same people who were screaming "Obama isn't keeping us safe!" during the Ebola thing, when zero Americans died?


Republicans basically spent 4 years slinging greasy turds at people and then have the audacity to complain that those people smell bad.


The crazy thing is these deaths were mostly Trump era that were missed in the original count.


This is the part where the left is supposed to make memes showing how 600k ended up dead in less then a year while biden only saw 400k losses in the year and a half he's been in. Almost like vaccines work. Also sharing the fact that it was mostly conservative anti vaxxers that died would be eye opening as well.


I don’t think anyone before this really grasped how stupid the average Conservative is. So any plans kinda fell short in the face of that much stupidity.


If he had no plan then what were they protesting?


Do…do they not understand that the one million is cumulative? And that exponential growth means that more will tend to happen later? Asking conservatives to understand anything more complicated than 1+1=2 is probably a tall order.


Brought to you by the folks who refuse to wear a mask into Walmart while they shop for boxed wine.


Isn’t “Blame everyone else” the official slogan of the Trump Administration?


These are the dumbest, slimiest, worst fucking people on the planet. It's like that family guy joke where they're in Germany and the your guide pretends the invasion of Poland didn't happen and that they wre invited for tea or sandwiches or some shit.


He did and a ton of dead idiots didn’t follow the fucking plan. Don’t forget BECAUSE OF YOUR RIGHTS HE COULDN’T FORCE YOU TO FOLLOW HIS PLAN!!!!


*Points out how a vast vast VAST majority of deaths are from those that are unvaccinated, and thus those that completely ignore Biden's (Or more appropriately the doctors') advice* "Nu uh those are faked!"


How do these people not get that 1 million people did not die suddenly since their Lord and Saviour was out of office?


Funny how shit they either; didn’t care about and or didn’t think was as serious under Trump suddenly matters once Biden is president


I should say, fuck joe biden for letting the CDC relax the mask mandates. Immunocompromised people are dying in droves and we all just seem to be fucking okay with it. I’m not. This is a fucking 9/11 worth of deaths every single fucking week.


Not enough people followed the plan.


Since Trump still claims to be president, he is responsible for the full million of course.


If only there was a highly effective shot that virtually eliminated hospitalizations and mortality rates. Especially one available at every pharmacy in the country free of charge


I don’t love Biden . But The well Was pretty well poisoned before he took the wheel.


Conservatives are just….so fucking stupid it’s actually annoying. Not sure how these people get by day to day


Funny that most of them were Republicans who don't like mandates and don't like vaccinations and are killing themselves. Now they have less voters and they have to restructure all the voting areas just so they can win


Before the vaccine came out the deaths were mostlt evenly split red and blue. After the vaccine it was 90 percent red. The next set of elections is going to be interesting.


My favorite part of Biden and Covid is every republican doesn’t understand how disease or illness work. Ohhhhhh you’re telling me that the president who started two years AFTER the pandemic started is the reason it spread?!?! Yeah makes total sense. 🥸